It's pretty simple. What would your oc react like if the oc above you fell on top of them accidentally?

No rules besides not being rude to other characters and no NSFW as there may be some who are under 18.

Be sure to write a little scene to set up the situation if you'd like. Small responses of their reactions are fine. For example:

(Note: There are just random characters to serve as an example) ---------------------- Yoi: He is walking down the sidewalk, enjoying his ice cream until he trips on a crack and falls onto someone. "Ah!"

Mary: "Huh? Wha-" The man falls on top of her as she hurts her bottom. "Are you okay? Oh no! My clothes!" The man's ice cream had stained the new dress she had bought the other night. ----------------------

And then you would write another scene for your character for others to reply. (Hope it's not confusing///) Make sure to separate it by entering a couple of times or using (---) so others know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So let's start!

Tomoya had woken up late due to his studying for the exam he had this week so he now he's rushing his way to his work. He tried not to run too fast as it was dangerous but to no luck, he bumps onto someone and falls on top of them. "I..I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush--!"

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Silver uwutuber

Silver was happily walking with his newly and illegally obtained bag of fun dips, improved by the fact he was 99.9% sure he was alone! Excluding the faint humming he could hear in the distance. He decides to sit down so he can joyously eat his ungodly amount of sugar.


He falls to the ground as he is suddenly, and accidentally jumped on by the planet God. Unbeknownst to him he was just recently warned to move out of the way. 

"OWW- oh wait.. that actually didn't- WAIT GET OFF OF ME "

Somehow Silver had managed to get up, lookeing up Mars before ranting.

"Hey what in the hell was that for! Why the fuck did you jump me you.. I dunno!!"

 IcyHot ArtisticTiger

   IcyHot was taking a lovely snooze on the floor in Walmart. He had been caught burning and eating fruit by an employee. They managed to taze him. The electric shock knocked him out cold for 20 minutes. After the employee left to call the authorities, Silver had managed to trip on his feet. The blue feline landed on top of IcyHot who woke up suddenly. IcyHot yawned and grumbled something. He sat up and picked up Silver. His glowing eyes were a mellow Blue color as he gazed at the feline. “Thanks for waking me up! I don’t know how long I’ve been out or what happened..” He have Silver’s fur a gentle stroke. “Nice fur, it’s the same color as me!” IcyHot took several minutes to smell Silver before gently putting him down. 

Rabbit Darkanra

Rabbit browsed the shelves, reaching out for a juicy looking pear to put in his basket. He didn't often go shopping, but it was fine every now and again when he wanted to have a picnic break between era hopping. Just as his fingertips brushed the soft flesh of the plump fruit, a large being seemingly appeared out of nowhere, crashing down onto the time jumper from above and sending the rack of produce spilling across the floor. "...! Yo, what the heck-?!" Rabbit stared in disbelief at the alien-looking creature lying across his torso like a sack of potatoes. It wasn't like anything Rabbit had ever seen, and he tilted his head, ears flopping forward as he temporarily found himself speechless. Where had this dude even come from?? Did they just teleport on top of him and it was just a classic case of wrong place, wrong time? No. Rabbit looked up, and, spotting the light fixture dangling broken on one side, put the pieces together. "Bro, were you hiding up there on the light? What the heck for??" The sound of shouting store staff answered his question pretty quickly though. "Oh jeez, what did you do to make 'em so angry like that?" Pushing the fiery-looking figure off him, Rabbit pulled himself off the floor and dusted his clothes down, looking wistfully at the fruit all over the floor before grabbing IcyHot's arm and pulling him towards the store door. "C'mon, let's get out of here before we both get in even more trouble. The heck were you doing hiding from the staff anyway? Did you try and shoplift their processed cheese or something?"

Kibo Mimiis07

Rabbit wasn't looking where he was going while dashing on an old bridge, he fell off it from a big chunk missing the wooden floor destroyed by nature. He fell on something that made a loud "Squelch" noise, he freaked out after hearing a loud scream in agony right below him. He got threw off of the chunk of slime and fell onto the hard dirt. "You squished me" the slime said.

Objectio EggSalt

What on Earth had just landed on it?? Something slimey and- oh! Alive. She was alive. Strange, but not truly that odd to Objectio.

"Ah, well, nice of you to drop in," The cloak gently stated, pun not fully intended, "Where did you come from, hm? You're not hurt are you?"

After confirming that Kibo was infact, safe and sound, Objectio allowed itself to relax slightly.

"Oh, me? That didn't hurt, no. I'm merely cloth. No worries."


