Most Likely To... [Game!]

Posted 7 years, 12 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Blossomfall

Hi everyone! I've been playing this game with my friends, but I realized it can very easily be adapted for OC purposes, so here we are!  The idea is that you ask a question that begins with 'Most likely to..." to the person below you, and then they reply with one of their OCs and pose a question to the person below them and so on, like this:

Example of How to Play:
Person A: Most likely to listen to classical music?
Person B (as their oc): My OC ____!  They love to play on the violin, so I can see this happening.
Most likely to hoard cat memes on their computer?
Person C (as their oc): My OC ___ fits the bill!  They love kittens!
Most likely to... (etc.)

The length of your reasoning is entirely up to you!  Feel free to PM me should any concerns come up, and most importantly, have fun!  c:

Most likely to win a hot dog eating competition?

 Jamie Milkweed

Jamie gets ridiculous motion sickness, but also feels obligated to go on all the rides with anyone who brings him to a park. It's not a great combination.

Most likely to blow all their money on adoptables?


Probably this baby Maia! She can't keep her hands off of anything cute, so she'd instantly go and spend all of her money on the cutesy characters.

Most likely to adopt 12989291 cats? (that's an exaggeration but ya know what I mean)

Tyva tori34

Tyva has a connection to animals, so she would defo adopt a lot of poor kitties out of pity ;v;

Most likely to play loud music at 2am just to annoy their neighbour?

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 Samara Roguskii

Sam here! She's a sneaky lil bugger and... loves BL a whooooollllle lot.

Most likely to break their phone!

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Andor starfast

If Andor could actually afford an iPhone he totally would. 

Most likely to actually steal candy from a baby.


mozst likely to play banjo?

Nikolai Byko PicklePantry

Nikolai adores the banjo, it's his favorite instrument. If you can get him to get out of his bed, he might be willing to pick it up and learn a note or two.

Most likely to vape

 Rick Shay dogstarlite

Probably Rick. He thinks it makes him look cool.

Most likely to clean somebody else's house/space without prompting?

 Vesper Mariette

They just want to help!


Most likely to break into someone else's home thinking it's their own?

keltai vairth melchior

"It's-'s only happened once." She twisted her face in irritation. "Twi-- three times."

most likely to set multiple alarms for waking up early, and sleeping through every single one of them?

Ryn Aarix

Good luck getting Ryn out of bed before 12o'clock, ever (good thing he works at night) 

Most likely to accidentally run into a glass door? 

 Sidor Sukhoi Ledokol

Probably Sidor. He's a personification of a fighter jet thus majority of his time is spent flying on task or lazes around either on board the carrier(aka his boss) or a base, where none of the doors there is made of glass obviously. And sometimes he tends to dash around so you bet if a glass door is in the way he'll crash into it (or even break through it) 100% since he keeps forgetting such thing exists. 

Most likely to burn the kitchen down even all they do is frying an egg without using oil?