Shelly & Cypreae's Shell Hunt! 13th-20th

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by nighty-


Welcome to Cypreae's Shell Hunt! Help Cypreae and Shelly find their shells to receive various rewards including SBC, Speciblooms, and possibly even a MYO if you search hard enough!



How To Participate!

There are 65 shells hidden around the TH world, mods accounts, specibloom characters, etc. and Shelly and Cypreae need your help to find them all before the game ends! Once you find a shell, click it! This will take you to a link where a randomized code will be there along with the shell number! Come back to this forum thread and say which shell number you found, then PM nighty- with the code for verification you actually found that shell! Please do not share codes, locations, or the links with anyone, that ruins the fun in finding them! By finding a shell, you will be rewarded with most likely SBC, but some shells will also give you a specibloom, art of your specibloom, or even a MYO if your lucky! Those ones will be harder to find and only the first person to find those will get that special prize so try to find them fast!ย To be specific, 20 shells have special rewards while the other 45 just have SBC! ย If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or on theย helpย forum which I recommend! Don't forget to check out are other activities and games for this event! Have fun!


Also, if you happen to find any eggs from last event, link them here and tell us so we can delete them! We don't want it to get too cluttered! :"D


1 specibloom has been found by WolfHaven ! Congratulations!


found 49, 59, 14, 7, 54, 38, 26, 3, 35, 41, 9, 19, and 8!


another specibloom has been found by crystalline-cavern ! Congratulations!


ack sry for getting it wrong so many times in a row

found shell 8 and 9!ย 


I found 45!


Found two more: 41 and 53!


i found shell 4 !!