Reply With a Character and Number Question Game V2

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Update 21/04/2022: Just wanted to let people know that I don't actively monitor this game, so please PM me if any problems arise!

A while ago, I got permission from the creator of this forum game to create my own version! Most of the questions here are brand-new, though I also took a few from the original game because I liked them. The rules for this thread will basically be the same as that version. I recommend checking out the original, especially if you want to see examples of how people played it.

--How to play--

- Written below are two sets of numbered questions - the A set and the B set.
- Look at the characters of the user above you, and choose one that you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user (by writing @ followed by their username) and tell them the character you chose plus a few of the prewritten questions. (Example: 'I'd like to see questions A2, A5 and B7 with your character Frederick!')
- Once the next poster asks you some questions, edit your post to write your answers.


- This shouldn't need many rules, but keep the obvious things in mind - no excessively sexual, gory or disturbing answers, don't be rude, don't purposely skip people, and if you have a problem with anyone in the thread, PM me. Don't start drama here.
- Avoid asking more 'mature' questions (i.e. A7, B4) to very young characters, as this will likely make people uncomfortable.
- There's no specific number of questions you should ask, but in the interests of fairness and space, try to keep it between 3 and 6.
- After posting, wait until at least 3 other people have posted before going again. If over 24 hours have passed since the last person posted, then you can go again regardless of how many posts there have been.

Question Set A:

1. Something they might have nightmares about
2. Insecurities
3. What it takes to make them cry
4. Fears/phobias
5. Physical scars
6. Things they don't like talking about
7. How do they behave when drunk
8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry
10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed
11. What makes them stressed
12. Worst injuries
13. How they behave when angry

Question Set B:

1. What relaxes them
2. Things they're proud of
3. Personality traits they like in others
4. Physical traits they find attractive
5. How they show affection
6. Things they're grateful for
7. Habits
8. Pets they've owned
9. People they look up to
10. Comfort foods
11. Pet peeves
12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

That should be everything! The first person who posts can just claim that spot and wait for someone to ask them questions.

S.a.M.S Darkia

A1 A4 B7 B11 B12?


How aboooout B3, B6, B10, and B12?

NP: Pick from here, maybe?


HELLO! I have questions about Camilla since her birthday was only... 2 days ago! Anyways, A3, B4, B9, B11 and B13!

Anyone from here is preferable as I can actually give answers to questions for these characters.

A2. Hawkes suffered from amnesia for a little bit on his first adventure (meaning the first campaign I played him). He was really worried and felt weird not knowing anything of who he was before or where he came from, particularly because he's not exactly young either. Once he regains his memory, he's a little more insecure in the sense that he worries he might lose his memory again, and will often write down everything possible... just in case.

B6; Hawkes is insanely grateful for his friends, the same he got stranded with on an undersea island. Having people who cared about him, even though he was very lost was something he'll be eternally grateful to them for. He suspects he may not have survived the experience without them.

B11. As he is very small, he has a pet peeve of being picked up... but only by people, he doesn't know. His close friends, (Ie River, Lateralus, and Antou) can pick him up... he may act grumpy about it, but as it sometimes means he doesn't have to walk... he won't mind. :3c

A10: Being treated like a child or just generally short. He finds it embarrassing at times, especially if you're teasing him about how small he is. He can usually take it well in stride, but it definitely gets him flustered. Also asking about his personal life and children. He likes to keep his personal and professional life separate and gets flustered when asked about it.

Ren Kurusu SlowGo

How about A2 B6 B11 and A10 for Hawkes?

gonna put spoiler box bc afraid to clog up stuff n other stuff:

Small disclaimer that they're a fandom OC, but answers don't really mention anything ^^

TW: mild mentions of abuse and bullying (nothing in detail tho! Just making sure to mention just incase <3)

A1. Something they might have nightmares about?
Ren has a lot abstract nightmares usually that tends to somewhat relate to his trauma from growing up. He's been bullied for a good part of his childhood and his parents always mistreated him, basically yelling at him for the smallest things and even when he didn't do anything wrong. His brother also isn't much better. Usually his bad nightmares give him a sort of feeling of being crowded, targeted and helpless. Outside of the "dreams" thing and if thought about nightmares as in "their worst case scenarios they think about" would probably be everyone he cares about leaving him or hating him, he grew up rather isolated from other people (bc bullying thing going on). Not to go too into detail but, generally, especially the bullying was really bad.

