The OC above is looking lonely...

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Mars KountrysideGrizzly

This thread will work in a similar style to except, instead of having an OC being behind you, they’re looking rather lonely. Maybe you can do something to cheer them up? Or perhaps you will take this opportunity to your advantage?


1: You can make your interaction as long as you’d like it to be

2: After you have completed your interaction with the OC above, you must make a line explaining how they are feeling, what they are doing or even, what they are saying. Please remember to use quotation marks (“”) as speech and asterisks (*) as actions or descriptions. 

3: Props of any kind are allowed. 

4: In regard to rule 3, if your interaction is explicit or 18+, you must put this interaction under a spoiler. To do this, just press the lock button and type whatever you want. When it comes to interaction for the OC below, you cannot make it explicit or 18+. It is strongly advised that you do not make your interactions explicit or 18+ because users under 18 will have access to this thread.

5: The ban will work in a three strike system. A third strike will ban you from the thread. An example of when this rule applies is in rule 4, in which explicit or 18+ content without the spoiler tab will give you a strike. If there is a serious problem, you may be skipped to strike 3 and blocked from all of my future threads. 

6: Make sure that you only use one of your characters per interaction. Extra characters can be included for the OC above but they must have a reason to leave them alone afterwards.

7: To make enquires to a user without interacting as your character. You must put this in brackets and tag them in the bracket to talk to them. E.g. (CheesyWotsits2 can I draw this interaction please?)

8: If there is anything that needs to be directly addressed to me, tag me with the brackets or, in a serious case, message me as soon as possible.

9: All characters are accepted! Seriously, don’t be shy about having a human OC finding a lonely monster OC or whatever species they want to use and vice versa.

10: Direct links that lead to explicit or 18+ content will lead to a strike. Direct links to content suitable for all audiences is fine. This also applies to images that you insert into this thread.

Strike 1

No one

Strike 2

No one

Strike 3/banned users

No one


User 1: *(character) sighs and sits on a bench, looking really glum*

User 2: *(character) sits down next to (user 1’s character) and offers a hug* “don’t be so glum, chum!

“wow, I love this book!”

User 3: ...

And so on.

(It is strongly advised that you make your interactions longer than the example. Simple ones are not as great as complex interactions, if you know what I mean.)

We’ll be starting this thread with Mars.

“Argh, I can’t let this one get overdue!” *Mars is sitting on the bench, ambitiously rushing in to complete her coursework as fast as she could*

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Kenshin Yamada PicklePantry

"Hey!" called out red-haired man that was quickly breaking the distance between them. The closer he got, the angrier his expression became. "Hey, beat it!" he snapped. "I need this spot for a photoshoot for my band! Go on, scram!" He pursed his lips at Kazumi's reaction, blushing out of embarrassment. Rubbing the back of his head, he looked around. "Nngh, go sit like a few feet away at least! If you do, I don't know... I'll get you some flowers or something. Whatever."

Ken tugged at his hood as he glared at his phone, eyebrow twitching. All his friends were busy, and his personal driver was having car issues. He had no choice but to take the bus today. And on a rainy day. How humiliating. He looked around to make sure no one was staring. Thank God nobody could recognize him. Still, it wouldn't hurt if he had someone to talk to... 

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Joey.D.wyvern Joey-D-yvern

the wyvern trotted happily through the park, all the noisy beings were  gone near nighttime! her nose twitched as she caught two scents, someone  was still here. she crouched down and began to follow the scent to a  bench. she silently watched from the bushes as a girl pulled her cat  closer to herself, shivering slightly while glancing around. was she  waiting for someone? she slowly trotted out of the bush, tucking her wings in trying to look less threatening.

"want someone to chat with?" she asked.

the wyvern laid curled up against a tree. she shivered as yet another gust of wind howled, preventing her from taking off. what a bad day! she growled slightly, the weatherman said it was going to be sunny, well that liar was going to pay.

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Mietka Esterofila

Minority clopped up to the man, tugging on his shirt. He was a bit taller than her, so she craned her neck up to look at him, and smiled a buck-toothed grin.

"Heya!", the goat-like monster chimed, letting go of his shirt. "You look lost. Very lost. I'm lost too..... wanna find our way outta here together!"

