Did this happen to me or my OC?

Posted 8 months, 5 days ago (Edited 7 months, 27 days ago) by 💀 | Sergeant of Darkness BaliSTAR

Basically try and guess if the situation described by the person above happened to them or one of their OC!
A character trait instead of a situation is OK too

Example :
Person 1 : Burned a toe during a camping trip
Person 2 : Hm I'd say that happened to you! Is an avid fan of ramen noodles?
Person 3 : I'd say your OC! (etc.)

Rules : 
- Avoid NSFW/sensitive subjects (we're looking for silly situations more than tragic ones! Though injuries you find funny are ok)
- Please don't skip anyone. If someone blocked you, just wait until someone else does them!
- Don't go check the person's oc! That would make it too easy ;)
- Not a must but you can edit your original post to IC the character the situation happened to or to say it happened to you
- (Added for clarification) Either post as a specific character or let people guess amongst all of your characters
- (2023/10/11) Using pagedolls in your post is alright, but animated, brightly colored and big ones that cover screens in mobile are not and I will ask you to remove them (if this gets abused they won't be allowed at all). Feel free to ping me if you have issue navigating a page because of a pagedoll. 

Have fun!

NP : Either claim a freebie or try to guess if it was I or my OC who owned a poetry blog

v hehe no I had a fiction writing blog but this boy had his poetry blog! 

🩸 Renat 🩹 mmmeatbat

going with Ibis because that's a hilarious trait for such a badass char lmao

was it me or my OC that hit their head on a coffee table and ended up with the sickest scar on their forehead?

vvv 'twas me. tripped over and headbutted that table like it was personal. but Nat def has a few "dumb" scars too :D

Axel TheEliBlog

Your oc? Renat has a big scar on his head lol, BUT perhaps the way he earned it was a bit more badass. Still going to go with your oc though hehe


Was it me or my oc who fell asleep in the backseat of a car?



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Cam Collingwood Nicleotidez

Your OC is quite clumsy so I assume that it's her who does that lol

Is it me or is it my OC who used to have a close to unhealthy obsession with pancakes?

v Cam can be quite chaotic sometimes... although I do love some types of food, it was actually him lol

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Dallas muichiro

Sounds like you!! But maybe also Flo too? 

Was it Dallas or I who watched someone pass out at the wheel, drive off the highway and crash into a bunch of trees?

Xilene Pelletier angeliic_gestalt

O O F sounds like you? either way RIP :SOB:

is it me or xilene who maintains a flower garden?

Zabreena Cupcake_Princess

I'll guess you, you definitely give those vibes!

Was it me or Zabreena who broke her leg by slipping on a piece of wet cardboard?

v Nope, it was my clumsy self as a kid 😭

Lympha DreamyDinosaur

Zabreena being clusmy and being unfamiliar with earth is making me think that it happened to her


Was it me or my oc who once burnt themselves by spitting scolding hot chocolate?

V Yeah, your right, it was me! It taught me that three minutes in the mircowave is way too long for hot chocolate

Cruise MarlinBlues

ima go with you, cause it seems like a pretty normal thing to happen :0

is it me or Cruise who has a vivid mental map of the town they live in?


nope! it's cruise :)) (Im not good at mapping places in my head. but the woods behind my house on the other hand-)

Malachi apodoforcas

seems like a you thing to me just from vibes

is it me or him that particularly enjoys cold weather 

v that’s actually a me thing funny enough

Yìchén Mochou MeowMeow422

Hmmm, him?


Meow or my bab that enjoys/ often watches horror movies?

Zinat Alexg47

Your chara seems like a horror movie person.

Me or my OC that wants to be an astronaut?

Yep, it's her.

Haiku TheEmpatheticMEH

Maybe your OC? I see the star clip in the hair and immediately think of that.


Was it me or my OC that used to be afraid of groan tubes? (You might have to look it up if you don't know what a groan tube is)

Mayu AlmondGames

im gonna guess you? it seems oddly specific + being an orphan idk if haiku would have interacted with them much in its youth


which one of us burnt ice cream?

v it was me. i still have no idea how i managed it. would happen to her tho