Ask a WEIRD question about the OC above!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by RedBalance

What the title says. Ask a weird, bizarre, senseless question about the OC above. 

Post in character but answer OOC! 

Try to make the question SOMEWHAT relate to the character. Just to show you at least glimpsed at the profile. For example if the OC above is a fruit, maybe ask something like "Does Above OC spit rapid-fire watermelon seeds at apples who defy him?"

Then of course answer the question that you get asked.

Make it as ridiculous as you'd like. We'll start with me, ask any of my chars!

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Tom Pimn

Has she ever smashed her violin during a show? Does she smash the bow as well?

mosquitoes because literally everyone hates mosquitoes

Cecil ArtisticTiger

What’s his least favorite animal?


*he grumbles* “Everyone always asks that! It would burn my face and I’d smack you.”

Blake VisualKeiro

What would happen if I flashed a flashlight at you repeatedly? 


v //If he does it too often he can get aches and pains every now and then. If it's involuntary then it's uncomfortable at best, but usually no

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ArachN0 Vibrantly_In_Vain

How do they feel when they find someone else’s writings, like ancient scrolls, letters, or old diaries? Does he get excited or does he feel indifferent, and/or how do they feel when someone asks to read their writing?

”I do indeed shed! My actual body won’t shed, since I am mostly grunt, but the legs on my back will. Its… somewhat regular…? It’s weird. It’s slightly annoying when it happens, aaand I can‘t really find a use of any of it, so I’ll usually just toss it away. It makes my back legs feel really odd, so I try to get it off as soon as I can.”

Vex eidollon

Does ArachN0 shed regularly? If so, what do they do with their sheds?
- - - - -
He's done all of his piercings/mods himself, though he occasionally has help from a small army of trained rats to help him take them out just to speed up the process.

Wisteria Canterbury Kawaiimarshmallowkit

(For some reason, I keep getting an invalid character message when I click their profile, so I'm just going to base the question on their profile icon)

Did Vex do all those piercings themself, or did someone help them out with the piercings?

I mean, she could try! XD

Isagani Valmorida Wye

Can she sing W.A.P and beatboxes?

Lee ghasterr

does isagani know how to farm in minecraft, and if he does can he teach me lol


yes lee loves herself a good patch of moss

Shadow King ArtisticTiger

    Does Lee like moss?


     Shadow King finds it quite amusing to watch. 

Chester J. Backfield Shadowzim777

So what does the Shadow King think about people doing Shadow Puppetry? 


Well, money is money. So long as he takes all the points/crypto currency/etc, he's happy. Gotta be wealthy in more then one way.

Tiphanie zinnia

how could chester feel about the idea of 'non physical' currency? like setting aside, if you gave this guy a neopets account, would his attitude towards getting ALL THE NEOPOINTS be the same as it is for real money?


black eyes using contacts : yes, probably has done before

split tongue : she thinks it'd be REALLY COOL esp after becoming associated with a snake god, but is too afraid of pain for it.

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