Reply With a Character and Number Question Game V2

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Update 21/04/2022: Just wanted to let people know that I don't actively monitor this game, so please PM me if any problems arise!

A while ago, I got permission from the creator of this forum game to create my own version! Most of the questions here are brand-new, though I also took a few from the original game because I liked them. The rules for this thread will basically be the same as that version. I recommend checking out the original, especially if you want to see examples of how people played it.

--How to play--

- Written below are two sets of numbered questions - the A set and the B set.
- Look at the characters of the user above you, and choose one that you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user (by writing @ followed by their username) and tell them the character you chose plus a few of the prewritten questions. (Example: 'I'd like to see questions A2, A5 and B7 with your character Frederick!')
- Once the next poster asks you some questions, edit your post to write your answers.


- This shouldn't need many rules, but keep the obvious things in mind - no excessively sexual, gory or disturbing answers, don't be rude, don't purposely skip people, and if you have a problem with anyone in the thread, PM me. Don't start drama here.
- Avoid asking more 'mature' questions (i.e. A7, B4) to very young characters, as this will likely make people uncomfortable.
- There's no specific number of questions you should ask, but in the interests of fairness and space, try to keep it between 3 and 6.
- After posting, wait until at least 3 other people have posted before going again. If over 24 hours have passed since the last person posted, then you can go again regardless of how many posts there have been.

Question Set A:

1. Something they might have nightmares about
2. Insecurities
3. What it takes to make them cry
4. Fears/phobias
5. Physical scars
6. Things they don't like talking about
7. How do they behave when drunk
8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry
10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed
11. What makes them stressed
12. Worst injuries
13. How they behave when angry

Question Set B:

1. What relaxes them
2. Things they're proud of
3. Personality traits they like in others
4. Physical traits they find attractive
5. How they show affection
6. Things they're grateful for
7. Habits
8. Pets they've owned
9. People they look up to
10. Comfort foods
11. Pet peeves
12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

That should be everything! The first person who posts can just claim that spot and wait for someone to ask them questions.

Heck Logan Semety


A1, A9, A10, B3 for Nako?

She seems interesting. 


A1 - I don't think any nightmares Heck has bother him as much as the fact that dreams and nightmares aren't covered by his perfect memory. His nightmares are probably fairly normal - Being forgetful of things he should remember, performing naked, being in the dark in an unfamiliar place with something identifiable chasing him. 

A5, A12 - Scars and injuries I'll answer together. I haven't really thought about it, but he must have had some injuries, his family being the way they are. Yet he's probably escaped some of the assassination attempts being one of the youngest siblings. His youngest sibling is a poisoner and probably has managed to poison him, but only when they were both children and it was more for practice. I'd say he has one scar from bird's talons on the back of his neck, but most of his injuries would have been healed.

A11 - What stresses him? Too much choice, too many possibilities. He likes to have a goal. He can deal with surprises if he has a target, but he doesn't like not having a plan at all. Also he gets stressed somewhat by completely unfamiliar situations, so anything to do with attraction, dating, having a crush - emotions are too messy and unpredictable for Heck to be entirely comfortable with them.

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 Jean confusedthing

MochaDoodle Maybe A2, A6, A13, B5 and B13 for Meadow?

Anyone here is fine! (Maybe not Elio, Lola or Adair bc they get a lot of questions. <3)

A4. Fears/phobias

Jean kind of has an imposter syndrome, so he is always afraid to be found lacking in some way. He struggles with accepting his success and is scared people may think he is a fraud, even though there is no reason for them to think that.

B7. Habits

He just dances around whenever he is alone. Also usually has a hairband around his wrist that he plays with whenever he's nervous.

B8. Pets they've owned

He never had pets when he lived with his parents and nowadays he is too busy to care for one, but he really wants a chinchilla someday.

B13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

I like how he is able to go with the flow and make the best of it. It's not always easy for him but he is trying and I think that is pretty admirable.


confusedthing maybe A4, b7, b8 and b13 for Jean??

next person can ask about anyone in any of my folders!! [not the do not open one]

Lottie Lowery TenMomentsTill

Sheepsneep A5, A10, B2 for Ditban


(A9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry) It would be people touching his things without permission. He has lived in dorms most of his young adult life and never has had a room of his own. How he sets up his possessions is really the only control he has of his living space. Also, if any of his stuff breaks or goes missing he can't easily replace it. His parents don't have enough money to just buy him another one. 

(B2. Things they're proud of) Lottie is proud of himself for how well he is doing academically and that he is a skilled musician. He's put a lot of effort into school and it is paying off for him. Another point of pride is that he knows that he's capable of taking care of himself and is very self reliant.

(B3. Personality traits they like in others) Lottie likes people who respect his boundaries and listen to him when he expresses his discomfort about something. He is a quiet and nervous person so he is used to people outright ignoring his wishes. He also admires people who have a firm sense of self and clear goals they are working towards.

