
ddnh1h8-adcdb6ee-933b-412a-9e8f-bc658295Snakekeys and Rocks

Keke consider rocks to be living things just like plants and animals. So, you should be nice to them, but you don't have to tip-toe over gravel. Rocks are hardy and tough (usually)! You're probably safe. Of course, rocks can be broken. Bits dislodged from stones are considered dead, sort of like a shed skin. These can be used to build with or whatever you like, as they won't have a problem with it. However, you can't just go smashing rocks together willy-nilly. A rock is considered able to sustain life at a minimum of one tenth its original size. If it's made smaller than that, it'll all turn into the "dead skin" rubble. Sometimes this happens on its own, such is the way of nature. If you do it though, uh oh. You just killed a man and you should feel very bad, you might go to jail.

Dead rock is still considered usable. It's treated more like a relic or fossil left behind than a corpse. As long as you're being respectful, you should be alright! It can be eaten (if it's an edible rock), used to build houses, broken up further for concrete, etc. While keke can shave some stone off a live rock without "hurting" it, this isn't usually the first resort. After all, if you're not careful, something really bad could happen. One should also not remove so much rock that it's left with the bare minimum needed to be considered alive. That's like releasing a legless puppy into the wild to fend for itself!

Mining is a tricky business, as you can't always tell when you're hitting a little rock that you might kill or a giant Susie rock that you'd never be able to do significant, life-ending damage to by yourself. To be on the safe side, keke majorly avoid mining and prefer to explore pre-made caves. Thankfully, melting down metals or moving rocks via earth magic is a-okay. In fact, earth magic keke can generally redefine what part of a rock is considered one tenth due to the shifting nature of magic and are considered a pretty safe bet. Gems and ores are thought to be generally more life-clingy than most stones, which enables them to be broken up into bits as small as you like without killing them. Thus, it's safe to find an exposed vein, dangerous to go hacking through the ground with a pickax


ddqfspo-014b5828-3457-44c9-b5fc-a08b3c92Research of the mysterious sunken building within Fliptide's lake that was discovered in the summer of 2720 has proved somewhat difficult due to its location. The walls are inscribed with enough carvings to keep researchers busy for quite some time. There's been quite a bit of excitement about this as they scramble to find the most important of the bunch, as inscriptions can range from seemingly frivolous drawings to historically significant. During this initial scan of the building - perhaps a temple - it's been discovered that some of the figures on the walls are repeating characters. They're difficult to locate due to the sheer surface area and what seems to be many "side characters". The carving named by local Elvers as "The Figures in Stone" seems to feature the most of these "main characters" in one place. The Elvers have helpfully transcribed many of the carvings for keke on land to study without getting their scales wet. Many of these transcriptions have gone on display in museums and art galleries


ddqfvn7-313d7fd2-df4a-4e1a-8640-a23dfbd3The Valley Effect is common knowledge. Every keke that goes to school will learn about it. It details the fact that keke cannot leave the valley. If they attempt to do so, the woods (or environment around them) will appear to loop, resulting in the traveler eventually ending up where they started. This loop extends to the air, as the valley cannot be flown out of by flight-able Snakekeys. However, keke in the air are able to see out of the valley where those on the ground usually cannot. Many attempts have been made to map out this distant, unreachable area, but with them came a second discovery: the land outside the valley did not remain the same. It was unpredictable like an illusion.

A Plumie who flew up to document the landscape one day would find things did not look the same the next day. Usually, this works within reason with the surrounding area bearing resemblance to the land it touches in the valley. Sometimes, though, it appears highly improbable, such as the entire outside world seeming to be a desert or ice sheet. There have even been instances where several keke have flown up to look around and been unable to agree on anything, seemingly seeing a different landscape each. There was a time when a reward was offered to those who could locate a areas researchers had found to see if there was some system of repeating in the images, but this was quickly abandoned. With no way to prove their findings, keke could easily turn in false documents and start a hoax rolling. Until further research denies it, the area outside the valley has been labeled "completely random".


ddqfxw9-4b5bd897-d947-4533-ac6a-c8969d43We Do Not Speak to the Blighted

The following is discussed among Gribbons in hushed whispers, often with contempt. It's not uncommon for some to be completely unwilling to spread the tale. Other species such as Fakes and keke know none or very little of this information, as Gribbons generally do not wish for their purpose to be known - they rebel against it. Gribbons who embrace their history are shunned and may even be hunted by other Gribbons

"One day, snow fell in the valley. The first Gribbons, just two, woke. Immediately, a creature buzzed in their heads. It demanded and spat, voice hot like fire. The two were afraid and tried to flee in vain. This only made the vile beast angrier, threatening to kill the Gribbons and replace them with two others. It demanded they break a curse and, for fear of what would become of them, the two bowed their heads to its bidding. They were to carve runes into the earth. Each did something different, but rarely did they work. Whenever the beast made an attempt to describe what they should draw in great detail, its voice warped and popped like a dying flame. It hurt the two. They worked as quickly as they could and guessed their best. It was not good enough for their dictator. It demanded they carve something different. When they managed to scrape the correct shapes into the snow, a third Gribbon emerged. Right away, it too knew fear. The voice scratched and rasped, ordering the creation of more and that the Gribbons continue their fruitless work on the runes.

