It's pretty simple. What would your oc react like if the oc above you fell on top of them accidentally?

No rules besides not being rude to other characters and no NSFW as there may be some who are under 18.

Be sure to write a little scene to set up the situation if you'd like. Small responses of their reactions are fine. For example:

(Note: There are just random characters to serve as an example) ---------------------- Yoi: He is walking down the sidewalk, enjoying his ice cream until he trips on a crack and falls onto someone. "Ah!"

Mary: "Huh? Wha-" The man falls on top of her as she hurts her bottom. "Are you okay? Oh no! My clothes!" The man's ice cream had stained the new dress she had bought the other night. ----------------------

And then you would write another scene for your character for others to reply. (Hope it's not confusing///) Make sure to separate it by entering a couple of times or using (---) so others know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So let's start!

Tomoya had woken up late due to his studying for the exam he had this week so he now he's rushing his way to his work. He tried not to run too fast as it was dangerous but to no luck, he bumps onto someone and falls on top of them. "I..I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush--!"

Isagani Valmorida Wye

He fucking falls over a short goat person while he was walking and he accidentally kicked her leg, leading them to fall over the fucking floor in McDonald - And his head was squished like a pancake thanks to her- just kidding, but then, his head gained a headache from a fall and most of his orders are on the floor, being thrown over. He push her away from him but he's still on the floor, 

"Ow! What the fuck is your deal about? You fucking ruined my orders and gave me a headache" He growls as he began to collect the now-completely ruined mcdonald meals and let the janitors to take care if it. "Godamnit- now i don't have any food for dinner, thanks to you, i don't want to see you again." He says as he walked away from her while touching the back of his head, leaving Mcdonald.

Farrow (band au) firebuug

(hi its 12 am its time for me to do 20 forums orz)

Farrow was wandering the greenhouse a bit absentmindedly, not really interested in any of the plants—his face was buried in his phone, trying to zoom in and process what the heck this flower was that his dad was asking him to get. He didn’t notice 7 foot tall Isagani carrying a big potted plant approaching him, trying to text his dad back, until too late. They bumped into each other, and Isagani, trying to keep the tree from falling, leaned forwards way too much and ended up falling forwards onto the distracted guitarist. Farrow toppled over and dropped his phone— as he scrambled to get it back he looked up to face the man above him.

“J-Jeez— watch where you’re going, dude!” He was a bit flustered at his towering nature. “I can’t get crushed to death today, I gotta get this dumb flower…” He looked to the potted plant, pot shattered besides them. “…Yikes. Sorry about the tree…do I owe you that…?”


JuniperW oh dear, this may be the day where I realize how forgetful I really am :" Thank you for telling me, should be fine now ^^ Apologies for my dumb moment 

Bambi did not expect to be toppled onto today. One moment they were simply walking with their face buried in their phone, the next this rather tall individual had ran into them so hard they both fell over.... and the other person was right on top of Bambi. Just wonderful. As if everything else that had happened today wasn't enough for them already, now people were falling onto them as well? Sure, maybe Bambi couldn't berate them for not watching where they were going because, well, Bambi wasn't themself, but still. If you're running so fast that you can knock someone over, looking in front of you might be a good idea. 

As the other person quickly got up, Bambi scrambled up themself. Looking the person up and down, there was a scowl clearly set onto their face. But Bambi certainly was not in the mindset to say anything, so they just shoved their hands into the pockets of their jacket. Still staring at the person who ran into them, they yanked a pack of cigarettes out of their pocket. 

"Maybe don't run so fast." Bambi said as they pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it, they began to quickly walk away. Their cheeks were beginning to light up a little from the whole instance, and their heart was pounding in their chest. 

Yeah. Today was not their day. 

