⭐️Favourite a character and explain why

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Cryss

14/11 update - Rule update

From this point on, it's required that your post adheres to at least ONE (doesn't need to be all of them) of the following qualities

  • You give at least three reasons or elements that made you fave the character
  • You write at least three sentences explaining your choice
  • You write a full paragraph that details why you enjoy the character

Note you are allowed to do more than these, but these are the minimum requirements. 

If none of the above qualities are met, I'll issue a warning and a chance to edit your post to follow this new rule, and repeat offenders or people who won't edit their post to follow the rule will be banned from this game. This rule has been put in place to ensure everyone gets a response that is enjoyable to read. I'd also like to ask everyone to please read what the above person asks for, for example when giving a folder of characters to choose from or requesting to also read their profiles instead of just looking at the images.

Everybody loves getting favourites, so why not make a game where faves are guaranteed and people can compliment your OCs?


The game is easy to play!

▶︎ Post a comment claiming the person above you.
▶︎ Go to their gallery and choose a character you like most.
▶︎ Add that character to your favourites.
▶︎ Edit your comment to explain why you chose that character to fave. Your reasons can be anything, whether it's that you like their design, you read their story and think it's original, because you share the same name with the character, or something entirely different. Keep it nice!


Please also follow these rules to make sure the game stays fun for everyone!

❖ Don't be rude, insult people's characters, or make inappropriate comments. "I like Jef because I didn't think it was possible to be so ugly" comments are not a good reason to fave and will result in an instant block from this and my other threads.
❖ Actually fave the character! Don't only say what you like. Remember that this is a fave game primarily!
❖ Try to go into detail with your explanation. "The way his dress compliments his skin tone works so well and the texture of his hair is too gorgeous" is more fun to receive than "I like his design"!
❖ If there are any disputes that need my input as the thread owner, please PM me at my main, ElithianFox. I'll answer much faster on there than on here!


▶︎Also, only claim at most once every 5 people! This is to give others a chance to participate as well◀︎


◎23/03 update: a new rule has been added. Please only participate if you have 8 or more characters. This is to give people a broad enough choice and to prevent the thread from getting stuck due to little choice!

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I choose Ashley Bonnette the pastel sheepie.  It could be from liking sheep a lot, but I also think the design and color palette is awesome.  Kudos for designing a sheep character who's tail hasn't been docked.



Man, I love Fabio. I love his design and I've always loved seeing him around the forum games. He's got a nicely developed backstory and little quirks that add to him as a character. Tbh I love just about all your characters, so watch out for me spamming your notifs, lol.



I must be a sucker for villains hoo boi - I decided to choose Dr. Decius; he's got such a nice design, and his story is very intriguing! I also really enjoy the concept of the Jerkyll/Hyde kind of scenario going on with him, too! I'm sure he's a lotta fun to write up :D


Aikaikaik I favorited Lucifer! 

I'm so weak for demon characters like this guy! (I have one of my own and I call him LucY ASDFAFJD)

He has a really appealing design, and his description and art gave me a few laughs :D



Flint Burdet! First of all his colour palette is very soothing and then he is simply a total cutie. I really enjoy his design. Especially the emotions you drew on his sheet on deviantart. 


I faved Fennas because of the rich lore intertwined into his backstory.  It really made for such a fascinating read, sort of like something you would find inscribed in a book in Skyrim!  His backstory imo is also one of the most interesting because of his encounters with the Queen (and throughout the backstory you never can tell what is going to happen next, which I consider a very good thing!)

I also faved Hel because the framework of their backstory currently leaves you guessing as much as Fennas' (which I really appreciate) and I particularly like their design (especially the colour palette + hairstyle!)

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I picked Atlas because I am super weak for monster boys. His design is so nice to look at with its gold and white palette. He also happens to be made by one of my favorite designers. If there was writing on his profile, I am sure I would love that too. 


theHelmbeastie you did the wrong person ;v;

(Next person: Skip me!)



You have numerous amazing and absolutely gorgeous characters, but out of all of them I have to pick Ora! I have a major weak spot for black used in character design-especially on the feet and hands. The swirly markings are also quite interesting and their tail is very unique! Their expression is cute as well; everything about them is just adorable! My only gripe is that there's no information about them on their toyhouse, but with so many amazing characters I can see why you might not have the time to write about all of them. :'D



I fave'd Sagittarius A* because first it is a really cute looking species that he is and just his design is over all cute as well! You can tell by the design itself that he certainly looks fluffy and that's something I always like seeing when it comes to characters that are suppose to as well as the fact that even though he might look like so, though his personality is very much the opposite. One that even if you would like to go up to him to pet or hug, you'll might not want to do so! :3



I've faved Artemis. there is a soft spot for monster boys in my heart and his design is just absolutely stunning. it's not often you see a character with multiple wings that's not the classic "beautiful angel"