After some days, many Gribbons shivered in the frost from fear. The beast grew furious, its burning words unintelligible in its rage. It was then that the first two picked up their lowered heads and declared they would not follow the monster any longer. This made it howl torrents of fire, but the two did not cower. They were unharmed, for they had forgotten it. Seeing the others' wisdom, their children quickly followed. They cast the beast from their minds, leaving it alone in its fury. They then went on to live their own lives in this new world, swearing to never believe again in the creature lest its voice return."


ddqvceo-a68a31d2-9625-4063-b498-179b07a2Sun Monsters are a fictional creature made up by Snakekeys, originally portrayed by residents of Uptree during the Equinox Divide. May also be called a "sun beast". In the divide, it takes the side of the sun team, said to fend off the moon team's advances. Stories about sun monsters vary. Upon its creation, it was implied to be a single creature, not unlike a deity or spirit. Others, though, have added on the idea that the beasts are very rare or that a small number of them exist in fiction, not just one. This is generally up to interpretation or based on the context of the story.

Sun Monsters are described as being sweet and gentle, like a guardian angel. They can sometimes telepathically communicate with keke depending on the author. They commonly allow keke to ride on their backs, especially groups of young and hatchlings. They have the ability to run on thin air, which they use to gallop about in space. Despite their bulky shape, they often resemble grace, beauty, and agility. While they could technically be any color, they frequent descriptions of being white and gold or black and silver. They are unable to smell, but their small antenna on their muzzles allow them to pick up electric signals instead. Their front paws have recently been said to be sensitive to vibrations, giving them another advantage


ddt0woe-a01bd37d-aad8-447a-9052-616e9becAncient Hybrid

Old records depict this as a possible outcome from Xilgenaut and Snakekey breedings, making it possibly the first hybrid. They appear very scarcely in older works, then grow in popularity, then show a gradual decline, reflecting a disappearance similar to their ancestors. It's unclear if this specific hybrid is still around. Considering the time in which they appear to be mentioned in works, they seem to have stayed behind years after Xils left, so they likely didn't disappear in the same manner

Inspired by and tied to a suggestion by NightWolfDragon!


ddxi3cx-12067174-48a3-4b1d-aa9e-23786fddCoins made out of a peculiar pink metal, minted with the image of a five-fingered hand. A feathered wing sprouts from each side of the wrist. The image is only present on the upper-side of the coin. Used among Children of Shivelight as the primary method of currency



The Summery Summary

- Your trusted news source for our beloved Valley -
Fall Month, day 36, year 2721


Dear readers, as we are certain you are aware, the vast majority of Snakekeys within the area of the Valley experienced a mass dream recently. Occurring in Summer Month, day 15, this strange occurrence made to change life as we know it. Nevermind the perplexing imagery researchers are still pouring over. We can commune with animals like something out of a fairytale novel! Already, we have seen changes. With animals able to speak with us, we're able to know precisely when they experience discomfort and what they enjoy doing. As it turns out, most beasts are fairly willing to give a Snakekey a ride on their back, increasing travel speed and the ability to haul items across long distances without guilt. Not only that, but they can serve as early warning systems against predators, be reasoned with not to eat crops, and a whole slew of endless possibilities. But, readers, this is not all

We're positive you've heard of the legendary Fakekey. For years, we've had no solid proof whether they dwell in fact or fiction. Even M. Endwood's life work could only speculate. As we've grown closer with our friends, Crested Wistuls, Glowis Maximae, and the like, we've had to squint our eyes at what we thought was reality. There have been rumors of the creatures walking our streets, urged on by the brave few not afraid to be called crazy for their accusations. Still, this was not enough to truly say yay or nay. As we commune more and more with our fauna thanks to our cheek pouches, we're able to not only hear rumors, but see them for ourselves

Yes, friends, it is hard to deny. Those more experienced with pouch-speaking have stumbled across the topic of this topic and found...it seems to be true. Animals can not only tell us of Fakekey sightings, but they can telepathically send us images as proof. Of course, one or two of these pictures may just be happenstance, but the evidence has been overwhelming. We are able to see something not meant for our eyes, a mimic designed to deceive us and us alone. While it is easy to be alarmed at this news, we urge our readers to keep an open mind. Despite having the tools to overthrow us, our friends the Fakekeys have lived among us in peace. Although this is a mind boggling turn of events, we eagerly await for these cryptids to come forward and tell us their story. Until them, readers, we'll give you updates as they arrive

Article by Charlie Rite
Chief writer for the SS


Subspecies History
Order of Snakekey type appearance throughout history (currently up to Bouncers)