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Cranker honeydont

Cranker lets out an undignified little yelp, skating backwards as someone topples onto the tracks just in front of him. He looks around quickly, checking to make sure no one heard his momentary lapse of coolness, then crouches down, staring at them. It looks like a human. He thinks they're a human, anyway. Cranker's never seen one with pointed ears before, but it's not like he interacts with them very often. "Uh," he starts, reaching a hand out to help them up. He stops before he actually touches them, remembering humans aren't made of metal. Cranker drops his hand, not wanting to hurt them. "You okay?" He's not sure if they'll even be able to understand him. Most non-rolling stock don't. Well, it doesn't look like they're hurt, so that's a good sign. He stands back up, propping his weight on a toe stop to keep from rolling away. "You might want to get off the tracks," Cranker mumbles, not sure what else there is to say.


lmao picked my absolute heaviest character :') he's a train and he's 268,000 lbs. you're free to pick anyone else if you don't want to wrangle with that!

 Fukagawa _kaylarts_

Fukagawa quickly reflexively grabbed onto the thing falling towards him at an alarming rate. Halting it’s descent, but almost knocking him over in the process. It felt like something solid and cold like metal. And this weight! How could something of this size weigh so much? What was this thing? How could something be this incredibly dense? 

No… wait, this wasn’t something, it was someone! Fukagawa realized. This is a person! Whoa. It was a metal man, though he didn’t look metal, he felt it! And he was strong too! Fukagawa could feel it!

Luckily for Cranker’s sake and his, he had the instinct to catch him, from an unpleasant tumble. But he never expected a person like this to be so heavy! Fukagawa was glad he had taken up a good stance to catch the fellow, without it… well that wouldn’t have been a very fond experience, for the both of them. He pushed deep into the ground with his legs, bringing the metal man to an upright angle, and relieving himself from the strain of their weight. “Are you alright?” He asked the man, resting a hand on their shoulder and wearing a worried expression. ”I wasn’t expecting someone to fall on me like that.“ He laughed lightly, still astonished by Cranker.

Jasper Cosmicloanshark

Jasper tensed up, feeling the weight of someone falling on him, the dogs around him immediately barking and snarling, "Watch where you're fucking going!" he snapped, pushing Fukagawa back onto his feet, and silencing the dogs with a quick whistle, he stared at the O'tsin for a while before speaking, "The hell were you even doing? My dogs could've mauled you for that." Jasper said, the Doberman pinschers around him still staring Fukagawa down, as if waiting for him to make a wrong move.

This post has been removed.
 Adelaide confusedthing

She was just about to get her headphones out when suddenly it felt like all air was knocked out of her lungs. It felt like an eternity of threatening panic until she realized what had caused her to land on her back and made it hard to breathe even when she should have been able to get air in again. Her attempt of not panicking was semi-successful as she tried to push Jasper off of her, just because, well, he was heavy and she was pretty damn tiny.
Only when she was able to at least sit up again and took a few panicked breaths she was able to speak again. "Fucking hell." Addie panted. "W-watch where you're going next time, will you?" That was a bit aggressive, wasn't it? Now she felt bad... "I- I know I'm not exactly your height but please..." Surely Jasper would understand, right? Damn it, she felt like she was about to die... just not as excited. Wait- what?
Addie finally got back up on her feet, offering to pull up Jasper as well. It may have looked like a stupid idea but she promised she wasn't useless and could be of help if he needed any! "Sorry man..." she mumbled, once both of them were standing once more. "Might've gotten a little emotional there, huh? Uhm... yeah. anyway. please watch out ok?" 

(I see the saga of these two being dumbasses continues and I love that post. xD)

It was a nice chase, really. Not a great one, but being on her own she had to make do. And she was doing just fine! She had managed to scare her victim enough to run without having to show herself, yet.
Everything was going smoothly until she collided with someone who was not supposed to be there

Quickly, her mind switched from hunting to getting the upper hand in whatever situation she had entangled herself in and luckily she ended up on top. Well. Not so lucky as she realized seconds later. Why, of all people...? Fucking hell indeed.
"Oh shut up, will you?" Addie hissed, staring daggers at Desmond. She was not (yet) threatening his life but, just for safety reasons, making sure her knife was very much visible. In case he wanted to do something stupid... which, judging by their past encounters, was not entirely out of character for him.
God, how she hated that smug grin. (Well that was a lie, but it still annoyed her to no end.) "Do you have anything else on your mind? Ever?" she just had to ask.

