⭐️Favourite a character and explain why

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Cryss

14/11 update - Rule update

From this point on, it's required that your post adheres to at least ONE (doesn't need to be all of them) of the following qualities

  • You give at least three reasons or elements that made you fave the character
  • You write at least three sentences explaining your choice
  • You write a full paragraph that details why you enjoy the character

Note you are allowed to do more than these, but these are the minimum requirements. 

If none of the above qualities are met, I'll issue a warning and a chance to edit your post to follow this new rule, and repeat offenders or people who won't edit their post to follow the rule will be banned from this game. This rule has been put in place to ensure everyone gets a response that is enjoyable to read. I'd also like to ask everyone to please read what the above person asks for, for example when giving a folder of characters to choose from or requesting to also read their profiles instead of just looking at the images.

Everybody loves getting favourites, so why not make a game where faves are guaranteed and people can compliment your OCs?


The game is easy to play!

▶︎ Post a comment claiming the person above you.
▶︎ Go to their gallery and choose a character you like most.
▶︎ Add that character to your favourites.
▶︎ Edit your comment to explain why you chose that character to fave. Your reasons can be anything, whether it's that you like their design, you read their story and think it's original, because you share the same name with the character, or something entirely different. Keep it nice!


Please also follow these rules to make sure the game stays fun for everyone!

❖ Don't be rude, insult people's characters, or make inappropriate comments. "I like Jef because I didn't think it was possible to be so ugly" comments are not a good reason to fave and will result in an instant block from this and my other threads.
❖ Actually fave the character! Don't only say what you like. Remember that this is a fave game primarily!
❖ Try to go into detail with your explanation. "The way his dress compliments his skin tone works so well and the texture of his hair is too gorgeous" is more fun to receive than "I like his design"!
❖ If there are any disputes that need my input as the thread owner, please PM me at my main, ElithianFox. I'll answer much faster on there than on here!


▶︎Also, only claim at most once every 5 people! This is to give others a chance to participate as well◀︎


◎23/03 update: a new rule has been added. Please only participate if you have 8 or more characters. This is to give people a broad enough choice and to prevent the thread from getting stuck due to little choice!


I can't recall which I'd fav'd and said of on my main, but this time I went with Velia! I like nagas(though I dont own an oc that is one, oddly enough) and she has a really interesting backstory! <3

(to the person below, I prefer you use this account since I posted using it!)


gardevoir I faved rhiannon! I love her colors and design and I'm a sucker for one-eyed characters, she's super precious <3


I find Baby Cream totally adorable, I had never saw creature like this before.

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Ooo I love a lot of your characters!  An honourable mention goes to the entirety of the Strange Felines folder because I love the aesthetic and also that that's a thing!  <3

I faved Jade because I love how gentle they seem.  The design is so pretty too - I love winged designs and those with light colours and Jade fits both of that criteria. c:

I also faved Rhea because their design makes them seem like such a badass with the grungy clothes she wears along with those awesome-looking, intricate tattoos, not to mention an albino dragon as a companion!  I also like that the dragon and Rhea both compliment each other colour-wise.  



I faved Clarence because I just love the design a lot. I'm a sucker for formal type clothing, and the purple just looks really great! 

I don't know anything about the species he's in, but he has a really interesting personality and I really enjoyed reading his bio!


CreativeRed OHH SO YOU WERE THE OWNER OF THE HAIRLESS CAT!! honestly i nornally don't get into anthros that aren't drawn in the way my favorite artists draw but i fell in love with him once the moment i saw him in a forum game, a shame i forgot his and his creator's names until this thread gave me the chance to view your profile and see him again YEEEEET

altho his profile was kinda incomplete, i was "WHOAAAA THIS GUY IS PART OF THE YAKUZA?!" man things get better

but yknow, yuushin my man is someone you'll never see everywhere: whether it be here or outside, it's the first time in my life to see someone like him and i love that fresh feeling, so favin him to keep track

can't wait for his profile to be completed u vu)b



I chose Motoco! For one thing, i've always really enjoyed the concept of medusas, so she definitely had that going for her! You've given her an exceedingly pleasant colour scheme too, one that is really easy on the eye! The greens and the blues and the purples just generally blend quite well together!  

In terms of personality, I enjoy how that contrasts with her design too. You wouldn't espect her to be so foul tempered and vulgar, but I think it works! And it would be quite easy to just make that the soul focus of her character, but you've given her that softer side too. Although you haven't worked out a lot yet for her, but I definitely like what you have for her so far! I hope to see her around more and to see her evolve into something much greater!



I chose to favourite Jasmine, I really like her design, the almost subdued punk vibe and especially the colour scheme, the design just really stood out to me.
Then I read her personality and got a little bit scared because um that's me..  to an almost alarming degree. Well, perhaps me when I was in my teens more than now but still, how did you do that!?
Yeah I um, like her a lot I just wish I could also pull off that look!


Neut faved sabine!! i love her design and physical description!

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Alexander and Eros are absoltuely wonderful! Not that all your other characters arent, they very much are wonderful! However, I adore them a tad more for this forum! For Alexander/Crow, I love how there is a contrast from his life before being "Crow" and "Crow", how he was alone and more depressed v.s. having a family and having something to give him happiness. Sure, there was the whole price of being a monster (not that he willingly decided on it as far as I'm aware), but that's always such a nice contrast to see in characters! I also adore his design, and it took me until halfway writing through this to realize that "Crow" is probably playing on the term Scarecrow (and props to you on that!), and he seems like such a lovely character!!

For Eros, I won't lie, his name drew me in originally. I adore his design the most, and how it mainly sticks to a limited colour scheme (in this case, Whites). His concept is wonderful as well, being simple and short but still a great idea! Seeing how calm mannered he is, it'd be interesting to see him in his more "mad" state when working on his experiments!



I had to favorite Nitrogen, both his name and design are really cool, I don't know, but for some reason, the name "Nitrogen" sounds like an awesome name for a villain. But what really interested me was his awesome backstory, I absolutely love reading about hero/villain universes and Nitro's was really interesting, considering he started off as a sidekick. (Also, it's really cool that he was originally made for a science fair project, that's definitely one of the most interesting origins of a character I've heard of yet!)



Last time I looked through your characters, I ended up picking Peacemaker, so this time I took a look at Bullsguye. I really like him, both because the two balance each other out so well with their different mentality regarding the use of their powers, and also because he as an individual character was just so intriguing to read about. :3 I thoroughly enjoyed looking through his history section.

Oh gosh, thank you so much~ I'm flattered to hear that. :3 I really appreciate you taking the time to look at him!