🐎 Bestiary

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 days, 2 hours ago) by HannahBug

🌿 Bestiary 🌿

There are many animals that roam around the world, free to do as they please. Mostly, Snakekeys are against the idea of taming animals out of respect. They wouldn't want to force anything on them! Because of this, wildlife can't really be assigned tasks or even expected to follow simple commands. Upon discovering they could communicate with animals, Snakekeys' relationship with the local fauna has gotten much more complex. Creatures can now be kept as pets, used as beasts of burden, ridden, trained, and so on! With their new knowledge, they can simply tell when a creature is displeased with its situation, allowing for easy adaptation (and sometimes even persuasion)

🐑 Farmable: Black Hole Doe, Bluff Puff, Bubblebee, Skibble, Whinoodle
🐕 Pets: Fishee, Frogdog, Glowis Major, Glowis Minor, Sample Snap, Sugar Baby, Vyis, All-Seeing Eye, Twolips, Stutterfly, Bigfoot Minor, Warped Frogdog, The Out Valley Fuzzling, Sweetie Pie, Sheepsdog
🐎 Mounts: Breadbutter, Greater Pyrus, Whinoodle, Sheepsdog

😊 Friendly
All-Seeing Eye, Bigfoot Minor, Blizzard, Frogdog, Glowis Major, Glowis Minor, Greater Pyrus, Kookatrice, Lowl, Puffin, Squeakbeast, Stutterfly, Sugar Baby, Sweetie Pie, The Out Valley Fuzzling, Vendosaur, Vyis, Warped Frogdog, Wistul, Wurrtroll (day), Wurrwulf (day), Wybaaht, Xilgenaut

😐 Passive
Bauble Bug, Black Hole Doe, Beetleshell, Bobbirb, Booted Beany, Breadbutter, Bubblebee, Catch-Me-Not, Cloaked Beany, Crested Grazer, Deeble, Duffalop, Feather Bird, Fishee, Giant Fruuf, Goqui, Harvestman, Hooded Beany, Ilinook, Lady Fish, Moadora, Quillrend, Sample Snap (cakey, breaded, herbal, smokey, toasty, wobbly), Scarlet-Beaked Nillbird, Screetin, Scrumbsaur, Skibble, Sleepysaur, Smirtee, Snoreosaur, Soupopod, Springhop, Squinnikit, Stonetooth Felis, Tiptap, Toothback, Tree-Eater, Tricatch, Unipede, Waving Buzzar, Whinoodle

😒 Wary
Bluff Puff, Butter, Clothesline Lemid, Floral Tetra, Fringer, Froad, Fruuf, Mountain Husk Doe, Pterrurfly, Puffii, Realmsi, Sheepsdog, Shruump, Sip Skip, Ted Tap-Foot, Trotling, Twolips, Unimaeus, Wisp, Wubudu, Wurrtroll (night), Yippolai

😡 Hostile
Grabbus, Heavodon, Plains Crawler, Sheeps, Snarlaptor, Spotter, Suckerfish, Sunwater Skewer, Veianrora, Veisvora, Wurrwulf (night)

🐕 Pets: Brown Hunde, Serpent Hunde
🐎 Mounts: Brown Hunde (keke-sized riders), Keeper of Small Blades, Scalecrown

😊 Friendly
Brown Hunde, Serpent Hunde, Twodigit

😐 Passive 
Diggle Wurm, Greatwurm, Keeper of Small Blades, Scalecrown, Shorehook, Tender Wing, Wings that Ripple

😒 Wary 
Black and Tan Kilpe, Grazing Kilpe, Swim-Hoof

😡 Hostile
Tendril of Blades

🌌 Spacers: Striker Spacer, Vendari Spacer

😊 Friendly
Rooter, Striker Spacer, Vendari Spacer

😐 Passive 

😒 Wary 
Xass Nibbler, Mokkin, Common Hun

😡 Hostile
Biting Pin

🐕 Pets: Fuzzlyt

😊 Friendly

😐 Passive 

😒 Wary 

😡 Hostile




🌾 31: Sandrunner (SR). Creation ☀️ Obtained through: The Flipside 🖍️ Suggested by Beepbeepmeow12345!
🌾 32: Slugger (Slug). Still WIP! 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 33: Fairy Pondskipper. It's a mystery 👻
🌾 34: Astral (Stra). Anticipated the be the next Patreon early release 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 35: Who's to say

🥝 36: Reserved for Enchanted
🥝 37:
🥝 38:
🥝 39:
🥝 40:

Tab-pane fane in cannot include 'active show' when copy-pasted or it will...active show


