Never Have I Ever... [IC Game]

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by Mariette

I'm sure some people have played this game before, or have at least heard of it! Plus, I didn't see a game like this in the forum, so I hope there isn't one floating around that I just missed! If there is, just let me know and I'll delete this.

Anyway! Here's how the game will play out. The first character will make a statement: "Never have I ever..." followed by something they've never done in their entire lives. Then the next poster will respond, in-character, whether they have done this particular thing or not. Then that character will name a "Never have I ever" statement, and it continues. So, for example...

Character 1: "Never have I ever killed someone!"

Character 2: "Oh my god, I would never kill anyone! I don't wanna waste my life in jail! Never have I ever eaten spoiled food!"

Character 3: "Okay maybe once, but I was really hungry and didn't want to go to the store. Never have I ever owned a cat!"

And so on and so on.

A couple of guidelines before we get the fun started:

  • I'm not maturing this thread, so even though this game usually gets NSFW pretty quickly when played in real life, let's not go there.
  • You must wait three posts before you can post again!
Okay! I'll go ahead and post the first statement now!
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Jet Northwind PicklePantry

"Dance in the rain? What are you, crazy? You see this suit? This is Armani! It's more expensive than everything you own combined, I can't just toss it out in the rain and dance like a lunatic!"

Never have I ever been easily persuaded to switch sides on something/anything.

Carlos White South-Sinner

"Yeeeeeah I was kinda forced onto the other side. kinda hard to stay loyal when you're set up for murder and chased off by guards y'know?"

"Never have I ever taken anyone on a date which requires money to enjoy it... you know... movies, dinner... all that jazz"

Darabont Vempyremon

"Money? Y'kidding me? Who needs lil' decorated paper strips for currency when ya just gotta use ya muscles to get all the ladies swoonin' for ya? Besides... runnin' away without payin' seems like damn good fun to get your adrenaline pumpin'."

Never have I ever shot a guy in the knee with an arrow. ("Because I use guns! More hurtin'. Huff!")

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Frederick Waltz PicklePantry

"Honestly, I hate oranges. But sometimes I'll bear it since it makes him happy."

Never have I ever crashed a car.

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 Finni dogstarlite

Finni's eyes widen. "O-oh, I've never, um, I-I-I don't even have any dead relatives, so..."

"N-never have I ever, ever won a race."

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$8/800pts milkenemy

"I always listen to Mother's instructions. She's a careful observer. She knows the truth of things."

Never have I ever swam.

 Matthew Wells GalaxieAuLait

"Aside from getting clean or getting a drink, I've never touched water in my life. One day I'd like to swim, though."

Never have I ever eaten seafood!

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Nathan switchyfox

"I mean, I've never tried to win a trophy. I don't really see the point of them. Why should I bother with some ridiculous object to prove that I'm good at something ?"

Never have I ever cheated during a test.