(IC) Embarrass the OC Above!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by salternate

Want to help someone get over their embarrassment instead? Come here!

Your goal is to embarrass the above OC! Though, is your character openly antagonistic or is this purely accidental?


OC 1: I'm first and proud

OC 2: Oh no! I spilled my soda on you!! I'm sorry!!!

OC 3: your pants have a hole in them.

The rules:

1. Wait 2 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses! At least 3 sentences minimum! We can't just go "lol idiot" and leave things off at that!

3. Keeps responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it!

4. This is completely optional, but feel free to add characterization notes!

I'll let someone else kick off this thread!

 Lamb Cinnamon_stars

I'll be first ^^

"What? N-no, no, its fine," Lamb said, his voice all shakey. "I was in the way, i-im sorry, i can clean it up, g-go see if you can dry up, im sure i have something you c-could wear,"

Zinnia salternate

Zinnia allowed a gasp to escape from her lips, staring at herself in surprise and blinking rapidly. Her sweater was now completely drenched, which was evidenced by the empty cup at her feet and a small puddle of water and a collection of ice cubes now pooling on the ground. She then tilted her head head up, staring at the owner of the now ruined drink: an extremely nervous Lamb, who was distanced away from her. While the teenager attempted to process what happened, she eyes the elder party's flustering expression, his embarrassment growing visibly.

"Ooh, no, no, no, I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the blonde squeaked, allowing her lips to curl downwards while she examined herself.

"I'm really sorry, sir! I should have been, uhm, watching where I was going..." she continued in a hushed tone, pausing to bend down and beginning to pick up the downed cup.

"Here, I'll help you clean up. Can you get me some napkins? I need to get all this ice gone..."


Notes will be under a spoiler! TW for fatphobia!

Zinnia is easily embarrassed! Whether it's something she did or something she feels she indirectly caused, she's going to be apologetic! She'll also wring her fingers and stare at the floor.

If you want to hit close to home, she is getting bullied at school! Her weight and appearance is made fun of a whole ton; she will tend to get embarrassed by this. She'll do subtle things like sucking her gut in, and comparing herself with any outfits she likes. Additionally, she does tend to compare herself with models!

However, if you want to get her a flustered type of embarrassment, point out her crush! She does tend to gush about him and talk about how much she likes him, as well as any plans she has with him. If she feels like she is bombarding you with her boy talk, she will stop out of embarrassment! Similarly, she will also stop talking if she feels like she spoke too much, or bombarded your character with questions!

Don't let this be a barrier to you! Go all out!

Brown (Human) kafkaesque

Brown's lip drew back slightly when the girl mentioned her friend, prompting the middle-aged woman to blurt in response, "Wait, you still fucking like this shithead!?" She sure has questionable taste in men. Him... Out of all the people out there? Not that the bar is particularly high in the first place... Shut the fuck up. You're literally dating a thief who thinks it's attractive when you threaten to beat the shit out of him- Oh, and doesn't exactly get along with your not-daughters, the blonde included. Stop. Shut up.

Alas, she didn't shut up, instead opting to sigh and attempt to parse her words in a less hostile way, "I mean... Are you sure this is a good idea, miss? He has been nothing but a nuisance to not only myself but also my creatures, but..." Brown grumbled something under her breath that resembled, "That's normal for men... Don't worry too much about it," because of course she did. She did, however, utter this so quickly that the words ended up jumbling together into a fairly incoherent mess, prompting her to suck in a breath while she seated herself in her recliner.

"... If you care about him so much," the older woman sniffed while combing her fingers through her hair, "Or... Love him so much, I mean..." Her voice faltered, the word "love" tasting particularly bitter against her tongue. Okay, edgelord. But at the same time, Brown couldn't exactly dispel what had happened the last time she had uttered such a word, as she wrung her hands and continued, "... Then I suppose that I can help you out with that little predicament of yours. Or try to... Romance is always such a... Bizarre thing, isn't it?"

