Rock 'n' Roll

Posted 1 year, 15 hours ago (Edited 1 year, 10 hours ago) by  Aliraan SpaceHyena

You step into the rickity wooden building, after having climbed up a massive tree. You felt light-headed from the climb. Luckily, the harpy running this place knew a spell to get you feeling right as rain. "Oh, hello! Are you here to sell me something? Or are you here to turn in some goodies?" He indicated the piles and piles of eggs scattered across the place.

Welcome! Here you can sell materials and turn in seasonal items!

Aliraan will buy crafting items at a rate of 5 fountain tokens per item.

As for seasonal items, there's a few levels of turn-ins. Each season has a specific item you can turn in.

1 seasonal item - 50 fountain tokens
5 seasonal items - random weapon or armor.
10 seasonal items - Random premade yena-specific species design. Limit of one a month.
20 seasonal items - A custom yena-specific species design by Aso. Limit of 1 a month.

Summer's item: Eggs

To sell an item, fill this out:

Your bank name: Or character name+link if selling from a character's inventory
Total cost: He will only give you fountain tokens in return.

To turn in seasonal items, fill this out

Your character name+link: 
Total seasonal items:
Desired turn-in: