🐍 Morphs and Adults

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by HannahBug

The four default morphs available to regular Snakekeys (and may others) upon aging

🌸 Joey: Just your average Joe(y). Joeys are often considered the default anatomy for a keke and other morphs typically appear as altered versions of this one. Stand 4'-5' tall
🌸 Fae: Wider hips, thinner waist, chubbier arms, and longer lashes. Their tiny paws are equipped with the softest of paw pads. Belly scales start in a heart shape on their chest and are pointed instead of rounded like a joey's. Stand 3'6" - 4'8" tall
🌸 Reach: Longer necks, tails, torsos, arms...generally a real big dude. Reaches are somewhere around two times the height/length of an average joey. Their main paw pads are heart shaped, sort of, kind of. Necks are often considered disturbingly mobile. Stand 6'4" - 8' tall
🌸 Goblin: The smallest default morph as well as the most muscular. Others would have to work for such strong arms, but goblins cheat via genetics. Belly scales start in an downward-facing arrow shape and are pointed. There's also a strange patch of crossing scales on the torso that look like...abs...? Everybody's pretty sure they're fake, but it's hard to tell. Stand 2'6" - 3'3" tall


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Goobers

🌸 Multitasker: More simply nicknamed 'multi'. No paw pads nor fingers, but they do have six very goopy arms. Each set is slightly smaller than the one before it. Belly scales begin in a diamond, come up higher on the chest to overlap the collarbone, and form a sharp point downwards. Scales also feature an indent to make room for the extra four arms. Same height as the fae morph (3'6" - 4'8" tall)
🌸 Spook: Naturally drooping eyes, making their wobbly shape less visible. Goo on head is extra long, passing the jaw at minimum. "Feathering" on paws that also hangs long. Goop forming the ears and mane runs down the back and envelops the naga tail, making their lower half just a glob. Belly scales only go halfway down the body, ending in a tapering point. Slightly shorter than a fae morph (3'4" - 4'2" tall)


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Shinies
Note Shinies can use both whether they are gold or silver  : )

🌸 Silverback: A lithe morph with small paws and chubby arms like a fae, but less dramatic. Their paw pads all fuse, covering the entire underside of their hands. The belly scales disappear, replaced by a smooth sheet of metal that runs the length of the back. Tail tip may remain visible or fuse into the bell like shown. Metal should be the color the belly scales were unless upgraded otherwise. Yes, it's called silverback even if you're gold. Though you'll probably never hear the end of bad jokes about it. Stand Stand 4'-5' tall
🌸 Hoardmaster: A heavyset slab of keke. Besides the general bulk-up, the belly scales become pointed, facing down in 'V' shapes. The paws are covered in metal 'gloves' that can range anywhere from the elbows to the wrists (arms do not have to match). The 'glove' color must match the existing metal unless upgraded otherwise. Paw pads may stay or be 'hidden' beneath the metal. Develop large, nonretractable claws. Stand 5'-6' tall


Plumie-Adult-Morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Plumies

🌸 Roostling: The basic Plumie anatomy. Short wings and naga tail being about the same length. Stand 4' - 5' tall
🌸 Cygnest: A flying noodle. Cygnests are super long and sleek with tiny wings and a longer neck. Their wings are too small to get them off the ground, so they have a specialized patch of belly scales that begins with a 'V' shape, has pointed scales, and ends in a triangle. These are far more sensitive than usual, able to climb on the vapor or dust in the air. The rest of their belly scales operate normally and are below this patch, staring flat with flat scales. Stand 7'5" - 9'5" tall
🌸 Broodlett: The shortest of the bunch with a smaller neck and naga tail. Enormous wings ideal for gliding along or sheltering hatchlings. Scales start in a heart shape and are pointed. Stand 3' - 4' tall


Fawnette-Adult-Morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Fawnettes

🌸 Common: The average morph for Fawns. Fairly short and remain slim all the way down the tail. Stand 3' - 4' tall
🌸 Regal: A larger, fluffier version of the common morph. Includes long feathering around the chest, shoulders, arms, and tail blade. Has slightly more noticeable hips (but only slightly). Stand 5' - 5'5" tall


