Most Likely To... [Game!]

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Blossomfall

Hi everyone! I've been playing this game with my friends, but I realized it can very easily be adapted for OC purposes, so here we are!  The idea is that you ask a question that begins with 'Most likely to..." to the person below you, and then they reply with one of their OCs and pose a question to the person below them and so on, like this:

Example of How to Play:
Person A: Most likely to listen to classical music?
Person B (as their oc): My OC ____!  They love to play on the violin, so I can see this happening.
Most likely to hoard cat memes on their computer?
Person C (as their oc): My OC ___ fits the bill!  They love kittens!
Most likely to... (etc.)

The length of your reasoning is entirely up to you!  Feel free to PM me should any concerns come up, and most importantly, have fun!  c:

Most likely to win a hot dog eating competition?

Emil Meister TenMomentsTill

RIP this poor man, he tries. There is a very good reason why he rarely cooks.


Most likely to lock themself out of their house 

kry krypteiax

i feel like my persona would leave her keys in different clothes (when disguising as other people) and then forget she did that

most likely to keep a jellyfish or crab as their pet? :D

Kaikane angies

def kaikane id imagine he keeps alot of sea animals as pets lol


most likely to slip on a banana peel?

Irukandji || Jellyfish Devil ryokvcha

dumbass (affectionately)

most likely to win the lottery?

Sylvester (Sylv) apodoforcas

considering the amount of survival luck fella has had and also just a ton of other luck as well he would totally win the lottery; though she doesn’t really have a desire to gamble

most likely to eat something that isn’t edible, either accidentally or intentionally:

Livewire fizzije

both intentionally and unintentionally. he's not very bright, poor fella.

most likely to get themselves cursed by a spooky evil wizard?

Zero MothWingedMyths

Honestly im surprised this Doesn't canonically happen to him as of now

Most likely to have more computers in their house than people?

Kogawa RustyReddRoses

Most definitely Kogawa, working in cybersecurity kind of does that I feel like!


Most likely to blow all their money on their interest/hobby?

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Jinx Spottednwn

This gal is napping frequently, so It wouldn't surprise me

Most likely to dress up, even for simple occasions?

Fibonacci Fluffu_Z

It's in her nature being a fashion designer!


Most likely to spend all their money shopping? 

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Jane "Whisper" Doe SapphireRose

She pretends it's for some conspirator reason like "the government controls us through modern clothings!!!" but it actually just fits her aesthetic and she likes it.


Most likely to see a bar of soap, and eat it knowing full well it's a bar of soap?

Commander Clef AsianTapWater

Him. absolutely him. Probably doesn’t even taste good he just does it bc it’s a weird thing to do

Most likely to fall asleep in class?

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