It's pretty simple. What would your oc react like if the oc above you fell on top of them accidentally?

No rules besides not being rude to other characters and no NSFW as there may be some who are under 18.

Be sure to write a little scene to set up the situation if you'd like. Small responses of their reactions are fine. For example:

(Note: There are just random characters to serve as an example) ---------------------- Yoi: He is walking down the sidewalk, enjoying his ice cream until he trips on a crack and falls onto someone. "Ah!"

Mary: "Huh? Wha-" The man falls on top of her as she hurts her bottom. "Are you okay? Oh no! My clothes!" The man's ice cream had stained the new dress she had bought the other night. ----------------------

And then you would write another scene for your character for others to reply. (Hope it's not confusing///) Make sure to separate it by entering a couple of times or using (---) so others know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So let's start!

Tomoya had woken up late due to his studying for the exam he had this week so he now he's rushing his way to his work. He tried not to run too fast as it was dangerous but to no luck, he bumps onto someone and falls on top of them. "I..I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush--!"

Jasper Cosmicloanshark

Jasper's initial response to someone falling on to him was a loud snarl, curling his lips to expose his teeth, which he quickly stopped as he saw the worried expression on the woman's face, as she started apologizing profusely. "Err...It's alright?" Jasper responded, not used to people actually apologizing and sounding like they meant it. He brushed himself off and started walking back down his path.


Jasper occasionally suffers from vertigo, which might cause him to trip. Or if he's running after someone and they dart into a crowd.

Ezrabelle was standing by a fence, staring at some birds in a tree - unaware of the mobster thundering through the streets. Suddenly, the princess was knocked down by an unseen force, and was especially concerned when a gigantic snout was right in front of her face.
"Oi, what do you th- ooh.." Ezrabelle stopped herself from screaming when she looked into Jasper's violet eyes. She analysed the hyena mobster's spotted cheeks and red mohawk. "Aren't you a handsome chap?" Ezrabelle said, twirling her finger in his fur. "Uuh- lady- I'm in the middle of something-!" Jasper responded, eyes widened in shock and disgust. Before Ezrabelle could comment any more, Jasper's massive hand covered her entire face, as he got himself back up and ran back down the streets.
"What a rude man .. a handsome one at that.." Ezrabelle sighed, as she got back on her feet. "Breath stunk anyways," she remarked.
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 Darling Audlien

Darling feels a heavy weight fall upon her back, she almost doubles down due to the body slouching onto her, but manages to quickly snap backwards and push back up whatever force had just fallen upon her. She turns to see a near passed out man with a strange blank face...

Darling, quick to kindness, immediately lowers the man down as softly as she could, with what little strength she had. 

"OH! Oh. Uh... are you alright?"

The man stirs awake, his eyes now appearing from his once blank face. 

"Oh! Ohoh you're okay! Hi there!"


Darling is greatly confused, but she expects that the fatigued man who had just collapsed on her was even far more confused.

NP: Darling would most likely trip over someone due to her not paying much attentions to her surroundings, or legit just her falling from the sky.

 Lola confusedthing

Getting hit by a skeleton falling from the sky was really not something she saw coming. But so was waking up dead, so maybe she should not have been as surprised as she was when Darling landed on top of her, throwing both of them to the ground. "What the-" big red eyes stared back at... a green glow from a hollow eye socket. For a few seconds Lola just dwelt in her confusion, before she managed to snap out of it. "Did it hurt when you... uh... fell from heaven?" she asked with the most deadpan expression imaginable. That was a genuine question. However, another few seconds later, she noticed how she had worded it. Well. even if falling had not, this surely had.
"I mean. are you injured or something?" the undead girl rephrased, carefully touching her own head to check if everything was okay. Luckily it was! Otherwise that would have been bad.
"Also, could you maybe get up?" Lola mumbled, still pinned to the ground which obviously did not excite her the least. Only now she realized that maybe Darling could not even talk? She was missing anything necessary for it but then again, she did not appear like someone who would be hindered by such trivial things as the lack of vocal chords. "Nice scarf..." by now she was just saying random things that came to mind because the whole situation made her uncomfortable.

NP: Lola sometimes does not notice people and walks right into them or she is very wobbly on her legs because they just recently got reattached, making it hard for her to walk and more likely to stumble.

(Aaa thank you so much for reviving this. ♥ and sorry for bad english.)