She smacked her lips together for a few more seconds before leaning in and hissing, "Just... Don't fucking tell him that I'm doing this for your sake. I can suppose that he wants to spend more time with you too, like a little lovebird, but... If he finds that out, he might fucking kick my ass. He does seem pretty protective of you, after all... Kind of like myself, which is a good thing. I can only hope that overshadows the bitchy part of him, mm?" Again, Brown. You're a bitch too.

As the older woman fluttered her lashes and made herself comfortable, she proposed aloud, "How about you try giving him something that he likes? Food, money... Anything. I mean...", before breaking off with a faint chortle. "In all honesty," Brown couldn't help but brag slightly while continuing to flutter her lashes, "I have plenty of either. That's the perk associated with being rich: you can essentially get whatever the hell you want without any sort of consequences, and... If that includes getting you a lover, or a boyfriend in your demographic's 'lingo,' then so fucking be it." Well then!

And... Now that she thought about it, seeing the teenager act so flustered over her friend did made her smirk juuuuust a bit. Such a reaction almost reminded Brown of herself in a way, and yet-

"Don't worry too much about it," Brown sighed while reaching a hand out to gently rub the girl's shoulder, "I will not be too much of an asshole about it. Besides, as said before, I will linger in the background while you do most of the work. Is that fine? Just as long as you are perfectly content, buttercup. I do hate to see you in that much distress, after all." Awww. "Especially over a man." Uuuuuuuugh.

@ NP: these characterization notes maaaay be a bit long, so I'll spoiler this just to keep my post easy to scroll past!! also ik I heavily lifted this from my post in the sister thread, but shhhhhh.

in general, Brown doesn't like it when people belittle her or her skills, and she's veeeeerrrrry much the angry type of embarrassed. don't be surprised if she turns violent, or threatens to get violent, as a result. on the other hand, she may get flustered if given positive attention (especially those involving physical contact), though that's more with characters she already trusts than with total strangers. again, don't be surprised if she gets pissy as a result, especially if it's dragged out- :)c

if you want to refer a bit to her forum game version, though.... feel free to tease her about/mention her lover!! she's rather self-conscious about having soft spots in general, but being a misandrist who happens to be dating a man is.... a bit awkward for her. and she knows it. expect her to act like the typical tsundere if the subject is brought up, except maaaaaybe with a bit of existential angst involved as well. 👀
(also, in the off-chance that the aforementioned lover IS the character responding to her, just flirting with her will be enough. just saying. ;))

Wraith Stormheart SpiritdragonRyuu

(Hope this is okay)

Wraith looked at Brown as he leant back against a wall, his arms crossed. He remembered how she had treated his injuries a while ago, however that wasn't the reason why he wanted to talk to her; something else was on his mind. "How do you know Roswell?" He asked gruffly as his eyes scanned her body language for any indication of a lie when she spoke. It seemed that his question hit a nerve of sorts, or at least Brown certainly wasn't expecting him to ask her that. The answer he got didn't really answer his question, his throat rumbled slightly in impatience, but he forced it down, getting angry wouldn't get him answers.....at least....not from someone like Brown. 

"I've caught your scent many times around him, his home and his possessions...." His eyes narrowed. "...I know something is going on between you two, don't try to brush me off again," He said with a light snarl at his question being dodged the first time. After several long minutes....he still didn't get a straight answer, though he was pretty sure Brown shifted uncomfortably a few times, though it was very subtle when she did so; not to mention he was detecting an increase in aggression in her tone. He growled he didn't have time for this, snorting in annoyance he slowly backed into the shadows, his attempt at suppressing his anger failing. 

"Whatever......just know....."He said as his eyes seemed to flare in anger. ".....if you do anything to hurt him.....you'll be answering to me." He growled before his form disappeared completely into the shadows.

