Make an assumption about the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Kidd Callaghan primskorv

I thought this might be a fun game; basically, look at the character of whoever is above you, and come up with a headcanon based on whatever impression that character gives you! Examples could be "i feel like they really like sour candies" or "they probably got bullied in school" etc etc, anything counts and nothing is invalid! Post IC, please! (Just so the person below you has a character to write about, but you don't have to actually write your post AS your character if u get me)

I'll get this started with one of my own. Another fun idea could be to edit your post to confirm whether or not the person below you was accurate!

Jade Lanternlovers

He seems like he likes to lounge on windowsills in tall buildings, peering down boredly at the bustling streets below him.

 Lila Ackerman Hanadoodles

Probably knows martial arts of some form 



❁Aristo❁ jetsetspy

 She's that friend with all the really bad ideas that everyone has to talk her out of

Cptn. Devon Swiff Kree-Kat

He was totally the type to hold onto his siblings' shirt/sleeve when he was a little kid becuase he was scared of getting lost in big crowds

 Dante Celatus Hanadoodles

The base of his wings are extremely ticklish. He either loves being touched there or will murder anyone who does, there is no inbetween 

vvv He's a guy lmaoooo as for the assumption who knows, he probably has tbh


Hippolyte Seiden

She once killed someone for calling her Cruella De Vil.

Lucille Niama varkarrus

 Hippolyte is a champion arm wrestler.

 Adramelech JustxStorage

They throw their head at people as a defence mechanism.

Jade Lanternlovers

Loathes Pumpkinspice lattes because of the crime against the color orange ( but also secretly loves it).

 Nikolai Korotayev Hanadoodles

Has really good night vision and carries the glowy light stick around in the dark just because it looks cool

 Enganis Fencer

Looks standoffish, but can get easily excitable when someone talks about their favorite subject.

 Aten seraphixe

"You seem like someone that people would mistake for scary, what with those mean looking eyes, but is actually a sweetheart if you get to know them."

Graham Bishop Modwri

Aten's name sounds Egyptian.  They look like someone you'd see at a meeting between deities.

 Hana Valerius (Persona) Hanadoodles

Only pretends to "forget" a shirt, he really just wants to show off how cool he thinks his scars make him look (pretty cool tbh)

 Zoltan Fencer

Probably had to deal with people offering her hair products to reduce the frizz, only for her to tell them that the puffyness of her hair was entirely intentional!