(B6. Things they're grateful for) Lottie is extremely grateful to neighbor who taught him to play the piano and the violin and later purchased a viola for him when Lottie expressed intrest in trying to play that too. He knows he wouldn't be a musician if it wasn't for them. Even though he doesn't feel like he deserves it, he is grateful for the opportunity he has to actually go to college. Without a scholarship, he would have had zero chance to go to the one he did. 

Lottie is also grateful to have Ambrose in his life. The man is the only person Lottie has that he feels comfortable talking to.



A9, B2, B3, B6 for Lottie? (He seems interesting btw.)


Any of my main characters is good.


I've got a couple for Echo! [A6, A8, B6, and B12?]

Anyone here is fine!

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for Klaus , how about A4, A8, B7, B10??


A10(What gets them flustered):

Vetra doesn’t get flustered by many things. An exception to that is any outward displays of affection. Her main love language is words of affirmation, but she’s a secret sucker for physical touch-if she could get as red as a tomato she would.


She talks lot to herself, especially when she’s trying to understand something. It kinda freaks people out a bit if they dont know her very well, but if you’re a close friend its easy to get used to, and almost cute. Another habit she has is picking at her nails when she gets nervous/stressed. Its an easily fixable thing, but if she stops that she’ll do something else thats probably worse, like grinding her teeth or rapping her foot up against the table over and over. 

B10(Comfort foods):

She loves home cooked meals in general, especially since she had a lot as a child, and since getting older she’s been given less and less. Most of the time, she’ll eat anything home cooked, but she especially loves a pasta dish paired with homemade tomato soup, which she absolutely dies for.


spilksty I'd like to ask Vetra about A10, B7, and B10!

B1 - What relaxes them? - Some good ol' peace and quiet. Maybe add some ambient nature sounds - birds, a light breeze, maybe a bubbling creek. Listening to some calm music. Hirosian also likes to play music, especially string instruments, in his downtime. 

B5 - How they show affection - Being near you. He's like a cat and might flop down to chill next to you if he likes you. For people he really likes (aka, Ashkar and Nephaphem, and nobody else), he might even lean on them. Don't expect much physical contact like hugging or holding hands, and he'd rather die than voice his affection to someone using words. 

B9 - People he looks up to - Honestly? I have no clue. My mind first goes to famous musicians that have inspired him, or have made his favorite songs. 

B12 - Inspiration / Thoughts behind their creation - I'm ashamed to say it but Herobrine. From Minecraft. I don't remember how Hirosian was inspired by Herobrine since it was literally a decade ago, but this question reminded me of his connection to Herobrine. Other than that, I just knew Ashkar needed a brother and a supporter through her shitty upbringing, and Hirosian was born. Plus I wanted a white-haired character bc I'm obsessed with white-haired characters.

 Brownie Cream Cookie DominatorCombinator


i'd serve him B1, B5, B9 and B12

Question set

A4 - fears a lot of stupid things such as homework, safety signs and rotten fruits.

B7 - habits are he brushes too many times a day to keep his teeth creamy white.

B9 - people he looks up to is Splat Puppy, some cookies his age and unknown merchants.



A-4, B7 & B9 for this fun little cookie?!

Soul ConfusedBiscuit

A8, A12, and B11 for Thursday?

B11 - Soul haaaaaates being told what to do. She can manage on her own (though, not as well as she thinks) and being bossed around frustrates her. 

B12 - Funny story she started out as a mary-sue self insert from when I was 9 lmao like same name as me everything. Over the years she separated from that and became her own oc but still has those general roots.

B13 - Well I've had her for a long time so she's like a comfort to me but I love her personality! It really stands out from the rest of my ocs and it's just so fun to write

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I'd like to ask Soul about B11, B12, and B13 !

For the next person - please ping me!

Lots of questions haha! Thank you <3

A4 - Fears / Phobias - Overestimating herself. She fears doing too much - going too far, coming off as overbearing or annoying, being too much. This applies to social/familial relationships as well as within her line of work. If Odessa becomes overconfident and bites off more than she could chew, she could very easily endanger her coworkers and end up dead herself. Wild dragons are not an easy subject to study. She also gets intimidated by vast, dark spaces - deep water and caves freak her out a little bit, but I wouldn't call it a phobia. 

A6 - Things they don't like talking about - She doesn't like talking about Earth. Sure, it's where humans came from, but they are on Aerliss now. It's time to look forward. 

A12 - Worst Injuries - Odessa makes sure she is being careful, but the unexpected always happens. I'm 90% sure she has been attacked by a dragon, but nothing that would have been life-threatening. If you consider sicknesses as injuries, Odessa got pretty sick when she was a kid, back on Earth. Bedridden for a week and needed another one just to recover. 

B7 - Habits - She's chatty. It's very easy for Odessa to ramble, go on tangents, and find something new to talk about, especially if it's about her research. 

B11 - Pet Peeves - Loud noises? Construction, someone shouting or talking way too loud, music that is unnecessarily loud. She prefers quieter environments that don't mercilessly attack her ears.