Archie’s Antiques

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 1 month, 20 days ago) by Archie Fisher iinkt

“Welcome to the Curio Shop. Hope ya find what yer lookin’ for.”

Welcome to Archie's Antiques! Here, you can sell any items you like, including: Remnants, MYOs, and Shrimp Vouchers. 

Archie will give you the purchase price back for it in Scales, and then the item will appear in his shop. If your item was gifted or raffled to you, you will receive the base purchase price that would be available in Terra's Tent. Archie takes all kinds of items, including ones that are usually not or no longer available from Terra's Tent (seasonal MYOs, Ancient MYOs, etc).

Items that were sold to Archie will be sold for it's typical value. Items in Archie's shop can be purchased with Scales or DeviantArt points.


MYO Tickets
Common MYO Ticket x2 (5 Scales ea)
Common Deep Sea MYO Ticket x2 (6 Scales ea)

Uncommon MYO Ticket x1 (7 Scales)
Uncommon Deep Sea MYO Ticket x2 (8 Scales)

Rare MYO Ticket x1 (10 Scales)
Rare Spooky MYO Ticket x1 (12 Scales)



We can buy the Remnants for sale right??

is it alright if i buy two Regular Remnants and the Spooky one? (3 scales)

Archie Fisher iinkt

Sure thing! Pleasure doing business with you :)


Hello! May i please buy the final Remnant here? (my treasury account is #017)

Archie Fisher iinkt

Of course! Pleasure doin' business with you.


I'd like to sell 10 lovely remnants for scales, account number #099

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Pleasure doin' business with you."

10 Scales were added to your account! 


hello !! may i buy the 10 lovely remnants here w scales ? my treasury account is #031 :]

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Today looks like a good day for some minin'!"

Thank you for your purchase! 10 Lovely Remnants were added to your account, at the cost of 10 Scales.


hi ! Could I sell this Uncommon MYO?

Archie Fisher iinkt

"I see a lotta these. But they do sell well, so here's what I can offer."

Sure! Please send the MYO to @printer-paper. 

7 Scales were added to your account!


I'd like to sell this Rare Spooky MYO Ticket!

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Pleasure doin' business with you. Hope you're savin' up for somethin'!"

Sure! Please send the MYO to @printer-paper. 

12 Scales will be added to your account!


Transferred :)


may I sell:

common deep sea myo

common myo

another common myo

common spooky myo

rare myo

uncommon deep sea myo

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Today looks like a good day for some minin'!"

Of course! Please send all 6 MYOs to @printer-paper.

You will receive 40 (6 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 10 + 8) Scales!


sent transfer requests for them all! 


hi! can i please sell all my remnants and my common deep sea myo for scales?

Archie Fisher iinkt

"I see a lotta these. But they do sell well, so here's what I can offer."

Thank you for your sale! 10 + 6 (16) Scales were added to your account.

Please send the MYO to @printer-paper!


Hello there! May I please get 10 remnants? 

Treasury acc :]

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Pleasure doin' business with you. Hope you're savin' up for somethin'!"

That will be 10 Scales. 10 Remnants were added to your account!


can i purchase the rare spooky myo? my scales account is #126

Archie Fisher iinkt

"Today looks like a good day for some minin'!"

That will be 12 Scales. Sent!


Would like to sell my uncommon deep sea MYO ticket please!! My scales account number is #117

Archie Fisher iinkt

"I see a lotta these. But they do sell well, so here's what I can offer."

You'll receive 8 Scales! Please send the MYO to @printer-paper.