🔘 Regular: The base Snakekey type has been around for as long as anybody can remember. It's suspected that they showed up promptly after Susie started being a thing!
🔔 Shiny: Being majorly similarity to regular keke, Shinies are suspected to have been one of the first baby-step subspecies. There is no estimated date of the subspecies forming, as written record does not go back far enough
🐑 Subterfewege: Suspected to be an early subspecies that didn't form as good as it could have, resulting in missing features. Ewes seem to predate written record
🍃 Arboreal: A subspecies that is assumed to have formed in an attempt to escape from dangers on the ground before any notable settlements were formed. Predate written record
🐟 Elver: Snakekeys that took shelter in the water before notable aboveground settlements were formed for protection. Predate written record
🕶️ Loomer: Ewes develop into the larger, more imposing Loomer, capable of warding off smaller predators on appearance alone. Predate written record
🤏 Wyrm: As keke seemed to become used to the forming of subspecies, the Wyrm cropped up, being a subspecies formed spontaneously in the egg. First recorded year 110
🦢 Plumie: A Snakekey that could take to the sky, traveling faster between long distances. Assumed to have formed in order to escape predators and fly quickly between early settlements. First recorded year 118
 Superior: A simple alteration from the base Snakekey. Did not initially earn the title of subspecies, so records are not as clear. Seem to have been first recorded year 130
🦗 Exoskeletal: Keke that cropped up quite abruptly. They are said to have "magically appeared" in multiple writings. First recorded year 156
🦎 Pterrur: Plumie-like keke that formed from the high survival rate of their cousins. First recorded year 157
🐉 Drake: Elver fins evolve into something flight-able, convergently evolving with other winged keke. First recorded year 157
🐍 Seer: These keke were able to brave harsher deserts than most, spreading keke civilization to previously undiscovered areas. First recorded year 181
🧑 Cloaked: Dormant eggs are discovered deep within roasting desert biomes, hatching into a keke not seen before. First recorded year 200
💧 Goober: Strange, slimy keke that were said to have come from the ground itself, which got them quite the attention. First recorded year 210
🦁 Pantan: Large, fierce keke that could defend themselves in the still-dangerous world more easily than some others. First recorded year 236
🐱 Leopurr: The first Leopurr reportedly hatched on the exact same day as the first Pantan. However, recordings were not precise enough to answer which subspecies really came first. First recorded year 236
🗿 Stilled: As magic became more widespread in its use, the Stilled emerged. Keke using magic willy-nilly were initially accused, but then people realized a subspecies forming wasn't really bad... First recorded year 254
🦇 Nightling: Evolving to live almost entirely in caves, a Drake relative takes to the Susie underbelly. First recorded year 262
🦦 Webbed: Webs quickly took to the water, focusing in on niches unexplored by Elvers. First recorded year 268
🍪 Spiced: Reportedly the first food-based subspecies. Spices were strong and tough to eat, giving them an advantage. First recorded year 281
🏃‍♂️ Sandrunners: This type flipped arms into legs for... seemingly no reason...? Appearing to be a random mutation, they were first recorded year 283
👁️ Looksee: Like Ewes, Looksees were considered a bit of a step back in terms of how keke could evolve due to having less features. First recorded 299
🍰 Caramel Cream: Ceces followed in Spice's successful slither-prints with an impressive mechanism to repel predators. First recorded 322
🦷 Brooder: A type branches off of the now well-known Leopurrs around 100 years after their appearance. First recorded year 326
🐇 Charmed: What seemed to be a simple alteration of the regular keke came with a surprising shapeshifting ability. First recorded 357
🧚‍♀️ Fairy Pondskipper: A smaller type crept into littler niches and were capable of hiding in itty bitty places to survive. First recorded year 403
🍓 Jellied: Gels were considered the softer, squishier cousin of Goobers. They were able to safely form inside stronger, more resilient settlements. First recorded 439
🦌 Fawnette: As some elements of the world grew safer and keke more knowledgeable of their surroundings, the timid Fawn was able to thrive. First recorded 645
🌙 Zenith: Zens were both a sensation and a cause for major confusion when they appeared. It took some time for all of the breeds to be classified as such. First recorded 672
🦘 Bouncer: Armed with quills and a unique hopping gait, the hardy Bouncers could venture into more dangerous areas and return. First recorded year 692
🍒 Furnan: With Susie becoming safer and safer with the spread of keke, Ferns were able to crop up without immediate threat of being stomped back down. First recorded 702
📜 Parchment: Only after Fawns had ample time to develop did this relative branch off. First recorded 785
🌕 Equinox: Noxes were born under the timely arrival of a significant comet. The events are widely speculated to have been related. First recorded 840

909 - The Year Stone is found in the valley

🥽 Slugger: A more delicate water-based type found shelter in waters with little to no predatory competition. First recorded year 920
🌌 Astral: Stras made themselves at home in relative peace compared to earlier years of Snakekey life. First recorded year 1,020


🌿 Cladogram (specifically of Snakekeys and relatives)

