Your OC stays at above OC's home

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 11 months, 27 days ago) by Archimedes Athanasiadis Nuclear-Hydrangea

Your OC stays at above OC's home

I think no one made something like this yet, think of it like the OC above invited you to stay at their home, maybe they have AirBnB and it happened that your OC stays at their house, or perhaps, your OC ended up squatting inside the other OC's house. What will your OCs do when they are staying at above OC's house (assuming they allow them to stay). Perhaps they will play video games all day? a movie marathon? music practice and show offs? sleep over? anything. It doesn't have to be an actual house as their home, maybe your OC likes to live in a warehouse and call it a home, or the forest they find tranquil. 

Similar games:
Your OC Visits The OC Above
Your OC is having a sleepover with the OC above
Show the above OC around your home (world)

Simple rules

  • NO NSFW, keep responses SFW . Romance is ok, as long as both characters are adults.
  • No cooldown
  • It's recommended to read the OC's profile to get an idea who they are, no need to read the backstory though. Just stuff like their personalities, basic info, and kind of things...
  • It's optional to describe what kind of home your OC has for the next person, recommended to put this if there is nothing in their profile describe their home.
  • No sentence limit but please put an effort to it, don't just put a single sentence.
  • This is an IC game, feel free to use whatever format you are comfortable with. Can be chatty, conversation type or full on paragraphs
  • Feel free to reply to the person below. Not really important rule but people may find it fun.
  • Since this kind of game take time to make a response, claim to avoid getting snipe
  • have fun :D :D :D :D

How it works
Person A: my OC lives in an average apartment and has video games
Person B: "let's play Dark Souls all day and watch movies while you stay...", my OC's home has plenty of food
and so on.

my other forum games

I'll start mine:

Archimedes doesn't have an "own" house, instead, he lives in a squat called Nocturnal Radiance. Which expect there are a lot of people living there, not just one. It has facilities such as clinic, few classrooms, library, infoshop, hackerspace, a small art studio, engineer workshops at the garage/ground floors which works with robots mostly, while the upper floors are where residents are. If you want to stay in Archimedes' room itself, it's filled with antiquated furniture, witchy decor and knick knacks, goth and punk posters, bookshelf filled with books about witchcraft and engineering, a computer, mma equipment, and three beds.

..or if Archie doesn't click you, you can claim it a free post or pick a differentcharacter

supa drone 3000 nba

The drone was carrying a small package, around the size of it. This wasn’t the first time that the drone was in Europe, though it was in weirder circumstances in here than it’s “hometown” in the United States of America. However, the drone had something to do, and went looking for a building in Greece.

The drone arrived at the area. What was it? Right, Nocturnal Radiance. A weird building. The drone noticed the building to be somewhat vandalized. The drone later took a closer inspection. Despite the eviction notices and the reputation the building has, it was quite impressive in how well-cared for the internal of the building is. The drone needed then realized it had to go ahead and go up to the whateverth floor in order to deliver this package. The drone flew up to the needed floor, trying to find this guy. After reaching the whateverth floor, the drone inspected each room, trying to find Archimedes. However the drone noticed a pattern that not a lot of the people, or “squatters” as the drone found out about the building was that there wasn’t a positive view or the mainstream, or any authoritative forces, in the drone’s opinion.

After searching a while, the drone found Archimedes’ residence. The drone left the package and quickly left, probably not wanting to do much.

np: supa drone lives in a apartment with a nasa computer with your typical “gaming” setup, a queen sized bed, facing a 70” tv. There’s also some movie posters and plain rugs as well. Though, there’s a charging pad it uses to rest there. 50/50 chance that the drone might not be there when you arrive.

Nectar silket

Opening the door, Nectar poked her head into the apartment. It looked quite normal for such a funny little robot, as though a human lived here, or perhaps a very humanoid robot such as herself. From the looks of things, aforementioned drone was not home... but the android surmised that she could simply make herself at home anyway, and it would be fine. After all, she'd been invited!

At first, Nectar simply walked around, exploring the place. The movie posters were an interesting touch- she'd seen many movies, with that being one of her primary forms of entertainment during the many hours she spent stuck in her room. She recognized each one, trying to put together an idea of what the little drone's personality was like based off of his tastes in film. However, the android's face lit up once she entered the drone's bedroom and spotted its computer. She wasn't allowed to have a computer, with her handlers feeling that it provided her a bit too much access to the outside world. They couldn't control her brand very well if she were talking to people online, after all, and she couldn't be trusted not to reveal her identity to random strangers. For that reason, she couldn't remember the last time she'd even touched a computer. And... it had video games on it! She'd been asking for video games to be put in her room for a while- something that would be a nice way to entertain herself besides movies and playing dress-up.