Minority didn't really wait for an answer, walking with Felix anyways. He looked friendly, and she was bored and lost. 

"Where ya from, anyways? I don't talk to many humans. It's sorta the rule, where I'm from. I like your shirt! Do you like marshmallows?"

The goat pretty much wouldn't shut up. She talked, and talked, and talked until they both got themselves to familiar areas. Minority waved Felix goodbye, and began skipping her way home. Felix might've been glad. She talked his ears off.


"Oh mud puddles...."

Minority took the wrong train on her way to work. She was dreaming about her favorite anime again, and stepped on the wrong platform. She ended up in a completely different station, well more than an hour away from her place of employment. She rolled all three of her eyes, and plopped herself down on a bench. She tapped her hooves irritably. She would never hear the end of this from her coworkers.... she lean her head back.

She wished she had gotten breakfast. Seems she forgot again. Minority also wished she had someone to talk to. As crowded as it was at Likabish Station, nobody seemed to stop by to say hello. She huffed out a breath, and folded her arms, a bit sadly and stiffly.

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Carraway VladimirsAngel

He sees the lone figure sat on the bench from quite a distance away - it's 1am after all, the place is nowhere near as busy as it would be during rush hour - and notes the tension in the wolf's posture. She is withdrawn, but anxious enough to be constantly looking at figures going past, checking in hope of a friendly face, or perhaps just checking they're not going to be a raving axe murderer. 


Her expression as she looks up is everything he expected. Hopeful, but fearful. "It's OK. I'm, like, not a serial killer or anything. I live three or four blocks away. This is my jogging route." Stop gibbering at the poor woman. She is SO not interested in your life. Also, she's looking at you like you're crazy, so quit it.  "So, okay, you don't know me, but if I can help, I want to. If you've got somewhere you need to be, I can come with you." He smiles, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Stupid conversation pretty much guaranteed along the way." 


Angel wakes up and realises he's been sleeping in the open again. Damnit. He really has to stop doing this. His mom called him moon-crazy, but he loves the night so much and sometimes...time just slips away from him. 

The grass is damp. He's in a city park, because he can hear the traffic behind the line of trees, and there is a slight mist. It's probably around 5am, and while he remembers getting on a bus and leaving from the stop just outside the Trucker's Cafe, he doesn't remember where he got off. He's lost, and he's alone. And he doesn't seem to have his wallet. 

"Dude," he rebukes himself, under his breath, "you have GOT to GPS tag yourself."

Skoot strawberry-despair

The little mouse hummed and sung, dragging a box of pizza laid onto a piece of cardboard so the box wouldn’t be damaged by the wet ground. Who ordered pizza this early? It didn’t matter, none of his business, all that mattered was that they were going to be happy!

Skoot only paused when he heard a loud groan from the park he was passing by, and glanced over cautiously. He was greeted by the sight of a… rabbit? On closer inspection, it was a hare, sitting on the ground looking rather disheveled and somewhat upset.

Skoot glanced at the warm pizza, then back at the hare, and decided his next course of action. Stumbling through the long grass, the rodent made himself known by waving in a friendly manner at the hare.

‘Hello there! Do you want to come back with me to a pizza place? You look cold, so, maybe pizza can fix that! I only need to deliver something to one customer, but that can wait.” The mouse practically shone with kindness, extending a warm hand towards the hare.


It was a lunch-break, albeit an incredibly boring one. Skoot sat inside of the pizza shop which he worked and watched the rain pour down, toying with a cold slice of pizza on his plate. His 'coworkers' had gone out for lunch, and Skoot had decided to cleanup the kitchen. He laid his head in his arms, watching the puddles dance with the pattering of the droplets. Every splash that hit his window made the room feel colder and colder. As far as he was concerned, there was no chance that there would be any customers today, everyone would be pleasantly tucked into their blankets at home, but he couldn't help but wish for someone to talk to.

⚘ꕥ Darling Wormwood ꕥ⚘ Doeliight

Darling was scavenging around in a dumpster around the pizzeria when she noticed the sad-looking mouse in the window. She wanted to go over there and give him company since he seemed really sad.. it was just it was raining and Darling absolutely despised water and she didn’t really like the idea of leaving her spot in the dumpster. After staring at him for a while though, she shivered then hopped out and made her way towards the window.