(Wraith barely understands friendships, never mind anything to do with romantic relationships, safe to say....he's very confused and has no idea what is happening between Brown and Roswell xD)


Haha, I love these two interacting xD:

Wraith was in a light sleep in his panther form when he heard someone trying to climb into the window; thanks to his dark coloured fur he went unnoticed by the intruder. His eyes snapped open and lunged at the the person, digging his claws into the persons arm making them try to scramble back out the window. Due to him being preoccupied with this particular target he didn't notice the second person who came through the bedroom door until they were in the room, luckily enough Roswell had already woken up due to the commotion. The next few minutes were blurred for Wraith, a mix of fists, claws and teeth; soon enough the intruders tumbled out of the window and fled into the night completely terrified. Snorting softly Wraith turned to Roswell and padded over to him, after seeing his father figure manage to stand up on his own the shifter changed back into his human form. 

The shifter froze when he heard Roswell mentioning that Wraith had protected him, he gave a cough and did his best to ignore the statement. The dark haired male couldn't help but blink at Roswells interesting choice of words before pinching the bridge of his own nose as his father figure began to explain what the word bahookie meant or maybe it was just because he had said that word in general, Wraith really didn't know. The sudden hand on his shoulder and then being pulled into a a side hug made all the muscles in the shifters body freeze and tense up, not having much positive physical experiences would do that to a guy. 

He raised an eyebrow at Roswells statement about being able to defend himself, the shifters eyes flicked to the older mans broken nose and then back to his eyes; Wraith somehow giving a even more unconvinced look and smirking when Roswell added "sometimes" onto the end of that sentence. When the hand from Wraith's shoulder went as the other man let go of him, he noted the absence of warmth from where he was pulled into a half hug, mentally wishing that maybe.......the hug would have lasted longer......he gave a shook of his head, now wasn't the time to turn into a comfort seeking child. His ears twitched and his eyes locked back onto Roswell listening to him saying something about getting something to eat........wait.....the old thief was buying? Somehow Wraith doubted it. 

Yep......there it was, he didn't have his wallet........wait.......Honeycakes?.....The fuck were honeycakes? Wraith didn't have time to dwell on that thought for long before Roswell ruffled the shifters hair. Instinctually Wraith winced, expecting pain to come from the touch, however was surprised when touch was affectionate not aggressive; so much so he caught himself leaning, ever so slightly into the touch, soon snapping out of it seconds later.  He gave another sigh at Roswells remark,  "One of these days I'm going to teach you how to hunt, you bloody magpie." He said shaking his head before his lips curled into a rare half smile.

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Roswell panted. He stared at the panther, right in front of his feet and the attackers the big cat had scared off. He sat up with difficulty and rubbed his bruised chin.
“Without yer ‘elp oi’ would definitely be toast,” the old crook said. As he gave the panther a quick smile.
“No, oi get up meself don’t worry about it,” Roswell said. The old crook made a dismissive hand gesture, before finally (and clumsily) managed to scramble back on his feet again. Roswell rubbed the back of his head. Almost like a krō that had his feathers ruffled.
He spat on the ground. “Dis de second toime yer saved me bahookie,” he paused. “Ass,” he clarified. If Wraith wasn’t embarrassed by Roswell pointing out the shifter’s protective nature. Him, the panther-shifter’s not so good father figure, explaining the word ‘bahookie’ would have done the trick. Or using that word in general.
Imagine using that word. Roswell slammed his arm around Wraith’s shoulder (who had shifted back). Pulling him in a side-hug.

“Oi get dat yer worried about me but oi can save me own skin,” Roswell said. He smiled. But his broken nose (and the caked blood on his mustache and in the corners of his mouth) made his words difficult to believe. “Sumetimes,” he admitted underneath his breath. (His breathing whistled funny thanks to the broken nose)
“Though oi’m not tryin’ to dismissive me gratitude. Void! No,” Roswell said. He made an extra gesture with his hand just to illustrate a point.
“Again. Without yer, oi’d be toast.”
Roswell finally let go of Wraith’s shoulder. He quickly brushed most of the street-dirt from his own jacket.
“Listen ‘ow about we grab something to bite. As in actual food. Not the roughens from earlier,” he said. With a sheepish grin.
“On my costs,” Roswell said. Paused. “Mabbe. If oi’d remembered to brin’ along me wallet,” Roswell said. He patted his pockets, then shrugged helplessly at the shifter.
“Looks loike oi left me wallet at home Honeycakes,” he teased as he ruffled Wraith’s hair. “But we’ll figure sumethin’ out roi? We always do when oi ‘forget’ me wallet.”

