Character Trait ABC's!

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Fvhn

Using the letter's from your character's name, use the chart to list some of their traits!

Examples below, here's the list!

Crazy Memory
Goals and Heroes
Jokes & Sense of Humor
Never will they ever...
Odd Fact
Physical Trait
Tattoos, Piercings, & Scars
Unique Talent
Voice (link or describe)
Where were they born?
Xrays & Medical History
Your Inspiration for Creating this Character
Zzz... Weirdest Dream?

Examples: (expand spoiler)

A- Amy's attitude is usually pretty good, unless you give her a wedgie.
M- Morally, Amy is opposed to the clubbing of seals. (And you should be too!)
Y- My inspiration for creating Amy was... you guessed it... for this example.

or sometimes, a letter will get used more than once! Think of a different way to interpret it?

H- Hannah's hobbies include knitting, sewing, and yodeling.
A- Hannah can have a seriously bad attitude when she doesn't get her way.
N- Never will Hannah ever get caught pumping gas naked again....
N- Never will Hannah ever exist outside this example because she's a terrible character.
A- Hannah's bad attitude can vastly be improved by giving her a piece of cheesecake.
H- Hannah's other hobbies are spelunking, reading, and teaching turtles how to speak.

And if you really have no idea how to answer one, you can make up a different "question" or "theme" for the letter.
Also- Hard Mode- Use last names too!

Marcilla Pinkapop

M - Has a good, ethical morality. A little more of a helper than the standard

A - A friendly and jolly individual. Likes to make friend

R - Wake up, Feed her pet, explore the mountain, work, go home and feed her pet, would be that except her routines often have extra additions to make a day fun

C - One day while exploring, she came across a cave with exotic flora she has never seen before. It's become her favorite secret spot since

I - She has developed survival in the wilderness skills over the time. She is also quite literate

L - She's too oblivious to catch anyone's flirting attempts,

L - she also doesn't have anybody in mind.

A - Also is friend with animals and treat them like she would treat her friends

Michael RabbitJaguar

Morals - Michael is extremely against bullying the weak. He will throw himself in front of a gun to protect a stranger

Intelligence - Smarter than he lets on

Crazy Memory - When he and his brother were sparring on Earth and they accidentally knocked down the Tower of Babel

Hobbies - Sleeping

Attitude - He acts like he doesn't care about much, although he actually cares a lot

Employment - Heavenly vigilante

Love - He's asexual, and is not interested in romance


Morals — Makio is a bounty hunter, but will only hunt (other) demons. She will never hurt a human because their lives are already too fleeting.

Attitude — She is one very sassy and spicy gal!

Kinks — 

Makio has a serious breeding kink. This becomes especially apparent if/when her demonic blood becomes more potent and she goes into a more “feral” demon state. To a lesser extent she also likes being choked during “the act”. 

Intelligence — Surprisingly pretty book smart, as she was able to learn and excel at the “Love Breathing” swordsmanship style just by reading books about it. Her emotional intelligence is pretty low though, as she is very dense when it comes to things like flirting/romance and is bad at conflict resolution that doesn’t involve violence. 

Odd Fact — She can “taste emotions” by licking someone’s skin. She says that fear tastes “like grape juice” and anger tastes “really bad, like cherry-flavored cough medicine“.


Edit: sorry for all the edits but the formatting on this post is driving me crazy!! 

fra🇫🇷(Alix) comrade_dragoslav

Family - technically part of the Indo-European family, but the characters aren’t biologically related in their world. Their bond is more like that of a country club that has existed for a long time.

Routine - he wakes up at 6am, eats baguettes, thinks of epic comebacks to use when people call him out for not having gender neutral words in his language, comes up with new verb conjugations, tries to annoy MSA but the conflict is resolved when they both agree that grammatical gender is based, then he sleeps and dreams about more baguettes and verb conjugations.

Employment - all the languages are part of an advertising agency(kind of) where they have to promote themselves to language learners. French also wants to join the unofficial “difficult language council” but is regularly rejected.

Never will they ever - …stop having random silent letters in every word.

Crazy memory - breaking into MSA’s house at 3am to ask to be let into the difficult language council.

Hobbies - making his own language deliberately more difficult. he especially enjoys coming up with irregular verbs.

