Describe the Profile Picture Above You Poorly [IC]

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by ParadiseLost

Coming from the OOC version?

348 Votes Yes
183 Votes No

Describe the PFP Above You Poorly: IC Version

Last Updated: 14 January 2019

...or pfp, or avatar, or icon. Whatever you want to call it.

Thanks to Toyhouse’s high resolution PFPs (200x200 instead of 100x100 or 50x50), I figured it would be a neat idea to do this.

This is an IC version of my other forum game, Describe the Profile Picture Above You Poorly.

The rules are simple!

  1. You may not sandwich post. (Sandwich posting means posting before 3 people have gotten the chance to post.)
  2. You may sandwich post if the last post was not yours and is older than 12 hours. (This game SHOULD move fast, so yeah.)
  3. Black out sensitive content like so: [REDACTED] Though of course it isn't recommended to have sensitive content here, there is no rule to keep it PG-13.
  4. This is an IC game. Post as a character. For the OOC version, click the link above.

Example using character PFPs:

Alice: *Posts description of above PFP*
Calabaza: The first half of the woman yelling at cat meme
Autumn: If Sonic Boom designed slime girls.
etc. etc.

And without any further ado, let the games begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
EDIT 14 January 2020: IC glitch is rude, even if it technically isn’t wrong this time.
Apollo Kloud9

Hot dog but cat

Zenith Everhart LJ_Catsien

A worried/anxious birb 

This user is not visible to guests.
Saishimi EspiKitsune

Undertale version of SCP-1471

Adem Kayhan parvapinna

Dragon man take me by the hand lead me to the land

 kostya drasc

boutta get dripped up for the sickest vintage photoshoot ever

Lil jimmy the third wobbuffet

you spin me right round baby you spin me right round

Yenunu honeyshuckle

"Wud u be mad at me if I eated ur fish tank???"

🏍️🤘 Harley!! Nepphie

that one gif of elmo with the fire behind him but it’s a more badass

Évariste Sanguinetti (Modern) Nuclear-Hydrangea

Bird with a big floof

Frey (Personal Life) crrisp

goth version of Twilight from my little pony.. (im so sorry for this poor first thought when i saw the pfp but i need to say Évariste's design n profile is so cool!!! <3)

Henry Griswold Aerospiders

guy picks up HUMONGOUS, confused, very fluffy dog that is 2x the size of him

🌻 Lucinda Calendula!! Nepphie

Spongebob and a jester had a baby together