(Congrats Wraith, you got a cringy nickname now).


Roswell's mind while everything happens at once

Roswell stared at his newly possessed shimmering, magical artifact. He was a proud man. And thus very careful with his...Snatched (in lack for better words) goods. He was wrapping the object in thick sheets made of the thickest cut leather as a disturbance alerted Roswell.
He held his breath and stood there unmoving. Mabbe, the old thief thought. If Oi don’t make a sound, it's whoever they may be, leave me alone. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
Roswell cursed underneath his breath when he heard the knocking.
“Go away,” Roswell said. Too soft to be heard though. As he haphazardly tried to bind the sheets together with a rope. But the knocking had turned into fidgeting with the doorknob, and the stress made Roswell’s hands shake.
“Oi’m just a ‘umble leather-merchant. Me wares are not worth inspecting,” he tried. As he finally managed to make a knot. He stepped to the door. Reached for the door-knob and...


The bloody thing came loose! "Shite." With the door click in hand, he stared directly into Wrenthe’s eyes. He grimaced when the other suggested he needed any help. No way! He was Roswell Van Breek after all.
“No don’t worry, oi work with metal in me leather-craft-trade,” he thickened. Roswell leaned forward to the door-hole his door handle had left and started to aimlessly ram the knob back into his place.
“See,” he said. Giving the mage and big smile as the door-knob seemed to be stuck.


The words had not even left the thief’s lips as the knob tumbled out of the door again.
“Everythin’ under control.”

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Stephanie salternate

Spoilerized because Stephanie implies that Wrenthe is high! I'm sorry, Wrenthe.

"Hey, whatcha doing, nerd?" Stephanie inquired, planting her hands on her side. The teenager, admittedly, was previously watching Wrenthe curiously. However, this inquisitive demeanor vanished as abruptly as she snipped out her previous quote. The teenager craned her head closer to the page the mage was scanning.

As Stephanie examined the words scrawled on the page, she cocked an eyebrow while her lips pursed into a pout. It seemed like some sort of recipe, but she could not figure out what it was.

"You know magic isn't real, right? You should know this; you look old enough to," Stephanie grunted, twitching her nose as she spoke. She allowed the corners of her lips to slightly twitch as she brushed her fingers against her blue sleeves. She listened to the elder party speak, though her focus was mainly on his recipe.

"It's just mind tricks. Either that, or talismans or potions or whatever shit mages make is making people as high as a kite. Do you try out your drinks? Are you high?" Stephanie allowed a smarmy smirk to plaster on her face as she prodded her finger against his page.

"Maybe you should be thinking of the implications. Why don't you do something productive instead?"


Characterization notes are underneath the spoiler! TW for underaged drinking!

Stephanie is pretty hard to embarrass, unfortunately.

A surefire way that could get her embarrassed, though, is spilling things on her! However, her reaction varies if you opt for this! If you have a good relationship with her, she's most likely going to scoff and sigh. If you don't, she's most likely going to throw a tantrum and further embarrass herself.

Additionally, she really hates being ignored. She's going to try to get your attention, and if she's ignored long enough, she's going to give up and find someone else to pester. You can also talk about the parties she either hosts or attends. They (almost) always have alcohol involved, and she tends to attempt to pressure others into drinking with her. If she's called out on this, she will get embarrassed and will ALWAYS deny doing this! This is also the case if your character is an adult and they discover this.