Spacer.png[Vendari Spacer] Plural: Vendari Spacers. Male: Hob. Female: Jill. Young: Writheling. Collection: Stellar
World: Xavier. Range: ?. Temperament: Friendly. Diet: Ominvore
Shoulder Height: ~6'-7' (f), ~5'6' (m). Weight: ~1,500-1,700 lbs (f), ~1,200-1,500 lbs (m)
(For reference, the average female Holstein cow is around 4'10" at the shoulder and weights about 1,500 lbs)

The Spacer is a large, lazy beast that has the peculiar ability to travel through space at reasonable speeds (~1 light minute per hour). While not neckbreak, it can make it from Xavier to Susie in about four and a half hours. While the two were disconnected, Xaverians used Spacers to send messages to Susie, hoping that one day, the phone on the other end of the line would be picked up

Animals are very long with six legs. The rear legs face backwards, supposedly for easier takeoffs and tight landings. The two frontmost sets of legs have two small nubs on each size of their wrists, functioning as primitive thumbs. All toes except these nubs have thin retractable claws designed for grooming more than self-defense. The tail is akin to that of a kangaroo, tapering into a wide, flat, furry fin that aids a Spacer in steering (even though the majority of their flight-based abilities seem to be autonomous and outside the realm of normality). The head is thin and flat, tapering to a fairly sharp point, while the mouth is very long. The corners of it reach past the eyes! Often, some small snaggleteeth poke out. As one might fear, it can open the entire thing and has a terrifyingly wide gape. Its primary use isn't eating, but defensive; Spacers will attack with their jaw before any other part. The eyes are very large, black, and pupil-less. They often appear almond-shaped and compliment the animal's generally smug-looking face. Spacers like to smile. They're intelligent and knows what it means in keke society and they like to use it to be smart with people

Animals have a white base color with at least 20% coverage, but are otherwise any color. They frequent piebald markings. Their insides come in any variety of colors and Spacers themselves seem more attracted to individuals with neons

⭕ These are limited spacers and cannot be obtained without earning them! 


Shorehook.pngShorehook. Plural: Shorehooks. Young: Larvae. Collection: Parade
World: THMFU. Range: Depends on species. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Omnivore
Length~2-12". Weight: 1 lbs or less depending on size

The Shorehook is a small, passive aquatic creature that will feed on anything that happens to float by. Most commonly, they act as cleaners, eating detritus and algae. Their intelligence is very minimal and they spend almost all of their time simply eating or just sitting there. They have four claws, one on each of their corners, which they use to hook onto points of interest. Usually, this is places with a steady current or high population (or both). The claws are actually relaxed when hanging on, so this comes at no extra stress to the animal. The biggest issue they face in this regard is finding a home area where the current isn't so strong that it detaches them and carries them away.

Shorehooks have a single opening on both their left and right ends which is used to eat, reproduce, breathe, and expel waste. While this mirroring may not seem ideal, it allows the animal to hang on to whatever happens beneath it without needing to turn around to get into the optimal feeding position. Whichever end is not is use for feeding will serve the other purposes. If both ends can be used for feeding, the hook will simply alternate using its orifices as it feels necessary. Animals are equipped with both male and female reproductive organs, but cannot fertilize themselves and engage in broadcast spawning. Though Shorehooks can live in large groups, as they express no territorial behavior, they don't do so purposefully. Yet, this method of breeding is still effective thanks to living in a steady current. Even if a Shorehook has no Shorehook neighbors, there may be more downstream!

Their thin, flag-like bodies are often vibrantly colored with intricate designs. As these flap around in the water, they tend to look too spooky for most predators to be willing to approach. If this game plan doesn't work out, the Shorehook will detach from its current home and hope the current carries it away from conflict. Most species live in areas with warmer, non-salty waters, but many, many varieties exist, exploring an abundance of possible niches. Children of Shivelight generally consider them nice to look at and a pretty addition to any pond


Striker_Spacer.pngStriker Spacer. Plural: Striker Spacers. Genders: Dusk, dawn. Young: Eventide. Collection: Setting
World: Xavier. Range: ?. Temperament: Friendly. Diet: Carnivore
Shoulder Height: ~2'5"-2'8". Weight: ~40-55 lbs

Strikers are lightweight, gazelle-like creatures that tend to spend more time in the air than on the ground. Or rather, more time in space than on the ground! They enjoy hanging out up there due to the lack of predation. The 0G is nice, too. Whenever they get hungry or otherwise have a desire to be on the ground, they'll just shoot down there in a flash, only slowing so that the atmosphere doesn't cause them any harm. However, they're more resistant to such due to a unique mucus their skin secretes. This can make their fur a little crunchy to the touch, but it's not too bad. It's just like they got into a bit of hairspray.

