Character Trait ABC's!

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Fvhn

Using the letter's from your character's name, use the chart to list some of their traits!

Examples below, here's the list!

Crazy Memory
Goals and Heroes
Jokes & Sense of Humor
Never will they ever...
Odd Fact
Physical Trait
Tattoos, Piercings, & Scars
Unique Talent
Voice (link or describe)
Where were they born?
Xrays & Medical History
Your Inspiration for Creating this Character
Zzz... Weirdest Dream?

Examples: (expand spoiler)

A- Amy's attitude is usually pretty good, unless you give her a wedgie.
M- Morally, Amy is opposed to the clubbing of seals. (And you should be too!)
Y- My inspiration for creating Amy was... you guessed it... for this example.

or sometimes, a letter will get used more than once! Think of a different way to interpret it?

H- Hannah's hobbies include knitting, sewing, and yodeling.
A- Hannah can have a seriously bad attitude when she doesn't get her way.
N- Never will Hannah ever get caught pumping gas naked again....
N- Never will Hannah ever exist outside this example because she's a terrible character.
A- Hannah's bad attitude can vastly be improved by giving her a piece of cheesecake.
H- Hannah's other hobbies are spelunking, reading, and teaching turtles how to speak.

And if you really have no idea how to answer one, you can make up a different "question" or "theme" for the letter.
Also- Hard Mode- Use last names too!

 TK-17 Arkhangelsk Ledokol

A -- Prideful and rather aggressive, he is likely to escalate things into violent physical confrontation if someone shows even the slightest contempt to him. Despite being an SSBN(strategic ballistic missile submarine) whose duty requires patience and thoughtful approach to problems, his temper is notorious for being shamefully short.

R -- During the time when he was still deployed in the Northern Fleet...'greeted' most of his older siblings with a scornful glare first thing in the morning then simply ignored and shut them off his attention for the entire day. Since his class tended to erupt into a mass brawl quite often, sometimes he also joined in the fight or even initiated the brawl himself.

K -- Despite being a troublesome android, in this aspect he's absolutely innocent.   

H -- Agitating Severstal, who is his sole younger brother and the only Akula who is also in a relatively tolerated term with him. And probably laughing at K-18 Kareliya ,who is his friend from the Northern Fleet, whose face got an unconsented 'face lift' during his modernization a few years ago.

A -- In contrast of his scary temper and aggressiveness, he got along quite well with the rest of his colleagues in the Northern Fleet. His aggressive habit is only aimed for his own siblings and he rarely ever snapped at the colleagues from other classes and the surface ships. Generally his colleague thinks of him as a pleasant guy, except when they needed to drag him away to stop the famed 'Akula War' because he was often very keen on continuing to swing his fists until his opponents (aka the other Akula siblings, not the outsider guys who tried to stop him) would be completely defeated.

N -- Making peace with his eldest brother. *quietly points at Mitya six replies above* Even though nowadays the Akula class has only three of them survived, he still views his own eldest brother as a nemesis and doesn't plan to get any friendlier with him at all. Luckily (or not?) Mitya thinks the same so...the ultimate Akula boxing match continues in the shipyard where the last Akula subs are staying while waiting for their demise instead of in the Northern Fleet's base.

G -- Doesn't really have any anymore since he has been untimely retired way earlier than he was supposed to. And he has spent a decade doing nothing but being a 'retiree' and waiting for the order for his disposal. When he was newly deployed to the Northern Fleet though, his goal would be to prove himself that he was a capable SSBN to serve the USSR and that he wouldn't lose to any of his older siblings. These goals were kinda ruined when he suffered an accident in 1991 and being branded as the 'failure' of the class as none of his siblings had ever been in any accident, his was the first and the only of the entire class.

E -- Used to be part of the SSBN force of the Russian Northern Fleet that made up part of the Russian nuclear triad. Somewhat a retiree and lives on pension these days.

L -- He's incapable for romantic love as he was programmed to be aromantic. However, he's extremely devoted to a figure whom he considers to be his 'mother' (of course more like surrogate mother even though she partially has a hand on his creation). Although he only received the name 'Arkhangelsk' which has a strong tie with his 'mother' when he was in the last years of his deployment, he deemed it as the greatest gift in his entire life.

S -- Although acts indifferent and sometimes even openly shows his annoyance at Severstal, deep down he actually appreciates that Severstal tried to be cordial with him ever since their first meeting instead of giving in to the pressure to be hostile toward him.

K -- Quote: "Why do you try so hard to push that weird thing onto an asexual android like me??"

 Bashi chiliechii_inactive

- Bashi doesn't really give religion the time of day. She barely thinks about it so she doesn't have any solid opinions on it. She wouldn't be an atheist though, as angels are a common species in the setting she's in.

A - Very aggressive and in your face. She is extremely hostile and impulsively violent. She is prone to confrontation, lacking any hesitation with anything really. She's extraordinarily stubborn and determined to the point it just comes across as forceful.

