Anniversary Prize Pool '22 [Over!]

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by HannahBug

This September, Snakekeys are turning five years old! If they were a person, they'd be going to kindergarten : ) That's kinda neat
I've got a really... intense keke type that I've been slaving over for y'all! They've been a major hold-up on other sub-related things,
so make sure to give them a good scolding for what they've done. Because it's their fault. Not mine.

🎁 Prize Pool 🎁

dcmb2h8-6811b686-fff2-49e1-b2fe-d10a7c1eMuchΒ to my annoyance, the species intended to be for this year's anniversary isn't 100% done >:v I'll keep working on it... In the meantime:
As of posting, you're allowed to make a Neutral Elemental hatchling, which you can change into a Tempest, Flicker, Verdant, Swept, Standby,
and/or Myrrh Elle. I'll try to get the young phase for Neutrals up soon so that the cheapest conversion is available Now ready!

πŸƒ Each user can collect up to 5Β runic eggs from this event! They hatch into Elemental keke (whose base element will be "neutral" unless changed by the user via conversion)
πŸƒ If you know you'll be unable to create your keke in time, just post "Reserving my eggs" or something like that in the comments/on the DA event post. When you go to create your keke, link to that comment. As long as you posted it during the time the event was ongoing, that will be proof enough to get them approved! : )
πŸƒΒ The above does not allow the keke to be created outside of the event with UiA, CB, or OtW unless you have an exception day and use it on them


🌠 1 > Up in Arms: Anything goes as long as it involves arms, hands, and/or fingers! This upgrade allows you to add reasonable pieces to arms such as claws, hooves, and paw pads, too. Can affect legs if a type has them. Allows for funky and fantasy shapes - armadillo paws, spider paws, weird scarf hands... you name it!
🌠 2 > Color Bomb: All color rules are off and anything goes! Completely customize a Snakekey's design with whatever colors and/or markings you want. While you can't add true transparency or glow with this, the skin can appear to glow (the design just won't leave the body) and a keke can blend in with their surroundings by rapidly changing their body colors


🌠 3 > On the Wing: Anything goes as long as it involves wings! This includes any type of wing, including insect, webbed, feathered, etc. Note that this allows you to add fantasy wings like ones made from ribbons, rocks, or whatever, but wing-shaped markings should be more traditional! So generally only feathered, bug, etc. It can be a combination (such as leathery and feathery), though

🌟 These upgrades can be applied to any Snakekey or PC created between September 1st, 2022 and September 19th, 2022!
🌟 Each keke or PC created will only have access to one of the anni upgrades! You have to pick one
🌟 An exception to the above rule: you may create 2 keke/PCs that have two upgrades during this event OR 1 keke/PC that has all three

πŸŽ† Transformation πŸŽ†

If you'd like an existing keke/PC to apply one of the anni upgrades, this is your section! Just follow the prompt below to earn upgrade uses

β­• Draw a 2-panel comic or write 600 words about your keke/PC imagining, designing, pretending to be, etc... their keke-sona. That is, with the upgrades they like to imagine themselves having! Do they intend to actually get these upgrades, or is it just a daydream? Their "sona" form does not have to conform to current upgrades. You can even use fake ones! Changing the keke's type for this prompt is allowed, too

πŸƒ Each comic will give you 1 upgrade. You can do the comic a max of 4 times
πŸƒΒ You can apply these upgrades on a max ofΒ 4Β existing Snakekeys/PCs. Note that'sΒ 4 total, not 4 of each for a total of 8!
πŸƒΒ If you wish, you can apply multiple of the above anni upgrades on the same keke/PC. Just note that this will be considered 2 or 3 upgrade uses, leaving you with 1 or 2 remaining
πŸƒ Note that this prompt can only reward Up in Arms, Color Bomb, or On the Wing! Eye of the Beholder, In a Pinch, and Skin to Bone are sitting this one out
πŸƒΒ If drawing for the prompt, the keke/PC must be a minimum of halfbody in both panels. There must be a minimum of 1 background. Everything must be fully colored and done in a neat lined or lineless style. Shading is optional
πŸƒ Entries for the prompt go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

shiny_adult_by_hannah__bug_dc8nx85-fullv🎟️ MYO Type Change (2) 🎟️

Last year, our first subspecies (Goobers) saw a change from being earned-only to having free MYOs. Now, Shinies are next in line for the freedom treatment. From this point on, Shinies are free to createΒ without having to be earned! They can be designed at your leisure just like regular keke, Crestuls, and Goobers : ) Here's a quick link to their creation guide


πŸ… Membership Achievements πŸ…

Listen. Someday, I'll have the year achievement ready on time again. Due to how high-effort Elementals are, this will most certainly not be that year...! After I finish my gauntlet, I'll make a cool behemoth for you ✨ Here's the link to the achievement zone if you need to look at the stuff for 1-4 year membership. Remember not to claim any rewards until your actual joint date! The keke group wasn't created until Sep. 3rd and didn't open for approvals until Sep. 12th ; )

β­• This event ends September 19th, 12:00 PM (PST) β­•
Exception days will be open for registration after the event