Make an assumption about the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Kidd Callaghan primskorv

I thought this might be a fun game; basically, look at the character of whoever is above you, and come up with a headcanon based on whatever impression that character gives you! Examples could be "i feel like they really like sour candies" or "they probably got bullied in school" etc etc, anything counts and nothing is invalid! Post IC, please! (Just so the person below you has a character to write about, but you don't have to actually write your post AS your character if u get me)

I'll get this started with one of my own. Another fun idea could be to edit your post to confirm whether or not the person below you was accurate!

 B1) Ella seraphixe

"You look like the kind of guy that gets into trouble a lot- on accident or on purpose. Either a lot of fun, or a thorn in someones side."

Blackjack FalseTestimony

She looks like the kind of gal that would enjoy bubblegum!

'Iceman' Aurther Frithe Kree-Kat

looks like the kind of guy that would be very silly aroud his own gang. and sometimes he'll make dumb jokes just because he knows no one will believe them if they try and tell about it.

Rare Modwri

Aurther seems like a hard-working man, though perhaps he just likes breaking and entering.

Eulalia Emvesser sigrdrifa

Looks like she is highly revered within her kingdom, the type of lady people tell their children to look up to. She looks like she might be uncomfortable with that sort of treatment though...

 Clover JustxStorage

She looks like she would show respect to nature around her, perhaps even maybe liking white flowers; that or she's just a kind person.

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❁Voltango❁ jetsetspy

loves the rain

Edit: "Snarky, you bet, but I'm no gambler, see? In fact, my brothers and I are the ones gettin' rich off the gambling habits of those poor saps. But I guess you could say life's a gamble too."


 ⁂ Kamelia of Cosmos ⁂ Stareater

High-stakes gambler with a snarky attitude.

 Nikolai Korotayev Hanadoodles

Has literally no feeling of pain, hence wearing literal barbed wire on their head

Eo Isoprene

Is totally the kind of person who'd start setting off 4th of July fireworks three weeks ahead of time, much to the chagrin of his neighbors. If anything, though, I'm pretty sure them getting mad at him would just make him buy even more fireworks!

EDIT: "That's true! It's my favorite holiday! And, thanks!"

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 'Viper' Lewis Moretti Kree-Kat

Seems like they do their job well ((and its a violent one)) and they probably have to patch themselves up most of the time.

Riley softism

looks important!! has a bit of money to be dressing in fancy suites and stuff. probably killed a guy once and is probably a bit romantic with them love interests, if not reluctantly. probably.

Leon Summers bulgariansumo

"Maybe she likes stars as much as I do. Either way, she probably has really great style."