🐣 Companion Breeding

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 8 months, 1 day ago) by HannahBug

Unlike keke breeding, com breeding is a much more user-run function. Most of the time, you'll post a form for a reference of when you bred and then make your litter yourself, baby number included!
"Companions" include pets, mounts, and spacers

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 So that things don't get crazy, every animal can breed once every two weeks (14 days)
🌱 Animals would technically have to be adults to breed. There's no animal aging system, this is just a note that you can't get icky in-lore
🌱 Breedings are generally based around magic and made-up systems. As such, pairings can be non-romantic and breedings can be done with animals of any gender
🌱 Snakekeys do not affect com breeding. That is to say, an Aida won't remove the one required piece for coms! (There may be a behemoth for this later, but it's not the Aida)
🌱 Non-limited animals don't need to go here because... you can kinda just make them babies whenever you want!

📝 In order to breed, one piece must be done of the parents together. They can be preforming baby-spawning processes or just having a nice time hanging out! : ) (Or a bad time? You know, whatever works)
📝 If written, pieces must be a minimum of 300 words each
📝 A minimum of two parents must be featured in each breeding piece. Parents must be a minimum of halfbody. Art must be fully colored
📝 A piece must be done each time you wish to do a com breeding
📝  If you are collabing with another user, you can both work together on one piece if you like! Or just one user can do the piece
📝 In the case of there being no breeding piece in a collab breeding, it's ideal (but not really required) for the other member to post confirming their consent!
📝 Submit breeding art to the folder Egg Creation (TH) (even if it's not eggs, it's fine)

🌿 Species Listing 🌿

🌍 Susish (animals from Susie)
🍃 FisheeExcrete genetic material from a throat gland. Takes two Fishees to work, but multiple can participate in a spawning. Material forms small, frog-like eggs. Many will be decoys, but clutches can still have 1-4 viable pups
🍃 FrogdogProduce a pollen-like substance from the nostrils during breeding season. This is often sown onto damp trees, flowers, and the like. If two Frogdog's pollens combine, it will develop into a mantis-like egg case. There will probably be some duds and decoys in the mix. Litters can produce 1-6 puppies
🍃 Glowis Major: One Glowie will scratch rows into the earth, invisibly seeded with special magic made from underneath their claws. The second Glowie will then roost atop these scratches, magic built into their feathers combining to slowly form what looks to be seed pods in the rows. These pods start very small, but will eventually need to be moved out of the rows so they can grow larger! Clutches have 1-3 chicks
🍃 Glowis MinorSimilarly to Glowis Majors, a Minor will dig a small nest in a riverbank made from mud, sowing it with magic made underneath their claws. The second parent will then roost in this nest, sowing it with magic in their feathers! Inside the nest, what looks like small seed pods will begin to grow. After a period of incubation, the clutch will hatch into 1-5 chicks
🍃 Sample Snap (any): Snaps reproduce in a manner akin to Wistuls! They make a row of fluffy nest materials, such as fur, feathers, and fuzzy plant seeds, and then each parent will take turns resting on the nest. This imbues it with life and, after a little while, babies will emerge from inside! Nests often have to be covered with some for of adhesive, (Snaps often use sugar-water) to keep it from coming apart before its time. Litters have 1-4 kits
🍃 Sugar Baby: The majestic Sugar Baby will lie side-to-side with its mate, their soul windows touching. After doing this repeatedly, each parent will appear to develop extra souls! (Unless there's only one baby, then there will be a single parent with a bonus soul). Babies then collect nests of rocks and press their sides up against those. Once a suitable rock is gathered and laid on enough, the soul will transfer inside of it. Over about an hour, the rock will transform into an egg with a soft shell that the baby can break through! Litters can have 1-2 pups
🍃 VyisTwo Vyis will "hold paws" for an extended amount of time. While this only has to be the front paws, they can sometimes be seen matching all four. Their lighting will get more and more crackly each time they do this until it gets so strong that it detaches into a small ball-lightning! This little static-maker will then be incubated and guarded by the parents until it splits in two, dropping the litter into the world. Litters can include 1-2 kits
🍃 All-Seeing EyeIf they happen to be next to each other, two or more eyes will begin to stare at each other, glow lightly, and vibrate ominously. They'll continue to do this for multiple hours until more Eyes are born, popping into the world as if they were teleported there. Litters can include 1-4 pebbles
🍃 TwolipsTwolips sway in the breeze, allowing it carry off the pollen made around their eye. Other Twolips will snap this pollen out of the air with one to three of their mouths, which they'll then keep closed, incubating the pollen. In there, a baby will form! Once it gets old enough, it'll start to get squirmy and the parent will spit it out. There can only ever be 1-3 seedlings, as a parent still needs one mouth to eat!
🍃 StutterflyStufferflies weave cocoons made out of specialize wood-like fibers. Two or more parents will help with this, forming the clutch. Cocoons will then have to incubate for two weeks, often attached to a wall somewhere. Once they hatch, there can be 1-3 larva
🍃 Bigfoot MinorReproduces exactly the same as a Glowis Minor, as it's a subspecies of such. Similarly, clutches have 1-3 chicks
🍃 Warped FrogdogReproduces exactly the same as a Frogdog, as it's a subspecies of such. However, litters only have 1-4 puppies
🍃 The Out Valley FuzzlingTwo parents-to-be will sit butt-to-butt, their poofy tails smushed together. After doing this for an extended period, each will develop small seed pods amongst their tail fluff. Many of these are decoys, but some will grow larger as the pup inside grows. Once about three inches long, the pods will fall off. Parents will collect them in a leaf nest or tree platform, guarding them as they continue to grow. Eventually, 1-2 pups will emerge!
🍃 Sweetie Pie: WIP. Litters can have 1-4 kits

