
Posted 2 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by circlejourney


1.7.2 (27 October 2022): The site has migrated to a new server and I forgot to update my Cloudflare records to point to the new address...until loads of people had noticed the website was down. Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for letting me know!

While I'm here, I figured I'd make the much-requested update to Font Awesome 6. Many many thanks again to alyeong for the subscription! As always, let me know if you see any unusual behaviour.

Finally, I'm running a poll about the import feature. Check it out here!

1.7.1 (3 July 2022): Synced the source files to Toyhouse's May update. I previously attempted this and it didn't work out of the box, so I've given it a more careful treatment.

1.7 (17 June 2022): Birthday update! Requests fulfilled: low contrast toggle, blurb editing. Reorganised UI toggles into their own menu. Also added the new mascot image. As always, do let me know if you run into any bugs!

1.6.1 (22 May 2022): Reverted a number of changes from the last update because it was breaking the editor. Apologies for not catching that before pushing it out! Will update the code at a later time.

1.6.0 (16 May 2022): Updated the source files to match Toyhouse's recent update, and made another (hopefully final) effort at improving the cache busting. Removed unstable version and now managing watermark feature via Github.

1.5.4 (9 May 2022): The project now has a World where you can share ideas and vote on issues/suggestions! For this update, I also made some QOL fixes like HTML panel toggle, big text size toggle and made clicking outside the info modal close the modal.


1.7.2 (27 October 2022): The site has migrated to a new server and I forgot to update my Cloudflare records to point to the new address...until loads of people had noticed the website was down. Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for letting me know!

While I'm here, I figured I'd make the much-requested update to Font Awesome 6. Many many thanks again to alyeong for the subscription! As always, let me know if you see any unusual behaviour.

Finally, I'm running a poll about the import feature. Check it out here!


1.8.0 (26 March 2023): "this has been a long time coming" update. I'm pleased to bring you this fairly big update, which includes the following changes:

  • New feature (beta): Colour picker, using ace-colorpicker by easylogic. Huge thank you to Venfaaniik for bringing the extension to my attention and working with me to integrate it! There are still some little bugs that I'll iron out...eventually.
  • New feature: Mobile view toggle. This was requested a lot and I'm still ironing it out across various devices (the flex sizing can be finicky).
  • New feature: Undo and redo buttons. This was also requested a lot and the poll indicated that most people would find this useful. Hopefully makes for easier mobile coding.
  • New feature: Show/hide UI panel button. Now you can hide the entire UI and preview your code at the full screen size. It's the little pink button in the bottom right corner of the preview area.
  • New layouts: Bulletin, world page, literature chapter
  • Updated feature: Code import now imports both HTML and CSS from the chosen page (if the "allow-thcj-import" line is found on the page) and should also be a little less buggy.
  • Under the hood: PHP backend now imports Toyhouse pages with cURL instead of include (the janky and kinda insecure old-fashioned way of doing it).
  • Housekeeping/debug: Tooltips should now appear on mouse over. There may be some layouts where I haven't caught non-functional tooltips—let me know if you find any.
  • Housekeeping/debug: Reorganised layout menu into an order that makes a bit more sense.
  • Housekeeping/debug: Cleaned up and deidentified the layouts because I found some story IDs here and there.

By the way, the Github repo is also way, way tidier now, and now has a readme that will hopefully make it much easier to start edited and previewing in a local dev environment. I moved the manual versioning out of the dev environment (as I should have done long ago). You're always welcome to help me out if you wish. I'm just one person and there's a lot of feature requests and bug reports!

Because of the size of this update, I'm expecting there to be some bugs that I haven't caught. As always, if you run into any issues, you can report the bug here and use the previous version. And of course, if you like the work I'm doing, I'm always happy for donations to my Ko-fi!