A8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
Hard to say, Ren isn't perfect of course, but it's kinda hard to pick a "worst". I'd probably have to go with letting his brother back into his life. It does work out in the end, but only after a long time of more drama and ongoing abuse before someone steps in. There's  of course other stuff, but i think that probably gets the title of "worst"

A13. How they behave when angry
Depends on angry at who, how severe and when. Especially when really young, when brought to his boiling point he wasn't a stanger to getting physically violent and lashing out. He only did so really badly twice, once lashing out at a bully and once at his brother, both times leaving him feeling extreme guilt, which is why he grew up to be rather pacifistic. During his fights with his brother he mostly has shown his anger through yelling, which is, in fact, something that has stayed the same, though he generally hates getting loud and loud noises in general. Outside of yelling he also has a habit of ghosting people and impulsively going for peoples weaknesses when angry and having a hard time cooling down

B13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character
Probably his strong heart and energetic and optimistic outlook despite the shitty stuff he went through. He is by no way perfect or doesn't have some toxic traits left to sort out and can be a bit overly trusting when he's gotten to the point that he started to trust them. He just so comforting to think about and fun to write about because he just always tries his best, despite having gone through his shitty childhood he worked to move away from his hometown, despite having been treated cruelly he chooses to keep his heart open to those he trusts and tries his best to see the best in things, to see the wonder in the little everyday things. 

 Leo confusedthing

SlowGo maybe A1, A8, A13, B6 and B13?

(thank you!!)

A1. Something they might have nightmares about (spoiler for mentions of death/violence)

Usually his nightmares revolve around falling into nothingness.
He has some events from his childhood that he wouldn't necessarily consider trauma, but that stuck with him. Leo didn't grow up in the best neighborhood. It was a weird mix between poverty and rich criminals and what happens behind closed doors or things like seeing/smelling/finding your first dead body or your best friend single-handedly taking out his own father and men with a blank expression on his face are sights that are not that easy to forget, I suppose. It's nothing that scares him (anymore) but given their nature I'd still consider these dreams nightmares?

A10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed

I'm not sure if there is anything that would get him flustered, really, considering his job includes flirting with people. Maybe he would get flustered if someone he's attracted to cornered him, though I think it would barely be noticeable.
Embarassed... probably if he does or gets something wrong and either gets corrected or notices himself. He's the person who would beat himself up over saying something wrong or embarassing even if it was years ago. Good for him that rarely happens, but I'd say that is what most likely would embarass him.

B5. How they show affection

He mostly shows affection through actions (quality time mostly, followed by acts of service, physical touch in equal amounts). Leo has not that much spare time so spending it with someone he cares about is an important thing, as well as helping them out with tasks if he can, anything to make their life a little easier. Relating to romantic relationships physical touch, in his case, mostly means smaller gestures like touching their arm for affirmation or stroking their back when they're upset or lean against him etc. (In turn, gifts and words mean nothing for him. Words because he doesn't trust them and finds them unnecessary and gifts because he just doesn't care about material possessions though they still show he pays attention to what people are saying.)

B10. Comfort foods

Tiramisu and Takoyaki probably, though he enjoys a lot of simpler, traditional Japanese dishes. 

(v ahhh thank you so much ;v;)


confusedthing leo seems rlly cool ^o^ maybe a1, a10, b5, and b10 ?

edit: OHHOIHO THATS RLLY NEAT !! he's such an interesting character omg????

--  would love questions abt anyone in here !


theb_5858 I like Florence's design so i'll ask about them! b5 a13 b12 and b13 ! --- I'd love questions about any of my scp ocs! Anya and Lynch have their profiles done so they have info! (Lynch has sensitive content) 

--- I got two sets of questions so ill answer them both!! (Lynch happens to be my most developed character lol) 

A2- He's a very insecure person, and honestly doesn't like many things about himself, but the main one has to be his apperance 

A3- Not much! He tends to get very riled up and emotions cause his eyes to water. 

A8-Most of his worst screw-ups were in his collage days, or at least what he considers his worst. As a drug dealer, he often failed to deliver 'orders' due to his own addiction, due to which he faced physical repercussions.

A9- It depends on his mental state, but most days even looking at him wrong can cause a conflict.

B2- The only thing he feels proud about is the fact he got into college, though that proudness is muddled due to the fact it was mostly money that got him in.

B6-  He's grateful he's alive. He doesn't have much anymore, and the fact the foundation actively wants to terminate him worries him.

B9- He likes to think he doesn't look up to anybody but in reality he really respects and misses his mom. He was an only child and feels bad about being such a disappointment. 

B11- He hates a lot of things, but things he won't actively fight anybody over are jabs at his addiction, alcohol consumption (including the smell), and insults toward his appearance.  