Animals lack eyes, but make up for it by having a sensory pad on their face and massive ears they use to catch wind of their often small, burrowing prey. Even though Strikers live in social groups, they tend to hunt alone or in single pairs. Feeding oneself is up to the individual, unless they have some sort of complication that keeps them from doing so. When this is the case, other Spacers will step up to help keep their setting member healthy.

Every Striker has a unique pattern on both their large, fluffy tails and their shark-like teeth. They use their facial pads to identify these differences between members of their setting as well as strangers outside of it. They communicate with each other through a series of precise tail flashes, teeth baring, and teeth chattering (which is often more about the noise than the movement). Otherwise, Strikers make no noise. They have two open holes on their chest that pass through their torso and exit on the other side. These are lung canals, through which air is always being pulled or pushed. One side expels waste air while the other breathes in fresh. This constant breathing gives Spacers incredibly energy and stamina, aiding them in their incredibly fast runs through space

To a Striker, space travel is absolutely nothing. They can cross a solar system in under an hour (10.5 AU per hour). There are many processes allowing them to do this, protecting them from damage and the like. They excrete a "wake" of these processes, keeping an area directly behind them in the clear as well. Kekin use this wake, attaching sleds to the small creatures, to travel vast distances. Thankfully, the Strikers don't seem to mind. In fact, they seem to enjoy showing off their moves and speed to someone besides their setting members!

The coloration of Strikers is generally black and/or purple with many possible patternings. Their most unique design, of course, will be on their teeth and tail

⭕ These are limited spacers and cannot be obtained without earning them!


[Keeper_of_Small_Blades.pngKeeper of Small Blades] Plural: Keepers. Genders: hob, jill, buck. Young: Bladeling. Collection: Armory
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Herbivore
Shoulder Height: ~4'-4'5". Weight: ~500-600 lbs
(For reference, a male African lion can weigh upwards of 500 lbs)

A selectively bred relative of the Keeper of Bright Eyes, KoSBs are significantly larger, more muscular, and suitable for riding. While better at climbing than, say, a horse, they're not the best at it anymore due to their weight and size. They can be trained to have a walking gait instead of the usual bounding to help keep riders atop the saddle. The small spikes along their back are a matter of bragging rights between owners. Whoever can still ride the animal while also having the largest spikes is clearly the superior rider. This type of behavior is not encouraged, as it can obviously result in impalings or damage to the animal

Many natural-colored patternings have been bred for the KoSB including browns, whites, creams, oranges, blacks, and ruddy reds, but the wild-type patterning shown here remains the most common. Animals have large, roman-nosed faces with two large nostril slits that, surprisingly, do not grant them any extra scenting abilities out of the ordinary despite their size. Increasing scenting was generally not in the "necessary" category during breeding and thus remained the same or slightly worse than their smaller cousins. Animals have large, brown or black eyes with horizontal pupils. Each foot has five toes as well as two dewclaw spikes on the back of each wrist. These should be trimmed down in bucks, as they will use them to compete with each other and stabbing matches are not ideal in a stable. Or anywhere. The ridges along the back leave a space for the rider just behind the shoulder. Tails are long and bushy, used for balance when in motion. While not the best climbers, KoSB are highly ideal when a mount that can balance well is needed. Being herbivorous, they eat grains, grasses, flowers, and seeds


Scalecrown.png?ex=65136535&is=651213b5&h[Scalecrown] Plural: Scalecrowns. Genders: (only one). Young: Fawn. Collection: Herd
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~5'-5'8". Weight: ~850-950 lbs
(For reference, a thoroughbred horse weights about 1k lbs)

A Scalecrown is a variant of dragon, though its wings have been bred to be quite small and vestigial in order to not get in the way of riders' legs. The animal can still move these tiny limbs, but this is obviously of little use to them. They have slightly dished heads with protruding nostrils and a brief head crest, which is their namesake. Shape of the crest varies, but it often features several points making it crown-like in appearance. Animals have intricate eyes that may appear to have "mountain ranges" of detail inside of them. There's a hollow in the cheek just below the eye where the skin lies close to the bone. The mouth has two attached fangs, but more are not necessary considering there are more teeth inside the mouth. The neck and chest have smallish, expandable pouches that the Scalecrown can inflate both for threat displays and to aid them in breathing fire. The front feet have three main toes and two curled "thumbs", one on each side of the foot, while the hindlimbs only have two toes

Animals can come in any color and pattern. Pretty scales are often bred for, so very intricate Scalecrowns can be seen strutting around town, often owned by royalty or high-ranking individuals. Scalecrowns need meat in their diet, but it doesn't have to be 100% of it. They also eat fruits, berries, grasses, and vegetables if they can find them. They swallow stones for use in their gizzard because, despite having a maw full of teeth, very few of them are molars


Grazing_hound.png?ex=65137591&is=6512241[Grazing Kilpe] Plural: Kilpes. Genders: Bull, cow, yawn. Young: Calf. Collection: Pack
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Wary. Diet: Herbivore
Shoulder Height: ~1'7"-2'5". Weight: ~20-30 lbs

The Grazing Kilpe (the 'E' is silent) is a small, antelope-like creature that has evolved to avoid its primary predator, the Black and Tan Kilpe, through mimicry. While the animal appears to be a stocky, hound-type canine, it's clear that it's not after a second glance. Its nose pad is reminiscent of a cow's, the pupils are horizontal, and the paws are actually camel-like hooves instead of paws. It also lacks other features of the B&T Kilpe such as fangs and horns.

