

Waking Up in the Valley

The Year Stone is a large, square rock that reads "The year is 909". This seems to have been true at the time, as the stone lines up with art peices, events, and the like. The stone is now quite old, as it was found approximately 1,811 years ago by Lydia Cobblestone (the current year being 2720 (as of 2019)). Her journal is below

"My name is Lydia Cobblestone and I fear I've developed amnesia. I know my own name and that I am a courier, but most other things become fuzzy when I try to think about them... I've just woken up in the grass under the shade of some unfamiliar trees. There's a large, square-cut rock in front of me with the words "The year is 909" chiseled into it. I'm not sure if I would have known this already or if it was seeing the carving that spurred my memory. There is a stack of papers tucked beneath it's corner. I'm fairly certain they're not for me, but they're entirely blank. I have a pen here, so I figure it would do me well to jot down my recollections in case my mind fails me a second time (or perhaps more. I have no way of knowing how many times this has happened)

I believe I was to deliver something to some off-the-map village out here in this valley. What that was, I don't know. I'm certain I had a bag with me when I was awake, but it's gone now. Perhaps it was stolen while I was unconscious. Until I recall what I was doing, I suppose I'll have to assume it was this stone I was carrying somewhere. Or maybe the paper, but that's ruined now. I suppose I could just buy some new sheets at the village if need be. Though I've lost any paper stars I had, so that might prove a bit complicated... Whatever the case, I'd best move out of here. The sun's lowering in the sky and there's a Duffalop nearby that keeps peeking out of its hole and staring at me.

Artisan Village. I don't know if that's where I was supposed to be going, but it's where I am now. It was thankfully easy to find, being almost smack in the center of this place. I could see it begin to glow as the sun left the sky. The people here are friendly enough, but they seem quite surprised to see me. I suppose being off the map doesn't get you many visitors. Regretfully, no one seems to have requested anything from a courier service, much less this stone (which I brought with me). The most carrying this thing around has got me is others going "Huh, sure is" in regards to the carving. They tend to sound mildly confused and I can't tell if they are patronizing me or not. At the same time, I can't help but think they have the same 'did I already know that or did I just remember?' attitude that I did upon seeing it. But that wouldn't make much sense... I must be some part of a running joke.

Day 2
I'm still here, so I suppose I should label these entries with dates. I've learned that it's early Fall. Yesterday was the first, actually. There aren't any trees changing color or animals shedding their fur to signify the change since it hasn't been around long enough. A Shiny was kind enough to allow me to stay with them for the night, as I couldn't even find an inn, much less pay to sleep in one. Now, I suppose...I should be off. I'm going to leave this rock here. I figure if I direly need to bring it somewhere else, these people won't have done anything with it by the time I can make a return trip. The seem fairly preoccupied with tending to nearby blighted plants and smashing stones shouldn't help them with that, so all should be well. I intend to leave the valley the way I seem to have come in. Perhaps that way, I will jog my memory and recall where I came from. For all I know, I have a family to get home to. That would be strange though, to have a family one doesn't remember. I just hope this all sorts itself out.

The grass hadn't yet sprung up from where that stone was sitting when I woke up, so I was able to find the spot without too much trouble. The thing is...I've been slithering underneath this canopy for what feels like a strangely long time. It might not seem odd to be in the woods for a long period of time, but I have the most peculiar sense that I should have emerged by now. I almost feel as if the ground is repeating in front of me. Of course, that's highly improbable. I doubt there's some advanced mage hiding out here and just waiting to torment me. Still, I'm going to pin one of these pieces of paper beneath a stone. Just to prove a point to myself.

I...don't know what to say. After placing the sheet beneath a rock, I went off on my way again. More than five minutes couldn't have passed when I saw it again. There's no way I could have gone in a circle. I've been going in a straight line save for swerving around the occasional stump. Surely that wouldn't have altered my course so badly that I'd turned around.

I think my mind has truly been lying to me. I keep passing this paper landmark. Perhaps I am actually unwell... The sky is getting dark. I think I'd best return to the village... and maybe seek out a healer while I'm there.