He didn’t really seem to noticed the small cub though as she tried to open or find an opening to the window. That was, until she figured out the door existed and somehow managed to turn the doorknob (despite her being SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the door) and slam the door open, making an absolute ruckus as she did so. A little bell rang as she made her way towards the mouse, who understandably, looked rather confused towards both Darling and the noise she had made. She didn’t quite notice though, nor did she care, really.

Darling hopped up onto a table in front of him with a ridiculous grin on her face. “Hiya!!” She started, she stared at the mouse for what seemed to be a bit,, long before her tail began to wag and spoke again “We noticed you looked kinda sad so we’re here to cheer up!!!” Her words seemed to get louder as her excitement about possibly making a new friend grew larger. She patted Skoot on the head “We’re Darling!! But papa calls us Chéri and mama calls us Bambi!!” She didn’t wait long enough to get a response before she started again, basically yelling now. “We really really really r e a l l y wanna be your friend!! You seem lonely and we wanna make you non-lonely!!!” Darling grinned at her totally not poor friend-making skills she was excited to get to know the mouse better.

She began to basically talk nonstop to the mouse, occasionally patting, hugging or just grinning at him, hoping she was helping his mood. She wasn’t really gonna stop until he was happy, she wanted to do everything in her power to cheer him up!

(I hope this is ok!! If I need to change anything let me know!!)


It was a very nice day, albeit a very lonely one. Darling didn’t really have any friends at the moment. She was just sitting on a rock sunbathing, trying to figure out how to look on the bright side of the situation and cheer herself up but she really couldn’t. Her friends kinda left her since she had annoyed them to death but she didn’t necessarily understand that.

She sighed and played with a small rock that was near her. She didn’t have anything to do or anyone to talk to and she would do anything to just possibly play a game with someone, it didn’t matter who!!

Just a small thing for the person below Darling is a very young child (3) and she’s super short (2”5) I’m just putting this here to try and prevent anything inappropriate!! I hope this is ok!

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Alcott Northwind PicklePantry

Alcott stared up at the sky while smoking. The moon was almost full. He looked at his left wing, already spotting a few white feathers close to his back. At least there wasn't any school right now so he wouldn't have to call in.
Hearing movement nearby, he looked over to see a man plodding over. Looked like he was just taking a walk, but something seemed to be weighing heavily over him. Pulling out his pack of cigarettes, he held them out to Anguis. "You smoke?" he asked. "Sorry, just seemed like you needed something to take your mind off things." He motioned to the wings. "Those are nice, by the way. Reminds me of someone else's wings I saw before, but they were a different color, er, colors." He unfolded his own wings as a form of solidarity.

Hands in his pockets, Alcott stared down at the slabs of meat on display at the local store's butcher. The store manager insisted he look at the new selection they had, and he wasn't wrong in saying it would be great. This meat looked good and thick. They could make one hell of a steak. Hell, maybe he'd get some ground beef and add burgers to the menu. Arson would like that, right? Or... no wait, he was away with his son. Alcott tilted his head slightly, eyes closed in thought. His own kids were busy, too. Motto was off on a trip with his friends and Cecelia was preparing for a field trip with her class. And Cliff, well... Cliff never wanted to spend time with him.
So he was all alone today.
A crestfallen expression fell over Alcott's otherwise somber face. Alone, huh? This was the first time he really had to confront that idea that his kids would all go their own routes soon enough. There was a clock ticking that he'd be an empty nester soon, nobody to barbecue with. Huh.

Runa Ishida ObscureInk

Runa walked up to the butcher's stand and ordered some meat, as she waited she looked over to the blonde man next to her noticing his expression.

"Excuse me sir but are you alright?" She paused and let the man speak "Ah, it's always rough when the young ones leave the nest.." She looked away "If you'd like I'd be more then welcome to be a friend when they leave." She smiled softly


Runa was sitting in a local park just letting whatever flow though her head, her mind then wandered to her daughter Zoey who had passed a few years ago who was murdered. Runa still had the scar on her side from that night... She hung her head and stifled a cry, but kept her composer. 