Maybe she had underestimated the time it took to 'heal' properly, as far as she could. She probably should have gone with some screws, was the last thought before bumping into someone.
Lola was already cursing when she recognized a familiar face. Shit. It was not that she was not happy to see Cameron - although the circumstances were rather awkward, once again... could this be considered an ongoing theme? - but he was irritating, to say the least. Even ignoring the compliments or whatever that was... she assumed he just talked this way.
"Yeah... I'm good..." she mumbled, trying to find her balance again. "Are you? So sorry..." Lola sighed, relieved to see his phone was intact as well. She seemed a bit defeated when he mentioned her legs. "Uhmm... long story." was probably all she would say, shaking her head about his comment. "Are you scolding me?" It sounded like he did, even though it all still felt lighthearted.
When he actually offered to help it seemed to take a moment for her to get to a decision. She did not exactly want anyone's help nor did she want to spend too much time with someone as irritating as the cop but then again he was most likely her best option right now. "If it's not too much of a bother... I'd appreciate that." Lola reluctantly said, sounding almost shy. "What's your dad doing anyway? You mentioned him before and I kind of doubt he's a tailor?" Maybe that would work to change the topic. 

Cameron West PicklePantry

     Cameron yawned as he lazily scrolled through his phone. He was in the middle of a slow patrol these couple of blocks of the city. There wasn't that much foot traffic, with everyone still at work or school, but even if it were busy he wouldn't look away from his phone. It was just way too boring. Someone stealing a purse? Meh. Cat stuck in a tree? Meh.
     Woman tripping and falling against him?
     Cameron blinked, instinctively managing to hold onto the person against him. His first thought was to check his phone, breathing a sigh of relief to see it still in his hand, then looked at the person who bumped into him. He blinked as realization hit him. "Well hey there! Long time no see!" he beamed. "If I'd known it would be raining cuties today, I'd..." He paused and glanced upwards. "Well I guess I'd still be walking around here, huh? You okay?"
     As he helped steady Lola, he glanced at her legs. "Those stitches look a little loose. You been picking at them?" He gave her a light smile. "Can't be doing that, you know. Never know when you won't have a handsome officer to help you out," he joked, yet somehow managed to scold her at the same time. "I can help, if you want? I'm not the best at fixing stitches up, but I helped my dad with it time to time, so I like to think I'm not bad."

Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX

PicklePantry (I love your boy sm omg!!) 

A usual friday night, Desmond was walking down the street back home. Aside from occasionally glancing down at his phone to change the music in a singular plugged in earbud, he was transfixed by the lights of the rainy city night around him. Yes, normally he wasn’t the type to stop and gaze starry-eyed at those sorts of details, but the truth was that he was definitely a little wasted. He had decided to get back before the full effects kicked in, when… 

As he was admiring the lights and not paying too much attention to where he was walking, a taller bulkier figure nearly slammed into him, whose body mass was clearly much larger than his; “FUck-“ Desmond loudly cursed, partially out of surprise as he was knocked to the ground, this person landing on top of him.  

Thankfully he had caught himself by his hands, and he was honestly about to start chewing this guy out for running into him. He was NOT in the mood for this. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he opened up his mouth in preparation to yell at this stranger …until he looked up, and realized what kind of person this was. 

It was a cop. A fucking cop! Desmond immediately froze as his words were abruptly caught in his throat. Great, one of the last people he wanted to see right now! Had someone tipped off the police and snitched that he was selling drugs? What about all of the street fights he had gotten into recently? 

It didn’t help that he was currently under the influence and some tiny bags in his pockets had started to feel just a little heavier… 

“…sorry. But get off of me.” Desmond replied in a quiet voice, trying to hide his dilated pupils and act as normal as possible. He slowly got up from the ground, trying not to appear as a threat or anyone suspicious… but there was definitely something weird about this cop. Desmond could have sworn that he smelled blood… he knew that smell anywhere. Ah, and was that blood on his uniform, too? It was almost 4 am in the morning, too… did cops usually patrol this late? He couldn’t recall with his cocaine-addled brain at the moment, but decided to leave that question for another day. 

He squinted before letting his ringing sixth-sense decide what to do for him as he tried his best to casually abandon the scene. The way the blond  had apologized and smiled made his skin crawl. It reminded him too much of himself, of someone who was hiding something. Someone who wasn’t right. 

Desmond huffed, trying his best not to break out into a full run for multiple reasons… what a horrible person to have run into! (For him, anyway…)

vvv Reply ~

Desmond's face mellowed into a blush, even the tips of his ears were burning red. Truthfully, he was about to yell at Jasper for knocking him over, but... his reply changed things. Drastically. "Something tells me that he's not very sorry..." He thought. As he stood up, he brushed his hair back out of his face; "Hey, thanks~ Right back at you..." He replied in his usual honeyed voice, eyes half-lidded with a playful smirk upturning a corner of his mouth.

