2022 Spooky Trait Set

The 2022 Spooky Trait Set features the theme Siren! 


In Aqualis folklore, sirens are vampire-like Shifters that aren’t entirely… ah… Shifters. They often are illustrated with more fish-like features, lending to predatory fish or creatures that target shrimp. They are always depicted with Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tails and fangs, as well as large fins where their ears should be (perhaps, in the older days, a crude way to make fun of those with fin traits). They are also drawn with large, wing-like fins that vary in location depending on where you look—they may be part of their tails, attatched to their limbs, or seperate appendages entirely. 

Stories claim that sirens are beautiful and seductive, said to have elaborate tails (just like modern-day Shifters often do!) and glittery scales and skin. They have an otherworldly power to their voices, able to not just sing, but also control will with hypnotic abilities. Many stories continue to say their alluring nature is so they may tantalize their victims before devouring them, while others dispute that they simply use these abilities to toy with Shifters. Regardless of the story you believe, they were originally depicted in religious stories and metaphors as manifestations of lust, desire, or destruction, intially representing how man should avoid becoming consumed by his worldly feelings.

Although they are portrayed as being seductive in their humanoid form, siren Shifters can only mate in shrimp form (due to their mermaid tails) and are not considered mammals. Females lay very few eggs a year, although it is often that several of the eggs cannot be fertilized.

Today, many use these tales to warn children about interacting with strangers. Siren stories are most common in underwater regions of Aqualis.

If you can believe it, there are these real sirens in Aqualis (and yes—some of them are part of cannibalistic tribes). They live quite far off of the coast, and have most of their feuds with Deep Sea tribes. They use their hypnotic abilities to help them hide.

Just like normal Shifters, sirens require a scale trait (which can be found in the Regular Trait Set). For a Shifter to be considered a siren, they must have the following traits:

Aquatic Wings: What makes sirens easily distinguishable from normal Sirens are their very large aquatic wings. These primarily aid in swimming and diving. There are three types of Aquatic Wings, listed below.

- Separate: An entirely new wing structure is anchored to the sides or back of the siren.
- Arm: Very similar to a bat, the wings begin from the fingers of the hands, and trail down the arm into the side.
- Shrimp Leg: Also similar to a bat, the wings protrude from the legs of the shrimp tail.

Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tail: only the torso is human, and the lower body never forms, remaining a shrimp tail. They may or may not have their swimmerets (shrimp legs) in this form. While Shifters with this trait often have very elaborate and beautiful tails, they cannot transport themselves very easily on land, and usually rely on wheelchairs (see the Regular Trait Set). However, sirens are typically only able to water-breathe or are generalized breathers (see Lore > Anatomy), and don’t need to go above land often. Although this is usually available in the Regular Trait Set, you don’t need a Legendary MYO for this trait.

Giant Fin Ears: these ears don't actually have any cartilage, and have the same ear structure as Shifters with no ears (see the Regular Trait Set), but they also have giant fins that decorate the place an ear would go. While the fins add little to the lack of the collection of sound that a normal auricle provides, they do look cool. They function the same as Fin Ears (R), but are more elaborate.

Sirens also typically have fang cosmetics, since they are fairly vampire-like and known to suck blood.

There are also some optional traits that are common for sirens to be seen with.

Fin(s): occasionally, Shifters have some fins to help them swim while in their humanoid form. These can be anywhere on the body, usually on the head, arms, legs, back, and/or chest. Although this is usually available in the Regular Trait Set, you don’t need a Rare MYO for this trait.

Fish Tail-Fins: Instead of the typical shrimp tails, some sirens have “fish tails” instead. This is essentially any other kind of fin.

Automatically, the rest of the optional traits come from the Regular Trait Set. You can use any of those traits within your rarity. If you have an Ancient MYO with the ‘22 Spooky Traits, you will instead have the rest of your optional traits in the Ancient Trait Set.

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Above, in order, from left to right: Autumnal Harvest (R), Night Life (UC), and Lovebrew (UC).

Here are the traits on each:
Autumnal Harvest: Human Skin (C), Hair (C), Giant Fin Ears (S22), Mild Overabundance Scales (UC), Gills (R), Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tail (S22), Separate Aquatic Wings (S22).
Night Life: Alien Skin (UC), No Hair (UC), Giant Fin Ears (S22), Regular Scales (C), Antenna (C), Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tail (S22), Arm Aquatic Wings (S22)*.
Lovebrew: Alien Skin (UC), Hair (C), Giant Fin Ears (S22), Regular Scales (C), Whiskers (C), Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tail (S22), Shrimp Leg Aquatic Wings (S22), Fish Tail-Fins (S22).

Below is what these traits would look like in shrimp form (please pay attention to the wing forms):

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*Night Life has some cosmetics on her wings. You are welcome to design the wings aesthetic however you like, somewhat based on any kind of fish fins in appearance!