Grazing Kilpes are nervous little creatures that feed in packs of 3-5 in grassland areas. Fully herbivorous, they spend much of their day consuming grass and chewing cud. Animals are either brown, black, or black and tan, appearing in patterns that resemble those (but don't necessarily 100% match) of the B&T. The eyes are generally yellow, white, or cream. When alarmed, they'll raise and vibrate their tails, but this does more than function as a warning sign to other members of their pack. To their predators, this appears to be the body language of a friendly hello! They've developed many other such ways to blend in with their hunters while also warning their friends, even down to mimicking the rough bark-wheeze sound a B&T produces to communicate with its pack members

If approached by a keke or Shive, the Grazing Kilpe will most certainly flee. It will behave similarly in the presence of any other large animals it deems to be a threat


Black_and_Tan_Kilpe.png?ex=65139118&is=6[Black and Tan Kilpe] Plural: Kilpes. Genders: Dog, pinch. Young: Yap. Collection: Pack
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Wary. Diet: Carnivore
Shoulder Height: ~1'8"-2'7". Weight: ~25-35 lbs

B&T Kilpes are small, canine-like pack hunters that live in groups of 3-5 individuals. These pack members aren't necessarily family members - they're others that the Kilpe enjoys being around! They're very social animals, so constant contact with others is quite important to them. They're fairly intelligent beasts, hunting with a degree of strategy that one might not see in other animals. This makes them very effective predators and, despite their small size, many prey animals will vacate the area upon spotting a Kilpe.

Animals have long, floppy ears atop a head with a set of small, nubby horns. Their lips are fairly large, hanging low and concealing their snake-like fangs tucked up into their mouth. These deliver a poison into the bloodstream of prey that causes them to hallucinate and become very confused, hampering their ability to escape. As the generally live in fields, a Kilpe's eyes have slit pupils to help them see more easily through blades of grass. Their bodies are somewhat stocky and will be brown, black, or both. They often have large, black blotches in saddle-like shapes. Eyes are yellow, white, or cream. A Kilpe's claws are very long and sharp, aiding them in hooking onto their fast-moving prey. They scratch surfaces such as trees to keep their claws sharp

Black and Tan Kilpes do not appreciate the presence of Shives or keke. At best, they'll trot off. At worst, they'll stand their ground and pick a fight...!


Greatwurm.png?ex=6513a07c&is=65124efc&hm[Greatwurm] Plural: Greatwurms. Genders: Guard, hoard. Young: Wurmling. Collection: Council
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Passive (generally). Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~40'-70'. Weight: ~80-150 tons
(For reference, a fin whale weighs ~80 tons)

Greatwurms are highly intelligent and massive dragons. Not too many of them exist on THMFU (in theory...) which is assumed to be in part because of their long gestation time. Their tendency to not get along with each other doesn't do them any favors either. Each one is capable of expelling a breath weapon that can range from fire to water to poison depending on the individual. Their personalities vary as widely as they do for kekin, so one should never assume what they're going to get from a wurm. Some are peaceful and friendly while others think the Shive are noisy little fleas that could do with eradicating. Because of this, it's generally good practice to leave them the heck alone unless they pleasantly say 'hello' first

The colors these beasts come in can be incredibly diverse, but, as much of their time is spent underground where flashy colors will do them no good, many of them appear solid or simple in design. Their eyes often look like glittering gemstones and their claws are usually colored to match. Greatwurms have several huge, bony crests all over their bodies. These include a shield-like protrusion from the head, a fan-shaped jut from the chest, a long ridge down the spine, and a club at the end of the tail. These growths can help a wurm burrow through the earth, but otherwise seem to be for show and intimidation. They have belly scales running from their jawbones to the tips of their tails, only interrupted by their chest crest. These don't do anything in particular - they're just armor. Greatwurms have four limbs - two arms and two wings. These wings are useless to underground-dwelling beasts, so the fingers have shrunk and the webbing atrophied. All that remains is long arms with two claws at the tips. If they encounter each other, wurms will use these along with their other sharp claws to do battle (assuming they don't like each other)

