Planetfall [Over!]

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 2 years, 4 months ago) by HannahBug


It's been subject of great debate whether or not Susie-keke should go into space. In fact, there's been an awful lot of debating going on with everything that just happened in the previous couple of months. It almost feels like the world's been turned on its head...! Ponderings about the state of the Valley Effect, what the heck a legendΒ even is, how keke even got to the neighboring planet Xavier... it's a mess. Meanwhile, the Spacer that showed up to bear some of this news seems perfectly content to lie around being oohed and awed at. When not receiving pets or treats from curious passersby, it seems to be communicating with others of its kind. "Seems" meaning that several more Spacers have wandered their way down from the sky, carrying the exact same message tucked in their collars that the first one had. This whole thing isn't going away...

🌌 1: Sally Forth! 🌌

It's time to put on the big-keke gloves and fly off into space! It's a wild concept, but the hype surrounding it has been slowly growing over the weeks. It's at an all-time high now with most keke have starting to romanticize the idea instead of make it sound like a horror story. How exciting! How beautiful! How unique! What does your keke think? Are they going to go? Are they getting prepared? (It'll reportedly be a long and chilly trip)

🌠 Prompts can be done in any order
🌠 Draw/write 200 words about your keke/PC pondering about, avoiding, or prepping to go to space
🌠 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌠 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of characters you own
🌠 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌠 Entries go in the Event Entries folder!

🌌 2: Wide Blue Yonder 🌌

Saddled up on a Spacer, your keke is off to see some beautiful and mysterious things! Space is totally breathable, so it's safe to just...float around out there (though you might annoy your mount if you go jumping off all the time). Does you keke enjoy their time traveling? Do they see anything interesting? Or is this just the worst...?

🌠 Prompts can be done in any order
🌠 Draw/write 350 words about your keke/PC in space
🌠 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody with fully colored background
🌠 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of characters you own
🌠 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌠 Entries go in the Event Entries folder!

🌌 3: A Whole New World 🌌

The flight is indeed, quite long. With the Spacer doing its best to make short work of the many, many miles, Xavier is looming over you in roughly four and a half hours. The pinkish-purplish planet grows around you until you can't see the edges anymore...! Eventually, you and your companion plunge through the atmosphere into a soft blue sky. As soon as you clear the clouds, you can see lights speckled across the unfamiliar landscape: cities! Except, these aren't like Susie cities. They're strangely tall and towering and glassy and just absolutely covered in plants. Looking at them, you're not sure how those monster buildings aren't toppling over!


Regardless of what you think, the Spacer banks towards a cluster of lights and begins to lazily draw closer and closer. As this happens, you catch sight of glowing signs in a language you recognize, moving images held aloft in the sky, and other such technologies that totally baffle you. If you can tear your eyes away from all that, you'll notice there's a special landing pedestal the Spacer is aiming for and it's not empty. Snakekeys of kinds you've never seen before cram onto walkways, staring up in awe. The Spacer does not seem concerned with descending faster despite this

🌠 Prompts can be done in any order
🌠 Draw/write 200 words about your keke/PC approaching or landing on Xavier. You can see some of the plant life here and animals here!
🌠 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌠 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of characters you own
🌠 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌠 Entries go in the Event Entries folder!

🌌 4: A Quiet(er) Moment 🌌

Before the crowd can fully overwhelm you, a keke breaks free of the line of people and whisks you off. They explain that they're a guide and this is totally their job, so don't worry! You're not really sure what to think of that, but you're given little time as you're rushed through bright lights and weird, waxy leaves. Then, after only a few moments, the movements stops. You're off in a quiet, secluded spot where things might not have been too overwhelming if you hadn't just landed on an alien planet

After pausing for a moment to let you catch your breath, the guide explains that the sending out of Spacers is a routine thing, so it was totally obvious that something had happened when they started not coming back, thus the mob. The attempt to contact Susie has been going on for hundreds of years, so the fact that keke still lived out there had kind of become a myth...! The implications are fascinating. But, they claim they'll do their absolute best to be a good host and not drown you in questions right off. You're a scout, right? They promise they'll answer any inquiries you have for your um... report or whatever (However if you feelΒ like answering questions, they would be delighted to offer you some. They're very curious. As is everyone else)

🌠 Prompts can be done in any order
🌠 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC with the guide or exploring some part Xavier. You can see some of the plant life here and animals here!
🌠 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody with a background of some kind
🌠 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of characters you own
🌠 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌠 Entries go in the Event Entries folder!

πŸŒƒΒ RewardsΒ πŸŒƒ


πŸͺ Unfortunately, the subspecies lineup is a bit too tied up for what I'd like to do. BUT instead of being a downer and giving you no aliens, I offer you this
πŸͺ For each set of 4Β entries you complete (which does not have to be one of each prompt), you earn one IOU Card
πŸͺ This card will allow you to redeem one Xavierian subspecies/PC/hybrid/etc as they become available!


πŸͺ For each keke/PC entered in the prompts above, you earn 1 application of an upgrade from this pool!
πŸͺ These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling applications


πŸƒΒ 1: > Disappearing eyes:Β Remove one or more of a keke's eyes. This can leave an indent or an empty socket behind, but can also appear as if there was never an eye there in the first place
πŸƒΒ 2: > Central chromia:Β Add a different color in the center of the eyes. This can either be a gradient or a solid patch, but generally shouldn't have much shape to it (unless you happen to have wild pupils or something, then it can curve around those)
πŸƒΒ 3: > Long muzzle:Β Allows the muzzle to be any length. Can be used with or without muzzle upgrade (example shows with)


πŸƒΒ 1: > Unique pupils:Β Pupils with a special shape, which can be anything you like! All eyes must match unless upgraded otherwise. Can be any color
πŸƒΒ 2: > Grabbies:Β The fingers lengthen into human-like digits
πŸƒΒ 3: > Blob antenna:Β Squishy looking antenna like cerata or rhinophores on a nudibranch. Must be only one set and placed on the head. Addition of these may slightly heighten a sense, but not add a new one


πŸƒΒ 1: > Missing mouth:Β The Snakekey's mouth seals up and disappears. Thankfully, it takes away the need to eat and drink with it. If a keke doesn't have an alternate way to breathe, they'll stop doing that too!
πŸƒΒ 2: > Prestige horn:Β A longer, more elegant horn that can be located on the muzzle or forehead area. Can appear smooth, spiraled, etc... May appear above or below the skin and can be any color
πŸƒΒ 3: > Blinkers:Β There appear to be small lights glowing softly under your skin. Lights don't have to all be connected, but should all be in the same area. May be any color. Can go anywhere on the back side of a keke (top of the head, shoulders, tail tip, etc). Must either be a pair or a single formation. Maybe these will grow into something one day


πŸƒΒ 1: > Feathered mane:Β Swap the mane from fur to feathers! Can have a tuft on the top of the head, but doesn't have to. Must be no longer than shown above and can be any color
πŸƒ 2: > Stompy paws:Β Change the paws into elephant-like clompers: a larger base with three rounded toes/nails. Main paw pad can not be removed
πŸƒΒ 3: > Bauble whiskers: Whiskers of any length anywhere on the body, but each one has a small circular or tear-shaped bead at the end

β­• This event ends December 22, 11:59 PM (PST)Β β­•
Exception days will be open for registration after the event