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Pterrurs

🌸 Saur: The basic Pterrur anatomy. Long arms and neck with good sized wings. Scales are rounded. Stand 5'-4' tall
🌸 Saurus: Bears strong resemblance to the fae morph. Has wider hips, a thinner waist, longer lashes, and smaller paws. Wings have an additional notch in them. Scales start in a diamond shape and are pointed sharply. Stand 4'6"-3'5" tall
🌸 Saurling: A flying twig. Saurlings have super thin arms, teeny tiny paws, and an overall scrawny body. Despite seeming fragile, these lil guys are speed demons and incredibly agile. Additional membranes on the tail aid in steering. Scales start flat and stay flat all the way down. Stand 3'5"-2' tall


Wyrm-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Wyrms

🌸 Minskin: The "default" anatomy. A simple, straight body with your regular arms and your regular arms (but smaller this time). Stand 1'-6" tall
🌸 Pod: Appears to have fatty deposits on all of the arms as well as a very wide tail and hips. However, this is pure muscle. Do not mess with pods. Stand 1'-6" tall


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Ceces
Layered is based on a suggestion by Anhelisk, overflow is based on an (upgrade) suggestion by Beepbeepmeow12345!

🌸 Layered: The drizzle thickens to a fondant-like texture. It covers the mane and also part of the hips. This morph has wide hips and a very long tail, which can give them an impressive height depending on how they carry themselves. Stand 6'-5' tall
🌸 Overflow: A tiny morph nicknamed the vigilante morph based on its appearance. The drizzle spreads across the face to form sort of a mask shape. It also covers the paws and spreads off the back in a short, cape-like formation. Stand 3'-2'4" tall


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Exoskeletals
First three designed by SourHour, tumble designed by Beepbeepmeow12345!

🌸 Strider: Considered the default morph. Arms develop to have four joints each. The base of the upper scales is rounded upwards while the lower scales are rounded downwards, forming a ball shape between the two of them. All scales are round. The end of the naga tail is a bit fatter to support striders while they try their best to walk on their arms. Stand 5'5"-4'7" tall
🌸 Reaper: A tall, elegant morph that often comes with some prestige. The second fingers develop into large, mantis-like hooks sturdy enough to use for support. Eyes are more slanted. Ears have an indent in the center and feature two bands each. The base of the upper belly scales is pointed downwards. The lower scales also point downwards, forming an arrow shape between the two of them. All scales are pointed. Stand 8'5"-7'5" tall
🌸 Bumble: Very large and round, soft and gentle, good and pure. Ears are shortened nubs. Mane puffs up into a large, fuzzy ring. Also have a head tuft and feathering on their first set of arms made of the same material. Base of the upper belly scales is rounded upwards. The lower scales are also rounded upwards, forming a curve between the two of them. All scales are rounded. Stand 5'-4' tall
🌸 Tumble: These morphs usually prefer to crawl around on their arms, which they have six of. Ears fuse into one large set with two bands each. Have a layer of thick armor on the top of their heads and down their backs. The base of the upper belly scales is rounded upwards while the lower scales point upwards, forming no particular shape between them. The upper scales are all rounded while the lower are all pointed. No manes by default. Stand 4'9"-4' tall


Subspecies-specific default morphs for Elvers
The veiled morph was a suggestion by hyph0n!

🌸 Purfle: Considered the default anatomy. Fins are rounded and the keke is, overall, average in size. They're about 6-7' long (tail fin length not included), the torso being around 2-3' of that. This makes them appear joey-sized, but they technically have shorter naga tails. If they stood like regulars, they would appear 4-5' tall
🌸 Fringed: The same size as the purfle morph. However, a fringed's fins have a jagged shape to them. In addition, they have many more eyes on their naga tail
🌸 Grouper: The largest of the set. Groupers have rounded fins with small notches cut into them. They're typically less active than the other morphs and are generally seen as peaceful and relaxed. They're around 12-14' long (tail fin length not included) with the torso being about 5-7' feet of that. If they stood like regulars, they would appear 7-9' tall
🌸 Veiled: The same size as the purfle, however veiled Elvers are much longer. They have elongated arms, ears, and bodies. Their back fins are split into two separate fins. Their arms go a bit further down before turning fully into fin. In general, their fins are lighter and more elegant, flowing in the water (but also tearing more easily!). They're approximately 11-13' long (tail fin length not included), though their torsos only account for 2-3' of that. If they stood like regulars, they would appear 4-5' tall


dde1nf6-470fc375-ca86-4f38-aeb0-ba97c95dSubspecies-specific default morphs for Furnans

