April 2023: Dreams

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 5 months, 13 days ago) by Celest


All across Enchiron, in early morning murmurs and midnight whispers   shared across bed, people are finding they've been sharing the same  unsettling dream. 

(CW: Unreality.)

I am (You are) walking  through a home I (you) once had. (You still have it.) I (You) are alone.  Golden twilight filters through the window as dust motes twirl in the  air, and I (you) decide to step outside. I am in a forest. (Have you  ever seen a forest?) The light's turned dark, yawning blues and restless  purples, as mist creeps across the ground and caresses your (our)  ankles. Your (my) home is gone. But in the mist you (I) see something  dear to you (us) that was ▮▮▮▮. Lost. Destroyed. Dead. Gone. Gone.  I (we) never thought we (I) would see it again. I (You) give chase but  no one (no one) can wrap their (who?) fingers around it.

A voice echoes through the darkness.

Come, just a little further! You're almost there.

Then you (you) wake up.

Safe Version: Each dream starts with the dreamer in a place they used to consider home (or still do, if that place has never changed.) It's twilight. But  when they leave, they're in a forest--regardless of if they've seen one  in real life before--and it's dusk and foggy. Something or someone that  they lost appears among the trees, and they chase it, but they cant  catch it. They hear a voice call out, then they wake up. During the dream, the dreamer's sense of identity gets fuzzy, getting worse the  longer the dream goes on.

This month, tell us about the dreams your character has been having. Is the home they've been revisiting one they miss? What (or who) have they been chasing? Have they told anyone about the dream? How do they feel about it?

You may do this prompt as many times as you have approved characters.

This prompt will remain live until May 22nd. After that, you can still submit to the prompt, but the currency rewards will be halved.

Post this form:

Character's ML Link:
Memories: (Check the guide!)
(Insert the actual image/literature AND the URL)