Jasper ArtisticTiger

     Jasper was in such a rush he didn’t notice the big rock on the ground. He tripped and fell right on top of Desmond. “Oh hehe whoops.” Jasper smirked at Desmond. “Hey cutie nice hair~” He got up off Desmond and blew him a kiss. “Lemme know when you want me to fall on top of you on purpose~”

Jasper just glanced at Shikari briefly. He made no effort to take his hand and simply walked off.

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Illanya Mariold HardyLark

All the air in Illanya’s lungs leaves her with a whoof sound, as Shikari lands on her. Admittedly she didn’t think anybody would come this far into the woods. Additionally she hadn’t accounted for her battle-axe Valerian, which blended in a little too well to the forest floor with is flowering vines… kinda like she had with her cloak, especially since she’d started to have plants grow on her. 

Regardless, Illanya gasps for air, trying her best to refill her lungs and get the hawkling off of her. When her gloved hands brush Shikari’s wings, she freezes. Her green-gold eyes widen slightly, a mixture of excitement and a little bit of fear on her face. Illanya is quick to wipe her expression away and she grimaces.

“Ah Gods, are alright? You took a pretty hard fall there.” The knight grimaces, and feels at her chest tentatively. 

Carefully she stands and turning, she offers a hand to help Shikari up. “That was my fault… I forget me and my equipment really do blend with the forest floor. I promise I’ll be a little more careful in the future though!

(Hello! Illanya isn’t what many would view as dexterous in or out of her armor.  You can choose to have her wearing her armor or wearing something that wouldn’t probably hurt it bad to have fall on. Either way, have fun!^^)

OH MY GODDD this is hilarious... Illanya rn 

Illanya leans forward, squinting for a moment before she spots the flowers Ennette had been referring to. She smiles happily and nods. "They look beautiful! You should be proud of how they've grown! I can tell these are very happy flowers." Idly, the knight wonders how the garden back at the family home is doing. Of course, she had her father to care for the plants but sometimes she worried about anyone of the plants dying, even though Hason is the one who taught her the garden. She does tilt her head curiously at the mention of the King and his friend, but she doesn't comment on it, instead just nodding. 

"Oh? Of course! I'd love nothing more than to help!" Illanya says immediately as Ennette mentions a plant. Perhaps a little too eagerly. "Er, with the plant! I can... do that." Illanya follows, wincing slightly at her own excitement and eagerness. Her expression immediately shifts to curiosity as the princess points out the flower in question. She leans forward, a gloved hand coming up to her face. 

"I think you're right, it's not a seasonal problem that killing this little one, but I'm-" The knight trails off in her words when Ennette kneels down and begins to point down towards the root. "I'm sorry I can't see what you-WHOA!" As Illanya opens her mouth to explain that she can't see what the princess is talking about, Ennette grabs her arm and tugs. Unfortunately, a mixture of the woman already leaning forward, and just a little bit of weakness from the incident, sends Illanya stumbling forward.

Instinctively, her hands go to catch herself, bot to no avail. Dirt and dust fly into the air and Illanya chokes a little on the debris in the air. The knight opens her eyes just as Ennette does. Immediately her first thought is wondering why on earth she's so close. If she's honest, the princess does look stunning like this. All at once, Illanya seems to realize exactly what happened and she almost smacks herself for thinking like that.  Her own eyes grow wide, her entire face going beet red.

Oh Gods! She's just fell on top of another kingdom's royalty! Desperately, she tries to will herself to move, to get off the princess. Of course, she's frozen to the spot, breathless. It's only the sound of the king's tray clattering that seems to snap her out of it and she very quickly scrambles off Ennette and a little bit further just to be safe, muttering curse words at herself in sylvan before she looks between Ennette and the King. "Shit."

