What would the above OC be in a High School AU?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by cassandra donahue melchior

who doesn't love a good old high school AU?   ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

if you're unsure of what "cliches" you get in a high school AU, here's a list (the options aren't limited to this - be as oddly specific as you want):

  • the Head Cheerleader™
  • loser nerd, usually lowkey adorable
  • the main character who always sits by the window
  • the smart asshole (or if you're a danganronpa fan, The Togami)
  • the senpai
  • the tsundere that wants senpai to notice them...b-baka
  • the emo
  • the one who always shows up 15 minutes late with coffee
i'll start with cassandra! which painfully stereotypical role would she play?

(remember to post IC!)

"Ahah, you're right on the last part - I love science, especially chemistry. I'm not sure about the 'goth' part, though.. I mean, yeah, all of my clothes are black-- wait, never mind. I just contradicted myself."

C0TT0N RABB1T GalaxieAuLait

Probably the shy kid who seems really sweet and protective once you get close! Probably arranges lots of movie nights and sleepovers with a select group of best friends, where they all have lots of fun just talking and being in each others company! Hoshi is certainly on the good side of teachers and is probably a model student.

That is actually perfect, I feel like he actually was that way in school especially since he operates quite similarly presently, time to adopt some more ideas as canoN

Maeve R. Herne Glitterbark

To almost the entirety of the school, Livius exists as this angelic darling, a trusted confidant who will listen to your worries on the school steps and sit with you in the lunchroom when no one else will. He's pooular enough to hang out with the cool kids, but not so popular that he's judged when he spends time with the nerds, and it's simply viewed as a mark of his sympathetic nature when he consoles a "dork" or a "dweeb". "How cute," they say. "He takes pity on them."

No one notices that weeks - months - even years later, rumors come out about the people who exist in his vortex. So-and-so slept with her best friend's boyfriend, the local jock steals girl's underwear. One month, the most popular girl in school becomes the campus laughingstock overnight because word on the street is she likes interpretive dance, and one of the emo kids skips school for a week because it becomes common knowledge she idolizes Taylor Swift. Livius is the man who knows everything because you told it to him while crying in a bathroom - every fear, ever worry - and then he throws you to the high school rumor mill to be shredded to bits.

Almost certainly uses his charming facade to get others to do his homework for him.

Haruka spacecadet

The really sweet, mom friend of the group pretty much. You're having a bad day? Maeve can help. Willing to listen to almost anyone and doesn't discriminate- even willing to give the school bullies a chance.

Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

Definitely a popular girl. She'd definitely still be an idol during that time, but depending on whether she wants people to know about that in high school or not, she could either be in constant idol mode or a Hannah Montana kind of deal in which she hides that fact until after school.

However, if this is a kind of high school where she can't be famous, then she'd still be popular. Probably the most popular girl in the school, where everyone looks to her for the latest trend while trying to be her friend.

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Nanachi Rorichi

omg i love high school aus so much xd

Jet looks like would be a head of delinquent group that doesn't let all those nerds live their peacful school life. Also usually fights with somebody behind the school after the classes

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Beckett GalaxieAuLait

Darren totally seems like he'd be one of the kids who is friends with everyone and tries to be there for everyone, but might have a deep-seated secret depression of his own, but hides it.

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 Raziel memorie

Angel would be that kid who always lands the lead role in anything that the school's theatre puts on. There are jealous students that think his parents are paying people off because he's 'totally not that good'. Ugh.

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Flower Snowpuff


The cool guy :v

He appear the guy who's cool with everyone, but isn't popular :vvv

"Heey, this was me at school! I've always been energetic, and being pushed into the aisle has become routine! And, yeah, I helped my sad friends."

 eikyrona Hanae

Flower seems like she'd be the energetic high school girl type who gets pumped up when sports fest is around the corner (or actually any type of school event that involves moving around a lot); probably hates losing too but doesn't take it too much to heart. She also might be the person who cheers other people up or encourages them when they're down. 


Esther seems like.. the mysteriously quiet student.. not in a bad way. Like, you see them everywhere, but you never have a reason to talk to them. You work with them in a group project ONCE, and even then, you find yourself barely talking to them.