Day 3
I spoke with some of the residents in the village about my experience in the woods. It's obvious they think less of me now. I should have worded my observations more carefully, as some have concluded my mature demeanor may be a facade. I do not like such assumptions. I admit it was an outburst, but I challenged them to prove me wrong. A small party, mainly consisting of youths looking for trouble, took the bait. I've waited most of the day and have grown somewhat anxious for their return. If I somehow am wrong, I'll have to myself scarce and never return, as I do not enjoy the idea of becoming a laughing stock.

The youths crawled back into the village near sundown. The whole of them looked quite shaken. They slunk off to whisper to various residents and, as they did so, I felt more and more eyes turn to me. It was quiet for a time. Then, a sort of authoritative figure got a strange look on her face and said "I think the woods have always been that way" as if she herself wasn't entirely sure. I'd hoped this would be immediately disputed, but someone else piped up an agreement, adding on "that's why we stay out of them". This bolstered her confidence and shortly after, confirming murmurs swept through the area. I raised the concern that I knew this village was very out-of-the-way. Surely I'd come from somewhere more populated to have such knowledge.

Amnesia, they'd said. It could have all been a dream. I could have just been a forager for some smaller village somewhere else in the valley that got lost and hit her head. Not a single soul in Artisan Village had been past the forest and, some said, there might not even be anything out there. I feel quite stirred up. My impulse is to say 'no', that I know what I'm taking about. Then again, I know so little for certain... I know my name, the year, and perhaps that is all..."

Lydia reportedly explored the valley, visiting other small settlements before returning to Artisan Village. She assumed it was not where she had lived before (as people did not recognize her), but decided to live out her life there anyway. She did not like the mention of her journal, but her descendants donated it to the museum without knowledge of this. Now, both her writing and the Year Stone are on display there


dda1r30-7aca73db-10c5-47b8-90ae-47b0753bThe Map of the Unknown appears to be a small, hastily made map on the corner of an otherwise blank and tattered sheet of paper. It was found many years ago (around the time of the founding of some places like Bumpytown) trapped on a branch in the woods surrounding the valley and has been a mystery ever since. The area depicted bears no resemblance to anywhere in the valley as far as anyone can tell and features names of unfamiliar locations... Many have tried to find the "unknown" this map displays, some even suggesting that it may be underground, but none have found any success. This thing just doesn't seem to be in the valley!


dczthot-29f0c240-ffa3-44de-89e5-15e5d6caSkinkis are a mythological creature not unlike centaurs are to humans. They're said to enjoy living in caves both on the sides of high cliffs and deep within the earth. They tend to be greedy, grumpy goblins that keep to their own kind and hiss to scare others away from their lairs. Despite that, they're not much for fighting and will turn tail and flee from conflict, their soft skin being all too easy to tear. A popular story about them features a kiki stealing some important item and then stashing it high up or in some otherwise impossible to get to place. The hero, try as they might, can't retrieve the item from the hissing Skinki...that is until they outwit them by convincing them to throw things at them, as it's their "only weakness". The kiki will start by throwing stones or other small bits of uselessness, but will eventually run out of them and then throw the item down, allowing the hero to return home victorious


ddftwtp-ac6181a6-137d-473e-8498-290881b2These guys were suggested by rosythefoxluv!

Hatchsnaps are creatures of folklore and thusly not real. They're roughly the size of your average keke hatchling and come in bright colors to attract prey. Their babies are very small and stay hidden away in burrows, safley out of sight of everyone. Hatchsnaps secrete venom from their mouths, which they can inflict by biting or spitting it. If a creature absorbs the venom, they will become paralyzed, allowing the little monster to eat them. This venom is intended for their main prey: Snakekey hatchlings. Things that are much bigger than hatchlings, such as adults, will have a diminished effect. Naughty little keke are told that if they're bad, a Hatchsnap will come to take them away


dd284eo-d936a071-43c5-4824-8f22-3d5d4441The Fakekey: An Artist's Rendition

M. Endwood was a researcher who dedicated their life to the study of a little-known abnormality amongst Snakekeys. Said abnormality consisted of a disturbance, an air of incorrectness occasionally felt when in contact with the affected Snakekey. Most cannot fully recall interactions of this sort, making evidence difficult to come by. Witnesses recall little useful information and most insist they were not feeling themselves that day, dismissing any unusual sensations. Endwood believed in the cryptids known as Fakekeys and hypothesized they were linked to this peculiar reaction.