Don't let this be a barrier to you! Go all out!

rane muichiro

"Ugh." He puts a hand on his hip, glowering down at her. Here he was on a Saturday night standing in front of a pompous teenage girl when he could be at gigs listening to new artists play. With the police busting her party and taking the names of her friends and their cowardly peers, he had been given the task of speaking to her himself. Now as a hero of Massachusetts, therefore the entire United States, it was important for him to give young people a role model to look up to. In cases like this, either he or Gwen would have to talk the youth, reciting prosed lines that had been suggested for them to speak on. Now while Gwen usually stuck to it and encouraged people to do better, Rane took a different stance almost always. He was sick of kids being the reason why he had to leave his house or a bar, or anything to do work. They weren't a danger to society, so why did he have to be there for them?

"You seriously should've thought about this beforehand, like, really? You thought you weren't going to get caught? Are you stupid or something?" Harsh words flow out with ease and he tightens his arms over his chest, giving a glare to her features. "Is that nose piercing even real? Like who even has those anymore? Those died back in the early 00's. Whatever. Next time you get caught doing this, I'm going to show up to your school instead and give them all a presentation of how you probably still sleep with stuffed animals and cry yourself to sleep. Okay? Don't do it again."

@ NP

He is like so hard to embarrass, but you can make him upset by comparing him to Gwen! 

Smith (Human) kafkaesque

“Oh, you!” Smith immediately chirped in an animated fashion upon spotting the redhead, “It’s good to see you! How has everything been going?” Was she perhaps too excited? Maybe. The poor young woman had only seen him once, and they didn’t even speak to each other, and she was already acting as if he were an old friend of hers: waving her hand to attract his attention, then grinning at him in a clear attempt to seem more welcoming-

To be fair, there might’ve been a chance that she genuinely saw him that way, as she hopped up to the other and squeaked, “I know it’s been a while since we’ve last met, but… How’s everything been going?” Her heels could only click against the ground as she skittered up to him, then just… Planted themselves into the ground. Smith kept her distance in case he lashed out - whether it be through words or fire - but she was… Fine. Enthusiastic. Peppy. Any word with a positive connotation, she probably could’ve been accurately described with it… Except naïve. She was a bit naïve, and there was no use denying that.

“I mean, not just you, but also that friend of yours,” the young woman continued while gesticulating with her hands, “The one who acts like, well, the total opposite of you?” Smith, honey… She batted her eyes at him in a clearly innocent matter, because… Truth be told, she had noooooooooo fucking idea who these two men were, other than that they had attempted to steer a child wearing a cat mask away from a wintry scene when said child was harassing her. Emphasis on “attempted to steer.”

In fact, the poor young woman couldn’t help but glance over the other party’s shoulder, all in an increasingly futile attempt to see whether the child would pop out of nowhere and start throwing snowballs at her again.

She sucked in a breath after a few seconds, holding her hands rather awkwardly to her bosom in the process, as she chirped, “I mean… I don’t mean it in a bad way, of course! Everyone has their own personalities, and sometimes they just happen to be different from those of the people around us! You tend to be rather fiery and spirited, whereas he’s more humble and… Diplomatic… I presume?” Smith paused to scratch at the side of her head, then just took another step back. Bet that this was going to become a recurring reaction of hers in time, as she - once more - glanced over his shoulder… Or at least tried to.

Oh no.

“It’s at least good to know that you and him manage to get along, mm?” she remarked, “I think it just shows that even when it seems like you won’t get along, sometimes opposites do come together. Yes?” How cheesy. (Whether that was supposed to be complimenting Smith, or insulting her, was a bit ambiguous at best.) With a gentle titter, Smith held her hand up to her lips and hummed, “But that’s enough about last time-“, before cutting herself off. As she rubbed her chin, a light came into her eyes while she started to suggest all too eagerly, “Actually! How about I repay you for you and your friend’s help last time! Uh, I…” Smith paused and rubbed her chin. “I could pay for whatever clothes you plan to buy. I have to say that your fashion is unconventional but definitely intriguing! Would that be adequate compensation? I hate to take up your time without something worthwhile to offer, yes?”

