Guess The Character's Personality [Game]

Posted 8 years, 15 days ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by  Neul mulan

So all you do is post IC and look at the character's icon above you. Without looking at the character's profile, guess what their personality is like along with some theories/HCs on their life. The next person will look at your character's icon and do the same, and so on. 

Please don't post really offensive stuff haha

(Talk OOC so the person beneath you guessing won't get any hints)

This is my first forum game so enjoy :^0

Noel Alkaev Vapor

joanne looks like she's tired of everyone's shit. she looks like she hasn't slept in five days, but damn, she doesn't like to show it, so she puts on some makeup to try and hide this fact. she's relatively calm and quiet, but can be bossy as hell, and believes in the philosophy of "everyone just needs to work harder to get what they want". she's quick to call people out if they're doing something wrong, and can be rude about it.

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Aspen fettuwuccine

Noel looks like theyre pretty angry and aggressive. they're usually pretty cold but will  lose their temper easily and take it out on anyone around probably in violent ways. they dont really care much about other people and theyre generally really rude even when theyre not stabbing people

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 [ Ramiel ] Remmys

Hirsch looks like the kind of guy to be cold, and mostly focused on keeping himself out of situations that'd get him in trouble. I can also see him being really cocky and bragging about his accomplishments much more than needed. He'd probably be concerned about his reputation at times, possibly?

yngvar virtanen hokkaiido

i see ramiel as an optimistic individual that deep in his thoughts. being optimistic, he focuses on the positive instead of the negative of a situation and will strive to push himself through that situation. even if he does remain positive, there will alway be a point where he can break, however.. even if he does break, he'll search for that light that signifies as the bright side of that situation. i also see him taking it easy while he is in a stressful situation, well, atleast he tries to take it easy.. but i don't see him as the kind of person that would dwell on the bad things of a situation while panicking all over the place. even he is tensed up by the situation, he does the best to handle without becoming extremely worked up on it. he is also a mellow individual that is easy to converse with, always showing a casual, friendly demeanor while speaking with. however, despite him being quite calm during stressful situations, i for some reason see him as the kind of person that would usually pent his negative emotions away from others and not really take it out on others.. even if he is the person that looks in the bright side of things, he has his times where he'll dwell on his negative emotions.. while he represses these emotions, they build up and build up even more where he becomes tensed up with all of these emotions after so long of repressing them away from people. he has a bit of a hard time expressing his emotions, as he really doesn't want others to worry about him. he hates seeing others worried about him when he believes that he can take care of himself well.


Korrina Voridis Vapor

yngvar's name give me huge lighthouse worker vibes, but that's not really a personality trait, though it does make me think of someone who is brave and dutiful. his icon gives me the vibes of a levelheaded older man, someone who's probably pretty quiet and keeps to himself. he doesn't like to get out there and make friends, but he's very kind to those who already are, and he's generally kind and open to others. he's actually a bit... emotional. he is never violent. it's easier to make him sad or disappointed rather than angry.

Pixel JadeWizard

Name and outfit makes me think she either a princess or a high class lady, so I think she could act like a prim and proper lady but she also looks like she's going out on lady's night at the club/disco so she could also a partyer.

Though she definitely have a mischievous side if that expression she's making says anything. ;3

Hermes Sommerfel quietelf

From the expression they seem nervous and sort of melancholy. Maybe someone who is quiet/doesn't speak up for themselves much. Maybe it's the Pixel thing but I'm picturing someone who likes gaming and technology and prefers to stay in and engage online as opposed to going out. Perhaps someone who is also very sweet and kind of naive to the world??? I want to say that underneath the shy demeanor there might also be a bit of sass/sarcasm hidden there.

Wicke Hag

Hermes seems enthusiastic and maybe mischievous, but overall gold-hearted? There's something bright about him (barring his color scheme and markings, i mean LOL). Maybe he acts too cool, esp. with that suave hairstyle, but is really a sweetie or... nerdy/dorky? hehe.

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Jia Songhe (家松鹤) malaquill

Seems like the type of character who is very serious, but with a trait that doesn't quite sell the seriousness in its entirety. A part of me wants to say she can be apathetic, which can read as outright laziness when it isn't. At the same time, I feel like she could be very dry and sarcastic, and probably pretty harsh once the layer of apathy fades. But I also think she's good at getting work done, and probably likes to have company even though it seems like she acts like whoever's nearby is bothering her? Also, I get the sense that she's a coffee-drinking all-nighter type. 

Sirius JadeWizard

Jia gives me vibs of being very calm and quiet. Perhaps they are laid back or perhaps they tend to disassociate hard. The eyes make me think something is up with them though, they don't look like they're focusing on anything. This might sound a bit rude but my first thought was that they were some kind of Junji Ito eldritch horror girl, that secretly is going to reveal their true form to reek havoc on the next poor soul that get's alone with them. But that's just a thought...

 Mikhin kafkaesque

Sirius's expression automatically makes me think of a tired fellow lmao. like... he's just barely holding all the shit he's been through inside, and one wrong move/word could send that all flooding out (a deep insecurity that he also keeps pent up). he seems like the individual who just wants to chill but... can't for whatever reason. maybe it's himself, maybe it's his surroundings, maybe it's his past. who knows. guy doesn't seem that open in the emotional sense. however, the subtle smile on his icon makes me think that he's a sweetheart underneath all that repressed stress?? he could care for one particular person/a few people particularly strongly, or he just loves everybody and wants what's the best for them. the idea of him being a dad friend popped up for like... 3 seconds because of that, oops. either way, in terms of dnd alignments, he strikes me as someone who's 100% good. maybe a bit lawful but not overly so?? so perhaps lawful good with neutral good tendencies... :0

Tjaard Ellefsen quietelf

I see a gleam in Mikhin's eyes! That and the tongue suggest a silly little troublemaker to me. I'm guessing they are a handful for their trainer, if they have one! Seems like a Pokemon who likes to play pranks. Maybe also a bit competitive and likes to win battles if they do any battling?? Likes to get all the pets and playtime in camp and generally just likes to get all their trainer's attention. Maybe that's the Snivy line impression bleeding through lmao.