⭐️Favourite a character and explain why

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Cryss

14/11 update - Rule update

From this point on, it's required that your post adheres to at least ONE (doesn't need to be all of them) of the following qualities

  • You give at least three reasons or elements that made you fave the character
  • You write at least three sentences explaining your choice
  • You write a full paragraph that details why you enjoy the character

Note you are allowed to do more than these, but these are the minimum requirements. 

If none of the above qualities are met, I'll issue a warning and a chance to edit your post to follow this new rule, and repeat offenders or people who won't edit their post to follow the rule will be banned from this game. This rule has been put in place to ensure everyone gets a response that is enjoyable to read. I'd also like to ask everyone to please read what the above person asks for, for example when giving a folder of characters to choose from or requesting to also read their profiles instead of just looking at the images.

Everybody loves getting favourites, so why not make a game where faves are guaranteed and people can compliment your OCs?


The game is easy to play!

▶︎ Post a comment claiming the person above you.
▶︎ Go to their gallery and choose a character you like most.
▶︎ Add that character to your favourites.
▶︎ Edit your comment to explain why you chose that character to fave. Your reasons can be anything, whether it's that you like their design, you read their story and think it's original, because you share the same name with the character, or something entirely different. Keep it nice!


Please also follow these rules to make sure the game stays fun for everyone!

❖ Don't be rude, insult people's characters, or make inappropriate comments. "I like Jef because I didn't think it was possible to be so ugly" comments are not a good reason to fave and will result in an instant block from this and my other threads.
❖ Actually fave the character! Don't only say what you like. Remember that this is a fave game primarily!
❖ Try to go into detail with your explanation. "The way his dress compliments his skin tone works so well and the texture of his hair is too gorgeous" is more fun to receive than "I like his design"!
❖ If there are any disputes that need my input as the thread owner, please PM me at my main, ElithianFox. I'll answer much faster on there than on here!


▶︎Also, only claim at most once every 5 people! This is to give others a chance to participate as well◀︎


◎23/03 update: a new rule has been added. Please only participate if you have 8 or more characters. This is to give people a broad enough choice and to prevent the thread from getting stuck due to little choice!

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How could I not fave Rascal! He’s so cute and just shdhdbd. I love him to bits. His coloring and design give me kidcore/childrens cartoon feeling. I love it. I would buy like thousands of plushies made of him lol. Also he’s a dinosaur? I love Dinos! I too would yeet myself out windows If I was indestructible lol 


I like Gears! First of all, what a cool name! Second, I love the backstory! A loving family is always nice to see, even if it's just with one parent, and I really like the tidbit of her exploring this one place for gears and parts. For some reason, it reminds me a bit of Nier, where I can picture Prycastle as desolate and a little sinister, but Gears's positive attitude makes you forget about that. It's also really awesome that she built a whole darn robot!



First off buff pretty man I LOVE it (Also your other characters are all just so beautiful.... I blushed a little looking through!) The black bird motifs with the lavenders is so wonderfully gothic! I was immediately drawn to him~

Second off the selfless outcast king.... gods that hurts my heart! Very tragic and compelling. He seems so kind, I'm so glad he can be there to help his descendants. 

Guh just good all around. I will be looking through your literatures.


Ok so it was tie between Arin and Tretta but eventually I chose Tretta. The first reason why I Chose him was because of the fruit element to his design and I’m an absolute sucker for fruit themed creatures. The second reason I chose him was because of his muted color palette. I adore green and especially that shade of green, it especially go well with the earthy brown that is his main coat. Lastly I loved his story. It somewhat common or cliche but I think that’s what I love about. Just knowing the feeling of being on your lonesome but surrounded by animal companions is so nice. I yearn to live a life where I am freely to live out my dreams undisturbed. So thank you for allowing me to find and fav thus character. :)


Faved KeyLime >< omg I love this guy   lil puppy guy. I feel like he's a super interesting design, because he is straight up green and i am loving that for him. Solid colored furries slap, I'd love to see him in more outfits though <33 He's so cute, I found myself craving more art of him immediately gfsdjbksdf

Extremely slight gore talk below for an image

The gore image caught me completely off guard honestly, but it made me even more interested in the character. He's so bright and happy feeling, I had to reread the profile to see if I'd missed anything, but it just made the fact that he's eager to please people a bit unsettling /pos

Poor baby ;; 

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I just really love Bianca! Even without much story disclosed, the design not only speaks volumes but also looks extremely appealing. The horns look like ice cream cones (plus stripes? Yes). Sheep are underrated as heck and and the candy wool only adds to it. Brilliant design 10/10 and that is not sarcasm!


I faved Lucille! What brought me in first was the eyes, when looking for a character to favorite it's usually the one that stands out the most to me, and her eyes in her avatar caught me. Very pretty! Looking through her gallery brought me much joy ;u; I adore her design overall, her colloration on her hair and tail!! with the SPOTS!!! <3 <3 <3 waaah

It did shock me a bit that she's a closed species! For some reason my brain doesn't associate humanoids with closed species very well, I know they exist but lol, I just assumed that she was an interesting take on a werewolf. I love when people include more animalistic traits, like the pawed limbs >< gotta love the beans. I think this piece is probably my favorite.. snrk or this one


So I actually favourited Chirup and Judge because I couldn't make up my mind on who I liked more. They just have such interesting designs, species-wise! Their colour palettes are so lovely and I enjoyed looking at all of their artwork.   

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I faved Holmes

I really adore his style! His fashion is very victorian steampunk London vibes, and as a Londoner myself, it's super fun to see! He is also a super interesting rendition of Sherlock, he's just a super pleasant and cute design! >., 


I faved Pukka :D 1st, blidning bangs gang lol

and 2nd, he has a really cool and unique design! Very cool! The wings are so awesome and the colors look great :)