@ NP: Smith is very easily flustered, so…. honestly, go ham. compliment her, insult her… anything goes. I don’t care. go as apeshit as you want. this is ESPECIALLY true if your character is the “brooding, stoic man” archetype because she naturally goes uwu for those.

also, you can opt for her post-hospice counterpart if you want!! just lmk if that’s the case so that I can respond appropriately!!

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up if I have the time!!

Bianca salternate

Spoilerized for (implied) domestic abuse and neglect! Bianca is just making assumptions.

Bianca blinked slowly, blankly staring at the younger party in front of her. With her lips pursed into a pout, Bianca stroked the tips of her fingers against the back of her hand. After she let out a sniffle, the elder party pointed her chin back up so she could examine Smith's expression.

"You mentioned that you were in your twenties. Correct, Smith?" she inquired, stroking her tongue against the gap in her teeth upon completing her sentence. Her eyes intently scanned the aristocrat's expression, her gaze lingering longer in an attempt to catch any changes in the younger party's mannerisms. The smile the elder party previously brandished slowly began to shift into a straight face.

"You're twenty years old and you've already got a son. I know someone who was much, much younger than you when she conceived her child. Urgh, I don't understand your generation."

With her eyes narrowed, Bianca ceased rubbing her hands, instead opting to hold them behind her back.

"I was twenty-nine years old when I had my eldest; you could have waited a tad longer to have your son. Young mothers don't really go far in life; you should be lucky you have your current living conditions, considering that you live quite a lavish lifestyle. Unless...Is everything okay at home? This Johnson fellow doesn't seem to pay much attention to you...the good kind of attention, at least. Do you need me to contact the police?"


Characterization notes are underneath the spoiler!

Bianca is pretty hard to embarrass; if you use the right words, you could get her to shut up. Feel free to call her (and/or her husband) out on her behavior! Some samples include her blatant favoritism towards her youngest, how finicky she is, and how compulsively she fibs.

Don't let this be a barrier to you! Go all out!

 Jamie Zinkyzor

Jamie overheard about Biancas favoritism twords her youngest and that fueled his rage due to him loosing his parents Biancas actions felt far from right to him " hey! What in goodness name are you doing?! Having a favorite child just isn't right!! " jamies face was red with anger has he glared Bianca in the eyes

" I may not know you but either way this won't slide!! I hate to call people names but your actin' like a witch!!" The texan was furiously calling this women out in public,  maybe she was embarrassed,  Jamie sure hopes she is


np: Jamie doesn't really embarrass easy at all even talk about his past doesn't bother him too much but use the right words and you can fluster the poor guy 

Detective Barn yanderechips

"Well, you don't seem like a good engineer," The detective scoffed and turned away. "Not from what it looks like now. You seem like a total mess." Barn looked over at Jamie, her face twisted in disgust. "You didn't call out for your parents in the woods? How old were you? You had to have some basic common sense at that age." Barn only looked at her fingernails, observing them. 

She only scoffed. "I'm done talking to you. I've had enough of you today." Well. That was cold.


Barn will get embarrassed if you call out her behavior and slacking on her job sometimes! She tends to be pretty lazy about it so that'll do!

 umbra hallowgeier

Umbra raised a brow (at least it seems she did, behind all that damn hair lol) at the detective. Umbra had decided to morph into a smaller form so that she could mess with this town that she randomly came across. While she was there, she learned a few things about the town and what goes on within it. She also managed to get some information about some people for kicks (either through persuasion or intimidation). And here she was, insulting a random detective she found while walking down the street.

“I heard that you’re supposed to be working on an investigation. But standing by the road for an hour is more important, isn’t it?” Umbra sneered. “Maybe if you got off your lazy ass, you’d get better cases to solve.”
Umbra’s back at it again, insulting people left and right for no reason whatsoever.