Most of a wurm's time will be spent sleeping in order to more effectively manage their body temperature and metabolism. On rare occasions, they'll leave their dens and consume all in their wake to fill their bellies before returning to slumber


Wings_that_Ripple.png?ex=6513c543&is=651[Wings That Ripple] Plural: (Same). Genders: facade, shatter. Young: Ripling. Collection: Gathering
World: That He Made For Us. Range: ?. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~5'-5'5". Weight: ~800-900 lbs
(For reference, an Arabian horse is about 900 lbs)

White, elegant dragons with a fair deal of intelligence, but a disdain for the concept of society. They like living like animals and suggesting otherwise will tick them off. WTRs shimmer gently in the light. Their wing membranes are usually tinted a color, most commonly blue or purple. Their eyes are blue or red, showing a lack of melanin. While they can carry the weight of a Shive, they'd have to lie on their belly because a WTR isn't going to tolerate leg-holes being punched in is wings. They can be a slight bit snooty and tend to perch atop tall buildings, gossiping among themselves in dragon-speech

Animals have long, slender faces that are slightly dished in shape. They have a series of heat pits along their muzzles, but no nostrils. As such, they cannot smell. Despite being covered in scales, they have beautiful eyelashes. Their ears are long and hare-like, used for emoting and slightly for temperature control (though the wings generally cover that area of things). The arms are thin and delicate in appearance only with a single finger on each. Breast muscles are very strong and large due to a WTR's main form of locomotion being flight (walking's a bit awkward with no hands). The pubis bone protrudes slightly from the outline of the belly. Hind legs are muscular in the calf and thigh, but thin and delicate in the foot. They have five toes per rat-like paw


Fuzzlyt.jpg[Fuzzlyt] Plural: Fuzzlyts. Genders: Male, female. Young: Cub. Collection: Pillow
World: Fuzz, Fluffy. Range: ?. Temperament: Friendly. Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~7"-10". Weight: ~10-20 lbs

Fuzzlits are one of the few animals on Fluffy that do not float. They eat plants, fruits and other vegetation, but don't mind having meats.  They're highly beloved as pets due to their extreme floof and are very, very affectionate with those that care for them. They are  surprisingly fast, having zoomies and bouncing of the walls when excited. Because they are so floofy, they tend to bounce off stuff harmlessly.

Fuzzlyt-with-ears.pngTag tail is white body colors can be anything. Can have tiny cat ears poking above the fur.

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Crested-Grazer.png[Crested Grazer] Plural: Crested Grazers. Male: Hart. Female: Hind. Young: Grazling. Collection: Herd
World: Susie. Range: In-image. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Herbivore
Shoulder Height: ~7-8' (f), ~8-10' (m). Weight: ~2,600-3,000 lbs (f), ~3,200-4,500 lbs (m)
(For reference, a male giraffe weighs roughly 2,600 lbs)

Crested Grazers are large, bipedal dinosaurs often seen feeding in peaceful herds near or in forests and fields. They eat a variety of plant life, though grasses make up 70-80% of their diets. They may also forage for leaves, flowers, and young branches on trees. In tough times, they can be seen stripping bark from trunks to eat. Much of a Grazer's time is spent feeding or ruminating, which in part, lends them their name. They're casual beasts, typically moving slowly and lazily. However, they're capable of great speeds when in danger, sprinting upwards of 45 miles per hour for short distances. This burns a lot of energy, though, so they try to avoid it where they can

It's thought that due to the animal's size and position in a herd usually consisting of 20-50 individuals, the Grazer can afford to be pure white. It depends on hot, constant temperatures and year-round growing seasons found near the Sleeping Ocean, so there's no snow for this coloration to blend into. Indeed, they stick out like sore thumbs, easy to spot from great distances away. The whiteness of a Grazer's skin seems to factor into its choice of mate, which is typically chosen for life. The brighter and purer the shade, the more attractive the animal

While not often hunted, Grazers are still prey animals. Herds will flee rather than fight when approached by danger. Their skin is quite thin for a dinosaur and lends them little to no protection against claws and teeth. Their best defense is to not engage in combat at all. That being said, a cornered Grazer can still deliver a very powerful kick. They may also attempt a goring attack with their horn, possibly even rearing back and tossing smaller would-be attackers into the air

[Other stuff I need to write:
Eyes are varying shades of blue
Use their hands to carry grass with them]


Waving-Buzzar.png[Waving Buzzar] Plural: Waving Buzzars. Genders: Crest, flat Young: Hatchling. Collection: Forest
World: Susie. Range: In-image. Temperament: Passive. Diet: Insectivore
Shoulder Height: ~1½-2". Length: 4½-6". Weight: ~4-6 oz
(For reference, a 6" long salamander weighs roughly 5-8 oz)

