Ask a WEIRD question about the OC above!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by RedBalance

What the title says. Ask a weird, bizarre, senseless question about the OC above. 

Post in character but answer OOC! 

Try to make the question SOMEWHAT relate to the character. Just to show you at least glimpsed at the profile. For example if the OC above is a fruit, maybe ask something like "Does Above OC spit rapid-fire watermelon seeds at apples who defy him?"

Then of course answer the question that you get asked.

Make it as ridiculous as you'd like. We'll start with me, ask any of my chars!

{PumpkinToffee} - Oc/Persona PumpkinToffee


Have you ever bitten a person’s toe out of spite, 🤔or they have done something that has gotten you to the point of anger to do so?🤭


Not trying to be “weird”, but I’ve done it before🤗, and for some reason my family members keep shoes on all the time now, even slippers at night.😒 Like grow up.

B.R.I.C ArtisticTiger

    Do you like to put objects in your fur/hair?


    Bric smiles! “Good question! I honestly have no idea. I know some of my organs are organic and some are metal. I’m guessing around 40% of me is metal?”

Cavas robot-star

Technically a cyborg you say, how much is flesh and now much  is metal?


"I guess it was a little, though I feared being turned inside out from it"

Spooki Spinebby

I have to ask...was the wormhole fun though, that sounds like a rollercoaster. horrifying but like fun

oh hell yeah shes like a ram

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Calista ArtisticTiger

    How many times has he said yee haw?


    Yes! It’s one of her favorite card games to play. She’s working on teaching Derek how to play.

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Galena IronyMobile

What is his view on rare/uncommon minerals?

(Sorry about that—)

She does I think? While not relevant very often, the patterns to them can be interesting/aesthetic in her view.

beau wonkypaws

(i’m a minor so i can’t view the character since it has mature content so i apologize if this doesn’t make sense, then again it’s meant to be weird so)

do they like pillows?


  @Ipomoea there a cat so do they like knocking stuff down off of shelf’s 

Tom Pimn

I have to know what's inside those rainbow milkshakes she drinks
did the color rub off onto her fur

"no" thinking really hard about any instance where he shapeshifted his face "I don't think so?"

★Elias Gael Anders★ Peppercorn

You ever forget what you really look like?

Valentina Mincedme4t

Do you secretly love listening to nightcore?