Umbra is a jerk, but calling her out for that won’t embarrass her. Calling her an edgelord might embarrass her though. Maybe. Maybe you’ll lose you arm instead. Also I’m sorry if this is garbage, it’s been a while since I’ve roleplayed-

Brown (The Wolf) kafkaesque

It wasn't like Brown had any right to roast someone for being edgy whenever she saw the trait pop up, but did she have the self-awareness to realize that maybe acting like a hypocrite in the moment wasn't the best idea? The answer was less climatic than one might think: no. A big, big no - to be more specific.

And that kind of sucked!

With a cigarette not-so-subtly clenched in between her teeth, Brown remarked like a jackass, "You know, miss... The tropes of wanting to beat the shit out of people, as well as hating the world in general, tend to get rather anticlimactic and stale at times. Really! I know from experience!" She barked in harsh, almost raucous laughter as she then blew out a puff of smoke. "I mean... At least in the sense that I have been prone to such sentiments, or perhaps fantasies, in the past, but... As you young folks tend to imply, everyone past the age of thirty is old as fuck..." Letting out a chuff, Brown took out her cigarette and waved it around, allowing the smoke to come from both its lit end and her mouth in the process.

"... So in a way, you can say that I grew past that shit. I killed a man in my thirties, and maybe several more after that. People still remember me for that, but I haven't really beaten the shit out of anybody recently." Brown paused with a sneer. "At least... I hope not, if I have to be honest with you." Uhhh... What the actual fuck was that comment?

Brown shook her head as she carefully slinked up to the other party and reached an arm out to touch her fur... But her hand didn't actually brush against it; they didn't even pass through a single guard hair, in fact. However, the aristocrat was clearly, blissfully oblivious to the risk that she was currently putting herself in at the moment. Losing her arm for the sake of stupid nonsense? Of course that was aaaaaaaaaaaall going to be worth it in the end!

"I'm not saying that you could change that," the middle-aged woman teased while fluttering her lashes, "at least not necessarily. If you don't do anything stupid with me and get us into a fight, then we should be fine- Or-" She broke off to point her cigarette at the canine. "- Or you, for that matter. I think it would be a shame if that thick, bushy fur of yours was... Well... Marred, mm?" Brown slyly rose a brow before slinking herself back into the shadows where she had concealed herself in earlier. Now, only the embers that adorned the end of her cigarette was enough to give her presence away as she let out a low, almost muffled chortling noise.

With her usual bombastic attitude, she sniffed, "That fur looks like it could be useful as fuck anyhow. No wonder you can get away with beating the shit out of people in a fight pretty easily. Not much can get through your fur, even if I don't mean that as a compliment by any means." That was a lie. It was indeed a compliment, because Brown... Was an edgelord. Shocking. She wasn't projecting, though; she just wanted to be a bitch, and... If that happened to work out, then... Well... Yikes.

@ NP: I'm going to copy and paste my characterization notes from my previous post here since.... nothing has changed (+ I don't think I really have anything new to add), and Brown is still edgy as always- 😔

as always, you can get creative with your response if you want...... just please look at her Human tab if considering her appearance; she's NOT actually a canine, but I figure her urban legend tab could be helpful in inspiring your response!!

in general, Brown doesn't like it when people belittle her or her skills, and she's veeeeerrrrry much the angry type of embarrassed. don't be surprised if she turns violent, or threatens to get violent, as a result. on the other hand, she may get flustered if given positive attention (especially those involving physical contact), though that's more with characters she already trusts than with total strangers. again, don't be surprised if she gets pissy as a result, especially if it's dragged out- :)c

if you want to refer a bit to her forum game version, though.... feel free to tease her about/mention her lover!! she's rather self-conscious about having soft spots in general, but being a misandrist who happens to be dating a man is.... a bit awkward for her. and she knows it. expect her to act like the typical tsundere if the subject is brought up, except maaaaaybe with a bit of existential angst involved as well. 👀
(also, in the off-chance that the aforementioned lover IS the character responding to her, just flirting with her will be enough. just saying. ;))

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up for NP if I have the time!!

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