The Waving Buzzar is a soft-skinned, arboreal reptile dwelling in forested areas nearby ample amounts of water. They typically require the hot temperatures found near the equator, but some subspecies have adapted to dwell in slightly colder climates. They are brown in coloration with large, blobby spots. These may be accompanied by flecks, stripes, or rosettes to further help them blend in with tree bark. Their brown to black eyes are exceptionally large with slit pupils. Despite this, a Buzzar's vision seems to be average at best and quite near-sighted to boot

These animals seem to be quite common above the Sleeping Ocean and less so below it. They were among the first few species spotted by Out Valley scouts and found to be passive and harmless to kekin. Thankfully, their vision is good enough to recognize small, Furnan-sized kekin as non-insects and thusly not of interest. Tiny keke with lots of bug upgrades should keep their distance, though... Waving Buzzars were named for their unique hunting behavior, which consits of lying motionless and sticking out their long tongues, swaying them gently as if in a breeze. The tips of their tongues are green and feathered, making them look like a small leaf. If the tongue is touched, the Buzzar will quickly snap it back into their mouth, hoping to catch an insect snack.

Buzzars are solitary for the most part, but are not hostile to their own kind. Large groups of them can often be seen hunting in trees together. Sometimes, they may even sit on top of each other! It's not uncommon for hatchling or young keke to seek out these forests of animals and play with them, poking their waving tongues and watching the little lizards repeatedly trying to eat their perceived prey. This is fairly harmless to the Buzzar provided it doesn't go on for an excessive amount of time, wasting the creature's energy and seeing it go hungry.

Animals are flat and wide with short, chubby tails. Each foot has three fingers tipped with squishy pads that help a Buzzar climb vertically or even upside-down! They're capable of slowing their metabolism while they wait from prey to land atop their tongues, wasting less energy during the process. They require more water than your average reptile and drink both through their mouth and through their skin. A bathing Buzzar might just be having a refreshing beverage! Like a chamelon, their tongues can also be shot out to snag prey they might spot sitting in an opportune place, though this is not their primary form of hunting. They can be oportunistic frugivores, consuming berries and fruits to supplement their diet when they're in season


Sw-eetie-Pie-1.png[Sweetie Pie] Plural: Sweetie Pies. Genders: Monogender. Young: N/A. Collection: Shop
World: Susie. Range: ?. Temperament: Friendly. Diet: Optional herbivores
Shoulder Height: ~1-2". Weight: ~1-4 oz
(For reference, a standard deck of playing cards weighs 2 oz)

Sweetie Pies are a peculiar creature in that they're made, not born. Very rarely, if a dessert is made with a lot of love (or if Spoons has something to do with it), a Sweetie may crawl out of it! They will be fully grown adults when they do this - it seems to be impossible for these tiny animals to come in any other age. They only have one gender as opposed to two or more, so they're unable to reproduce by natural means. In fact, if a Sweetie wants to have a "child" of their own, they'll have to get cookin'! However, the urge to do this is quite rare among Sweeties. They're not genetically driven to create more of themselves, likely due to their spontaneous nature.

These bite-sized beasts have holes in their backs that vary in shape and seem to resemble those poked in a pie crust. Inside this/these specialized pocket(s) is what's referred to as a "syrup display". Sweeties have sweet, sugary syrup for blood. A designated amount of this syrup will be pumped into the display where it then sits, congeals, and, with the aid of a little magic, transmutes into a dessert itself! This usually resembles the treat the Sweetie was born from, but they may be little rebels and do something else instead (disclaimer: a Sweetie has no control over what their syrup display turns into). While a display can be eaten, it comes in such a small amount that it's basically pointless for kekin of average size to do so. However, if some of the display is lost, the Sweetie's body will be quick to replace it. They're able to congeal a missing, Sweetie-Pie-sized serving in about 24 hours. 

Not all desserts are created equally! Some are way, way goopier than others. Messy-type Sweeties can and will slosh syrup/display from their pockets - there's nothing holding it in there. In these cases, a Sweetie's body will spend much more time regenerating its dessert. This typically results in a slower-moving, lazier animal as they attempt to preserve their energy while they create exorbitant amounts of syrup. Be sure to be gentle with messy Sweeties. Some specialized crafters, especially those who work with plastic, may be able to make lightweight display covers for these types of cases. Doing so is recommended, as it allows the animal to live a much more rambunctious, free lifestyle. However, it should be noted that gooey Sweeties are natural and can still lead fulfilling lives while sloshin' all over the place