Oh! Seems a strong gust of wind lifted poor Objectio into the air, bumping softly into the person behind it.

"...My bad! Sorry..."

Myst Knight versias

The wind blew a green cloth into Myst's armor, snagging it on the stylized wing pauldron. Where she would have simply disentangled the sheet and thrown it off into the wind to fly wherever it willed, she was stopped by a voice issuing from within what she now realized was a set of clothes and a hat. A talking set of clothes, plus hat. It wasn't just an invisible being; it had folded and snagged like real cloth with nothing within. A single glass eye floated within the space between hat and scarf and she had the distinct impression that it was not only alive but actively looking at her.

"It's not your fault," she dismissed its apologies with a wave of her hand and, gently, parted the creature (?) from her armor. "Forgive me for any unintended offense, but... what manner of creature are you?" Was it a construct like her, just based on articles of clothing rather than the human shape? Whatever it was, it was fascinating and new!

Jumping between realms was... an inexact process. Though the mechanisms involved could identify enough of the other side's materials to not fuse her within a block of stone or halfway through the ground, they were less precise at judging distance and suitable footholds. That was to say that when the Myst Knight stepped through the portal, her armored shoe hit only air. Her forward momentum had her half-falling, half-tripping between something and nothing, half a foot in the air, and she could not catch herself in time to avoid barreling into someone.

"Oh, I beg forgiveness," she said automatically, "for the sudden intrusion! Fear not, I mean you no harm!" That was unfortunately something she'd trained herself into saying whenever emerging into a new place; not everyone took kindly to a seven foot tall Knight in full armor simply appearing on their metaphorical (or literal) doorstep.

Caelestis Solaestial

i couldn't resist GSDFHJKS (spoilered since i'm on mobile, but it looks kinda long still, idk)

A new realm, a new adventure. Though Caelestis had already briefly scoped out the area as a spirit, it was always hard to help a small bit of anxiety at the possibility of running into an unexpected witness, and never could he quite control the precise location of his body's manifestation as perfectly as ideal. Still, the matter gathered and formed, settling into its usual shape in a manner that would appear instant to any naked eye.

His feet met with the satisfying texture of the grass, he breathed in the delightful aroma of the morning dew that rose through the waft of fresh air, as his hand gently combed back through the soft hair upon his head.

And he was barreled back-first onto the ground with a heavy thump.

Who the what—

As Caelestis regained his breath, it took only a few moments to figure what had happened, from the metallic bulkiness of what had rammed into him from above, to the towering knight-like figure before him who had just been regaining their bearings as well, all while uttering a quite earnest sounding apology with a promptness that one would not typically expect from someone who had just quite seemingly phased into existence and fallen out of the sky. "I—ah..." Caelestis stared for a moment with wide eyes, mind blank after having quite literally just phased into existence himself. "No, no, please, it's fine."

Finally remembering to remove himself from his newfound seat upon the ground, he stood up, hands reaching back to brush some of the stray grass off his backside in the process. Once at a better level with whoever had just tumbled so unexpectedly into him, he blinked once or twice as he took in the sight of the Myst Knight. A warrior-type for certain, though the eye-catching bright teal made for the most prominent thing his eyes made note of, not quite what he'd observed as at all what would seem to fit into this realm so far. Curious.

"So... a fine day, isn't it?" The obvious elephant in the room needn't be addressed all too hurriedly for now.

Windy days were always a risk in a way, thrilling and invigorating as they were. While he typically did at least attempt to avoid any crowdier areas on any such occasion, it was difficult to account for everything even if he did care more to try, and so, on one particularly windy day, Caelestis had been heading swiftly down a short bit of steps when his feet at last slipped ever so slightly—pushed ahead by a particularly relentless gust—and he found himself tumbling down into an unfortunate passerby that had just begin heading up from the bottom.

(otherwise! for np: since i'm indecisive af with prompts, just note that he's very light and will likely have to be falling from an elevated height, and while he's good on his feet, can easy be set off balance by even just the wind or a bump against someone else. he'll be apologetic, although in addition to potential flirting if it's someone he might be interested in haha)

(FOLLOW-UP!!! 👀 )

It was a slightly terrifying situation when you actually stopped to think about it. At least certainty for the poor fellow that he'd found his form tumbling so swiftly, so suddenly forward into, thwacking against him with a hefty force powered by the unfortunate elevation of the fall. 

With wide eyes, Caelestis could only watch for a moment as the man struggled to catch and steady both parties, and could not decide on whether to thank his relative weightlessness for preventing what could've easily been a far more unfortunate accident, or curse that very fact as the likely cause for him having fallen so easily to begin with. An even mix of both, he could only settle on.

