Assign the OC above a bag of chips

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by Hollowist

Simple enough. Assign a bag of chips to the oc above you. It can be based off personality, looks, name, colors, etc, just make sure to explain your reasoning behind your choice!

Person 1: Posts a very angry but popular character
Person 2: They seem like a bag of Takis! Spicy, and known by pretty much everyone!
Person 3: Ohhh, your character is super nice! But that I think their short temper could lead them to be some Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos!
And onward!!

1.) Follow the rules of the game, please
2.) Don't make up chips! It doesn't have to be a brand, but don't say something random such as "Apple flavored chips" or other (Unless those somehow exist?)
3.) You can send images of the chips if you wish! You don't need to though
4.)Explanations can be as long as wanted, but have to be at least one sentence.
5.) Please wait until 2 people have posted above you before going again!
6.) Follow you rules you dummies

First person gets a freebie!

Santos kirschefolf

Dill pickle.

Juniper FourEyedNerd

Maybe Cinnamon & Sugar Pringles?pringles-cinnamon-sugar-chips-can.jpg?re

Nine finaldestination

lay's wavy hickory barbecue

habu sarurun

somewhat salty with a bit of attitude.


Rosalyn fettuwuccine

lime tortilla chips!


Dior Peppercorn

Calbee Jagarico Original Flavor


swirl scarrcore

blue takis 

Charlie ⭐ enlq

Cool Ranch Doritos ✅

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Azu & Rizu STOy_Box

general coloration makes me think of cool ranch doritos :p

Eloise fettuwuccine

reminds me of the blue corn chips


Makarovich Nicleotidez

Personality and appearance kind of reminds me of spicy Nik Naks


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