[IC] The OC above wants to fight!

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by horseradish

ew, bengts making a forum game? bah! hopefully this will pan out well, and if there's already a thread like this let me know!
title should be self explanatory.. the character above wants to fight your OC, do they give in and throw some punches? run away? maybe try to make it up to the other OC? you decide, of course!

Need an example?;
Character1: (first post)
Character2, who is a coward: "What? No! Can't we sort this out somehow..?"
Character3, who is absolutely shredded: "BRING IT ON, TWIGGY."
And so forth.

Rules -

  • Please wait 2 posts before posting again, unless more than 13 hours have passed.
  • Put some effort in. I expect a 3 sentence minimum! I know you can do it!
  • Please show that you've read something about the character above in your response.. in other words, don't type an incredibly bland interaction!
  • This should be expected, but no NSFW responses. Violence is allowed, but if it gets too far (ei literal bloodshed) then spoiler it at least.
  • With that being said, don't try and kill the character. Nothing in this thread should be fatal!
  • Follow ups are encouraged, but not mandatory! Don't worry if nothing comes to mind.
  • It's recommended you claim beforehand so you don't get ninja'd. Nobody likes getting ninja'd.

first poster gets a free claim, if no one responds ill try and step in.. if this even takes off, of course.

Shadow King ArtisticTiger

      Shadow king looked at Vagabond and tilted his head. ”…You want to fight me?” He chuckled. “My goodness you must be stupid or insane! Do you know who I am? “ Shadow king got into Vagabonds face, he started through his soul. “I’m the king of Shadows, I absorb energy and souls for food.” Shadow King materialized into a form that looked more human. “But if your so desperate to fight me let it be then.l he cleared his throat. “I’ll give you some time to calm down and think about this decision. And I hope you pick the best one because there is no going back.” Shadow King stretched, his crown hovering above his head. “I won’t kill you but you will be injured..badly.”


    Mateus just casually intimidating (and succeeding) the second most powerful entity in my Oc lore! Lmao

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En Litari II ([BrokEn AU]) PicklePantry

     En turned halfway to glance at the one challenging him. That man, he'd met him before, hadn't he? A god. Mateus flaunted it, too, just as he flaunted the destruction he left behind and the lives he ruined. Sympathy, pity, those were all lost on the golden god. Even now En could see his arrogant smile, the taunting expression. Was it that he'd heard that the ex-prince had been hunting gods and wanted something to laugh at? Was he just bored? Or was it something else? Whatever it was that made him challenge him, En didn't look like he was going to decline.
     His golden eyes gleamed with the utmost hatred as he turned to fully face him, unsheathing both blades. Their roses shined different colors, flames swallowing one sword as lightning crackled around the other. There was power coming from Mateus, no doubt, and this would not be an easy fight, but it would be all the well worth it to wipe that smug look off his face.

     Besides, it made all the hunting easier on him when the prey came looking for him.

You can reply to this version of him, or his other tabs!

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

[stealing king en . also if this is awfully written its because its 2am and cats keep waking me]

Morning came and Maribelle was... still tired. As comfortable as the guest bed was -- more comfortable than her own in Laojin -- she never did sleep well, always vigilant even when she really didn't need to be. That meant the swordfighting practice the king had planned for them was painfully slow, her skill deteriorated come sunrise.

Maribelle clutched the grip of her sword, keeping it safe before her. For a moment, anyway, as she stumbled back upon the king's sword clashing with hers, and she hit the courtyard ground ass-first. She let out a pained hiss as she scrambled back to her feet, instinct telling her to flinch when she saw his face. "I'm fine, Your Grace." she forced out, as stiff and formal as she could manage, "I only need to keep up. You're a lot faster at dawn, I think. That's a good thing, right? You're useless if you're suffering from your age." Was that supposed to be a compliment? Who knows. She was bad at them.

"Even despite this, I don't wish to return home yet." she then admitted, "Fuchs will be out of his mind if he heard me say something like that, after what happened at the school, but he'll take me eventually. He'd best pay you for being a gracious host. Not that you're a beggar, Your Grace. It's just a simple courtesy. I think. I think that's what he'd say. Wait..." She flashed her sword towards him, but didn't aim to strike. "I don't mean to talk so much. We can keep going. I need to practice my blocking."

Puck muichiro


It was the middle of the afternoon on Sunday at the local farmer's market and he had been hauling his crates of unsold oranges back to the truck. Somewhere between the first and second trip, there'd been a rock that had hit him squarely in the head, guiding his attention over. Standing not too far away was Maribelle, the girl who he'd seen maybe a year or so back somewhere along the outskirts of his parent's house. She hadn't really been doing anything wrong that day, so to say; but he'd been given orders to chase her off anyway, bringing the chainsaw and ensuring she was too afraid to set foot near his family again. Since then, their paths really never crossed again. Until present, anyway.