Wistuls branch into Crested Wistuls and Tadpole Wistuls
Crestuls branch into Snakekeys, Giant Wistuls, and Frilled Wistuls
Snakekeys branch into Seers, Cloaked, Equinoxes, Shinies, Superiors, Subterfeweges, Arboreals, Elvers, Plumies, Ceces, Charmeds, Leopurrs, Fawnettes, Furnans, Megas, Bouncers, Aerials
   Cloaked keke branch into Sidewinders
   Shinies branch into Zeniths and Jabbers
   Superiors branch into Soothiins, Swampuses, and Pantans
      Swampuses branch into Mariners
      Pantans branch into Webbeds
   Subterfeweges branch into Loomers and Fleese
   Arboreals branch into Crescents and Looksees
   Elvers branch into Drakes
     Drakes branch into Nightlings
   Plumies branch into Pterrurs and Showstoppers
     Pterrurs branch into Jaras, Florals, Tannrs, Pteryxes, Sinorns, Dendexes, Shuvus, and Mikros
   Leopurrs branch into Brooders
   Fawnettes branch into Parchments
   Bouncers branch into Sluggers
      Sluggers branch into Eolids

🌿 Types of keke that, while technically keke, are not connected to the tree via evolutionary means (ie "appearing" or created by magic)

Includes Exoskeletals, Goobers, Wyrms, and Stilleds
   Goobers branch into Auras, Tropods, Calligraphies, and Jellieds
      Jellieds branch into Cellulars
   Wyrms branch into Soarlettes
   Stilleds branch into Spiceds
      Spiceds branch into Sweeties


🌌 Life Classification System (used by keke)

Life defines things that are alive such as animals, plants, and rocks
  🌸 Mobile life is capable of locomotion. Walking, swimming, flying, or otherwise moving oneself around
    🥝 Furred life has a body covering of at least 70% fur, hair, velvet, or otherwise
    🥝 Fleshed life has a body covering of at least 70% skin with no protective protrusions
        🍯 Cuticle life has skin like those of plants
        🍯 Skin life has skin that's just plain 'ol skin
           🌿 Mobile-hunting: The life consumes other mobile organisms for energy or for otherwise some type of gain
           🌿 Immobile-hunting: The life consumes immobile organisms for energy or for otherwise some type of gain
              🍉 Terrestrial: The life lives primarily on land
                  🍌 Sub-Terr: The life lives primarily underground
                      🌼 Frigid: The life lives in very cold areas
                      🌼 Arid: The life lives in very hot areas
                         🍸 Constant: The life remains in its home temperature range year-round
                         🍸 Migrating: The life seeks areas of consistent temperature of its home area when seasons change temperatures
                            🧼 Desert: The primary biome is a desert
                              🥞 Sapient: Intelligent and self-aware. Resembling human mental capacity
                              🥞 Sentient: Capable of feeling and perceiving things, but not of human-like mental capacity (eg most animals)
                              🥞 Insentient: Unthinking and/or unfeeling life
                            🧼 Jungle: The primary biome is a jungle
                            🧼 Scrub: The primary biome is scrubland
                      🌼 Temperate: The life lives in temperate areas
                      🌼 Versatile: The life lives in areas with multiple temperature ranges
                  🍌 Terr: The life lives primarily above-ground
                  🍌 Arboreal: The life lives primarily in trees
                  🍌 Multi-Terr: The life lives in multiple ground-based environments, not fitting into one of the above categories
              🍉 Amphibious: The life lives partially on land and partially in water, depending on each
              🍉 Aquatic: The live lives fully in the water
              🍉 Aerial: The life lives fully or almost fully in the air
              🍉 Aephibious: The life lives partially on land and partially in the air, depending on each
           🌿 Ravenous: The life consumes both mobile and immobile organisms. May also feed through other methods
           🌿 Decay-hunting: The life consumes dead or decaying matter
           🌿 Filtrator: The life is energized via air, scent, sound, sunlight, or otherwise "intangible" sources
           🌿 Sated: The life does not feed in any way
    🥝 Scaled life has a body covering of at least 70% scales. The exact material of scales can vary, but is generally made up of small, segmented growths layered over each other
    🥝 Feathered life has a body covering of at least 70% feathers, defined as a quill with protective growths protruding from it
    🥝 Armored life has a body covering of at least 70% armor, be it chitinous, keratin, bone, bark, exoskeleton or otherwise. Armor is defined as being a large protective growth which may be segmented, but if it gets too small, it becomes scales
    🥝 Variable life may have different body coverings based on individuals (eg, keke can have smooth skin or small scales)
    🥝 Mixed life has two or more body coverings that surpass the usual 30:70 ratio
    🥝 Other life has a body covering of at least 70% of a material not otherwise covered in other categories, such as plastic, paper, and so on