The existence of Fakekeys is disputed. Sightings of them border on nonexistent. Those who speak up typically have difficulty describing what they saw and quickly become unsure of themselves. The best descriptions simply refer to them as warped, as if the air itself bends around them. One observer reported an unfamiliar Snakekey leaping through the air to down a full grown Whinoodle. After being spotted by the bloodied Snakekey, they recalled nothing more. The described Snakekey was never seen again despite in depth searches

Endwood researched Fakekeys extensively, seeking them out both in the wild and within society. They went undercover, attempting to catch the cryptids in a moment of weakness when the air around them seemed to shiver and an uncomfortable feeling would settle in one's stomachs. Their life's work resulted in strange sketches of Snakekeys that didn't appear off, but at the same time, did not feel right. Many details are missing, not provided by the artist. Many argue that the sketches are not enough to prove Fakekey's existence. After all, the creatures depicted simply look like Snakekeys drawn by someone who perhaps had eaten one too many a pixie stick. Regardless, Endwood produced the highest quality research on the topic to date and their work is commonly referenced when the topic is spoken about


dd3qxhj-451e5aea-3062-49f8-b1e4-7dc7ad86Eating Scrolls

Small utensils like forks and knives can be difficult to use for keke without finger-based upgrades. Due to their teeth being on the outside of their mouths, they need to be able to tear their food externally into small enough pieces to swallow whole. Eating scrolls solve both problems in one. Typically made of sturdy wood or other materials that won't break under pressure. The scrolls have simple handles that will work for basic paws and various attachments to hold food down so they can tear at it. They're most commonly used when eating meat or hard food so they don't have to get their hands dirty while shredding stuff up. If you're just eating rice, a plate will do. However, scrolls have a mesh attachment in case you need to eat rice while also running a marathon upside down or something


ddgy9z7-161ad31b-31ec-4026-8559-7ac5a2e7Birth of the Fakekey

An old sheet of thick paper with the above illustration and the following writing on it. All of this information is a closely guarded secret of Fakekeys. Less than half of Fakes know their full history. The writer is unknown, as they did not sign the document

"We were born from earth, from mud, in the damp of the underground. We emerged all at once, fighting for air and numbering about twenty. None of us had a single memory to speak of despite most being fully matured. Around us, the world was fully formed and we were frightened. Those originals could hear the whispers. An unfamiliar voice with a tone not of our own would persuade us to find the surface and break the spell. Some listened and explored outwards from the mud. Above the darkness of the tunnels, they found land bright and vibrant, inhabited by all variety of strange creatures. They all were completely formed, as if they'd been there long before us. How we could survive in a world that knew how to carry itself while we were bumbling infants, we were unsure.

The whisper prodded us onward, though warned us to keep out of sight of a peculiar creature. She called them Snakekeys and spoke of them as if we were littermates, yet explained little. We had no way to speak back, thus we could only cling to what knowledge we were given. She directed us to steal their runes, bringing back the image to the mud. The magic was unfamiliar, yet functional. More of us emerged from the dirt, these younger and eager. We increased our numbers.

As the little ones grew, as did the creatures outside. They built new places to live, gaining a more secure grip in the dangerous world full of beasts. Through them, we learned what of the monsters were safe to approach and those that would kill given the chance. Through us being slain, we learned to return the favor. We learned to hunt and taught our young the practice. There was no need for the caution and carefulness of the Snakekeys, especially if we to were to gain our footing. Our young grew into adults of the pack and made children of their own. As the newer ones began to grow, we learned that they were losing their perception of the whispers. She, our teacher, was growing distant. As She did, She grew frantic. Frantic, yet weary.

