The Grand Adventures

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by SupremeNerd42

"The Year is 20XX, and I am writing this from my secret base.
Despite the fact that it has been several years since that... Fight... Happened, there are still tensions running high between the Heroes. Even the ones who didn't take part in any of the main fighting are still nervous around others. It's been like this for a while, now, and it might never change.
We'll just be stuck here in Manhattan, trying not to fight, but I know that a fight will break out eventually. It always does. All that matters now is when.
When will the next fight start?
What will we do then?
And.., How are we going to have it resolved?
Well, I guess I'd better go, now. There isn't much else that I can do now, it all rests on the Superheroes to sort out their differences and stop fighting... If they ever do.

See you one day, I guess. Bye."

That was one of the last enteries of many of the diaries found by various people, and like the others it spoke about a "Fight" between what seemed to be two major groups and the resulting split in Superhero activity afterwards.
It's been several Months since peace has finally returned to the Superheroes of the World, and they are now all getting along together like it had been before.
Oh, yeah, and Villain attacks quite regularaly as well, with it being the usually group along with extras who sometimes show up to try their skills out in an epic battle.

Which usually ends in them losing.

Like usual.

Also, not many Superheroes of the now-age have revealed their true identities to the people for fear that it might end up harming their reputation, while others have their identities revealed by a mistake or becuase they decided that it would be the best thing to do.

One of the main Superhero Groups are the "New Avengers", mainly consisting of the children of certain old Avenger Members, with others being new Superheroes from different families joining to help out in saving the world.
There are many other groups as well, as well as Superheroes acting solo because they prefer doing so.
And the Villains also have their groups and solo members as well, with HYDRA having recently shown up again after seemingly being dead for several years, as well as other groups and solo Villains looking to take over the world, have power, defeat any certain Superhero, or whatever their goal happens to be at that time.

So, yeah, fun times.
Just what you want from a World filled with Superheroes, I guess.

Sharron SupremeNerd42

(She glances at the holo-map again when the marker of one of the other Heroes shows up, and then she dangerously uses one hand to find out who it was and if they had a communicator with them) Looks like I've got Kestral, which means I've got one of the two bird-people with me (She says to herself, checking back on the map to find out where she had to go next, and then she increased her motorbike's speed to it's max while heading right towards the wall of a relatively small building. She then lifts the motorbike up precicely before she hits the wall, and then she travels up the vertical side of the building before reaching the roof, now driving across each one and jumping along the gaps very, very dangerously)

Aittor SupremeNerd42

(Aittor was walking down the street, pretending to be a regular human, carrying Andesine and talking to her as he walked) So, Ande, what should we do next? (He had then suddenly stopped, and trips, when Sharron had sped by, and he watched Andesine fly through the air. Aittor ran over to catch the black cat, and then he held her close, annoyance on his face as he watched the Superhero go up the building) Grr... I HATE them Superheroes... They never think about the civilians around who would rather NOT get caught up in their business...

Phoenix SupremeNerd42

(Phoenix kicks the spaceship that had crashed into the roof of a building (but didn't actually destroy anything, it just left a dent in the roof of the buiding somehow), and then he walks a few steps away from it, clearly annoyed with the situation he was in) My GODS, why did this have to happen to ME? (He half-yells, stomping one foot on the roof of the building. He then looks over to the ship again when two other figures come out of it) What do you two want? I'm busy being annoyed that we're on Earth of all places. EARTH! 

Astoria SupremeNerd42

Oh my, Phoenix, you seem to be a bit of a grump today (Astra comments, not really understanding why Phoenix was annoyed at being on Earth. She thought he would like being home. After all, who wouldn't like being back on their home planet after not being there for ages?) Don't worry, Abbey can fix the ship. She always does, no matter what happens to it. (She walks over to Phoenix, with a reassuring smile on her face, hoping that he would calm down before he harmed or killed anyone)

Abbey SupremeNerd42

Phoenix! We'll be fine! (Abbey then calls over from where she was) It isn't major damage, and I should be able to fix it easily! We'll be up and out of here in no time! (She then looks over at him) But could we maybe explore a bit while we're here? I want to know more about Earth, and it seems like a nice place... (She then looks around) But I thought the planet was 70% Water or something. And I don't see any water at all! I'm curious as to why that is!

Frank SupremeNerd42

(Frank was doing his usual job at the Italian Restaurant, feeling slightly bored with life. Since nothing interesting happened at the place. He looks around and washes his hands before announcing) I'm going for a walk to clear my head, see you lot later (And he waved to the other people working there before exiting the building and setting off on his walk) I wonder who's around... (He mutters, looking around and then getting his phone out, checking the locations of any interesting events happening nearby that he might be able to help out at) Oooo, that looks interesting. I might as well head down there. (He comments to himself, putting the phone away as he started walking)

Carol SupremeNerd42

(Moonlight Glider finally lands nearby the location she had chosen, and then she looks around to scout out the area a bit. Not much seemed to be happening) Well, I'd better get going then (She says to herself, taking several steps forwards, only stopping when she sees somebody random running past her. And then she looks up to see her brother there like she predicted) Hey, Solar Flare! I've caught you! (She yells up to him, already in a battle stance. She was ready to fight her brother again, though she also wanted to make sure that nobody innocent got hurt, so she decided she'd move it up to the rooftops as soon as she could in order to keep the peoples safe) ... What are you even doing here, anyway? I thought you'd still  be in hiding, from what you did before.

Frankie SupremeNerd42

... Oh boy, it's my annoying sister... (Solar Flare mutters, and then he looks down to her. To be honest, the only thing he had been doing was swinging on the lampposts, and he hadn't been harming anyone... MUCH... But this seemed to be all he had to do to get one of the "New Avengers" after him it seemed) What do you think I'm doing, idiot? I'm swinging on the lampposts because they're there. And, what? You think I'D go and hide while everybody else has fun? HAHA, NO WAY! I mean, I'm not even here to fight! Well, OK, I might fight if you really want me to. But, if not, then go away and leave me be. Can't a Super Villain have fun sometimes?

Sharron SupremeNerd42

Alright, so... (Angel starts, and then she decides to send a call request to Kestral so they could talk from a distance away. She then drove her motorbike along the roof of another building, making the jump with relative ease) I have the location. It's not too far now, so we should be there in a bit...

Alice SupremeNerd42

(Warrior Bee was currently tiny, flitting about the place where she lived as she helped out the bees who lived there. She was being peaceful right now because nobody had done something that she opposed recently, which gave her a lot of spare time to do what she wanted to do) Oh my, there really isn't much happening recently, is there? (She says, mostly to herself, and then she sighs and finally moves over to a seat by a table, becoming her original size again) I really do want something to happen, or else I'll have to make something happen myself. Hmm, I wonder what tech I have that I could upgrade...