With some trepidation, she browsed through the games and selected... Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. She proceeded to absolutely destroy everyone in online multiplayer, though she was mocked a bit for her strangely robotic and cutesy voice. By the time the drone came back, she'd also played Minecraft and constructed a small dirt hut, the surroundings pock-marked by creeper holes that she did not fill.

"Your computer is so fun!" the android chirped, looking at the newly arrived drone with delight. "You have so many games. What other ones should I play?"

np: nectar's home is a single room in the production studio of the company that owns her. it is chock full of cute fluffy pink furniture, clothes strewn about, makeup and perfume, etc. there's a nice big tv, a huge plush heart shaped bed covered in pillows and stuffed animals, etc. there's also a large walk-in closet with all the shoes, accessories, and clothing anyone could ever dream of. beyond that, there are no windows and the room cannot be opened from the inside; it has a very sci-fi looking door with a complex system of locks. so i hope you enjoy being here until someone lets you out!

N'arfi TwizzlyTwist

The viera had no idea how he had ended up in this pink nightmare, he wanted out but there was no way out, he had tried but the door didn’t budge. “How.. could anyone live here? I’d go mad-“ The viera mumbled as he looked at the massive collection of shoes, clothes and makeup. While he himself loved fashion, this was a bit too much for him. 

He knew that Kevin would have absolutely loved this place, his boyfriend was the more feminine one of them and he could practically see him run around, picking outfit after outfit.

N’arfi barely even knew how to do makeup or what half of the things on the table did. Eyeliner was pretty much the only thing he used. The shoes did interest him a bit, high heels everywhere and they were his preference as his feet were basically made for it. Shame that his rabbit feet were way too big and not as petite as the owner of these shoes seemed to be.

Accepting defeat, N’arfi threw himself onto the bed and let himself be consumed by blankets, pillows and stuffed animals. Hopefully he could at least get a well-deserved nap. At least the bed was juuuuust right and he dozed off quickly.

N’arfi’s place is a burrow akin to the homes of his homeland, consisting of a kitchen and bedroom. The place is nicely decorated with a lot of plants. There is a designated work area that is extremely messy, loose papers everywhere on the desk and floor. Probably things that should be better taken care off than they are. For someone who lives in a relatively simple home, the bed is extremely soft with way too many pillows, expensive bedsheets and a worn out chocobo plushie. Please treat it with care.


((Teeny followup))

It was a pleasant surprise to come back to such a warm home, not that the cold outside was that bad, it was the kind of weather that he thrived in. “Ah- I don’t mind.” He had enough firewood to last several winters as his go to hobby when frustrated was to cut up some firewood. “Actually..” He stumbled around a little as he tried to get his boots off. “I swung by the market on the way here and I bought enough meat for a soup, that is.. if you want food. You can still make your tea, I just want to offer a proper meal.”

The viera walked over to the kitchen and started rummaging through some of the wooden crates that were filled with popoto’s, carrots and other vegetables. “I know that I don’t really look like I’d be good at cooking but.. I’d say if I weren’t stuck with this job, I’d be a chef. … oh! If you need more blankets, there’s several in my bedroom.”

Illanya Mariold HardyLark

( A continuation of the ice skating incident.)

There is a slight shakiness to Illanya’s limbs as she opens the door to the burrow-like home. She’s seen her fair share of odd homes before so she at least tries to not look as shocked by it. Even so, her face, flushed red by the biting cold, outside, forms and expression akin to pleasant surprise.

It was warmer in here. That was a good start and only drew the knight in farther into the front room. It was kind of N’arfi to offer to let her rest at his abode, shelter from the snow and ice that she was very clearly looking fed up with by now. She’s careful to remove all the wet and snowy clothing and setting it near the cozy fireplace.

There was no warm reds on the burnt logs sitting there now, only the faintest memory of flames and stories shrared by firelight, absent in the cold.

This simply would not do! True, Illanya was particularly cold herself, but she knew that the viera might appreciate coming home to a nice warm fire after all of the other things N’arfi has been up too. It was a nice favor that she could easily take care of.

After the viera’a kindness and hospitality, she feels she owes it to him. It was nice, for once, to not need to try and attempt building a fire outside. In the cold and now.

It takes a while, longer than it should, but Illanya gets the embers glowing, and with some help it blossoms into a flickering flame, only still in its infancy.

It is during a her attempts that the Viera eventually returns home, the knight sitting next to a now healthy, roaring fire, occasionally tossing in sticks as and fuel to keep the whole room warmed.

“I hope you don’t mind, I assumed you’d be cold after being out there way longer than me.” The knight smiles and tilts her head. 