In her last words that we could hear, She told us that we were almost ready. She said that our next generation would be able to walk among the civilizations, disguised as one of their own. We were almost too fearful to try. Of course, the Snakekeys were friendly to nearly everything. It made no sense that they would turn and slaughter us. Yet, it was what we had been told since the beginning. Don't let them see us. They could not know. We were to infiltrate and to open their eyes to what had blinded them. Yet, we ourselves did not know the source of the spell we were to break. We still had to learn.

Through our stay in the underground, we had gradually changed. Each new wave from the mud would appear slightly altered. The last had developed to harness the control. They could, occasionally, morph into something entirely new. The last generation could sprout horns or wings or other formations almost at will. We recognized it as a sign, as the Snakekeys could too do the same. We then saw that we were ready. Those last ones left the caves with a confidence anew. And indeed, they meshed with the society that existed. As far as the world knew, we and Snakekeys were one and the same.

Woefully, we lost sight of our directive in the years past. As we became part of the communities, our unity was not what it once was. We no longer functioned as a pack. We were individuals. New were born with no idea of the whispers or Her. In fact, we almost failed entirely with our history nearly vanishing into time. Thus, the thin line of us that remembers through word of mouth alone have written what you read now. Incredibly few know, but we must try to spread the word without alerting the Snakekeys. With the Gribbons come to replace us, we must prove that we were first. We were chosen and we must remember, as the spell remains unbroken still."


ddgyiqd-b85f2c29-e983-4ea4-bbbf-3fdc0232Ten's journal is written on a primitive piece of Bubblebee paper that seems to predate anything in the valley. It's suffered some charring, but is otherwise intact. It's assumed that the fire mentioned was a natural disaster that was actually a big deal, but Ten was more concerned with internal squabbles and didn't include much detail on the topic. The paper was found near the outer edge of Flewcoop's forest, slightly buried in the dirt. There is no sign of fire damage in the area and any more notes from Ten, either before or after this journal page, have yet to have been found.

"Hey hoh evrywun x My name is Ten x Evrybody makes fun uv me fur my idea but how ar we gunna jus remembr evrything that hapns x Killian allready fergot bout the Spottr steeling ar food x That was II days agoo x Were never gunna remembr all uv the things x Im witing it down evun if they make fun x Hah hah x Nothing happin toda x Ecept I start writing x I updat tomoro x Bye x
- Ten x Summr 3 x

Hey hoh evryone x I didunt updat tomoro x I liyd x Not on purpus x The fire got so clos we had to slithr awa x It chasd us forevr x Snowii couldnt evun make it x Leif had to cerry xem x I askd Lief when the fire wud go becas I am vry tird of it x He sad never x
- Ten x Summr 7 8

Hey hoh evryone x Am vry hungry today x The fire got clos and we had to leve ar food behind x Also Killian keeps yeling at me fur writing to long x She says I shud look thru the bones fur food but I dont like the bones x Leif says its okay and I dont hav to x He is geting bad at lying thow x I frgot to say bye last time so bye II x
- Ten x Summr 10 x

Lief sayd he wuld not leave but he is a big lyer x A big big awfull lyer x He took my gloves x Snowii says he didnt but they ar nowhre else x So he took them x I am so vry vry sad x The fire is clos x Bye x
- Ten x Summr 18 x

I saw Leif x But then a monser ayt him x And my gloves x
- Ten x Sum-"

Transcript in like plain English:
"Hey ho, everyone. My name is Ten. Everybody makes fun of me for my idea, but how are we gonna just remember everything that happens? Killian already forgot about the Spotter stealing our food. That was 2 days ago. We're never gonna remember all of the things. I'm writing it down even if they make fun. Ha ha. Nothing happen today. Except I start writing. I update tomorrow. Bye.

