What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

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Michael Roseriddle reinapepiada

some face paint! can't deny painting the human face of a giant rabbit sounds like fun!


Hey kid, heard you like memes.

Here's a book of the dankest memes 2k16! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Matt Frost Kree-Kat

"Here ya go." matt tosses a nondescript looking bottle filled with a semi-viscous liquid, "What? don' look at me that way, its my special shampoo-conditioner mix, smells like vanilla spice, made it m'self."


''A warm hug!'' Juditha smiled softly as he opened his arms,''EVERYONE needs one once in a while!''

 Enganis Fencer

 "We cannot say for sure that we can give you something other than our thoughts. You need a 'break'. It is not optimal for a human to be so incredibly generous to everyone. You will run out of things to give that way."

Langelotte Haemondias Isoprene

Hmm... likewise, I don't have anything physical I feel would suit you. Instead, I'd like to give you official permission to come and go from the Blood Kingdom at will. Mind you, that isn't a privilege I grant easily. But you have an intriguing aura about you. I can't help but wonder what secrets I could pry from you and how difficult it would be... come humor me sometime, won't you?

Lucy tori34

If they made it, I'd totally give you blood pizza hehe!  Since not, you'll just have to settle for the ordinary kind~!

The Silly Ewe MathewMii

A sheepie hug.  They turn frowns upside down.

Argo Kpribbit

A fish. You need fish. You can play with fish or eat fish, I don't care.

 Zoltan Fencer

"You look like the type to like sharp things. My servants collect a lot of them, but I actually prefer blunt things. Y'know, like my fists. So feel free to grab the sharpest tool from my she-- er, skeleton armory!" 

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Adriel tori34

*meekly hands Rain a packet of sour cream chips*

"I-I thought you'd appreciate these..."


"How about a plushie? You seem like the type who would appreciate handmade things!"

 Polaris Fencer

 "Do dragons love hot chili peppers? I assume so because they breathe fire! At least, that's what Glitterpedia told me. Here you go!"

For some reason, there's a bit of sparkles left over from where he held them...