  🌸 Immobile life is incapable of locomotion. These things may still be capable of movement such as root growth, but cannot physically relocate themselves using their own body
    🥝 Regenerative life is capable of replacing or regrowing lost parts to any extent, be it replacing the entirety of a limb or simply growing a new layer of skin to heal a wound
         🌹 Fruiting: the life produces fruit (vegetables, nuts, tubers, berries...), often to spread seeds, but not always
             🍒 Edible: The fruit produced is edible by Snakekeys without adverse effects
             🍒 Harmful: Consumption of the fruit produced by the life will case unwanted effects in Snakekeys
         🌹 Nonfruiting: The life does not produce fruits
             🍒 Spore-bearing: The life emits spores in place of seeds or fruits
             🍒 Seed-bearing: The life develops seeds without the use of fruits
             🍒 Barren: The life doesn't create offspring in the form of seeds, spores, or otherwise
    🥝 Finite life is incapable of regrowing or replacing lost parts at all like some Susish rocks


Plant_cell.pngWhat is a plant is defined by keke by using the cell structure shown here, believed to the 'original' fully developed structure, or an evolutionary child of it. Plant cells have synthesizers, at least one APS, and cell walls while non-plant cells do not

1: Cell wall: Plants have rigid cell walls that offer greater protection and are capable of supporting an upright structure
2: Cell membrane: A protective layer that keeps a cell separate from its environment
3: Nucleus wedge: The nucleus contains DNA. Cells cannot function without it, but strangely, it's located in an outside "corner" in the vast majority of structures. Not only is the cell membrane and wall thicker in this area for protection, but this section of the cell typically faces towards the inside of an organism, away from the world outside
4: Nuclear membrane: A specialized layer the protects the nucleus and allows in only certain types of molecules
5: CNV: The cellular navigation veins are tube-like structures that sprawl through the cell. This transports molecules, mainly those made by the printers, throughout the cell, delivering them where they are needed. It also delivers DNA blueprints to change molecules into different types and structures
6: Printers: These little dots float all throughout a cell, diligently making a specific molecule: proteins. These are typically picked up the the CNV and converted into another type of proteins: enzymes. Enzymes are used in chemical processes throughout the cell
7: Digestive center: An organelle that takes certain parts of "food" absorbed by the plant (such as sugars) and breaks them down into smaller bits that cells can more easily process. It then does part of the work digesting this and pumps the resulting slurry though the cell for molecules to pick up. The chemical processes that occur within release oxygen as a waste product!
8: Weave husk: This structure, attached the the CNV, takes in proteins and sugars and prepares them for use in more delicate ways than the CNV is capable of. One of these uses is condensing these molecules into long, sturdy sticks that are used in a part of the cell wall for support (fiber!)
9: Synthesizers: These little envelopes are located all over the cell and give plants their color! While this is typically green, other types of synths can produce different colors. They absorb sunlight and convert it into sugars, feeding the plant
10: Plasm: This is a water-based goop that fills up a cell and suspends the organelles. Lots of important things float around in here
11: APS: The anti-plasm sac is a pouch that holds water, waste products, and sometimes other things that one doesn't want floating around loose. These can cause cells to swell up when full and happy or make plants wilt when empty due to a lack of turgor pressure. Turgor pressure is the goop inside a cell pushing out on the ridged cell walls, making cells strong inside and out!


Two Giants
Ft. She & Kai'in


Underbrush broke beneath per coils. It was dark now, but per didn't need to see the ground in front of perself to know where per was going. Per could simply perceive it - as if the ground itself was a part of per skin. Every now and again, the corner of per mouth twitched downward as a whisper, a tiny puff of air, curled against per slithering sides. It was a bug or something akin, flattened beneath per weight. Life too small to see, but its spirit brushed per as per went past. It was supposed to mean something, per supposed, but it did little other than bore a thorn of guilt into per. Right into the horrible shape of per heart crystalized on per chest, cold and still

There was a crackling up ahead, stopping per abruptly in per treads. There was a moment of nothing and then a broad, feline face slunk from the trees and underbrush, pale fur catching a slight sparkle of moonlight. Their eyes met and it felt like ice ran through per veins

"I remember you." Per said, breath light, though the recognition only came after the word "remember" was fully out - as if per'd spoken the action into existence

"It would be a dark day if you did not." The cat smiled, but the humor behind it felt corrupt. Unhealthy, somehow

The minutes withered away slowly as the two of them simply stood there, observing each other. They were both teeming with power, some of which even they'd forgotten, yet here they were. Abandoned in a forest. Nothing and no one

"You look different" Per whispered into the night, though the words felt like they said themselves. Per couldn't quite recall what She had looked like before. Before... Before what...?

"As do you." She replied, but made no move to clarify. Per wondered if they thought the same thoughts. Or did she know more than per, somehow? Per tried to find an answer, reading deep into the cat's milky white eyes that shone like little moons in the blackness. But if there was something there - history, tragedy, reassurance - per couldn't find it. And She only stood there, evenly waiting for per to finish per examination

"What happened to us?" The question was so light, per wasn't sure if it'd actually left per mouth. She let it linger in the air for a while before plucking it free and replying in turn

"Something cold." Her tone was gravelly with graveness, stone on stone "Something cruel and unfair and beyond our control."