- Ten, Summer 3

Hey ho, everyone. I didn't update tomorrow. I lied. Not on purpose. The fire got so close we had to slither away. I chased us forever. Snowii couldn't even make it. Leif had to carry xem. I asked Leif when the fire would go because I am very tired of it. He said never.
- Ten, Summer 7 8

Hey ho, everyone. Am very hungry today. The fire got close and we had to leave our food behind. Also Killian keeps yelling at me for writing too long. She says I should look through the bones for food, but I don't like the bones. Leif says its okay and I don't have to. He is getting bad at lying, though. I forgot to say bye last time so bye 2.
- Ten, Summer 10

Leif said he would not leave, but he is a big liar. A big, big, awful liar. He took my gloves. Snowii says he didn't, but they are nowhere else. So he took them. I am so very, very sad. The fire is close. Bye.- Ten, Summer 18

I saw Leif. But a monster ate him. And my gloves.
- Ten, Sum-"


ddgylg1-c23f4859-72e1-48d2-8a80-9d2de581"Home in Hackthaw" is a painting that was recovered by a Gribbon named Pearl who refused to out where she found it. It's in a thin, black frame and has an awfully scratched glass cover. The painting itself is quite faded and most details have been lost to time. It's assumed to be a fantasy setting, as no such area in the valley matches the snowy scene depicted. The keke shown seem to be a regular with some upgraded Plumies, who are thought to be friends or family. The name of the painting is written in ink on the back of it along with the date "Fall, 122", which makes the painting almost obscenely old. Some think the artist may have missed a digit, making the date a somewhat more realistic "1,22#). The painting currently hangs in Artisan City's museum


dcy7wh3-20a47dda-0530-4d33-be0f-781c3a5fNight Cap-Rune

This is not a true rune, which is where it earned its name. Well...the name is actually a nicer version of what some people were calling it. Which was crap-rune. But that's besides the point! These designs are inspired by drawings found in old records and used in celebration of the Equinox Divide. Hatchlings commonly will draw these things all over the place (and some older Snakekeys may too). It's generally considered the symbol of the moon team

dcy7xcv-88f76e8f-f8b9-4fe3-95b7-508fc7bfShimmer Capsule

Have you ever wanted a bath bomb for your food? No? Oh, well, that's a shame; that's basically what this little thing is. These fragile capsules can be hidden in food and will burst at the slightest touch. Once they pop, they'll cover about five inches in every direction with dark blue coloring and the image of glimmering stars. They're perfectly edible and won't stain (except your mouth. That might be blue for a bit). Moon team members will often prank the sun team with these

dcy7y8k-f05345de-f06d-49e7-9948-c869bbe5Throw Puppet

Small, Snakekey-shaped dolls that usually vary in side from three inches to a foot in length. Their base colors are usually dark so that they blend in with the shadows while the paw pads and belly scales are made of a sticky material. These puppets have huge eyes - it's the main point of the little things. They're made to look scary or startling and often glitter or glow in the dark. A Snakekey will typically sneak up on an unsuspecting sun member before pitching the doll at them. Having a tiny "creature" fly out of the dark, latching onto them, and glaring at them is sure to give them a good spook!

dcy800b-76935caa-87dc-45b2-81ef-172803beCrunchy Potion

Small candies in the shape of potion bottles that have the taste and texture of a freeze-dried marshmallow. Fancier ones may have images of potions painted or iced onto them. Contain a mix of ingredients that makes one feel more awake for about five minutes. Often used by Snakekeys who want to stay awake longer than they should. Prolonged repeating of the awake, tired, awake again process, though, is often described as quite miserable after a while. Those who know what's good for them should just go to bed... Parents and guardians of hatchlings often dread seeing a hatchling so much as close to a pawful of these sweet treats


dcyccab-12ed78ab-c835-473d-9728-f1e26496Day Cap-Rune

This is not a true rune, which is where it earned its name. Well...the name is actually a nicer version of what some people were calling it. Which was crap-rune. But that's besides the point! These designs are inspired by drawings found in old records and used in celebration of the Equinox Divide. Hatchlings commonly will draw these things all over the place (and some older Snakekeys may too). It's generally considered the symbol of the sun team

dcyeebb-0c826794-4985-40e8-ba97-8c8b25a5Solar Oil

While perfectly safe, Solar Oil is rarely used in any dish. The reasoning for this is that it begins to glow once it comes in contact with anything that has a pH of 3 or lower. This includes stomach acid. During the divide, though, members of the sun team tend to quite enjoy pranking moon members with the stuff. For at least 5 minutes, everybody will totally know that they got got, lol

