Q: How do I get a character?

A: All players get three uncommon starter MYOs. Claim them [here]! MYO slots are also available for purchase from the shop for USD or in-game currency.

For preexisting designs, you may peruse our open adopts or check out the shelter.

You may submit human characters for use in the Enchiron setting here at any time.

Q: Can I make an AU version of an existing OC? What about canon characters?

A: No canons allowed, sorry, though you may take inspiration from canon characters.

You are incredibly welcome to turn any existing OCs into Enchiron characters.

Q: Do my characters have to be from their associated country?

A: Not at all! Any species of character can be from any country. You can have humans that live in theriad caravans, and you can have caelians that were born in Coronus. They'll just be a minority there. (Except in Sayil. Sayil has a relatively even distribution of each species across its population.)

If you want to visually show where your character's from, check out the clothing associated with each country!

Q: Can my character have a pet?

A: Yes! Official pet species will be eventually introduced. In the meantime, the flora and fauna of Enchiron is entirely open. So long as the creature is not a person (eg, nothing with human-level intelligence), not highly magical (eg, dragons can breathe fire, but don't make volcanos explode), and is appropriate to the setting (eg, nothing electronic or made of food), then you can bring that creature into the setting of Enchiron. This includes creatures from other OS/CS, so long as, again, they follow the aforementioned guidelines. If you're not sure, feel free to ask here or in the discord.

Outside the setting, feel free to do whatever you want.

Q: Do I have to use the lore?

A: Nope! If you want to wander off and do something else with your design, that's perfectly fine. There is space in the discord to discuss Enchiron characters in modern AUs or whatever else you might like to do with them. You can pick and choose what to keep from the lore as much as you'd like.

However, know that species events will be designed with the setting and lore in mind!

Q: Are crossbreeds between Enchiron species allowed?

A: Yes! If you have two MYOs, you may combine them into a single CB MYO via use of [redacted], purchasable at the shop. (Human CBs need only one MYO.)  A CB lets you mix and match the traits between species based on the rarities of the original MYO, along with free use of mutations to "fuse" traits. (Ex: a caelian/ianthina CB may have fins for wings, or a human/ignii CB may have spotty and random scale coverage.)

Be aware of these limitations:

  • Heliamores cannot have children with any other species.
  • Theriad parents always produce theriad children, no matter what species the other parent is.
  • Humans, caelians, and ignii can crossbreed freely, with little issue. Ianthina are capable of crossbreeding, but children (if they survive) are usually born with breathing problems.

Q: Are crossbreeds with outside, non-Enchiron species allowed?

A: So long as you have permission to make a crossbreed with the other species, yes! You do not need any sort of special item or rarity from us to design a crossbreed: as long as you have an MYO or existing character, you can make a crossbreed.

However, crossbeeds with outside species cannot exist within the setting of Enchiron, so if you plan to participate in lore events, it is highly recommended that you have a non-CB AU for your character.