"You don't remember." Per somehow made it sound both like a question and a simple statement of fact. Per was neither sure which per had intended nor which was true

"No. That comes later, I think."

Per would have expected perself to scream in despair. Or weep or rip at per fur. It was so frustrating, the not knowing. Frustrating and hollow and hopeless. But per did none of those things. Instead, per let out a forced breath that might have supposed to been a laugh - at least, somewhere. Beneath the unknowing 

"You think there'll be a later." The tone was the same as before; some amber, jaded part of per asking for hope, but being afraid of the answer

"Yes." And then the night was quiet. She looked on while per bowed per head to consider the grass, dark green and lazily reflective of the low light. There was more to be said but it seemed unimportant in that moment. They had all the time in the world, after all. At least... as long as what happened before didn't happen again


Whimsy for Those Without
As written by Ms. Fleeca, a Quillrend

We as beings cannot comprehend a sense beyond our mental capabilities. That is to say, the Subterfewege cannot see, the Sample Snap cannot taste, and the Sia Tree cannot hear. But, for some of us, that's quitter's talk. Some curiosity cannot be quelled, even with good reason. For the dreamers and ponderers, I do my best to describe to sense of whimsy not only based on my own input, but the input of my peers. This article includes the words of no fewer than thirty individuals capable of sensing whims.

To give the reader a baseline of my particular literary voice, included below are written descriptions of other basic senses as I experience them. While these are my opinions and not those of a larger grouping, I suspect they will still be of some aid. The writing you perceive here is filtered thought my own personal lens. While others' thinking is present, it's spoken through me in this particular instance and we, as beings, are horribly leaky creatures in terms of personality. The information will be interpreted differently though my voice than it would be from any other, as is the nature of things. It's awfully pesky business. [There's a small winking face with a canine nose drawn alongside the text]

Sight: The focusing of light through the eyes to perceive images and colors. A vibrant and intricate way to observe the world. While vision can at times be quite blurry, it's often sharp and sensitive. Those without underlying issues such as far or nearsightedness may detect movement from more than a mile away if there are no obstructions and the cause of the motion is sufficiently sizeable, colorful, or bright. From twenty feet away, the are able to observe the movement of individual leaves on the exterior of a bush or count fruits laid out on a table, but not perceive individual hairs in a mane or see individual grains of sand in a jar (unless their vision is abnormally strong). Many owners of sight can only see well during the day or during the night depending on the species of the individual. In a person's non-optimal light level, details begin to lay out of reach. The more drastic the unideal light, the less the user can see. This may reach the point where the owner can see nothing at all aside from a solid color such as white or black.
• Sight helps a user perceive danger, assess their surroundings, recognize individuals, read social cues, and navigate areas among other things.

Smell: The detection of an airborne chemical via specialized nerves in order to process scents. Observing the world through smell is a peculiar balance. Scents are emitted from a source and, depending on the strength of that source, may be detected from a great distance or only be focused when one is very near. It can linger, leaving trails, or vanish in an instant with the breeze. Many smells are ambient, a background force unless focused on. Some others may be aggressive, offensive, and unwavering. An average user will be able to locate one individual wearing perfume in a crowd or detect whether food is still edible or has gone off, but not differentiate the scent threads of five different flowers while standing still in a garden or detect a passing bird in flight. The distance at which one can perceive smell varies both on scent strength and species. If someone is baking a loaf of bread in an outdoor oven, Snakekeys may perceive and be able to track the scent from upwards of 300 feet away. Quillrends can do the same over more than ten miles if conditions are not especially poor.
•  Scent helps a user detect when food is safe to eat, identify faraway objects, identify locations and conditions (such as rain or a wildfire), and commonly enhances taste among other things. Users with a stronger sense of smell may use it to identify individuals, locate things, or navigate areas.

Taste: The processing of flavors, typically through the tongue. Taste tends to be a supplementary sense rather than the one that a person uses to primarily navigate the world, depending on species. It is vastly varied and sensitive, but generally passive unless in use and very short-ranged. Owners majorly utilize taste to enjoy food and drink, but it also aids in the detection of things harmful to ingest (such as spoiled food) or the identification of objects. Taste is a distinguished, durable sense not easy to overwhelm. Most users will be able to detect upwards of a dozen sources of flavor from a single sample, such as the seasonings, vegetables, stock, and meats used in a soup. An abundance of very acidic, sour, spicy, or otherwise potentially harmful stimuli can "burn" taste into being functionally useless for an extended period in the affected area, but it is otherwise difficult to fully disable. The average user may be able to perceive tastes from a very strong source upwards of twenty feet away due to airborne molecules. Examples of this are a pungent perfume store or the acrid smoke from a bonfire.
• Taste enables a user to enjoy meals, detect items safe for consumption, and explore stimuli among a few other things.