“I was just about to start a kettle, actually. I usually make tea, but I can always try to make something new entirely!”

@ NP; Illanya lives in  a relatively modest home  with her father. A lot of their home is decorated with plants and hand wood carved details, like bells, vines and a curious mark. The kitchen is nothing too fancy, though both keep it very clean. There’s a cozy fireplace room with places for a group to sit and chat, a small shrine to the Huntsman sitting over the fire place. Illanya has a desk and a small space to work in her room. It’s not terribly disorganized but it could be better. Her bed it fairly comfortable, with quilted pillows and blankets often put on for winter and a thinner blanket for the summer. It evokes, comfy, cozy, cabin in the woods vibes. Outside of the home is a beautiful Mare named Gallant and a scrappy elk are in the yard, grazing peacefully. They’re very friendly I promise, they just get excited hehe! Next to where they graze is a beautiful garden, well maintained by both residents of the house.

Rarhiko Pomegranarchy

(Continuation of this since i never did a response)

Rarhiko didn't bother to look up when Illanya approached. For a variety of reasons, but most of all being that she was confident that she could either defeat Illanya or flee with her life should there be any trouble. In the end, Rarhiko had to do neither. 

Though she was still miffed by the end of it. To cut her dress apart-- she understood it was necessary, but still. She spent time and effort on that! It doesn't matter that it was far from her most impressive work, merely organized fabric to cover her body rather than any enchanted or truly outstanding project-- but still! At least the wound was gone. Illanya is an adept healer, and Rarhiko's annoyance was placated by it. Not that any of that showed, of course. All that was clear was her consistently calm expression.

Rarhiko reflected on these events as Illanya directed the two of them towards her home. Something about being sure she 'didn't strain herself,' whatever that meant. It seemed like Illanya had been the one to do so, if anything. Even so, Rarhiko made no moves to stop Illanya from trying to play host. Her eyes trail Illanya carefully, scrutinizing her. If she were to faint, then Rarhiko would be up in a moment. But for now, she nods and smiles (or thinks she does, anyway) at the offer of tea.

"Yes, that would be lovely." She means it. There's not much tea at the Foundation, as she has come to learn. Most of Rarhiko's coworkers resort to coffee or energy drinks. The Foundation is also very minimalistic, comparably plain. Illanya's home is like nothing Rarhiko has seen before, and it fascinates her. There's trinkets on shelves, things that have no apparent purpose... soft quilts and wood-- wood! She has seen wooden furniture before, but a house made of it? Those intricate carvings... Illanya and her family must take great pride in crafts as well. 

"You have a..." Rarhiko realizes she doesn't know the right english words for the compliment she wants to give. "... talented house."
Close enough, probably.

NP: Rarhiko has two places that could be considered her home. Option 1: the private bunk she has on the giant space station she's employed by. Her room is covered completely in webbings and basically only Rarhiko can navigate it without getting stuck. The space station is normal though, if a weirdly mundane sci-fi workplace

Option 2: the homeplanet she hails from, absolutely thick with deadly fauna and plants that want to kill you so so bad. This is worse than Rarhiko's bunk because she'll take your character to her colony's underground tunnels, which is full of driders and EVEN MORE webbing. An arachnophobe's worst nightmare

The Continuum. AKA Connie. Edge_Goldie

Went for option number 2 ^^


It was awfully humbling whenever someone invited her into their home. She was simply traveling around this planet happily before she stumbled upon Rarhiko. Offering her some of the spare crop Connie’s forest villagers had produce, which she looked to give away, had seemingly sparked a small connection.

The journey there- in Connie’s opinion, was quite enjoyable. No matter what snapped and growled; it was simply gorgeous to watch as nature simply lived. Focusing on Rarhiko; Connie found her very pleasant company to be around. One thing they seemed to share is to either want or like being around someone. That was something that could be displayed without any words.

Though the fauna and plants were very lively, the underground tunnels seemed even more so. At a glance one could consider it a mess; but Connie simply found it a new type of beauty. She couldn’t help but admire the plentiful webbing around.
“Your planet and home is quite beautiful.”
She praised, watching as driders went to and fro. Appreciating every story that any scars, missing limbs, or rough appearances had appeared on each one. 

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

She was cheerful in body language, looking Rarhiko in the eyes. What a tough life she must have lived here, it must’ve been wonderful. The natural ways of life always were. Although that is not to discredit Rarhiko’s efforts- no no, it is a praise of them.  
“I’d like to learn more, if that’s alright?”


