Most Likely To... [Game!]

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Blossomfall

Hi everyone! I've been playing this game with my friends, but I realized it can very easily be adapted for OC purposes, so here we are!  The idea is that you ask a question that begins with 'Most likely to..." to the person below you, and then they reply with one of their OCs and pose a question to the person below them and so on, like this:

Example of How to Play:
Person A: Most likely to listen to classical music?
Person B (as their oc): My OC ____!  They love to play on the violin, so I can see this happening.
Most likely to hoard cat memes on their computer?
Person C (as their oc): My OC ___ fits the bill!  They love kittens!
Most likely to... (etc.)

The length of your reasoning is entirely up to you!  Feel free to PM me should any concerns come up, and most importantly, have fun!  c:

Most likely to win a hot dog eating competition?


Probably Yuumei! She enjoys the cold and you better bet she'll be out in it. She loves swimming plus cold things, such as an ice cold lake, so she's your girl to jump in! Plus it'll definitely shock people around her who don't think she can handle it.

Most likely to steal from a loved one?


Eeasily. Since she has a background of thieving it only makes sense.

Most likely to cry on a soapy movie? (Might've been asked before but here it is again)

Tevyn Dohmalore

Tev's a fuckin crybaby

Most likely to try and catch any animal that gets too close (frog, lizard, pigeon,,,)

 ¹³ ❤ JOSEPHINE [Beromimi] Doodilies

Ohhhh! Lu would chase and try to catch anything that gets close to her. Then she's run and show Yume X3 <33

Most likely to enjoy eating a spider

 Ry dogstarlite

Ry definitely eats insects. She's a lizard, she loves 'em.

Most likely to get horribly lost even with a map/GPS?

Lyric Shugahime

That would be Lyric! xD He's talented... but if he couldn't even read a map to save his life!

Most likely to end up a stripper?

 Aspen unused-account

Probably as a cover job, ngl

Most likely to become a yandere?

Tevyn Dohmalore

They're just so so close to being one,,,,

Most likely  to punch a cop?

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DEFINITELY Yuumei. She loves just about everything and anything and often cries a lot, so she would definitely cry over a very cute and small animal. Especially since she cries sometimes because she loves her boyfriend so much.

Most likely to jump off of a bridge?

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 Apollo Hag

I mean... He is in a cult. So he would definitely be the prime suspect LOL

Most likely to bully someone the old school way-- with swirlies, wedgies, and shaking someone out for their lunch money?


Rhet probably would/has at some point. He doesn't realize how cruel he can be sometimes and is pretty rude, though he's learning

Most likely to fall in love at first sight?

Buddy Dohmalore

Buddy is so desperate for affection it takes very little to get him attached to people

Most likely to get hit by a car

 Maezyla Vector

I can totally see that happening to Maezyla... In a "not knowing what they were and trying to make friends with it" type of situation.

Most likely to eat large amounts of pure sugar?