Tastes just the slightest bit like vinegar and mostly like a cartoon picture of a flower

dcyegk4-146fd2ba-e5e7-42c4-8492-66d6074cSun Monster Costume

The Sun Monster or Sun Beast is a fictional creature created by members of the sun team. It is said to fend off the moon team's throw puppets. Younger keke will wear these costumes and parade around as if they're immune, slithering over and squishing any puppets the come across. Pets and animals can also be dressed up in this costume with some alterations for body structure. Rather than wearing the whole thing, older keke may instead choose simple clothing or accessories with the Sun Beast shown on them

dcygk75-29208d63-5f0d-4ffa-a0f2-9afa688bGlitter Bomb

Bags made of fine mesh filled with glitter that's usually yellow or gold. These let out of puff of sparkles on impact, marking whatever they hit with tiny, shiny dots. While originally made to throw at members of the moon team, sun members even enjoy tossing these at each other. Or anything with a pulse. Or without one. Glitter!!


dcxinnd-4a8df97e-b834-470f-8c2c-fefc4b20Divide Tablets

These supposedly ancient stone tablets depict Snakekeys participating in the Equinox Divide. It seems which ever team won would eclipse the other. But not for real, of course. Must have been a coincidence


dd0qe6n-e7a24e45-2ee6-43a3-9341-f06eaedaBeyond Rune

Snakekeys try their best not to harm the creatures and nature around them. Sometimes, though, damage is unavoidable. Things must be built and keke must be fed. When a nessisary evil must be committed, a Snakekey will leave behind this rune to keep their name clear. It's believed that the symbol ensures life is able to move on to the afterlife unhindered by confusion, anger, or any other emotion left behind. Farms where crops must be fully harvested typically bear this rune at least once somewhere nearby. Beyond runes are not to be abused. Malicious use will be considered criminal and is highly frowned on

The clouds shown in the rune may be inconsistent, but there are always two of them


ddi9cio-37ad89dd-d5ea-442a-855a-adee1d93Aierraterra and Ghosts

Keke generally believe a plane called Aierraterra [air-uh tear-uh] is where life goes when it passes on. Aierra is thought to be at least somewhat similar to Susie, as ghosts often mention the landscape as if nothing has changed. Some suggest that the plane may expand to make room for features that passed creatures remember in life, making a mix of old and new landmarks. In Aierraterra, everything is said to be perfect. All life is good and without pain, sickness, or woe. Those who were evil in life are granted a reality in which they were pure of heart instead

Spirits of Snakekeys seem to be able to leave Aierra and interact with the world of the living as ghosts. They are totally invisible, but can "possess" inanimate objects, which is often called "haunting". Haunted things can move as fast as the keke was able to as well as levitate. They can float several feet without difficulty, but going higher than ten feet or so begins to cause gradual strain. Most ghosts will call it quits there, but a tag team of an unknown number of spirits has lifted a small pen into space and dropped it there. The process took multiple days and has not been documented a second time. The pen was never recovered either. Ghosts cannot speak to the living, but communication with them is possible through things like Ouija boards, as the ghost can haunt the planchette. They can also throw it at your face so...caution is advised. They "we're all cheerful and good" effect may not extend to Susie, resulting in hostile spirits