Connie’s home is her forest, which there are several points she considers the most ‘home’ like.
 1. Glowing waterfall and hot springs under a cave. Be wary not to trip over a tree root.
2. The village that lives in her forest. It‘s circular in form and in the center is their crops and water source.
3. Her ’house’ at the top of the village. Inside is full of trinkets covering the walls, with a gigantic bed at the end. A center piece being a small pool capable of spying anywhere you want, really. Right next to the pool are cushions to sit on. The floor is marble white; the ceiling and walls look like dulled galaxies in a more rounded look.

Four "Mine" (Camp Mentor) Aloofcloud

As Mine trudged forward, her axe scraping against the dirt, she heaved a long, tired sigh. Her shallow breaths and tense stance betrayed her unease, heightened by the looming threat of a killer that still lingered in her thoughts. Despite her familiarity with the forest, it seemed to be transformed, casting her into unfamiliar territory. To her surprise, she stumbled upon a cave, and as she wandered further in, her eyes were met with the sight of a shimmering waterfall.

Gazing around with a mix of confusion and caution, Mine cradled her axe close to her chest. She had unwittingly stumbled upon a home, a fact that escaped her notice in the midst of her disorientation. Nonetheless, the glowing waterfall seemed like a welcome respite, and Mine settled in, finding it to be the perfect spot to get some rest.  

1.  You can visit her AU house!  She has 3 older siblings, and 5 younger siblings.  They live in a big ol' house.  

2.  If you pick her original self she lives alone in a seaside cottage away from people.


En Litari II ([BrokEn AU]) PicklePantry

(I went with original to continue from their last meeting)

     The last thing En remembered was barging into Mine's home, getting flustered over something he couldn't recall, and passing out to his wounds. When he woke up he found himself staring at the ceiling, tucked into a warm bed with most of his wounds already healed and the remaining ones cleaned and bandaged. He felt strong and energized, too. How long had he been out?

     The swordsman swung his legs off the bed yet stayed sitting up. If he listened carefully he could barely make out the crashing waves outside. Guess the siren in him couldn't stay away from the sea for too long in the end.

     An hour later En had walked to the main room of the cottage. He could see Mine there. Although he didn't offer a smile, his expression was considerably softer than normal. "Thank you for saving me," he signed with a nod of gratitude. "I'll be leaving now." He was sure he'd overstayed his welcome anyway. He'd make sure send her some thank you money when he got back to his own home too.

     As En left, he recalled what he'd seen right before passing out. Yes, he remembered there being an embarrassing moment, but there was something that stuck out to him. Had he seen... fox ears and... multiple fox tails?

You can reply to him (apartment), his normal self (camping tent), or his older self (castle)!

Sotiris Athanasiadis Nuclear-Hydrangea

PicklePantry it's been many days :D (replying his Broken AU)

(last character used: Attila Vadász)

Going from Hungary to England was an easy task for Attila, traveling through portal was a quick option than via plane. Though, he'll be stuck for an hour as his ability to travel was exhausted. "What's that guy's name again? En?" Attila thought to himself, looking back and forth until he found the said apartment. The only thing Attila knows about him was En's lack of singing and the incident about it long time ago. Attila has no idea why En invited him at the first place, might be something to do with old relics or perhaps Attila's past... but wouldn't it be rude to decline an invitation?

Opening the door, the apartment was decent, yet it was minimal, sleek, and well decorated. Considering coming from a royal background, it was expected to have lavish decorations for at least one part of the house. Attila walked as he observed the exiled prince's home. Everything was ranging from monochromatic furniture to a few muted parts around, save for the lush plant over the corner, dominating the unity of monochromatic sphere of the apartment. "Thank you for inviting me to your home" Attila communicated using the British sign language, "well organized... just like a museum. I like that, easy to observe 'em".

Upon entering inside a room, there is a display rack for an intricate sword of black and gold. While Attila's curiosity piqued, he rather not touch the delicate sword. Though, it showed signs of the sword being used for several circumstances. At the walls and the desk were photographs of people and a list of names, some were crossed out and some were destroyed. A photograph of a castle was present, like other photographs present on the table, it was crossed out and next to it was the same castle but showed signs of decay and non-maintenance. "You know, looking around here reminds me of the days where I don't know what to do anymore and got to the point where you know, I have a list of people and cross them out" Attila smiled, communicating via sign as he thought out his words "That was the time when I was the type of guy everyone feared, or rather people that I don't like... you know, higher ups and criminals. Now I regret being a killing machine in the past."

The curator sat down at the gray couch next to the spherical lampshade, "I must say you have a good taste on decorations and how you set yourself a home. I'm more of a maximalist person but I find your house relaxing eitherway"

(change of character so the game won't be stuck)

Sotiris lives in a squat called House of Phantoms. More info about the entire House of Phantoms here,
I have some artworks featuring Sotiris' room if you want to get the idea of his room/home.