🌸 Wally: The "default" morph, which bears resemblance to a joey besides the fact that these keke "stand" only about 3-5" tall. All belly scales are rounded
🌸 Fairy: A smaller, more petite version of the wally which has smaller paws and more bangs to brag about. The first scale is pointed upwards while the rest of the scales point down in 'V' shapes, making them look like upside down teardrops. They stand 2-4" tall
🌸 Noodle: Longer and taller than the other morphs. Noodles have that unnervingly long neck like a reach morph does. All belly scales are rounded. They stand 7-11" tall


ddflheq-67ce8aab-3d76-431c-9531-80fb335eSubspecies-specific default morph for Arboreals

🌸 Bough: The naga tail becomes very long and thin. It's basically rectangular with slightly rounded edges. Tail is roughly as thick as the keke's arm in most places. Despite this, it isn't any shorter height-wise than on your average keke (4'-5' tall). (Look up "vine snake" for refs if you need 'em!)


dbp269s-14dd63ff-cce0-4b40-b2c6-1f50ad0eSpecial morphs - can only be earned through events or some such
The yeti morph was a suggestion by SourHour!

🌸 Yeti: A large, thickly built morph. Sports a coat of medium length fur, and a large, fluffy mane with head tuft included. Their big paws have four toes instead of three. Eyes tend to be a bit smallish. Ears are pointed and more elf-like. Stand 7'5"-6' tall
🌸 Snowball: A tiny morph usually known for high activity. Has a very poofy mane that runs from the muzzle to tail tip. Belly scales are bumpy and cloud-shaped. Stand 2'-1'5" tall


Fairy_Pondskipper_color_sheet.pngFairy Pondskipper colors (so they don't take up so much space on their creation guide)