Figuring it was her who threw the rock, he puffs his chest out and drops the box of oranges. A few bounce out of the inside, rolling helplessly against the dirt ground. "Th'fuck you lookin' at, bitch?!" He doesn't hold back at calling her a harsh name, even if she was a child. "Thought I told you to fuck off and get lost already!" 

Tarus ArtisticTiger

   Tarus tilted his head like a dog trying to identify a sound. “Excuse me? You..want to fight me?” He took several moments to study Puck and see if he was actually serious or not. Puck looked very serious, he reminded Tarus of the bullies he’d see around school. “Well you seem so eager so I guess why not!” He gave Puck a small smile and folded his tendrils away. “I’ll keep my tendrils away so it’s fairer.” Tarus took a step back to stretch a bit. “Man it’s been a while since I’ve done this..” he mumbled a bit to himself. Tarus was surprisingly flexible in the tight brown suit and pants he wore. Perhaps it was his monster instincts that took over. The sparring match didn’t last too long. Tarus had to cut the match short. His youngest child had come over to try and join in. Tarus didn’t want Puck to accidentally hurt the small child. 

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Seth sunnyshrimp

Sat stern as a watchdog on the steps leading up to his father's church, Seth's sunken gaze meets the glittering light bouncing off Mateus' armor as the fiery Lord of Dynamis came forward, haughty and self-righteous as Seth's own father. 

And, clear as day, Seth knew whoever this was meant no good. It came as no surprise, then, that the next thing off Mateus' lips was the threat of a battle - that someone like Seth stood no match to someone as well-versed in massacre as him, but he, honorable as he was, would all the same entertain a fight to the death.

Yes. Seth had heard this before. His father sounded just like this strange, radiant fellow - and so, as he'd done countless times before with him, he sighs, sat with the tip of his claymore's blade pressed precariously into the stone below him. He leans his weight into its hilt, where he pillows his cheek onto his toned forearms.

"No, thank you." His voice is weary, and he looks off to the horizon, right past Mateus. "I'm very tired. Come back tomorrow. If you have business with my father, I'll let him know."

Just like that, then, he is still, and his gaze turns from the distance right back to Mateus. He doesn't give the god much thought - though it is less an attempt to aggravate him, and more a hollow stare, waiting for him to leave.

AHHH I LOVE YOUR REPLY OMG <3 im a lil too low energy to write my own but i just wanted to let u know its SO GOOD I LOVE YOU CERYS

Cerys Finch HardyLark

(AAAH THANK YOU, you’re really sweet! And no worries, I totally get not having the time or energy to reply, I’m just happy you liked it! 😊)

Cerys looks up from her desk, her characteristic grin missing, instead her expression is thoughtful, measuring Seth carefully, evaluating how threatening this young man could possibly be. The mage stands slowly, setting her pen aside, her orange red eyes focused on the sword at his side. It wasn’t often people showed up to her study in such… prepared attire, and she couldn’t help but be suspicious of it. A small stone weasel like creature scuttles onto the desk and stands on its hind legs, watching the young man carefully.

“Welcome. I don’t believe I’ve seen your face before, how may I-“ Cerys cuts herself off and jerks to the side, just as Seth surges forwards, his blade sailing past her ear and lodging itself into the wood below. 

The weasel on her desk, screeches viciously, leaping down to the ground by where Cerys is backing away, cane held defensively up to Seth. As Hooch, the stone creature, lands between them their body begins to change form. Where there was once smooth, pebble-like skin, is rough and hard, and has changed shape to a large wolf. It bays at Seth, but immediately backs up to Cerys’ side and pulls her away to the far wall. A gloved hand runs along Hooch’s side and irritation and anger flicker in her eyes, but a smile graces her lips nonetheless.

“My my, how rude. To attack someone in their own home. Tell me, who have I gotten under the skin of now? Who is it, that is just so bothered by my mere existence that they had to hire someone else to do the dirty work, huh?”  Cerys tilts her head, tapping her cane against the ground in thought. It wasn’t hard for her to see the distinct lack of hatred in this young man’s eyes. He didn’t seem to have a personal vendetta against her, at least from what she could see. After a moment she smiles and shakes her head.

“Ah, I’m sure you’ve been paid well to keep their identity secret. Well, I hope for your sake, they pre-paid you some money.” Cerys raises a hand from her cane and presses it to the wall. Spiraling runes, lines and energy spark to life and fill the room, lining the walls in various patterns, starting from the palm of her hand. Once the room has filled with supernatural light, Cerys turns back to Seth with a smug smile.

“Unfortunately for you, I have no intention of fighting you face to face. After all you seem rather skilled with the blade, and I won’t test my luck unless I need to.” She says conversationally, inspecting her gloves for a moment, before catching sight of his face and smiling wolfishly.

