What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 4 days ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

 Liam Fencer

"It's you again! I'm not... adverse? To hugs... I don't know how to feel hugging a leg though, but I hope this counts!"

Leucetius Jaera

Leucy looks at the dog-boy in front of her, curious, before grinning childishly. She moves forward to place an oatmeal cookie between his hands, patting the back of one hand almost ..reassuringly(?). "Nn!"

 Zumi Akira_Misaki

"Well ya can have my freshest catch!" He says, proudly hoisting up a large piece of unidentified, uncooked meat.

Teeth Monster reinapepiada

You have such pretty garments! They almost make me wish I wore clothes, but nah. I can give you 5 teeth of different species if you may! I've been collecting these for a long time, they're basically my currency! I'd give you a new teeth necklace but I'm not interested in arts and craft.

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Alice Friedhelm Kitkaloid

"They seem to be stuck by the cheek. Maybe.. he is into that? Ah, poor girl. A creep, glued to the cheek.. Unless she is the one who planned it? Maybe they like to practise something I haven't heard the name of yet.... Aha~ Right, a gift. A bottle cap. I don't need it anymore." 

 Melmer Fencer

"I'm not a stranger to individuals like you, actually... so here, have this. I think it's called a Dreamcatcher? It'll do you good if you ever sleep."

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Zexal "Zex" Devere Kree-Kat

"Get in my way and I'll give you an arrow to the head." he scowled and tapped his bow against the wooden floorboards.

 Vali Fencer

"Whoa man, someone needs a chill pill. Cool the fool."

Jade Lanternlovers

The most prettiest coconut for the fleshwalker (or do they prefer ripe purple yananas?)

 'The Poet' Jessie Mccroy Kree-Kat

"I would like to give you the most beautiful blossom that i could find, so that you may look on as it fades in beauty and gain some insight from the cruel muses."

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Lucille Niama varkarrus

 "I can give you... some money to buy new clothes. And a cursed fire to burn your current ones." she says, with a scoff.

Daemon Sewllaway Stitcherton Kree-Kat

He sets down a small plushie of a pony, "I think you can appreciate this. Come again if you have any clothes that need patching up."