Ask a WEIRD question about the OC above!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by RedBalance

What the title says. Ask a weird, bizarre, senseless question about the OC above. 

Post in character but answer OOC! 

Try to make the question SOMEWHAT relate to the character. Just to show you at least glimpsed at the profile. For example if the OC above is a fruit, maybe ask something like "Does Above OC spit rapid-fire watermelon seeds at apples who defy him?"

Then of course answer the question that you get asked.

Make it as ridiculous as you'd like. We'll start with me, ask any of my chars!

Colby Tinybars


What can you say is the most ridiculous or weirdest lie Pakeu has ever come up with?

Does he care if the water he's jumping in is clean or not ? ? 

Most certainly not unfortunately 😔 He's not the brightest bulb. Water is water to him and he WILL jump on it even if it's really muddy. His owner would have to wash him and that only makes Colby happy because yay more water! So there's nothing deterring this pup from diving in filthy water.

Mylo dandikix

Does he care if the water he's jumping in is clean or not ? ?
Relatively big.. Like two shoe boxes filled to a brim. He can't hoard like, too much because his apartment is tiny. Even these two boxes are a bit too much already.
He has a lot of defective mechanism parts. He gets these from the factory.

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. Jasper Tobias 🐍 . mrjuice

What other games can you play on Vox's face? Or is pong the only option? :o bonus question what song does Vox like to dance to?


very hard for him actually! though he doesnt like any knots but doesnt always have a brush on him he uses his finger/nails

😈NEIRIN🩸 AverageDirt

Is it difficult for Jasper to take care of his hair? Does he even take care of it or is it just a wonderful mess?
Hell if he knows, he thinks he looks super cool though, probably some demon thing who knows

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cass (fnaf sb) papyrusswaghetti

if he’s full of rage do you think he rages like streamers while playing games 😭?


i feel like if they were bored and didn’t know what to draw, they’d definitely consider it. they have a bunch of boxes of pasta that hasn’t been touched yet and could be put to good use!

Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

do they make like. macaroni art in their freetime unironically. not just with kids

he accidentally sleeps on it or sits on it rather often actually haha. he's broken it once from something unrelated but it definitely hurts when he wakes up after a long nap of laying on it lol. to curb it he has to sleep on his side/stomach or turn his chair around respectively

Liam kodiyuu

do they step on their tail often??? they look pretty clumsy or like they've broken a bone more than once asdhbasaf 


Actually no!!! Liam definitely WOULD own one though :))) he's not allowed to have animals in his clinic !

Andrina ArtisticTiger

    Does Liam own a golden retriever? He seems like someone who would have one.


 Andrina has risked her life multiple times for the sake of research. She often gets sent to the hospital and scolded by her husband. Tarus is very protective of her.

   I did not know there was an actual company called that! The more you know!

Bruna Øwler CometTheMountainLion

Has Andrina ever risked her life for her research?

(Also, LabCorp is the name of an actual company just so you know.)


Probably like 10 to 15 pounds. Her being Norwegian, she might have some Viking ancestry.

I'no Pimn

How much weight can Bruna lift with 1 (one) index finger (I'm asking because she seems to be able to spin a bowling ball on her index and those shits are heavy).

there are a lot of places in the universe with non-earth gravity, but her planet's gravity specifically is 8.3 times stronger than earth's. The most she can probably lift on her shoulders on earth is probably like 2000 kg or smth like that, so on her planet it'd be like 240 kg.

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Celeste Superbia RedBalance

Has Syaxi ever vented about the little strings when peeling bananas?

Yep! It's very strong so she can grab things with it!

Cazhmir dandikix

Can she use her tongue as an extra limb ?? Like, grab things with it or stand on it?
Yep he sure did! When he had to give up his racing spaceship to his old partner he scribbled quite a long manual. The partner could not understand what the hell Cazhmir wrote which caused quite a hassle hahah