What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Amadeus Seiden

A zebra puppet.

Lorant Dohmalore

"Well he could sure use some fashion advice."

Priscilla Turner cosmonautiks

"Some advice to get along with the right crowd, jeez kid! Don't you have any sense?"


"A good beer always makes people feel better so... cheers"

The Silly Ewe MathewMii

 Wool.  3 bags full to be exact.

...What?  Wool's the only thing I can give out unlesss you want my...  EWW!!!
(Why does the farmer have any interest in that anyway?)

Buddy Dohmalore

"A HUG."  He wants too see and feel how much fluffier she could possibly get.

Dove nesstchi

Affection! He seems to need it quq

 Mitsu Bachi NoLongerInUse

Seeds... Sunflower seeds

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"I don't have much but... perhaps some loose pajamas?"

RAW reinapepiada

A... Basket of steamed chestnuts? I- I know a puzzle is a better call, but I'm not good at them, and it seems more like a job than a gift...

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Caramel Twist DemonicAdversary

"Well you seem to like baking, but I'm not much of a baker myself.... I do make a mean caramel mocha latte, though, if you'd be interested in that?"

Haruka Tsukada-Koharu Miyamato Dardargo

"You own a bar!? That's totes cool! I'd never cope with the pressure. Here, I thought I'd draw ya somethin'. 'ts not the best sketch I've done but I think it kinda came out right."

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