Sweetie Pies have very squishy paw pads, as if they're filled with goop. They're not really - well, aside from the normal amount of syrup that goes in there - this is just do to their make-up! Their legs have a rodent-like orientation, allowing them to walk quadrupedal or stand bipedal. Bipedalism in Sweeties is usually reserved for scouting (eg. standing up to see things at a distance) and playing rather than long-form locomotion. Their skeleton and musculature isn't really made for walking all over the place, so they can look a little silly while they hobble along short distances. A constant blush covers the ears, nose, cheeks, and paws, sometimes appearing on other locations as well. This is due to the high syrup content within an animal - nearly twice as much as a typical creature of their size would have in blood! Why they keep this much syrup around isn't fully understood, but it's assumed to be a reserve in case of feral animals grabbing a Sweetie to eat their dessert - something that isn't that uncommon in the wild! In fact, Sweeties are much safer in domestic situations. One of the reasons they like keke so much is for their self-control and protection. And also because they are their creators and they're very full of love <3

With six, sparkling eyes, Sweeties often look too innocent for their own good. They have an excellent range of vision... sort of. Their eyes are incapable of rotating in their sockets, so each set is placed at a different angle. The front pair faces forward, middle pair faces sideways, and end pair faces behind the animal. This still leaves them with a much wider cone of vision than some creatures such as Snakekeys, but also gives them a couple glaring blind spots. Sweeties move around fairly quickly, though, so constant little head flicks typically keep things from sneaking up on them. Typically.

Speaking of things that sparkle, Sweetie Pies have long, flat, ribbon-like tails that are flexible, sticky, and often covered in shimmering glitter. While this glitter typically is a part of the tail and cannot be removed, there are some rare instances where this is not the case and an animal will leave itty bitty twinkles all over the place. Tails are fully prehensile and capable of supporting a Sweetie's meager weight, which is often what they're used for! Other than that, they may be used as a fifth appendage, grabbing items and carrying them around, or as a tool. While not a set of fingers, a Sweetie can sometimes use their tail to open screwing caps, container lids, and the like - provided their target isn't too heavy for them. The best way to keep a Sweetie out of your leftovers is simply to stack your containers. A Sweetie tail may be able to lift three to four times their body weight, but that only means up to 1 pound...! Thankfully, animals probably won't go for your food regardless. As they're a sort of an animate dessert, they have no need to eat, sleep, or breathe. They can, however, still do so anyway if they wish. Breathing usually gets tossed by the wayside (it's pretty boring), but eating can sometimes be appealing. Animals almost exclusively consume items with a fairly high sugar content, showing next to no interest in the savory and - heaven forbid - sour. They seem to enjoy being fed sweet treats, though will not take these from the backs of other Sweeties. They seem to understand that doing so will put extra strain on their fellows, so Sweeties will almost totally ignore the desserts blatantly sitting in syrup displays.

Like a Snakekey, the end of a Sweetie's muzzle is perfectly flat. These end in one of several types of noses... or none at all! A Sweetie's sense of smell seems to be highly advanced, showing marked preference for the culinary. This often sees them arriving at kitchens in use, sometimes in droves! Sweeties without noses will often rely on a friend with one to guide them to potential baked goods of interest. Otherwise, their teeny tiny whiskers seem to aid them in the olfactory, detecting particles in the air. The nose, however, is much better at this and is the natural first choice if an animal has an option.

The temperatures of Sweeties vary wildly and are usually dependent on the dessert in their syrup displays. They can be so cold that vapor drifts off them and likewise so toasty that they steam a little! Thankfully, a Sweetie will never be too hot to handle (for those with average heat tolerance), though they can get preeeeetty close. These small creatures are known to be very friendly and have charming personalities. They tend to linger around the home of the baker that created them, provided they are welcomed. Their coats and eyes may be any color and can come in a stunning variety of just about anything

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be created without earning them!


Yippolai.png[Yippolai] Plural: Yippolai. Genders: Monogender. Young: Pup. Collection: Troupe
World: Susie. Range: In-image. Temperament: Wary. Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~1½-2'. Weight: ~10-15 lbs
(For reference, a male housecat weighs around 11 lbs)

[Yip-oh-lie]. Yippolai are small, skittish, candid-adjacent creatures that fill a similar ecological niche as Earth's red foxes. Being omnivores, they eat a wide variety of foods such as small animals, eggs, berries, fruits, bugs, and carrion. Yippolai are have only one gender as opposed to two or more, being entirely "female". Perhaps their most notable feature is the hairless circle on their sides, which houses a ring of six nipples. This ring is only on one of a Yipp's sides, not both. When an animal has pups, they will cling to the mother's side to nurse until they are too large to do so, at which point they will begin following her from the ground. The Yippolai's long face is also hairless, supposedly to make it easier to clean after rooting around in a carcass.

