Ask a WEIRD question about the OC above!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by RedBalance

What the title says. Ask a weird, bizarre, senseless question about the OC above. 

Post in character but answer OOC! 

Try to make the question SOMEWHAT relate to the character. Just to show you at least glimpsed at the profile. For example if the OC above is a fruit, maybe ask something like "Does Above OC spit rapid-fire watermelon seeds at apples who defy him?"

Then of course answer the question that you get asked.

Make it as ridiculous as you'd like. We'll start with me, ask any of my chars!

Salty ArtisticTiger

Does Trim Trum like to March in place?

     He has no taste buds so definitely not. Salty has no use for salt lol

Amalina Kawaiimarshmallowkit

Salty can be bribed with shiny items, but can he be bribed with salt too?

So if she's in the middle of taking a picture of the scenery and stuff, and an actual rabbit just hopped through and photobombed it--as an anthropomorphic rabbit, how would she react?

She'd probably be a bit startled and maybe a little annoyed at first, but she'd brush it off pretty quickly. 

Lavera Devlité insert_character

So if she's in the middle of taking a picture of the scenery and stuff, and an actual rabbit just hopped through and photobombed it--as an anthropomorphic rabbit, how would she react? 

I don't think so, and if they have then it was probably something they kept private about lol. But multiple people have mistaken his markings as an extra pair of eyes.

beau wonkypaws

have people ever mistaken them for a catboy because they thought their horns were ears?


Blake VisualKeiro

Is Ipomomea travel-sized? Like being able to fit into a purse and be carried around? 


Ngl I started laughing at that, it really depends 

If the cucumber is randomly placed behind him then he might accidentally shift and then latch onto the highest surface. Otherwise, not really, doesn't like the taste either 

Argus the Alligator ArtisticTiger

       Is Blake afraid of cucumbers?


   Argus finds the phrase silly but he likes it. 

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

How does he react when you say "see you later Aligator"? Is he offended, or does he feel validated (by being called an alligator for once?) 


Tbh!? Valid question!? I think it was his sideburns that started it all

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Žimer MegiW

Happy girls who's an arsonist, why is she an arsonist? She likes putting fire to things and potentially killing someone?


yes haha

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Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

does he shake his prosthetic leg towards kids on his lawn

does she unironically call herself a girlboss

you know what? that's partially true LMAO

any of his electricity spells often go to his tail as well, so it could provide charge. he can also spin it around at fast speeds if so desired

Marquis N-iryani

Is his tail actually a usb cord that can spin like a helicopter?

That's so interesting! but hm nah it couldn't happen cuz the container function is to preserve the stars magic, so the possibility of it dying are so low.

Tom Pimn

if one of the stars in his star jar dies and collapses into a black hole, could he use the container as a vacuum cleaner?

I mean, technically he can change his body into whatever shape he likes so in theory he could turn into something that resembles an inanimate object like a chair or smth. Said object, however, would have to be about the same mass as his body, and would be made of typical human material (muscle, skin, bones etc). The process of shifting into a form so different from the human body (and shifting back), would also be incredibly painful and probably also pretty useless so I don't think there would be any situation in which it'd actually be worth doing, but in theory it is possible. 

Also about weapons I don't think he'd ever find the need to turn his entire body into a single weapon but he can grow structures like claws or horns or fangs that can be used as weapons.

Akari brineshrimp

By his shapeshifting sense, can they shapeshift into dead objects? If so, can they turn into a whole weapon...