 🍒 BreadbutterParent one will create a sort of "egg" in a specialized organ that they'll lay when it's ready. This really looks more like some sort of biologically-made stone... The other parent will excrete a goop from glands near the hooves and apply it to the rock. This slime slowly is absorbed by the stone, which will then convert into an egg. Parents will guard the egg until it hatches. Clutches can have 1-2 fawns
🍒 Greater PyrusPyrus's develop microscopic eggs on their gills at regular intervals. If another comes along and spits some special liquid into it made from glands inside the mouth, the eggs will develop and grow. They take a long time to develop, at first looking like a wad of foam. Once they're about fish-egg-size, the carrier parent will detach them from their gills and place the eggs in a safe, damp area. Once they reach soccer-ball-size, they'll hatch into 1-3 foals
🍒 WhinoodleThe Whinoodle's method of reproduction is not wildly far off from that of the Greater Pyrus. The only issue is that Whinoodles don't have gills. So, the intermittently developed eggs grow in the mouth instead. These are microscopic and are swallowed to be reabsorbed when not used. Parents-to-be will "kiss", placing the genetic slime in the carrier parent's mouth. The tiny eggs with then grow slowly, initially looking like the parent has a bad case of mouth-foam. Once the eggs reach fish-egg-size, they'll be placed by the carrier into a safe, damp nest to finish developing. Once they reach about teacup-saucer-size, they'll hatch into 1-2 fawns!


🌎Hisborne (animals from That He Made For Us)
🍂 Brown HundeThe Hunde has a specialized organ in their chest that opens up to deal with baby-making. Two Hundes will touch chests and one of them will end up being the carrier parent. The carrier will get some chest bulk during their "pregnancy" and then, some time later, open the organ and "spit out" the babies. This is much more variable than most pregnancies, as the carrier is in total control of when the babies are ejected. They can spit them out early by accident or keep 'em in there for extra cooking if they feel like it. This can cause issues, but most of the time, litters have 1-2 cubs
🍂 Serpent HundeReproduction for the Serpent Hunde is the same as it is for the Brown Hunde. The main difference being their gestation period is shorter and they can have 1-4 cubs per litter


🪐 Xaverian (animals from Xavier)
🌳 Vendari SpacerSpacers have to find a naturally occurring fruit from a specific genus. Once parents-to-be have procured one, they'll take turns holding it close to their body for upwards of three weeks. Oddly, the fruit will not decay - it'll look about the same. At the end of this incubation period, the parents will eat the fruit, leaving behind the pit. The woody shell will then break, releasing 1 writeling

🌿 Mutts 🌿
Mutts are hybrids of animal species, occurring when two compatible parents of differing types have offspring and it's something new! If you're breeding two parents that can make a mutt, you get to chose if you want the offspring to be one, as well as how many mutts you'd like. If you don't want any mutts, babies can be either parents' species instead

See the mutt thread here!

🌿 Form 🌿
Post this either below on the TH thread or on the DA thread. Once posted, you can then design your litter whenever you like! : )
Mods will not roll results - what you write are your results! They're up to you ✨

Parent 1: Here  •  1's Species:
Parent 2: Here  •  2's Species:
Litter #: (Litter amounts in Species Listing)
Offspring Species: (Usually the parent's)
Breeding piece: (Required art/writing here)



Parent 1: Little Red  1's Species: Sample Snap - Cakey
Parent 2: Veni •  2's Species: Sample Snap - Smokey (Veni belongs to RoseRift )
Litter #: 4
Offspring Species: 3 Cakey Snap, 1 Smokey Snap
Breeding piece:  https://toyhou.se/~forums/28829.-group-processes/379641.-egg-creation?page=1#post-5843959

2 cakey go to RoseRift
1 smokey go to me
1 cakey I'm giving to Doofish