Touch: The detection of stimulation through the nerves. Easy to take for granted, touch is obscenely varied and often a massive source of information for those that have it. Sensitivity typically depends on the perceiving area. Hands and paws are so receptive that they may be able to perceive the difference between a single layer of molecules while most other areas of the body will have reduced detection. It's an analyzing sense, leaving nothing to the imagination. It ignores nothing, be it temperature, pain, pressure, texture, vibration, etc... The mind can become overwhelmed and overstimulated by touch, but the perception itself is nigh ceaseless and, in ways, unforgiving. The sensation may be inhibited by damage to the nerves or numbness, but otherwise resistant to disabling. Touch generally remains within the confines of the body, but vibration may be detectable from up to fifty feet away if the source is powerful enough.
• Touch aids a user in processing their surroundings, detecting temperature, feeling pain, seeking comfort, avoiding potentially painful stimuli, and engaging in social cues among many other things.

Hearing: The detection of vibrations in a medium, such as air or water, to perceive sounds. Hearing is a precise filter, but has moments of ambience where external forces, such as echolocation or movement, may be required to fill the silence. A cane will produce different sounds on cobbles and on grass, but without the cane, these things sit idle. It's very socially useful, as much of communication utilizes it (perhaps too much). Hearing also does a great deal for one's periphery. Many forms of observation are focused forward with the face, but hearing collects a wide swath of information and fills in a key blind spot: directly behind oneself. Like touch, it's difficult to fully disable. Even in loud, chaotic situations, it will continue to dutifully collect babble. Incredibly loud noises will put hearing out, though it may only be for a time. If sound is sufficiently voluminous, it can be picked up from incredible distances. Thunder can be heard by Snakekeys from ten miles away and Quillrends from around thirty-five.
• Hearing helps a user to communicate, detect approach, maintain a wide mental image of an area, observe situations and places, and find peace among other things.

That being said and done:

Whimsy: The collection of airborne whims, generally via whimsy pads, to be translated into mental input. Whims, like scents, sights, and sounds, are virtually everywhere. They flow like currents, but are not perceptively altered by outside forces such as topography or winds. They may, at times, bend into the ground and disappear. Whimsy is always aware of these invisible rivers, though at a reduced rate. Without focus, the whims swirl past the surface, uncaught like water poured onto an upturned bowl. As one enhances scent by inhaling, a conscious action, so too does one swallow whimsy by enabling the reception of the pads. It's comparative to willfully opening one's pores. Much of the whim is consumed by the senser, though more will forever be produced "upstream". A small portion will spill over the pads' edges, but still, a Quill standing behind another may express frustration at them "eating all the whim". It's not uncommon for whimsy users to be constantly perceiving gulps this sense, so users will often not stand "downstream" from one another in ways that obscure the pads.

Whims can be caught from upwards of fifty miles away, though the chances of the stream curling perfectly towards a user from such a distance are slim. More commonly, whimsy collects information from a ten to five mile radius. This information can come from wildly varying directions, though. A Quillrend will typically know the way to travel in order to step into the whim stream for the desired direction, but this is not always the case. Threads can be chaotic as they please, creating whirlpools and riptides. Detection is worsened by seismic activity, stress from a grouping of five or more creatures, and those actively having nightmares.

All well and good, but what does it feel like? Whimsy is cool and crisp. It smells like the color blue, tastes like the sunset, and sounds like the odor of mint. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff, eyes closed, biting wind on one's face, if such a thing could be perceived with a single breath. Consuming it is an ice river across the brain. One feels the shape of beasts brushed past upstream, sees their movements in real time, knows the basic state of their collective mood. Relaxed, still animals can be hunted unknowingly. Frightened, surging beasts should be well avoided. Whims that slide past people - Snakekeys, Quillrends, others - are different. These pluck at unseen things as if they were a delicate instrument. Quiet emotions, wants, needs, expectations, all laid out to the observant. The threads tangle together easily, becoming more and more disjointed the further one is from a person until they get so twisted, they become smooth again, reduced to their previous state. Some channels are tuned into easily. Two Quills face each other while having an idle conversation. One smiles and the other sees it, feels it in the air, drinks it in the whims. The second's threads are altered and the first feels that they're pleased the interaction is going well, wishes to talk some moments longer. The second doesn't know what the first has sensed, but feels a connection in the current. It was a more bonding day than either of them expected.

Later, when the sun has set, the first Quillrend will seek a resting place to pass the night. Their whimsy is open and they read the faces in the wind. The little curl of whim sloping over the small hill is no good. It speaks of a restless sleep and wakefulness. Nearby, beneath a bent tree, there's a thicker current, more of a river. There, it will surely blanket the Quill throughout the whole of the night, not pushed astray by tiny movements. But there's something there, a sourness. It's not strong, doesn't cause them to draw back, but it does put a lace of unease in the air. Lying there will draw out a particular dream, not exactly a nightmare, but not exactly welcome... Finally, they detect a quaint little trail rolling over a quiet knoll. It speaks of perfect nothing and the Quill lies there, desiring no dreams. Their sleep is deep, concise, and well-timed, as they've judged the whims well.
•  Whimsy helps a user hunt, avoid danger, navigate social situations, and get the most out of their sleep