B13-  I actually like a ton of things about his character! He's SUPER fun to roleplay, his design is fun to draw, his backstory is fleshed out, and he acts as a vent character for me, which can really help.

Fracture Amorset Semety


A3, A8, B2, B6 for Lynch. Some positive questions for the guy. 


No worries!

A2 - Insecurities? It's hard to be insecure when you don't pause for thought, but he'll say things, often excessively violent things, that come to mind and then get anxious when people call him on it because he doesn't know what he did wrong. Too many people being jumpy around him makes him uncertain - he feels like he's not understanding what's happening, usually correctly. It makes him uncomfortable when other people point out that he's all action, no thought, even though he's aware of it, but he's too easily distracted to dwell on anything.

A9 - What makes him angry? For a guy as violent as he is, who enjoys pushing other people's buttons, he doesn't get angry himself very easily. The easiest way would probably be to continue doing something that he has actually said no to- that's a good way to get attacked, whether he's angry about it or not. He doesn't have the attention span or memory to do more than get angry in the moment. Frac's not a guy who holds grudges.

B9 - Who he looks up to? (Well he is kinda short...) Frac admires people who can lead, plan, and organize, who go for what they want and get it done. So different than himself. Especially if they're old. Very few demons got old in the pit. Right now he looks up to Sazz - the demon who inspired him to kill the one who raised him and who caused enough distraction to allow Frac to get out of Hell. He's also starting to look up to a very old lust demon who has managed to control her impulses and rise above them, as well as her younger sister who is running a mutual aid network in town.

B11 - Pet Peeves? Horny people and touchy feely people. Having to wait in line.

B13 - Frac is just fun to rp with, and more easy to write than I expected. I can usually just write whatever comes to mind with him. He's usually not a depressing character either. He's like one of those cat chasing mice cartoons, entertaining but not much plot sometimes. For all that, he's not completely one dimensional either - he's not boring. I also enjoy how pretty he is, though he'd probably hate that.

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 Elio confusedthing


Hooow about A10, B2, B7, B11 and B13?

A4. Fears/phobias

He is afraid of the concept/idea of eternity because with his species that is a pretty dull outlook. Also he is (mildly) arachnophobic.

A9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry

Elio is easy to anger tbh. He has toxic gamer traits, so if his teammates are bad he will get riled up, he is a sore loser and will trash talk people. (Although he is rarely serious about that, it's just his way of letting out frustration and he might yell while gaming but would not be mean to someone in the in game chat or smth.) Outside of that he is somewhat more calm but you can provoke him with nearly anything if you try hard enough. At the very least he will get annoyed if people keep repeating themselves.

A10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed

Anything his crush does (when he has one) tbh, he is kind of like a yappy dog in that regard... he has big words and a giant ego until he gets cornered, he might get defensive but probably with a bright red head.

B1. What relaxes them

Just laying around listening to music with no other distraction. Some of his friends have a calming effect on him as well and hanging out with them relaxes him.

B7. Habits

Does cursing like a sailor at the slightest inconvenience count as a habit? He also tends to lean back in chairs really far, to a point where he almost falls over. 

B11. Pet peeves

He hates loud chewing noices and uwu language. He has blocked people from stream before because of that. Elio just does not like anything that is forcibly "cute", it just annoys him to no end. It is somewhat of a reason that most people he knew that talked/typed like that turned out to be awful, but to be honest, it would bother him even without that experience.

Edmund PolygonZ


A4, A9, A10, B1, B7,and B11 for Elio?

A8: Their worst failures/screw-ups

In one of his investigations, the suspect had held one his friends hostage. Said stalker was his friend's stalker for years. He had tried to convince the stalker to let his friend go many times, but no matter how many times he tried, it never worked, and eventually the stalker had enough and killed both themselves and his friend. He considered it his worst failure, and would often beat himself for it. He had also failed to save his friend's wife from committing [not alive]. This lead to their children orphaned, and, as a way to make up for them, he decided to adopt them.

A13: How they behave when angry

He's the shouter kind, but he's no hitter, not towards his friends and family.

B5: How they show affection

He's usually really busy, but he tries to find time to spend time with his kids. He usually just sits down and listens to them talk (he wouldn't admit that he has little to no knowledge on some of the newer technology, specifically for games, and social media, so he tends to get his info from them), maybe give them something that they've been wanting to get, or go outside, either to a park, shopping mall, restaurant, or arcade, whichever they decided.


PolygonZ Ooh mayhaps A8 A13 B5 😳 whichever you feel like answering if not all! anyone's fine~

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