🌈 Red: The arm and tail membranes bear resemblance to a butterfly's wings, featuring large lobes accompanied by smaller decorative branches. The mouth is smooth, leaving them lacking teeth. Because of this, they tend to be fruit-eaters. The mane appears mostly regular except for two long tufts that trail down towards the waist. These flashy Skips are akin to tropical birds, doing well in environments with bright colors. They're known to try and impress others with flamboyant flight displays and flashing their membranes
🌈 Orange: The arm and tail membranes are jagged, sort of like a bat's wing, but lacking the fingers. A long mane runs from the base of the neck to down most of - if not all - the back. Mouths have two large, but blunt upper fangs, used to crack into tough surfaces. Orange Skips often dwell along coasts where they can feed on things like shellfish and crack open tough fruits
🌈 Yellow: The arm and tail membranes start as thick, rounded tendrils that look almost finger-like. In between the 'fingers' is a thinner connecting membrane. The mane is very long, draping over the shoulders and back. The mouth has a single, central tooth on the upper jaw. This helps them strip plant stalks to get at the good stuff inside. Yellow Skips tend to live in heavily flowered fields or forests where they can blend in with flowers. When the flowers die off for the winter, yellows will hibernate until their return
🌈 Green: The arm and tail membranes are thin and plentiful, almost looking like rows of feathers. The mane and hair are curled while the mouth has two small fangs on the lower jaw. Greens have the benefit of being able to hide in many places due to their coloration. However, they often prefer murky, scummed-over ponds where they use their teeth to scrape algae off rocks. They have a reputation for being lazy and good-natured, as their diet doesn't give them a lot of energy
🌈 Cyan: The arm and tail membranes are thick, rounded flaps capable of grasping onto things. They lack a mane, instead having elongated cheek tufts. The mouth has rows of small, somewhat blunt teeth - like a regular Snakekey minus their fangs. Cyans frequent the water and swampy areas with dense foliage where they often use their membranes to hang upside down from branches. They're capable of eating pretty much whatever they like, but seem to prefer...sleeping instead? Don't need energy if you don't use it, after all!
🌈 Blue: The arm and tail membranes are bat-like and ribbed with thin, straight fingers. Their mane is slightly shorter, with fluff concentrating around their paws instead. Their mouths are smooth with short, frilly tendrils at each end. Blue Skips spend the majority of their time underwater, usually at low depths. They use their mouth tendrils to stir up sand or dirt, searching for debris to eat. They may seem more skittish than other Skips and be quick to plop back into the water
🌈 Purple: The arm and tail membranes have curled, lacy edges (which can make them prone to snagging on things). They have a large, poofy mane accompanied by a long head tuft. The mouth has both top and bottom rows of shark-like teeth, which they actually use to grind rocks into bits small enough to eat. Purples are less environment-specific, instead preferring to live in and ol' open, flat area. This is both due to their inherent love of showing off and their desire to not get their membranes tangled up on things... Glass tends to be a favorite place to linger, as it satisfies both desires
🌈 Pink: The arm and tail membranes start with a small lobe before turning into a longer, slim lobe. The tips of the long lobe have three fleshy spike protrusions each, used to cling onto bark for an arboreal lifestyle. The mane is short while the ears are extra long (sometimes falling over because of it). Pinks have two big, vampire-like fangs used to puncture thick branches to feed on the sap inside. If not in the water, expect to find these guys among the leaves
🌈 Brown: Brown Skips have a single connected membrane running from wrist to tail tip like that of a sugar glider. The lack a mane, instead having long fluff along the front and back edges of their membrane. The mouth is vertical instead of horizontal with tiny, semi-sharp teeth. They favorite The Underground or caves in general where they nibble on mushrooms and insect pests that prey on the fungus. Their coloration makes it easy for them to blend in, too
🌈 White: The arm and tail membranes are like big, thick pancakes. They're vaguely rectangular in shape and capable of flying against powerful winds (er...relative to their size). The mane is averagely sized while the whole body is covered in short, velvety fur. These Skips are hardy, capable of living in cold, mountainous, and snowy environments. Their mouths are especially large, reaching past their eyes, but have only two little fang-like upper teeth. They use this to shovel as much snow (or water) into their mouths as possible, feeding on whatever meager nutritional value they can find in there. Much of their time is spent eating because of this
🌈 Grey: The arm and tail membranes are thin sheets with rippled edges. They're a bit more delicate than most other Skips, so Greys tent to extra-avoid conflict to protect themselves. Their mane wraps around their neck to form a super soft ruff and their mouths have an empty notch for their long, sticky tongue to protrude from. They will live wherever there are lot of flowers, as they feed on the nectar. However, they're not very tolerant to cold
🌈 Black: The arm and tail membranes are made from smooth, tough skin that take on a sort of manta ray-like shape. The tail has a tuft and the mouth is an 'x' shape, opening in four different directions. These skips are almost totally water-resistant and don't get wet easily. This allows them to dart quickly in and out of water with less drag, allowing them to uh...hunt small surface-dwelling water bugs. No, this isn't really acceptable in keke society, but the Skips seem to either be really bad at listening or not think what they're doing is especially bad. They tend to leave the water less than other Pondskippers and may never go further than the shores of their water their entire lives


Fafnir_adult_morphs.png Behemoth-specific morph for Fafnirs

🌸 Spitfire: The default morph for Nirs, standing around 7 to 12 feet tall

🌸 Surveyor: A taller, longer adult with much bigger wings. The paws, horns, and fangs are larger as well. Horns curve slightly inwards at the tips instead of outwards like a spitfire. This morph is capable of flying without strain, unlike others. Stand 10 to 15 feet tall

🌸 Bramble: A slightly heavier set morph with curled, ram-like horns. The upper fangs are longer as well as capped with metal. There's also another, smaller set of upper fangs behind them. The fingers are totally replaced with long claws while the wings shrink to near uselessness. The scales are a swooping sort of 'w' shape. Stand 6 to 11 feet tall