- She has one of those creepy photo collages of her 'senpai' on her wall tbh.

-Stalking her senpai both irl and online, taking pictures of him, bullying/harassing her 'rival', and practicing her swings.

- Academically she is average. 

 Araute Bemerel totokatokako

A - his bad attitude is not noticeable from the start since he's often smiling (has nice resting face)
R - is not really fond of routine as to force himself to follow it everyday but just works with what he has
A - he tends to look downs on others NO MATTER their abilities, strenght or position, his criteria is strange
U - he's the n 1 in the world to make your friends uncomfortable
T - he has a burn scar on the front of his neck (which i've not been able to draw properly lmao)
E - works as a general on the EP army

B - unexpected? he doesn't believe in anything special, he doesn't even ask himself about life and questions
E - takes care of some sectors in asia/europe
E - also fights the ssos
R - something he does everyday (that may count), after waking up he has to sit straight on the bed to yawn and stretch, doesn't work otherwise
E - in an au? hmm, maybe a programmer or something


Only doing his first name because there's only a one letter difference between his first and last.

M - Believes he's doing good, but also believes he's a god so you could say his morality is non-existent.
- He thinks so highly of himself that nothing really discourages him, in fact sometimes insults motivate him to work harder and strive towards extreme goals.
- There is always room in his schedule to tell each and every single one of his "children" that he loves them every day. He gets cranky if he does not do this.
- Worship... is the most tame of his kinks.
- A master of altering (he would call it improving) the human body through splicing. He's also been able to bring people back from the dead but uh... in his image.
- He's terrified of his own blood.


C - He remembers the sickly sweet ichor spilling from the flesh of the god he ate. He remembers the sparks of light an the pain in his eyes and the sudden color shift as divinity began tainting his vision.
A - He feels intense jealousy and rage if someone implies or, even worse, says he isn't as good as someone else.
I - He isn't booksmart but he is very good at logic games.
N - Never will he ever regret what he has done.

Piko Andromalius H. ccelestialGlitch

P - Piko is chubby, noticeably just a bit overweight.

I - Without using her powers, Piko is still rather smart. That might be from living with a scientist though.

K - Unless it's Lust, none. Lust has some really weird ones.

O - Piko has gills on her neck, so she can technically breathe if you cover her face.

 nya amgel

N / never will she ever be apologetic. she does whatever she wants and believes she's always right, and if somebody else is hurt by that it must be their fault. so you'll never catch her feeling sorry!

Y / my inspiration for her is myself when i'm manic. she was created as my persona originally. she even has my hair colours from back then. she's a super exaggerated version of herself at this point.

A / manic, aggressive irritable loud ass little shit 

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T - Tanith doesn't actually know this, as she's never seen it herself and doesn't remember getting it, but she has a small snake-like mark on her back, presumably put there by her captors.

A - Tanith is nice, though she doesn't outwardly express that with her face. Frowning is easiest for her.

N - Never will Tanith ever cry in front of others. If all else fails, she wants to be the one appearing strong, the one that others can take comfort in during a crisis.

I - While Tanith isn't the smartest academically, she has a good amount of common sense to run on.

T - See above!

H - I forgot what exactly it's called, but Tanith is good at that one thing where you take string and loop it around your fingers to make things.

Dalen Vemo MistCat

- Dalen has long ago cast away his own personal ambitions for 'the greater good'. If asked, he'll say something like "Glory for the Empire". He is still human though, and as much as he would try to deny it he wants peace. Not for the galaxy, but for himself. He wants the years of servitude, moral struggles, assassination missions and the never ending weight on his shoulders to stop. He wants to be able to just let his guard down for even a few minutes and just... rest. 

- A very strict and loyal military man with a cut and dry personality. Very cold, anxious and competitive, just wants to get the mission done. He hardly ever questions orders, but has a chip on his shoulder for the sith, as he grows sick of their infighting and constant rage fueled orders. 

- He has always desired to have a significant other to share his life and has been in quite a few relationships. However, they have all just faded away. As he climbed the ranks in the Empire he realized any romantic ties would be a liability and his life style just wouldn't accommodate anyone else. He took it pretty hard when he came to that conclusion but tries to brush it off as no big deal. 

- A loyal servant to the great Sith Empire. The sith often change his rank to suit the mission. His first major rank was a Cipher Intelligence Agent, specializing in undercover and espionage.  That wing of the Empire has since been shut down, (Striking a huge blow to Dalen's moral and loyalty.) and Dalen has had many other ranks, but he still prefers to be referred to as 'Agent' or 'Cipher' as if nothing happened. 

- Never will he leave the Empire. Ever. He gave them twenty years of his life, obeying every command and turning on his closest allies for them. He can't just walk away from that. His life and destiny is no longer his own to control.  