And of course she would regret that as soon as he opened his mouth again. Did he really just insult her knife? Or called it 'cute'? 'Adorable'? Honestly, she did not even want to stab him, she just wanted to punch him for being that annoying. At least that's what she told herself. (She was not actually someone who ran around and punched people, that probably would have hurt her more than him.) "I am not- you weren't even-" Addie let out a frustrated groan, accompanied by a sigh which, again, she would probably regret fucking breathing around this moron. "I am not interested in seeing yours, no matter how impressive you believe it to be." Of course he meant his bat. She still was not interested. Right now

"You are aware I could just kill you right now?" ...and yet he was confident she wouldn't do it. Which he was right about. Not so much because she didn't have it in her to stab him out of pure frustration, but well, given her... physical disadvantages she had to plan things. And he was not. part of her plan. That was a problem. Just like- before he could say anything that would make her head hurt more than it already did she just covered his mouth with one hand in hopes that would at least stop him from talking. She had to think. Not only had he ruined her chase, there was also no way in hell she would turn her back on Desmond.
Good that no one had seen her yet. Now at least anything they could report were the ramblings of a madman hearing noises in the woods... That reminded her... "Why the hell are you even here?!"
Sitting on top of an attractive unhinged idiot who, in any possible change of the situation would gain the upper hand, was not an ideal spot to think - who would've guessed?

Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX

Desmond's sprint slowed down into a jog as he was finally able to catch his breath. He was far too used to having delinquents hot on his heals whenever he picked and finished his fights... his eyes darted back and forth in the dark alley as he decided to make a break towards the woods, where he knew he could hide easier.
Making little to no noise, he quickly jumped the chain-linked fence and ran into the forest, the leaves and trees now whipping around him. He was sure to take the most complicated path he could think of, in hopes of losing his pursuers as his eyes adjusted to the surroundings that were no longer lit by the dim city lights.

Just as he was starting to get cocky, it happened. SLAM. Someone fast, yet small had slammed into him as he quickly made a turn, sending the both of them tumbling to the ground...

Gritting his teeth, Desmond cursed as he felt himself now flat on the ground with... someone... on top of him.
"F-fuckin' hell..." He muttered, clearly disgruntled, before that same expression turned into intrigue as he saw who it was. Despite the girl donning a cracked doll mask, the fluffy pink hair that spilled from her black hood, her small frame, and clothes... he thought he recognized.

His expression quickly switched to a smug grin; "Oh... it's you," Desmond purred; "I just knew you liked me. Finally decided to admit it? Heh... go on, do what you will with me. I'm yours. I don't really like the great outdoors much, but... I can always experiment." He hummed. As his eyes flicked over the knife she had in hand, he opened his mouth yet again. "That's a cute knife you've got there~. Like, seriously. Adorable. You hoping to make an 'You show me yours and I'll show you mine' deal? Unfortunately, I don't got mine on me right now, but I've got something more impressive." By that, he meant... his bat. Obviously! That was... conveniently laying a whole 10 feet away from him, leaving him completely vulnerable.

Had Adelaide inconvenienced him, he would always make sure to do it right back... if he was right, that is. Desmond cocked his head confidently, the rushing of his adrenaline making him more sure of himself in the moment than he probably should've been...

