What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 10 months, 1 day ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!

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You have anime dudes I don’t really like anime dudes so I’m just gonna say i like all of them 

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I have seen you a lot in RP Threat, I like all of them and how you develop them

v thank you ❤


wickerbeastinabasket If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above users' OCs, please wait for another poster.

Riouki Same for you. I don't know if you were doing it in retaliation against what wickerbeastinabasket said, but if you have a problem with a post in the thread, I'd rather you DM me than continuing the rude comments.

If I see this kind of behavior from either of you again, I will have to ban you from the thread.


Just so that you two don't get skipped because of this message:

TrinityTheLostFlame Having a section for diction on your OCs is a really neat idea. I think how a character writes is a good way of adding characterization. I find it interesting how Ashes is really optimistic, social, and the heart of his group while also being more reserved/shy around people he doesn't know that well. Similarly, I like how Trinity is the assertive, protective, mom friend, but also has anxiety issues. The whole Past Group seems like a big family with a lot of history. I like that kind of dynamic.

denishdraws For as many characters as you have, their designs all stand out from each other. It's also easy to tell who's related.


v Thank you so much! I'm glad you found the character descriptions and relationships fun!


the simplicity of your ocs' pages is nice, but what's even better is the amount you're able to tell about your characters through them! a little template really goes a long way for you. not only that, but i particularly love the way you describe your ocs' personalities and relationships. knowing why some characters act the way they do, how they respond to the world around them, and really exploring their dynamics with other characters contained in their story is honestly really awesome to me and i LOVE seeing it in profiles

also side note but love love love your style. so whimsy and cute looking 😭♥♥


OH MY GOODD I love fan ocs so much!! You have so many awesome Pokémon ocs, and you have a super cool Duskky ugh I love. They are all so fun! 


v aww thank you so much!! :'0 they're fr all my children, I love your ocs too!!


I absolutely adore how colourful and bright your babs are! The colours are gorgeous.

I would steal 'em fr fr /lh /j.

Also, you do a lot of floofy babs! The fur looks so soft and luscious.


You have a strangely cartoony style for being so anime,, actually it’s more chibi. I mention it since it suits your vibrant character designs so well! I like how they always have a pop of color even if they weren’t designed by you,, and consistently have blue eyes? Well, I enjoy all the variety you have,, you don’t just limit yourself to humanoids and in turn, anthros look nice in your style too :). Overall very fun designs! The colors remind me of newer animes and web series, keep it up.

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Sorry if this is worded weirdly but I love how your general style has a nice mix of stylized and realistic anatomy, it's really well conveyed through the way you design your characters! I also love how many of them wear suits, collared shirts and ties, I'm a sucker for outfits like that and they all look wonderful, love the colours used for them! I especially like this guy's design and outfit, the pose is also quite dynamic despite them standing still which really shows a lot of personality! 

I just noticed the character isnpired by songs and I like the abstractness of it! I'm terrible at understanding the meaning of songs, plus I have never heard of any of the songs you're inspired by, but this one have some clever references to the song title(with the 15 tags on the body) and I also love the long fur and fangs! You got some pretty solid and sick-looking characters overall!


i absolutely love the variety you have within your characters. there’s tons of different species and colors, and it’s super nice to see that diversity within people’s worlds! simarly, i love how many different kinds of ocs you have, too: ranging from fandom ocs (hi fellow pkmn fan 👋), furry ocs and more!! also all of your designs are SO PRETTY too, especially your pokémon designs. overall, your characters are super cool and unique, and you’re a great designer and i love your work :D 

np: please ping if it’s been over a day when you claim me!