It's pretty simple. What would your oc react like if the oc above you fell on top of them accidentally?

No rules besides not being rude to other characters and no NSFW as there may be some who are under 18.

Be sure to write a little scene to set up the situation if you'd like. Small responses of their reactions are fine. For example:

(Note: There are just random characters to serve as an example) ---------------------- Yoi: He is walking down the sidewalk, enjoying his ice cream until he trips on a crack and falls onto someone. "Ah!"

Mary: "Huh? Wha-" The man falls on top of her as she hurts her bottom. "Are you okay? Oh no! My clothes!" The man's ice cream had stained the new dress she had bought the other night. ----------------------

And then you would write another scene for your character for others to reply. (Hope it's not confusing///) Make sure to separate it by entering a couple of times or using (---) so others know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So let's start!

Tomoya had woken up late due to his studying for the exam he had this week so he now he's rushing his way to his work. He tried not to run too fast as it was dangerous but to no luck, he bumps onto someone and falls on top of them. "I..I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush--!"

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 Kaoru ryokvcha

^ this man is incapable of picking up like 20 pounds, i heavily doubt he'd be able to 😔

Perhaps a simple walk with an intention as simple as wishing for just a moment to clear one's mind was too much of an ask for a thing such as Kaoru. To have purposefully chosen the dead of night in hopes of the streets being rid of another then still manage to face disruption with just a simple wish...upset was far from the correct term to accurately describe Kaoru's feelings - for if he truly had been so irritated, no evidence of such existed on his expression, instead a seemingly delighted smile that appeared almost sly in nature and oddly beautiful amethysts opened by just a sliver took the place of what should've been a frown.

To be entirely truthful, he hadn't even taken notice of R.A.M at first. Not when he'd gone crashing towards the ground, incapable of stopping himself from smashing straight into it...had he heard something shatter? He'd only ever managed to reach such a realization when he'd found himself unable to stand, unable to pick himself up. Though, even still, his first thought hadn't even led him to believe there was another, instead in ire with relation to the aforementioned all too familiar sound of porcelain shattering. Oh, the woes of operating with an existence that left him entirely numb to something as simple as being touched. Still, to catch something such as Kaoru off-guard was a feat deserving of congratulations.

"Ah...we haven't even properly conversed and you've already fallen for me," the blonde softly giggled at his own joke as he eyed R.A.M, not daring to comment on the taller's appearance. Perhaps he just held no care for such a miniscule thing, he'd associated himself with far worse - perhaps to some degree, Kaoru himself was far worse, albeit hidden beneath a deceivingly delicate, perhaps beautiful appearance. Though oddly soothing to some, Kaoru's voice was something one would often have to strain to hear, often leaving him entirely inaudible in louder situations, for he'd never dare raise it. He blinked, his almost burning gaze still fixated on R.A.M as he spoke, "Won't you be so kind as to get off of me, friend?"

He didn't struggle, instead laying entirely still - if he was breathing, it wasn't apparent. He was stiff. Kaoru was a patient man, even if he had originally wished to further his calmness that night, he could wait. Perhaps he found R.A.M interesting, and those to have found themselves with the misfortune of catching the aberration's fascination always lied far higher in his perpetually changing list of priorities than some silly walk ever would.

@ np ;; anything works tbh. maybe he just tripped over himself and you somehow got in the way of that...whether that was actually an accident is...debatable, at best. but keep in mind that kaoru is freakishly light for...reasons. 31 kg / 68 lbs ish. he's also just. cold as hell.
v hehe will def follow this up when i have some time - poor mylz for having to deal with this ASSHOLE though 😭😭

Mylz Jackson Klosowski EspiKitsune

Another day, another job that the old fox knew he could hand off to anyone he pleased, yet he ended up taking it himself as he never trusted his underlings to get the job done right. An assassination was not above the cruel General's morals, after all! Mylz had already found a perfect spot where he could set up an old sniper rifle and still remain hidden-Or so that's what he assumed, anyway. His sniper's nest was hidden within foliage and trees slightly off the path of a public trail up the cliffs in the area, one with a perfect view into the neighboring city and thus an equally perfect view at the skyscraper where his target was to be tonight for a presentation about some sort of new military technology. The nest was far enough from where people typically wandered that he was confident he could get this job done and take off without anyone noticing he had ever been there, or he could easily dispose of anything that happened to spot him.

The fox's emerald green eyes narrowed as he peered down the scope of his rifle and began to zero in on his prey. He perched himself up on his elbows from where he laid in the grass and dirt so that he'd have a better grip on his gun. Behind him, his tail twitched back and forth amongst the scattered leaves and still living foliage. He could see his target walking, barely visible through the building's glass and the reflection off of said glass.

In order to get this shot, he'd need absolute concentration.

Mylz steadied his breathing as his metal finger slid across the rifle's trigger. He was following every motion of his prey with precision as he awaited the perfect time to take his shot. The fur on his long tail was bristling out as excitement began to course through his very nerves, causing the usually limp and lifeless appendage to start flipping about wildly with enough force to snap small twigs that stood in its way. He could hear nothing but his own heartbeat in his ears as the noise surpressing headphones he wore blocked out nearly every other sound around  him. There was always that moment of pure adrenaline before every kill, that surge of energy through his whole body.

And then something collided with his long tail as he swept it across the ground and, whatever it was, it fell directly on top of the unaware General.

Mylz flinched from the shock of something cold now on top of him-And in turn, accidentally fired the shot off from his rifle as reflexes had him tighten his grip in preperation for combat. The bullet had had been trying to aim so carefully ended up missing his target, but it sure alerted everyone within the room it flew through. Now there was an additional problem he'd have to deal with.... No, he'd worry about that later. He had to deal with the one he had right now-Something was on top of him and it felt like a corpse! Or half of one anyway, there was hardly any weight there now that he thought about it. A roar of anger mixed with various obcenities left the fox's lips as he ripped off his headphones, he hastily turned his head to see what was on his back.

Somehow, somehow, he wasn't at all surprised to see Kaoru laying atop him, that unnerving smile still plastered on the unusual man's face, those vibrant purple eyes staring at him from behind tinted glasses in a way even more unnerving than that smile ever was. Seeing that all too familiar face staring back at him caued Mylz's own blood to run as cold as Kaoru's small, scrawny body was.

That weird little freak followed him, didn't he? That's the only thing Mylz could figure and what the fox promptly assumed. Ugh, just his luck as of late... He was begining to grow tired of dealing with this guy's antics-And yet somehow thoroughly amused by having things go awry on more than one occasion now.

"Krolik... Please... Do NOT sneak up on me while I'm working!" Mylz snapped at the peculiar creature now resting on his back as his usual emotion of rage slipped through to mask the unease he generally had when Kaoru was around, "You made me miss my shot and now they know I'm here! Ughhh-I should throw you off the mountain for that...... In fact-Da, I think I WILL!"

That was, if he could get Kaoru off him....


np; Anything goes. Most likely he'd stumble due to injury, his prosthetic limb giving out, or just too much drinking.