“Instead, I have some spells I’ve been dying to try out. Nothing that will kill you, but certainly something to remember me by… and perhaps to teach you to not to break into my home.”

(Ah thank you for the little response, just wanted to shoot out a quick reminder that Cerys is indeed female and that her pronouns are She/her/hers. I appreciate the response though!^^)

bob niktalks

Upon seeing him lil baby shark man would try to run away.

Once his little feet wouldn't run anymore, he would have fight or flight response, and then try to bite him. 

It would probably leave teeth marks, but after that baby shark man would be too scared to speak, and would just crumple up in a little ball while they kicked him ]


hey its u again appleonatree

Asim Trapezoids_Bimonthly

i cant help myself bob is just too cute not to respond to


Asim stared down at the shark man.

Were they serious?

Secertary and Azreal were sitting in the stands, staring down at him. Azreal had told him to come to the arena, for unknown reasons. And later, Secretary told him to as well. He assumed that if Secertary supported something Azreal did, it must be serious. But all that was happening now was Azreal clapping her hands intensely, and Secretary dieing of laughter. He sighed, pulling out his sword, and setting down on the ground beside Bob. The little shark man puffed up his cheeks, looking ready to fight. He laughed and patted his head. 

"Alright, buddy. We can fight." He shrunk his mortal form down to Bob's level, and prepared for some bites.

Nathaniel Clement fizzelston

"You picked the wrong bar to start trouble, Deity," Nathaniel said. His hand rested around his whisky glass, his fingers were tightly locked around the top. Deity, Nathaniel couldn't help but huff. His yellow eyes were pinned on Asmin's featureless face, his lips twisted in a weak smile. "This is my bar, you see. And I don't like it being made into a mess," he said. The sailor took a swing of his whisky, then set down his cup with a loud bang. Nathaniel got up from his chair. "I worked hard to get this place as clean as it is right now, and I would do anything to keep it that way. Cleaning fees are expensive, you know!"  A short laugh escaped the sailor's lips. "Besides, who do you even think you are?" His brows raised. "You're not a god in this realm. Not here in my bar at least." He tested his fingers before clenching his hands into fists.

"So you're god for damned souls hu? Well, I've got two rotten ones," he said. Nathaniel's smile turned into a snarl. "And I'm not willing to give them up yet. Not to the likes of you, anyway. Listen pall, you leave now. Or I'll drag you out. If you want to fight so badly, we can do that. Just you and me. Outside. Again, cleaning fees are expensive these days."


Nathaniel lowered his arm and he hissed. The fisherman looked at Selene, this hideous creature, he just threw a spear at before shifting his gaze back to his fishing net. "You shouldn't have," he said with a mocking grin. He knelt down besides the net and started to tug at the ropes' edges. Trying to untangle the knotted together lines.
"I recognize your stench everywhere," Nathaniel said casually as his fingers still tugged at the rope. "Of course I'm still here. I still have things to do, before I leave this place." 

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 IcyHot ArtisticTiger

      “Really, your serious?!” IcyHot asked. He could barely contain his excitement. He loved sparing, and sparring with a cool demon sounded amazing. “Alright let’s do this! Which form should I use? Ice or Fire.” IcyHot started doing some stretches. “Oooh how about a bit of both!” 

(Np: IcyHot enjoys friendly battles. He takes things more seriously as a club bouncer. He’s so very protective of his girlfriend and any items(especially food) he has with him.)

Ieli Carmes ZeCrazyAngel

He met with someone he wasn't too sure what he was, but it made him think of a pure elemental? Apparently he was an alien from what he said. He was about to light up a cigarette before IcyHot spoke to him, to which the old man rose an eyebrow and smirked "Oh, you want to spar?" he asked before getting back up to his feet, dusting himself off and looking at him. He scratched his chin temptatively before chuckling "I guess I do have some time to kill. So you control both fire and ice, huh?" he tilted his head "That's going to be interesting!" he grinned at him, actually down to fight. He always enjoyed fighting the opposite element. In the case of fire, it was ice. But in the case of Icy Hot, he had both, so that certainly was going to be fun!

In this specific case, since his opponent preferred his elemental powers and was good with hand to hand combat, Ieli didn't touch his weapons. "Show me what you can do, lad!" he grinned excitedly. He would go with element and hand to hand combat. He was ready for a tale of ice and fire!

(Ieli can fight as a friendly spar, to train someone or an actual real fight if he faces an enemy. Depending on the type of fight, he may or may not use his abilities, he may or may not use his weapons which for the moment I'm thinking of a rapier, but might change it whenever I have the mind to think of what weapons he really use. I like to imagine he fights in a way that looks like a dance? As for his abilities, just imagine a fire bender. As a real battle, he will put it all and doesn't hesitate to dirty fight. He doesn't necessarily have the intention to kill, it just depends on what the reason the real fight is for)