✒️ Excerpts from the journal of Lydia Cobblestone following her awakening in the valley. Some of these passages are highlighted by the museum in Artisan City where the journal resides

• Fall 29
The kekin¹ here are too kind for their own good. My host, Gretta, is fully willing to allow me to stay as long as I need to get back on my treads, but others are more than willing to build me a place of my own. There are other small settlements here in this valley, but the locals insist that this one is the best. Or at least the largest. I'd still prefer to at least have a glance at the other options, but I'm currently electing not to take generosity for granted in this new, surreal reality I live in. Besides, the valley is currently stuck by a bitter plantblight. Many of the residents here are hard at work against the disease quietly ravaging its surroundings. It's an admirable goal, thought I must admit in private that it seems futile.

The illness spreads fast and shows no symptoms in the early stages. By the time a plant begins to look poor, it's likely already contaminated most, if not all, of its neighbors. This makes containing it a nigh impossible task, though kekin are doing their best. It's unclear how the blight even spreads, so there are all sorts of measures being employed: quarantine, trench digging, relocation when possible... It's a great deal of work. But work allows one to earn their keep.

It seems as though paper stars aren't heavily used in this community. Services are often exchanged for another or simply given out because someone is in need. I must admit though, that this makes me uneasy. I'm almost certain that where I came from (which I must assume was truly real for the sake of my own sanity at the moment), things did not come so easy. A part of me flinches away like a frightened animal from this outstretched hand. I wish I could recall why. Even if there are traumas there, mental distress, there is also wisdom... Wisdom I am now without.

But I am trying not to think too heavily about the "without" at the time. I write down solid truths that come to me whenever I can. Existential ponderings must be quelled until such a time comes where I may sit and reflect deeply on them. Stare into the abyss while the abyss stares back. Until then: the present.

The means of building me a home have already begun. I will do my best to make this as painless a process as I am physically capable. Thereafter, I will aid in the quiet war against the plantblight. It will give me some silent peace, as if I have somehow earned my right to be here. As if I haven't been handed a multitude of gifts I cannot hope to repay.

¹Kekin: a Snakekey replacement word for "people", "humankind", and those sorts of things

Fall 34
The past days have kept me very busy, leaving me almost no time to write. The plot on which the house was to be built was decided. I had a small influence over this, but ultimately, the best locations are the ones nestled up against other already made buildings. Artisan Village is a small place. There's portions of a towering, heavy wall made from great slabs of wood to keep the wildlife at bay, but it's nowhere near complete. We must all be watchful for the approaching predator or problematic herd. And, if they elect to come this way, we must take up the spear lest we be driven away. It is... not a comforting situation to say the least. But it's better than nothing. Close neighbors will be to my benefit, physically if not mentally.

Clearing the lot was a swifter task than I had imagined. Not only because of the extra paws, but also because the grass here is oft absent. The plantblight has already taken root here and many of the smallest plants were the first to suffer. Virtually no time was spent carefully removing the groundcover for replanting elsewhere. It was easy to tell which roots to avoid, as those that had already been ravaged by fever crumbled to dust at the slightest prodding. We dug a hole for the foundation with only stones to stand in our way. The work did its best to keep our minds busy, but I sensed a discomfort in the air. It was too easy. There was no fight left in the soil...

We did our best to lay a foundation with the limited materials onpaw. The house bones have been mostly completed and are likely being edited as I write now. Some of the keke here are incredibly overachieving. I've attempted to convince them to worry less over my personal problems, but I'd sooner ask the wind to blow a different way. The need for dirt with which to insulate the walls has provided an excuse to dig a new trench which will add more square scalage² to the quarantine area. This seems to have raised the locals' spirits. From what I hear, it's been some time since they gained ground against the disease.

I will continue to quietly fret that I have thrown a previously functioning ecosystem into chaos. No one will really tell me the weight of my inconvenience to them. It's almost as if it's against their nature. The best I can hope for is that this task is completed as swiftly as possible. Then, I may gently fade from the scout's eye³.

²Scalage: Keke use "scales" instead of "feet". The "scale" here refers to the large belly scales and the measurement equates to about 6.5 inches or 16.5 centimeters
³Fade from the scout's eye: To "slip under the radar". May versions of this simple saying exist, meaning the same thing verbatim

Fall 39
Tonight I write with urgency, for something I believe to be of great importance entered my circle. Many villagers aid in the building of my house-to-be and that many kekin in one place are bound to talk. There is a rumor, only just touching those on the outskirts, of someone else like me. Somewhere, in this valley, there's another Snakekey like me. They don't belong and they don't remember, but are here nonetheless. While I am a she of composure and poise, I have scarcely felt such heart-wrenching excitement in all the days I can recall.

The details I know couldn't kindle a candle... I must find uncover more. News travels horrendously slow here. Villages and settlements are all widely placed, each fighting fang and claw to gasp for air in this wild land. I don't even truly know from where this rumor spreads. But I do know what could help: a courier.

That I can do.