Eventually, it seemed Xenos had regained his bearings enough to let go. The slight delay itself Caelestis couldn't bring himself to question too deeply, for now it was his turn to regain his own bearings, and there remained no time to simply become lost in his own thoughts as well next. "Pardon, I—was quite careless, I apologize." He pushed through a quick apology, likely noticeably short of breath from the unexpected adrenaline himself. Admittedly, these sorts of moments were always somewhat awkward when actually attempting to be sincere. Particularly when in the past, he'd even gone so far on some particularly shameless occasions as to allow similar short tumbles into similarly attractive strangers and acquaintances, for merely the entertaining opportunity to flirt in the process. Though if he had been this time, he'd have felt mighty guilty when taking the time to stop and think about it afterwards.

"If there's any way I can make it up to you—" He added, before the sentiment was quickly dismissed. Although cold as Xenos' words themselves felt, it didn't seem so much for a matter of vexation at least, as far as he could gather. "I suppose you're right, yes," he chuckled instead, hand scratching sheepishly at the back of his neck.

There came a pause, and, "Ah, goodbye." Then, he was gone. With a few blinks, Caelestis' head lingered briefly at the other's retreating figure, even as he recalled to continue on slower steps of his own once more in the opposite direction. An odd feeling that he couldn't quite pin down, and not only in regards to Xenos' undeniably unusual demeanor itself in those moments. What a curious stranger, that was for certain.

Viturias (Xenos) Anemic

(Sorry for no Thespis, but I couldn't resist)

This wasn’t the first time this had ever happened to him.

Back when he still had a name, during those halcyon days where people had worshiped the ground he walked on, Viturias could scarcely walk a mile without someone falling on him in an increasingly ludicrous fashion. No matter how many times it happened, he still had to play the perfect prince and feign ignorance; deigning a gentle smile and a murmured “Are you alright?”. Such a cliché, but that had been his whimsy status quo. Centuries had passed and he still didn’t know whether those incidents had been premeditated by young romantics hopeful to star in their own fairy tale or whether the God of Love had just liked this particular trope that much. It wouldn't surprise him if it was both.

Yes, this might not be the first time for Viturias, but Xenos was a stranger, a nobody—these things didn’t happen to him. In his current form, he didn’t have the grace to catch the other’s body like it was nothing. He had to use all of of his diminished dexterity and strength to make sure he didn’t topple backward and crack his head. Embarrassing, look at him nowSomehow, he managed to balance himself at the last moment, one hand clutching the stranger and the other in a vice grip around the handrail.  

His breathing was way too heavy, his heart ready to escape his chest, and his mind struggled to understand how this could be happening now. It took him a moment to remember that he should let this person go, but when he did, there was no soft smile on his face, no flirty reassurance. He wouldn't gain anything from doing that here. “Careful,” he admonished coolly instead, before allowing him to make his apologies. 

As he did, Xenos watched him, completely wired. What did it say about his laughable existence, that real accidents like these had at some point ceased to be a real possibility to him and not something plotted to cop a feel of his armsBecause this seemed to be an accident, although Caelestis was certainly beautiful enough to be the kind of person the God of Love might throw at him. How very depressing, as usual. “It’s fine now. Since nothing happened, there is no reason to continue talking about it.” If you had been any heavier, I wouldn’t have been able to catch myself, he didn’t say. It wasn’t always this way though, I used to be invincible. You would have been impressed. “If that’s all, goodbye.” 

And with that, he continued his way up the stairs, pretending he wasn't still shaking from the adrenaline. His superior would get mad if he kept him waiting, after all.

The one time Xenos tried to do anything heroic without any ulterior motives, and he was being punished for it. He was stranded on a branch, watching the cat he had just tried to save saunter away below him, as if he hadn't climbed this tree for it. Where was the dignity? With no other option, he scooted backwards, careful not toCRACK!

And he fell.

Did he just… send a person to the underworld prematurely? No. No, there was no way, there couldn't be a way, because if there was a way then his superior would diminish him even more in retaliation and was he actually panicking? Wow, to think he was still capable of that.
Before he could figure out which of his abilities would be limited this time—as if there was anything left to limit—the man blessedly, finally moved.
"I'm sorry," he began immediately, the words feeling foreign in his mouth. Still, his victim was in a horrid state, Xenos was too repentant not to apologize. "I tried to help a cat, got stuck and… Sorry."
Unusually cowed, he moved to help him up, wincing at the damage he had done.
"Of course." Thankfully the hospital wasn't too far. "And don't worry about the bills" And the food spilled everywhere. "I'll take care of everything."
Yes, he was definitely never doing anything out of the goodness of his heart again.