Ennette PicklePantry

     "What do you think of this flower?" Ennette asked as she brought Illanya to a corner of the castle's courtyard. She wore a proud smile on her face. "My father got all sorts of flowers to impress his friend, but he stopped taking care of them after they had a fight. I've been handling them now, and I really like how they've been turning out." Not to mention, Illanya was a gardener herself! She must be super impressed seeing the princess capable of handling plants like these, right? It was an attractive feature, right??
     Thinking about that, however, made her realize one problem that turned her proud grin into a frown. "I could use your help with one plant, though," she mumbled. But it's okay! Because if the paladin agrees to help, that meant more time spent together!! Desperation repeated that in her mind, but her doubts pushed back. What a silly fool she'd be to boast about her plants only to turn around and show... that.
     "That" was a brown and wilted set of flowers a little ways from where they were. "I've tried all sorts of things to keep it safe, and I don't think the weather is playing an affect into it," Ennette explained. She carefully got down on her knees and pointed near the root. "Do you see that? There's still a sliver of green, so I think it's alive, but I don't know how to bring it back-- or if that's even possible." She looked at Illanya then back at the plant, emphasizing where she was pointing. "No, you need to get down to see it. A little more, here." She tugged lightly at the paladin, but either she did so at the wrong time or didn't know her strength, because she ended up pulling her down!

     Ennette coughed with some dust kicked up, then winced at the sudden weight on top of her. Opening her eyes, she froze in place when the first thing she was was Illanya-- specifically, her face. Very close. To hers.
     Eyes shrunk to the size of beads, and a mouth pursed so tight it had formed a thin line, Ennette felt her soul leave her body. W-What brought this on? Was it because she pulled her down?! Ohhh, talk! Stop making this awkward! Ah, but she'd forgotten how to speak! W-What was her name, even?!

     Meanwhile, the doors to the courtyard had opened with the king stepping out, a large smile on his face. "Ennette!" he called out. "Take a break from your tour. I made some strawberry muff--"
     He dropped his tray when he caught up to the two.

 Benny Gomji

"Have you danced before?"

Benny asked out of the blue, breaking the silence. He certainly have heard her sing, but never had the chance to see her dance. "A good friend of mine taught me once, but that was the only time I've had a try." He looked up from his feet to look at Ennette. "Would you like to dance with me?" His sly smile was accompanied with eyebrows furrowed innocently, like a lost child asking for help with directions. Despite asking for permission, Benny swiftly pulled Ennette closer to him, his hands immediately getting a gentle hold of soft, pale hands. The innocence was no longer there. It was quickly replaced with a air of mischief and confidence as he promptly, yet gently directed the princess in different directions on the balcony. 

One can see that Benny was positioning the both of them in a waltz, with him muttering directions as the two moved together to match each other's footsteps. 

"Left foot forward." Forward. "To the right." Right. "Bring the left towards your right foot." Parallel. "Step back with your right." Backwards.  "Back once more, then step to your left." Again. "Then bring your right foot back towards your left."

He was muttering directions the whole time, but suddenly stopped talking when he envisioned Ennette doing a freestyle dance...on the brightly flashing dance a struggling puppy..and panicking not knowing what to do.....

Quite adorable.

Benny choked from trying hard not to laugh.

That was exactly when the two lost balance, gravity pulling them down to the floor. Benny fell backwards as Ennette fell forward, the two clashing onto each other with a thud. 

He groaned a little, rubbing his head with a free hand while the other was latched onto Ennette in an attempt to prevent her from getting hurt as much as he could. "You okay there, love?" He grinned slyly. "Sorry about that, I wasn't thinking straight for a moment there." Instead of getting up, he stopped rubbing his head and slowly joined it with the one that was holding Ennette, pulling her into a hug. "That was quite nice, actually. You're a natural at this. Perhaps you would like to try that again?"

Argus the Alligator ArtisticTiger

         Argus was busy chasing butterflies. He hadn’t noticed the Benny in front of him. Argus reached to grab a butterfly but tripped and fell on top of Benny. “Oof” Argus’s heavy metal body fell onto Benny. “Oh gosh I’m so sorry.” Argus slowly got up. “Are you ok? Did my heavy metal frame injure you?” Argus looked at the human concerned. 

 Kitten Witten Kawaiimarshmallowkit

Kitten Witten was going about her usual business at Perfume's amusement park. Suddenly, she felt something heavy run into her, knocking her down. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!" Kitten shrieked as she fell. She pushed off whatever had ran into her and got up. She looked down and saw an animatronic that she had not seen at the amusement park before. Was this a new robot that Perfume took in? There was no way though, because if he was a new robot, Kitten more than likely would have found out about him before he was given a role in the amusement park. He must have entered the amusement park on his own. Regardless of who he was or where he came from, he seemed dazed after what had happened. "Hey, are you alright??? Are you lost? I haven't seen you here before!" Kitten Witten said as she reached out her hand to help Argus up. "If you are, I could take you to the park's owner! I'm sure she could help you find whoever your owner is!"

Just a note in case you don't feel like reading her profile. Kitten Witten is about 9 feet tall.

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