As they are happy in Aierraterra, most life doesn't leave the plane. On rare occasions, a soul can get sucked back into the realm of the living as a ghost and have to find their way back. More often, a ghost discovers they can slip from plane to plane and simply gets curious. Ghosts are most commonly keke spirits, but can be the form of other intelligent creatures such as Gribbons, Fakekeys, or Wistuls. The less intelligent a creature is, the less likely they are to escape Aierra. This is believed to be a safety mechanism, as not-so-smart creatures (like Black Hole Does) may get themselves trapped as a ghost and be unable to find their way back if such a thing were to happen (and nobody wants a doe haunting their house)



πŸ’« Eye Capping:Β A skin condition occurring in Snakekeys born with scaled skin or otherwise have scales. There's an increased risk of capping after molting or during the healing process of a large or severe injury. The scales grow in excess, most noticeably around the eye. This growth can range from mild vision obstruction to temporary blindness depending on coverage. Less commonly, scales may fray or curl inwards, causing damage to the eye and digging into other affected skin. Sufferers typically experience irritation via the discomfort, eye irritation, and redness or slight swelling in affected areas along with the aforementioned vision issues. Eye Capping will typically clear up upon a keke's next molt, though this is not always the case. As this is a very long wait, action is encouraged to be taken earlier than this, especially since affected keke are often at risk of infection. Treatment can involved trimming scales down to their base, hoping they will regrow at the correct angle, or pulling the scales out completely. The former may have to be done multiple times to fully clear up the capping while the latter will cause pain during removal if the area is not numbed down. Even if plucking sites are numbed, skin irritation and redness will occur. Pulled scales are not guaranteed to regrow in at the correct angle, but are very likely to. Salve can be applied to soothe skin irritation. Eye Capping is not contagious or spreadable
πŸ’« Hatch Foam:Β A respiratory infection named due to being common among hatchlings. Thick, foam-like mucus forms in the overarching bronchus, sometimes partially obstructing the primary lung and thusly causing labored breathing. The infection is caused by a bacteria often found in the water the hatchling hatched in that sticks to the lining of the bronchus. The bacteria doesn't live long outside of its aquatic habitat, so those at risk are only those who can breathe water without drowning - most commonly newly hatched keke. The bacteria can take some time to grow in strength, sometimes flaring up upwards of eight weeks since water contact. The most common symptom is coughing in an attempt to clear the throat. In addition, a keke may suffer a sore throat, redness of the face, shortness of breath, and what appears to be excess drooling. This 'drool' is actually mucus leaking from the throat, though it may or may not appear foamy depending on how far it has traveled to do so. May spread through saliva and spread is made easier coughing and drooling symptoms. However, the bacteria is quite weak and can easily be fought off by a health immune system. It's not uncommon for Hatch Foam to tear through a nursery, but leave the caretakers totally unaffected. Medication can be taken to relive or cure the cough, though the infection only lasts around a week or two when active and will quickly clear up on its own
πŸ’« Pouch Puff:Β An inflammation of the cheek pouches due to something akin to an allergic reaction. When using the pouches to communicate with an animal, a keke may sometimes feel a 'warp' in the communication. This warp causes the puff and each interaction with it increases the risk of the swelling. Typically, the warp comes from carrier animals that do not seem visibly affected by the condition. They will be capable of putting off multiple warp signals, though are not capable of doing so consciously. Animals may be aware of the warp signal, but are often not. If a warp goes through an infects a keke, the cheek pouches will become inflamed up to double their size within a few minutes. This results in a squishing of facial features, which may make vision, hearing, or speaking more difficult that usual. Keke types with pouches in other areas will suffer different effects of varying consequence depending on location. Usually, Pouch Puff fades within an hour provided a keke does not receive more warps, which will prolong the process. Ice can be applied to the pouches to reduce swelling faster and a salve can be rubbed on the face or chest to make breathing easier. Healers are also able to make small tablets that will clear up a puff - or at least most of it - within five minutes of ingesting. Move intense versions can be made if the swelling in so dramatic that a keke is actively in danger, but for the average sufferer, these are not recommended. Pouch puff cannot be spread from keke to keke, as the contagious element lies in creatures that Snakekeys are able to communicate with via their pouches