 548 Admiral Panteleyev Ledokol

P -- I'd describe his build as average build, not too muscular and not thin either. As per his creators' intention, his look is just typical boy next door type, nothing particularly stands out that makes him seem too different from the surrounding ordinary humans.

A -- Nowadays is rather cheerful and amiable, though during his early years he used to be quite a pain in the rear for being strangely angsty and extremely moody. He's trying his best to make up for the problems he had caused the fleet before he decided to cease his rebelliously stubbornness over certain issues.

N -- Quitting his passion over instant ramen and assorted Asian snacks. This is what he found he missed out for all those years he kept wishing to move back to the Baltic Sea instead of settling down in Vladivostok peacefully and enjoyed what the Asian side of his country has to offer.

T -- He doesn't have any tattoo, has wanted to get a piercing a couple of times but got Boryushka verbally slammed on the break to derail his plan. And fortunately no scar, though he was once close to have one from his self-harm attempt which fortunately was interrupted by passers-by.

E -- Serving in Russian Pacific Fleet since 1992.

L -- He knows two kinds of love; one for his siblings and another for all snacks and instant ramens in Asian countries. Two of his three older siblings have been trying hard to make him 'break up' with the latter. :P

E -- His specific task is to deal with submarines so he carries many weapons that used for intercepting submarines. Anti-air task is something his class is more lacking so they need to pair up with the Sarych class which lacks the ASW capability but better at dealing anti-ship and anti-air damage.

Y -- At first I didn't really plan to create many OCs based on surface ships of the Pacific Fleet but I got particularly interested on his RL counterpart when I read the actual ship history. Turned out that once some of crews sabotaged the ship because they didn't want to be deployed faraway to Vladivostok by setting fire to a missile complex near the bow. (yep, the event I based for his self-harm attempt)

E -- Although he has been a member of the Pacific Fleet since 1992, he doesn't possess much authority owing to his troublesome past. At the moment he only has seniority (and some little authority) over super new colleagues like Aleksandr Nevskiy and Vladimir Monomakh who are over 20 years his junior.

V -- HERE (since I really suck at describing voice, I'll just post voice sample :P)

.... (you have way too many E's, mister)

Fuse Pogtan Buttercream Almondlover

F Flora and Fauna loving. Fuse loves to watch nature. He is actual quite smart when it comes to nature, and keeps a nature journal everywhere he goes.

U Fuse loves unicorns. While many others his age mock him for it, he holds a deep admiration for the mythical beast. He's even convinced they are real, and has his own fake unicorn horn that a childhood crush gave him before she moved away.

A shy guy on the surface, Fuse has some strange ideas. He isn't very smart, and believes with his whole heart that the stars aren't really, and are simply an illusion and a fraud

Even though Fuse is shy, he is eccentric. He is often seen as crazy or mentally ill by his peers due to his odd beliefs.

Fuse is pink. He was often bullied due to it being 'girly', but he still likes the color.

Fuse is kind of old for his size. Being a late bloomer, he stayed child-sized up until he turned 17. He was very self consious about this, and lashed out when his parents began to believe that his growth was somehow stuntes.

G Fuse likes to live green. He plans on living in the woods when he moves out of his parents home, and currently never uses any electronics and downright refuses to get in any vehicle. He thinks that electronics and technology as a whole are satanic in nature, and will even destroy other people's phones if they annoy him enough.

Fuse hates technology. As stated in the letter G, he thinks technology is satanic, and distrusts it greatly.

A Fuse gets very aggrivated when others annoy him. Think of his anger as a time bomb waiting to go off. If you are unlucky enough to be there when he snaps, you will have to listen to an agnsty, screaming teenager.

Fuse only eats natural, organic foods. He refuses to eat any foods that 'have been tampered with', and has cut insects out of his diet, causing him to be frail compared to the average bean.

Fuse hates bugs. He finds them to be disgusting even since he had an allergic reaction to a bee sting.

U Fuse often writes 'food' as 'fuud'. 

Fuse loves to eat tangerine peels. He says that they taste amazing, and will often eat just the peel and discard the rest of the fruit.

Fuse always wanted a twin, one who was 'just as knowlagable' as he was, so that more people would understand him.

E When Fuse's egg hatched, it made a loud hissing sound, leading to his name.

R Fuse likes rocks, and collects only the smoothest stones to add to his collection.

C Fuse hates to cry. Instead of crying when he is upset, Fuse instead starts screaming and becomes an angry as he can to distract himself from being sad.

R Fuse hates rough clothing, like wool, since wool is one of his allergies. He hates being itchy.

E Fuse's favorite food is eggplant, and most others can't help but laugh when he eats one.

Fuse has always had a lisp. His speech is hard to understand, and as such he is often excluded from hanging out with others.

Fuse has alot of mood swings. He was often bullied and made fun of for this, with the bullies calling him bipolar and insane.

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