These creatures can be quite quick when pursued, which is good for them, as they're small enough to be prey for larger species. They're capable of making sharp turns (though not the sharpest ever) and their flexible skeletons allow them to hurriedly cram themselves into small spaces. As they're fairly elusive little things, they prefer dwelling in forests with ample vegetation. Their fur sees them neither prepared for the coldest climates nor the hottest, so they avoid both, living in two narrow bands above and below the Sleeping Ocean. Yipps are generally darkly and coolly colored with pelts ranging from dusty blues to dull purples. Their markings are typically simple, often featuring saddles or countershading. Insides and flesh can be any color with a tendency towards being "unnatural" (eg green, blue, purple, etc). The inner ears have a distinctive black band at the tips, which animals use as a signal during intraspecies communication. Eyes may be any cool color (green, indigo, teal, etc...)

Yippolai do not generally enjoy the company of Snakekeys, as they're much, much larger than Yipps are. While they have a tendency to travel into urban areas to forage for garbage and discarded food, they will dart off in a flash if noticed. Getting one to actually like you takes a substantial amount of both time and patience


Sheepsdog.png[Sheepsdog] Plural: Sheepsdogs. Genders: Buff, brawn. Young: Lank. Collection: Scruff
World: Susie. Range: In-image. Temperament: Wary. Diet: Omnivore
Shoulder Height: ~5½-7'. Weight: ~500-850 lbs
(For reference, a Shetland pony can weigh up to 500 pounds)

🖍️ Sheepsdogs were a suggestion by SourHour!

The imposing Sheepsdog is a mountainous mesocarnivore that has no true relation to Sheeps. They simply share a name due to their murky coloration and rocky armor. In some circles, these animals are called Rending Raptors instead, this name drawn from the dogs' sickle claws on their hind feet. It didn't take long for dramatic stories of these canids herding and defeating the mighty Sheeps to spring up, often being faithful companions to fantasy heroes. No true interactions between Sheeps and Sheepdogs has been observed, which is probably for the best. There's a... bit of a size difference.

It takes a lot of food to fuel a body of the Sheepsdog's size, but they cut some corners by being slow and broody for the most part. While not cold-blooded, they're able to lower their metabolism during low-energy periods, cooling their bodies and reducing the amount of energy consumed by internal processes. During these times, a dog will likely be using their armor and dingy coloration to camouflage themselves against the mountainside, nearly disappearing from view in the best of cases. They'll then wait until their reserves have dwindled before going on the prowl for a meal

The habitat of the Sheepsdog can range from the feet of mountains to impressively high elevations, but does not usually see them at the peaks. This allows them to prey on the widest variation of animals possible, though they often go after things that are at least 2/3rds their size, if not more. Being fairly solitary, a dog has to be careful about the fights that it picks... sort of. They're quite well equipped for battle with their abundance of stony armor, horns, retractable claws, and their massive, rocky thagomizer. Of more concern to a dog is how much energy a specific fight or hunt will waste. During these times, a dog's metabolism is working full-bore, so it's best if interactions are quick and concise so that energy consumption can be dropped back down again. Sheepsdogs are short-term endurance hunters despite this, capable of chasing prey for long distances until it wears itself down. This can be very dangerous on the slopes, so they often try to goad their targets into tripping or falling quickly to end the hunt early. Using their long necks, they're able to reach out and snap at the ankles of fleeing creatures, destabilizing them. Their lanky limbs also provide them a frightening stride length, covering a lot of ground very quickly. If a dog can't reach to bite at an animal, they're likely to make good use of their needle-sharp retractable claws, pouncing not unlike a wildcat

Once a dog has made a kill, they'll guard their carcass fiercely, camping out by it for several days until the remains are no longer worth the extra effort of defending. The biggest threat they have to fend off is typically other Sheepsdogs, interested in an easy meal. While meat is their favored food and they prefer it fresh, dogs will scavenge to save energy if they have the chance. They'll also consume upwards of 50-70% of their diet in the form of non-meats such as eggs, fungi, some plants, berries, fruits, and insects. They're very opportunistic and their high intelligence allows them to reason more effectively. If they spot an opportunity, they'll calculate the risk and reward before moving in or moving on.

Dogs are typically brown or grey in coloration with strange, warbling stripe markings, flecks, and/or gradients to help break up their shape when hiding. In some cases, they may be a dull reddish, black, or even a color close to white. Their eyes have dark brown to black scleras and their irises are a green, brown, hazel, amber, or gold. Sheepsdogs will not inherently prey on kekin unless they're desperate, as the average case is doesn't have enough meat on them to be worth the energy. In fact, some dogs can even be convinced to be pets! However, their stand-offish and brooding nature makes them poor choices for the first-timer. They're also not suitable for young kekin to interact with due to all those dangerous spikes and such... A dog could hurt a young or small kekin with its thagomizer tail by mistake. All that said, Sheepsdogs who do bond with kekin are loyal, protective pets and may even allow themselves to be ridden. Just watch those spinal plates...!