Alouise von Libelle Nanamimo-Kun

It was a beautiful day at the park; the sun was shining, and the clouds were nowhere in sight. Alouise was playing on the slide with the local kids when she had gotten hungry. The servant accompanying her offered to run to a local shop to buy her something to eat; and so she waited, sitting on a park bench dangling her legs back and forth. 

Alouise was consumed in her own thoughts when she heard a brief sobbing noise. Looking to her right, she saw a woman in a pretty purple dress and long black hair. Alouise could tell without seeing her face that the woman felt down. So she approached her.

"Um.. miss? why are you sad?" When the woman turned her head up, Alouise was frightened by her strange eyes and mouth. But the lady was sad! so Alouise gathered her courage and approached her again.

Alouise was enjoying a day of flying when one of her wings got caught in a tree, ripping her feathers out. Now her wings hurt and she can't fly home anymore. She wandered through the streets, asking for someone to take her home. but no one acknowledged her. So she sat down at a corner of a shop and sulked.

håvard losnedahl hokkaiido

The broad yet lanky Were-cat would strolled across the pavement. He seemed to pass by the poor female lingered at the corner of the shop. That was until he took note of the coral silky strands over the corner of his eye. He then took a few paces back over to her. The sight of that wretched aura, dimly twirling through the young female left Håvard in a state of empathy. His eyebrows creased down, having his facial expression soften. His ears would press down against the sides of his head. Nothing but shame and sympathy filled through the man's face. `` Oh.. you poor, poor thing.. ``

 He would approach the girl, kneeling down as he would take out his hand in offering to help her ascend from the pavement. That was until he had taken notice of the woman's wing, seeming to be quite chipped a few feathers had soared off. `` You seem to be injured. Do you want me to help you treat your wound? It's okay if you don't want me to. `` His ears would then press back against his head, emitting a sigh as the sympathy would wax through his face. He felt so horrible for this poor girl, he wanted to do something much more than just treat her wound and take her home. That was until something had popped up into Håvard's head. 

`` Wait.. you were that girl that was asking me to take you home. `` He paused, lifting up a tender smile upon his face. `` And I'll be willing to take you home. `` His golden eyes would finally twinkled, having that tender grin of his beam across his pale face. Soft vermillion curls would tinge into his cheeks. His bobbed chocolate spotted tail would softly wag in glee.`` Alright now.. where's your home? Could you guide me to where it is? `` He would then pause, having his ear twitch as he gaped over to the wayfarers skimming through the both of him. He softly scowled at them, letting out a small snarl underneath his breath. The aggravation of the people seeming to be unsympathetic for the poor girl only incensed him into greater puffs of wrath. His face straightened, having his cinnamon eyebrows furrow against each other. `` ...Assholes. `` 

The Were-cat sat himself down on one of the benches, isolated from the wayfarers skimming through the dirt paths of the park. The puffs of melancholia would soar throughout the air, catching into the Were-cat's heart. It would run down through his veins, as a tiny frown would curve down through his face. His eyes softened, as his eyebrows were creased down. His milk chocolate, silky hair would elegantly flow down over his shoulders, some of the thick strands concealed some areas of his face. His ears pressed down, keeping a countenance of sorrow. His chest would only grow vile, as a tumor would reach over to the center of his throat. 

He felt so.. guilty. Ashamed of himself, for what he had done. But, a long time has passed, as it? Shouldn't he be over it? That wasn't the case for the glum Håvard. He would then gape over to his arms, having the cloth of his zipped coat seemed to conceal what had been beneath that pale skin of his. His ears would then prick up, softly angling down through his head. He would then hunch his head down, proceeding to gape over to his right arm. He would then grip into the sleeve of his coat, pulling it up. Nothing but the rosy scars of his silts from cutting had been displayed on his arm.. it had almost lead up to his wrist.

The tumor had been released, having the small beads of tears deluge into the corners of his eyes. His lanky ears then hung down from his head, seeming to resemble as if they had been an umbrella. He would then blink, having a few beads rain down through his eyes. They would drip against the planks of the bench. `` If only I could just change the past.. `` His arms would then hung down, having the tears just kept on gushing down through his cheeks. They proceed to drip out of his beard, only soaking it.