Reuben Rubiex ArtisticTiger

    Somehow Desmond and Reuben had collided. Reuben was taking a morning walk and hadn’t noticed him. His cane was knocked out of the way,which caused him to tumble to the ground. Reuben let out a “oof” as he tumbled. Desmond had cursed Reuben several times before he stood up. Reuben was unfazed by Desmond’s surprised expression. He was used to humans staring at him this way. “Yes I’m very aware my head is a Rubex cube!” Said Reuben. “Could you hand me my cane, I can’t get up without back support.” 

 Adair confusedthing

(ArtisticTiger have my attempt to revive!)

Maybe he had fallen asleep or overseen something, but Adair soon found himself falling to the ground, barely avoiding to hit is head but instead getting headbutted by a giant Rubix cube that- had landed on top of him. The hacker computer analyst let out a defeated groan and allowed his aching head to lay on the pavement for a moment. It wasn't like there were people walking here, right? Totally fine.
"Can't you watch where you're going?", looking at Reuben he was not really sure if the object head could even see... oops. Well, anyway, he should probably have paid more attention. Maybe both of them? Considering his own memory of how this accident had come to be was rather foggy. "And could you, you know, get up?" apparently he could not. "Okay, could you then... at least get off of me so I can get you your damn cane?" he did not mean to be rude, but he was tired and reasonably frustrated about the situation. Poor Reuben would just have to deal with it for ten more seconds, even though for Adair just laying flat on the floor sounded like a great idea right now... No, he would get up, hand the other his cane and just go home and lie on the ground there. The most exciting evening plans he had had in months!

(v that was great, thank you so much!)

Alison Mitty versias

(confusedthing) People falling out of the sky was not even in the top ten of weird things Alison had ever seen, but they didn't normally land on her. Luckily for her and the kid, Alison was built sturdy and was used to catching twiggy brats who didn't know how to land after teleporting in– which come to think of it was an oddly specific occurrence that shouldn't have happened with more than one person. This was why Alison didn't like working with others. No matter what, second in command of the Black Flower Gang just meant Dahlia's go-fer, not "leader".

Alison sighed, pulling herself to her feet and hauling the kid up with her. He was taller than her, because of course he was, but she was like three times as beefy. Really, he was so light she didn't even have to use her field to stabilize herself. Though the kid didn't look like a villain, much less a criminal, he had to be the contact she was sent to find. Alison wanted to be angry (Alison always wanted to be angry), but he looked so pathetic she found even her quick temper could be doused with pity.

"Jeez, kid, you look like how I feel." Then, she grinned up at him, cracking her knuckles. "Look more alive! We've got a job to do, and this is where it gets fun."

Really, it was her fault for not digging her field in when she had the chance. The attack hit like a train, and Alison (being nominally 5'0" and weighing less than a ton) did what any smaller object did when faced with an opposing force. She went flying. Alison slammed through the wall. Then the next one. Then the next one. Then she was falling for a bit– ow, that was a gargoyle, who even had gargoyles outside their buildings anymore– then she finally hit the ground. Or, well, hit what should have been the ground. She had already extended her reach to lessen her impact and managed to turn what could have been a fatal collision into a mere inconvenience for both parties.

"Watch it, pal, I'm falling here!" She coughed, still choking on pulverized drywall.

Xeno Cherenkov junebuggeryy

(versias heyo hiyo revives this real quick) 

As much as xe enjoyed the spotlight of a villain's battle, sometimes xe had to admit the merit of a quieter heist. Xe had heard some commotion over the scanner about a battle going on a block away- that was a sure enough diversion to accomplish xer own, tinier, freelance act of pure evil. Xe sets xer tools down, adjusting xer goggles to allow for x-ray vision into the side of the dentists office. It was the radiology equipment xe was interested in- xe didn't need to be here long, just long enough to blast a hole in the side, take what xe needed, and go. It was good this was a solo mission, these things were always easier to accomplish without finding ways to keep the radioactive aura around xerself to a minimum. Darn safety concerns of your fellow comrades with their vulnerable biomasses. 