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 Pavo Emile NYAPPY

- Physical Trait? - oh my goshh.. i always loved his big round eyes and his huge buggy irises oh and the 'star' marking on his forehead too! but his build, he has a bit of chub on him, even though he is pretty high energy you'll usually find him lounging around gossiping with others or reading some sort of gaudy magazine 

- Attitude? - cartoonishly dramatic, almost all of his sentences are full of sass and some sort of witty remark. will probably tell you off at the most mundane things just to start some sort of drama. OH BUT DONT GET ME WRONG once you get to know him better hes a total sweetie (in like 'your weird bimbo guard dog' kinda way lol) and will stand up for you and defend you at a moments notice.. think of the mean girls but gay. yeah  

- Voice? - closest voice i could think of 8D i feel like he'd have a very stereotypical "girly" voice but also very snappy sounding in tone :)

- Odd fact? - VERY flexible, like contortionist level of flexible...another one is that he can sleep with his eyes open, and likes to make bets with random people to a staring contest (dont fall for it- he will win)

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brandy creatfran

b - beliefs: brandy believes in all the gods in greek mythology, but mainly serves artemis (the goddess of the moon, hunting, and chastity). at the beginning of her story, she's actually blessed to become her avatar

r - routine: get up early, meditate / pray, eat a simple breakfast, get started on her hamon training. she used to train more with her parents, but now it's usually just her

a - attitude: a little on the sassy side. she tries to be kind, but when someone is being rude to her / says something that she doesn't approve off, she gets a little passive agressive. or sometimes just agressive

n - never will they never: do something that she knows will hurt her (mentally / emotionally). she's very scrappy and always takes the choice that will be better for her own good rather than other's, even if i means coming off as the enemy.

d - desires:  the main one is to find out the mystery that her family has been keeping from her. they've always held some sort of grudge toward her and she wants to find out what she did wrong

y - your inspiration for creating this character: i was gonna put something that wasn't jojo / brandy (you're a fine girl) related, but...honestly that's all i can think of lmfao

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 bobby Tabestboy

H - Hobbies : his favorite thing to do is play bass, other hobbies of his include cooking, drinking, and exercising.

O - Odd Fact : hooter is a huge glutton. he can and will eat things that are rotten, moldy, and even poisonous without getting sick.

O - Odd Fact : his pet chicken, sharona, has a study in his airbnb. 

T - Tattoos, Piercings, & Scars : he has a tattoo on his lower back that wraps around his waist. his ears are also pierced, but he rarely wears piercings.  

E - Employment : he makes a living as an airbnb host.

R - Routine : yoreu gay

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Ashkar bailysis

ooooh this is such a cool idea! ill probably visit this often haha

A - Attitude - Extremely daring! No challenge is too great for her. Ashkar is also incredibly competitive. 

S - Secret - She knows how to break her immortality, and is determined to not let anyone else know. 

H - Hobbies - Sunbathing :) 

K - Knowledge - Ashkar is very experienced in battling. She's also skilled at sensing energies and knows many languages! 

A - Attitude - Ashkar is also incredibly confident in herself. 

R - Routine - Wake up, do some stretches, enjoy the sunshine, go on an adventure, hunt for a bit, asleep by sundown :)

jude calley chariotsofsilk

 j - Jokes & Sense of Humor - he loves being a little silly on stage. breaking out of the Keyboard Prison and dancing around or walking around on stage, annoying his other band members Very funny to him

u - Unique Talent - he can definitely play keyboard backwards and blindfolded 

d - Desires - he's always wanted to just be famous, but now that he kinda is, he just... wants to keep being famous LOL. he also doesn't want to fight music demons anymore

e - Employment - keyboardist in the worst fucking prog band ever. probably worked in a guitar shop before joining as many up-and-coming bands as he possibly could. then he got scouted by brandy and.... Yeah

magic of the wizard/emery chariotsofsilk

e - Employment - worked as a croupier in his life!

m - Morals - cheating is okay :3

e - Employment - i like to think that, even as a raingel, he still keeps his job as a croupier and works in some kind of raingel casino

r - Routine - he doesn't have a very set routine besides just getting up and going to work. he just goes wherever the day takes him...

y - Your Inspiration for Creating this Character - todd rundgren's album something/anything lol....

Cyboogie (Tezeta) kekhtarakh

t (tattoos, piercings, scars) - i dont think he would have any large visible scars, its more likely that he would have small ones (if any) on his upper body and arms from people trying to escape his grasp. as for tatoos and piercings, he wouldnt have any

e (employment) - busking isnt his main form of income, tez would take up any low effort or odd jobs he could during that time as well. simple things like stocking shelves or being a receptionist. being a new-age guru is a lot more profitable than either of those things though. being a grifter has its perks

z (zzz... weirdest dream) - no weird dreams, just unpleasant ones

e (entertainment bc i did employment) - reading and songwriting. he enjoys going to the movies on occasion

t - cant think of another letter :( gonna say already answered

a (attitude) - he has always had a survival mindset. no matter what, tezetas main goal is to stay alive that day, even if it does mean doing extreme things towards the end of his life. outside of that, hes always been a little on-edge and closed off. it would take a lot of talking to get him to open up about anything. at first it was because he was simply unable to express his emotions well, but it eventually turned into a lack of trust once he became a full blown cult leader. cultist tezeta is brash and would chew someone out if given the chance, busker tezeta is very gentle and has to take a moment to think before saying anything