
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Breshcandra

Polaris was finally free.  Free to make her own choices,  Free to hunt what ever she wanted.  Free!  She leapt up high and squealed.  She had waited for this moment.  The moment that her mother and father but most importantly the clans leader decided she had learned enough to be on her own.  To maybe start her own clan.  

She ran in circles until till she was tired out and had to lay sprawled out, panting to catch her breath and her thoughts.  Now that she was alone she needed to think for herself.  She needed to first find water and then shelter then she could hunt.  

She got up and started lopping toward the river she knew.  Maybe if she followed it she would be able to spot a cave where she could make into her shelter.  

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Polaris snorted out water that had gotten up her nose.   She was finding that fish were hard to catch.   Speedy little things that like to dart out of danger as soon as her jaws had seemed to clamp down on one only for it to swim to safety leaving her with a mouthful of water and nothing else.   She climbed out of the river and back to dry land.  The water dripped off her mostly white coat. She braced herself and shook.  Water sprayed every where.   Her black Mane and purple tail were still dripping wet and she had to shake herself once more.

She looked longingly at the river. She could see the flashes of silver of the fish.

"Stupid fish!" She yelled and kicked a stone so that it went into the river with a splash momentarily scattering the fish.

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Polaris spun around.  How had she not heard the Khundii behind her.   That was not good.  She was out here by herself and she let someone sneak up on her.  She would have to do better in the future.  

She started to snarl at the strange Khunii,  but then it spoke, almost to quiet for her to hear.  She walked stiff legged around the strange Khundii.  Finally stopping in front of him.

"What's this?"  she finally asked, poking at the scarf and totally ignoring his greeting.

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 Polaris Breshcandra

" A scarf? "  She poked at it again.       "You sure are quiet.  I am Polaris of the.... hmmm I guess I am just Polaris now.   "  She gave the Khundii a toothy smile " What's your name?  And what are doing out here?   I hope your not fishing.  Those things are hard to catch.

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 Polaris Breshcandra

Polaris stood next to him near the river edge.   

"Yeah, I almost said my tribe name but then I remembered I don't have a tribe any more."   She stood up proudly.   "My mom and dad decided that I was old enough to go and make my own clan  or maybe to join another.   But I don't want to do either of those for a least a little bit.  I am going to enjoy being free.   At least for a little bit. "

She sat back down and stared at the flashes of silver that were taunting her to try again to catch one.  

After a little bit she spoke up again.  "Soooo Leaf is it.   Where are you from?  Do you have a clan you call your own?"

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 Polaris Breshcandra

"I don't know.  It would be easy to just join another pack but creating one would be so much fun.  But then again it would also be a lot of work. "

"Aghhhh!" she gave a exasperated shout.   "They are just taunting me!"  She got up and waded into the water causing the fish to scatter.

"So what this unexciting story of you being sort of...used to be in a pack?"  Polaris asked as she waited for the fish to get use to her and come back.

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 Polaris Breshcandra

"Hmm hmm.  " Polaris really was listening but then a good sized fish decided it was safe to come back.  And had parked it self right under her nose.  If she was quick she might just be able to catch it.

She moved slow at first trying not to startle it.  Then quick as a snake strike she dunked her head under and this time the fish did not get away.  She felt it wriggle in her jaws she tightened down on it.  Then with a great big swing of her head she tossed it and a wave of water toward the river bank directly in the path of the other Khundii.  Polaris watched in horror.  Oh no.  She hadn't meant to do that!

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 Polaris Breshcandra

"I-I am soooo sorry.   I didn't mean to fling the fish at you!  I was just so excited.   I had tried at least 2 times before and was not expecting to actually catch one.  "  Polaris looked embrassed.  She climbed out of the water.  Fur dripping wet.  She watched the large fish flip and flop around on the dry ground.  When it had stopped moving as much, she quickly grabbed it and moved a little bit away.    When she was far enough away she shook out most of the water out of coat.

She was sooo hungry she immediatly started to eat the fish.  It wasn't until she had eaten almost half that she felt the other Khundii watching her.

"Oh,  did you want some? "  She offered.  

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