There's a crack, and xe turns xer x-ray goggles just in time to be baffled by an encroaching set of bones coming in- is that xer direction? No. Yes? No, don't be silly- Containment breach containment breach CONTAINMENT BREACH-

"W-Watch it, buddy-o, I'm decaying isotopes here!" Xe stammers out, eyes wide and horrified over the ricochet xer body just performed. It's somewhat of a miracle xe manages to form those words- but somehow, the urge to reciprocate the joke tramples all mortal dread in the kooky scientist, all mortification at being touched. Xe did not take the sudden loud noise, nor the sensation of being pinned lightly, though. In fact, if there's room for it under Alison, xe is twitching like a leaf, a caged wide-eyed animal trying to convince itself everything is safe. Xe forces an eye open, so that xe doesn't only have blackness and memory to try and understand what's just happened to xer. 

Wait. No, wait. Is that that one villain xe was reading about earlier? It can't be. Xe unsqueezes an arm to adjust xer cracked glasses, blinking behind fishbowl lenses, making sure xer asymmetrical vision is seeing this right. Suddenly, amidst the flurry of flashback and terror, xe can't help but be a little star struck. Has xe been whimpering this whole time in front of another super!

"Gadzooks, you're Alison Mitty! Oh god. Oh my god, I love your work! Can you sign my death ray? W-Wait, no, first, you need to not be on top of me! You have a battle to win, and I'd hate to leave you wretching and poisoned about it!"


The jetpack was not, actually, going superbly smoothly. The first half had gone grand! The liftoff was flawlessly balanced, launching the little atompunk serenely into the sky, to travel the cosmos without a care in the world. Xeno would later go on to proclaim the jetpack went perfectly right! None of xer calculations with the jetpack was the problem. It sailed beautifully after the straps snapped all off, sending Xeno careening downwards, still unfortunately very much in Earth's gravity. 

At least something nice and soft broke xer fall? Xe bolts upright, lightly concussed, already flapping xer hands in the excitement of an experiment well done, barely noticing the person beneath xer. 

"Egads, I've gotta do that again! "

Planet Mars EggSalt

// Using Mars' 5 foot form so he can...actually interact ahaha!

Marvelous display! A jetpack going through the sky! An incredible feat to see! Oh Mars would just have to write this down, tell the tale later on at home! Or...encourage the little humans back on Earth to create the same! Surely it wouldn't go too long? Oh! Or he could tell the tale of great tragedy, like when Incarus flew too close to the sun. Yes, yes of course he could-

Something hit the god then, knocking him over and barreling both bodies into the ground. The one that had done the oh-so-rude falling seemed none-the-wiser, happily chattering about the need to do such again, to really get it down perfectly! Xe seemed completely unknowing that a living being was under xer, until xe was flung off of Mars with a deep huff.

"My! My my!" He grumbled, dusting his coat collar off with a half hearted glare, "Your jetpack was impressive, but this display was not! You did not even apologize for your...crashing in on my space!"

Mars....Xe could have been injured. ...Xe weren't, thankfully, but the planetary god hadn't even considered such things. Just that he had been hit and dirtied.

"Grief! Grief on this world, the pain of such things," Mars grunted, "Yes! You should study more! To not fall on others! Please."

Oh Mars...poor Xeno, having to listen to such a dramatic god.


Mars spun about on the hillside, humming a song to himself as he once again went story hunting. Things to add onto and make into grand tales of his time on the planets! Yes, of wasn't all truthful, but the stories were mostly genuine! A made up fact here or there would not deter such. With a tap of his boot on the surface, the god glanced down the hill, seeing something that caught his eye.

He could just jump down, it would be fine! If anyone was down there, they would surely move!

"Ahaha! Look out below, coming through!" Mars shouted, immediately launching himself from the hilltop. ...He had not quite considered that this may not have been enough time for someone to move.

(again he's...5 ft here instead of 500 LOL.  He's very light like this actually.)