Ethan Wilhelm PicklePantry

The black cat mewed innocently before hopping down to the ground, surprising the person closest by. "Oh hi, little guy," Ethan smiled. "You almost made me drop my lunch. That would've been bad, huh?" The cat didn't pay him any mind, walking past him as he watched it. Black cats bring bad luck, right? He couldn't help but snort at that. Every cat brings him bad luck at this rate, but hey, if maybe that meant it cancelled itself out with the black cat and he'd have good lu--

A heavy weight landed on Ethan, crushing him against the ground face down and spilling his food everywhere.
He didn't move.
He didn't react.
It was entirely possible he was dead.
The cat once again mewed innocently at the two.

Blearily, Ethan lifted his face, which was red and swollen, and spat out a rock. "Why were you... up in a tree...?" he groaned, in and out of listening to the explanation, if given one. "If you... wanna be a hero... can you... take me to a doctor...?"

Ah, these days were always rough at the grocery store Ethan worked at. It was payday for a lot of people, so it was crowded with full carts, and it was shipment day, so there were tons of pallets full of things needing to be put on the shelves, and someone called in, so now he had to balance stocking the shelves and working the register!

Speaking of which, Ethan had been putting some boxes of crackers on the top shelf when he hear someone impatiently ringing the bell at his register. "Oh! C-Coming!" he stammered. He tried to get off his stepladder but tripped and landed on some poor unsuspecting person!

Lawrence Keaton tellydraws

Lawrence was in a rush, wanting to come home early so he can spend more time with Dennis. He had been rather busy at work unfortunately, and today he finished early enough so that the two can catch a game on the television. Dennis called him while at work, asking for some snacks to pick up on his way home. 

That's when Ethan came in. Ethan happened to be putting up some new shipments on the shelf, when, suddenly he fell down on top of Lawrence. Lawrence fell to the ground as well, the two scattered on the floor.

Ethan apologized, being the nice guy he was. The two got up from the ground, extremely embarrassed at the situation. 

"It's fine." Lawrence said softly, brushing the cracker crumbles off his shoulders. "It's just that I'm headed out to get some snacks for my son so we could catch the game at home." Ethan nodded his head. Lawrence looked down, picking up the box of crackers. "And just my luck anyway! Dennis loves these kind of crackers!"


Lawrence was headed out to the office building, in a rush. He was about to be late. He hated being late. There just so happened to be a pebble on the sidewalk, that caused Lawrence to trip and fall over. That's when he fell over your character.

 Ievan Lan ProfessionalDumbass

Ievan was just enjoying a walk, on the ONLY day she had no messages to carry. Her one day off. The one day where she was one zero rush. So of course there was to be some sort of stupidity of ANOTHER! To ruin it. A rough thing hit her in the back. With a gasp of pain and a grunt of exertion as she pushed back instinctively.

Rounding on her heels she glared daggers at Lawrence. His falling and possible injury were moot in her mind as she hissed through gritted teeth "Watch where you are going, you Drakiur" with the only real Eltharian curse she knew now flung at him. She felt a bit more satisfied. Turning back she continued on her way. 


Vaulting over the small wall and pushing off Ievan ran across the rooftops. Her breath came out raggedly, she had not slept well. Dreams were keeping her up. She was letting her mind wander too much. She had to just keep moving. She needed to get a message to the merchants, to tell them- oh. She missed her jump. Well shit. (She falls atop your oc)

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Arsh SHSL_Steam

–"Argh-" Arsh honesty hadn't been paying attention to where he had been going, so this was bound to happen at some point, but he hadn't expected to be pushed down by a clumsy pale-haired passerby. 

"Geez.." he rasped out, "get off'a'me, would you? I'm being crushed 'ere," by his pronunciation, he's clearly here from a long night. Although, evenso, he noticed the unusual appearance of the stranger. Without giving room for an apology or explanation, Arsh muttered a quick unheard statement, then pulled/pushed himself out from under Pierre, and hurried off.

That couldn't have been a normal human, some kinda' demon, criptid, or somethin'?


Arsh had a long night, but it got even worse when he was called in to help chase down a criminal. Literally, chase. He had left his apprentice back home to sleep, so he was alone. He was fine alone, as he has been on the job for many years, but as he turned the corner... [CRASH! Enter the next oc!]

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